Tag Archive: sustainability

Richters Herbs Richters Herbs

Published on Feb 25, 2013

Permaculture is a system of ecological design that strives to emulate natural ecosystems so that our gardens and farms become self-sustaining, healthy and bountiful. It seeks to create gardens and landscapes that arrange all the elements of the design in ways that maximize the synergy of the design while minimizing the need for human inputs such as labour, fertilizer and pesticides. Trees and idea of forest gardening play a big part. Increasingly the principles of permaculture are being adapted for homes, even in the cities and suburbs. Travis Philp, a trained environmental and eco management technician, is a resident of the Greenshire Eco Farm where he manages the permaculture garden beds and looks after crop planting, maintenance, harvest and the weekly filling of food boxes. He will show you how to incorporate the principles of permaculture around your home or farm.
(Hugelkultur images courtesy Paul Wheaton, http://richsoil.com/hugelkultur.)


Published on Oct 14, 2012 by

A small but affordable rain catchment system that anyone can make, This video is to motivate you to come up with a water plan even if its very small and not very complicated. Figure your plan out now. DO NOT PUT IT OFF.

 Crossroads News : Changes In The World Around Us And Our Place In It

Community : Sustainability- Alternative Energy – Green Energy





Uploaded by on Sep 7, 2011

Here’s a story about two organizations — a brewery and a hospital — that you wouldn’t ordinarily think would work together. They are surprisingly bringing down the hospital’s energy costs in a mutually beneficial way. The arrangement moves the hospital one step closer to its goal of being completely energy independent by 2014!

Crossroads News : Changes In The World Around Us And Our Place In It

Sustainability  & Survival  :   Supplies  & Food Storage

Grandpappy’s Website



Cheryl Nelson

Earth Changes College

This entire website is a gem of survival tips on a budget.  For instance, http://www.grandpappy.info/rrice.htm is just a wealth of information.  Keep your eye on the Discussion forum, where the main link is already posted.  Anyone who wants to bring a sub-link into its own discussion thread for more discussion is welcome to do so.

Did you know rice is one of the cheapest of foods and can last for 20 years if stored properly?  Did you know a one-year supply for one person is 60-70 pounds and currently at Wal-Mart, you can get 20-lb. bags for around $12-$13?  That means one person can have a one-year supply of rice for about $36-$40.  And combined with affordable beans, it makes a complete protein.  That is a great, economical start to building your food storage program.

Did you know you can grind rice and make rice flour, good for thickening sauces?

Did you know you can substitute it for bread crumbs in meatloaf?  Meatballs?  Poultry stuffing recipes?

Makes a good burrito.  Stewed tomatoes and rice = Spanish rice.  Curry + other spices = Indian rice.  Rice pilaf.  You can even make your own Rice-a-Roni.

Oh, and then the dolmas.  Mmmmmmmmm.  Cabbage leaves + rice + tomato sauce + spices (and meat or boullion flavoring).

An inexpensive rice casserole uses rice and boullion cubes, butter and onion powder.

And rice puddings… you gotta check out this page.

Rice does not have to be boring and it doesn’t have to be expensive to flavor, either.  And it is filling and satisfying.

For more information on meatless recipes, and complementary combining of foods, get a copy of Diet for a Small Planet by Frances Moore Lappe for more information.  Used copies are available on Amazon.com, starting around $3.30 ($3.99 S&H).

My personal favorite rice recipe is rice salad.  I mix garden salad fixin’s with rice, and dress with my favorite dressing (currently Braswell’s Creamy Vidalia).  Heaven!  Braswell’s goes well on Ramen noodles too, another cheap source of carbs and calories.


(Major General Albert N. Stubblebine III ;U.S. Army, Retired)


“The new White House Executive Order of March 16, 2012, the so-called ‘National Defense Resources Preparedness Order’ is a clear blueprint for total government control over the civilian economy, under the guise of ‘national defense.’ This latest outrage against the Constitution reminds me of the totalitarian world of Orwell’s 1984, where a few Ministries controlled everything. Below is our Counsel Ralph Fucetola JD’s analysis of this Executive Order.”

Push Back here: http://tinyurl.com/PushBackFree

From Counsel Ralph:  The White House has set in motion the regulatory basis for an American version of Lenin’s “War Communism” whereby the entire civilian economy is militarized and marshaled as the Leader directs through five specific Federal Departments. Notice which Department now has control over which aspects of your lives.
This section quoted below provides for the take over of the means of production. It says that the Five Department heads can override private contracts and commandeer all the resources of all the people. This Executive Order, if allowed to stand, sets the legal basis for total government control over, as it says below, “food… energy… health… civil transportation… water… and all other materials, services and facilities…”

Read the entire Order here: http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2012/03/16/executive-order-national-defense-resources-preparedness

Sec. 201Priorities and Allocations Authorities.  (a)  The authority of the President conferred by section 101 of the Act, 50 U.S.C. App. 2071, to require acceptance and priority performance of contracts or orders (other than contracts of employment) to promote the national defense over performance of any other contracts or orders, and to allocate materials, services, and facilities as deemed necessary or appropriate to promote the national defense, is delegated to the following agency heads:

(1)  the Secretary of Agriculture with respect to food resources, food resource facilities, livestock resources, veterinary resources, plant health resources, and the domestic distribution of farm equipment and commercial fertilizer;

(2)  the Secretary of Energy with respect to all forms of energy;

(3)  the Secretary of Health and Human Services with respect to health resources;

(4)  the Secretary of Transportation with respect to all forms of civil transportation;

(5)  the Secretary of Defense with respect to water resources; and

(6)  the Secretary of Commerce with respect to all other materials, services, and facilities, including construction materials.


Here is a video I stumbled across that discusses the executive order in question

Alert! Obama Declares/Updates MARTIAL LAW Implementation – Executive Order Explained

An  excerpt  from  March 20, 2012

The Executive Order Controversy

By Joe Herring


The Executive order issued by Obama on 3/16 is largely a restatement of the 1994 Clinton order with a few functional changes.  It moves the authority for implementing the provisions of the DPA from the director of FEMA to the Department of Homeland Security, which did not exist at the time of Clinton’s presidency.  There have been pedestrian additions of renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind, to the purview of the secretary of energy (as well as a curiously specific redefinition of bottled water as a “food resource” rather than a water resource), but nothing is particularly out of step with the order Obama’s EO supersedes.

So what is the problem?  Well, considering that the authority of the DPA has never been meaningfully exercised, and that the pre-emption of authority claimed by the Clinton-era EO 12919 has been similarly dormant, why would the Obama administration choose this particular time to update an obscure and unused authority?  It is this question many believe must be asked and answered, and sooner rather than later.

In an attempt to provide that answer, allow me to don an appropriately stylish tinfoil hat before I present a plausible scenario.

1) In early March 2012, Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta told the Senate Armed Services Committee that it is the position of this administration that international organizations such as NATO or the United Nations have at least as much, if not more authority to deploy U.S. troops, with or without congressional notice or permission.

2) A week later, the NAACP petitioned the U.N. Human Rights Council to involve themselves in our election process — specifically our November presidential election, in order to monitor the vote for instances of voter suppression.  It is the fantasy of the NAACP that laws requiring presentation of a photo ID to cast a ballot are in actuality thinly veiled efforts to keep the poor, elderly, and non-white populations from voting, presumably for Obama.

3) Attorney General Eric Holder has spent his tenure creating a hair-trigger system of race-conscious prosecutions, most notably in reference to cases involving voter fraud.  His previous employee, J. Christian Adams, has built a second career from simply exposing the injustice of Holder’s Department of Justice.

4) Most recently, Holder struck another blow against the concept of verifiable voting by forestalling Texas’s proposed Voter ID law, saying it “goes against the arc of history.”  Aside from the attorney general basing his decisions on perceived “historical arcs” rather than clear and established law, the end result is the same: the creation of an air of uncertainty surrounding the upcoming election.

Now (as I adjust my tinfoil hat to a jauntier angle), let me tie these points together.

By employing repetitive reporting of “uncertainty about the reliability of the presidential election tally” by the major media, compounded by expressions of the same uncertainty by administration officials, the left could install that narrative amongst the segments of the population that  pay little or no attention to the day-to-day practice of politics.

Could the NAACP then, with support from the Department of Justice and the administration, make the case to the U.N. that the election was in fact tainted, and subsequently persuade the member nations of the U.N. to declare the election invalid?  It is possible, and such a declaration is certain to bring chaos to the streets of every major city in our country, as well as a great deal of smaller ones.  To restore order, the president might need to deploy troops.  Should the Congress resist the move, the administration might simply appeal to the U.N., which could request/order the deployment of troops by a willing and complicit Secretary Panetta.

And of course, President Obama would simply continue in office, for the sake of stability, until this could all be sorted out.

Perhaps it now makes sense for the administration to have updated an unused executive order, preparing their legal argument and framework for the imposition of peacetime martial law.  Liberty, once lost, is seldom regained.

Yes, it is far-fetched, but it is also distressingly possible.  The sad fact in America today is that we have a president so disdainful of our foundational law and freedoms as to make the far-fetched seem queasily reasonable.

The timing of this executive order is jarring, even if the specific changes to the order are not.  The power it conveys is staggering and cannot be safely entrusted to a single branch of government, much less to a single man.  The Congress needs to reassert control over the exercise and implementation of the Defense Production Act before it can be utilized by a power-hungry cabal of leftists eager to fundamentally transform America.  There is a door no one has locked, and our home is not secure.  Close the door, lock it, and throw away that key.

The author writes from Omaha, NE and welcomes visitors to his website at http://www.readmorejoe.com.

Uploaded by on Aug 6, 2009

Are you prepared for an emergency, such as a disruption in utilities or quarantine? How would you cook and wash yourself, what would you drink?

Watch as we evaluate our emergency preparedness, as we live in our house for five days without electricity and water from our taps.

Uploaded by on Apr 2, 2010

Most of the information out there about survivalism and preparedness is male centred. What do woman think about bug out bags, self-defense and preparedness? Watch this interview to see one woman’s perspective on survivalism and relationships.


GEOFON Southeast Of Ryukyu Islands Mar 16 03:39 AM 5.3 10.0 MAP

EMSC Vanuatu Mar 16 03:32 AM 5.0 63.0 MAP

USGS Vanuatu Mar 16 03:32 AM 4.9 10.0 MAP

USGS Kuril Islands Mar 16 00:38 AM 5.4 28.4 MAP

GEOFON Kuril Islands Mar 16 00:38 AM 5.8 10.0 MAP

EMSC Kuril Islands Mar 16 00:38 AM 5.5 2.0 MAP

Magnitude 4.9 earthquake, ROTA REGION, N. MARIANA ISLANDS

UTC Date / Time Mar 15 21:37 PM

Depth 105 km GEO: Longitude 145.300 GEO: Latitude 14.080


Two Powerful Aftershocks Highlight Ongoing Reassessment of Japan Quake Risks

On Wednesday, a 6.8 magnitude quake hit Japan’s northern Hokkaido Island. It was followed hours later by a 6.1 magnitude tremor in the Chiba Prefecture, which is directly south of Tokyo and some 600 miles from the location of the earlier quake. Both are described as aftershocks from the March 11, 2011 Tohoku quake.


Volcanic Activity

Cleveland Volcano Explodes For Third Time

Cleveland Volcano has exploded for the third time in just over a week. The latest eruption of the Aleutian volcano Tuesday afternoon was relatively small, according to a release from the Alaska Volcano Observatory.

Scientists at the Observatory weren’t able detect an ash cloud associated with this event or either of the other two. There’s no real-time monitoring equipment on Cleveland.

None of the recent eruptions have interrupted air travel in the region.

Cleveland’s last major eruption in 2001 sent ash clouds as high as 39,000 feet. The volcano is on uninhabited Island, about 160 miles west of Unalaska.

Cleveland Volcano Explodes For Third Time

Lamongan volcano (East Java, Indonesia):

signs of unrest, alert raised to yellow due to increased seismic activity

A new volcano in Indonesia, Lamongan volcano in Eastern Java, is showing signs of unrest: weak steaming from its active crater and increasing earthquakes were reported by Indonesian scientists.


Mexico’s Popocatépetl volcano unleashes 9 low-level emissions

by The Extinction Protocol

March 15, 2012 – MEXICO – The National Center for Disaster Prevention (Cenapred) reported that in the last hours, the volcano Popocatepetl has expelled nine low-intensity exhalations accompanied by emissions of water vapor and gas, and sometimes small amounts of ash. The body of the Ministry of the Interior (Interior Ministry) reported that the monitoring parameters remain without important changes. He explained that at night, a glow was observed in the crater of the volcano and that for now; there has been a constant emission of steam and gas. He said the advisory code remains yellow in color phase 2 and the likelihood of prevailing moderate exhalations, some with ash emissions, and sporadic bursts of low to moderate probability of emission of incandescent fragments could be expected within walking distance of the crater. The Cenapred called for authorities to continue the safety radius of 12 kilometers around the volcano. Civil Protection has been urged to maintain preventive procedures in place, according to their operational plans and that people should keep advised to the latest news bulletins. –Cronica (translated)

Mexico’s Popocatépetl volcano unleashes 9 low-level emissions

Storms and Flooding

In the Indian Ocean

Tropical cyclone 17s (Lua) was located approximately 375 nm northwest of Port Hedland, Australia.


Severe Tropical Cyclone Lua to Hit Australia Coast tomorrow –

Lua has intensified to a powerful Category Three storm and is expected to lash the Pilbara coast with destructive winds in excess of 200km/h when it hits land tomorrow. Communities on the Pilbara and Kimberley coasts are on alert as the cyclone Lua, which currently has 185km/h gales at its centre, intensifies and moves towards land. Heavy rain and destructive winds are expected to hit the region and surrounding areas by late Friday or early Saturday. Lua was upgraded from a category 2 to a category 3 system early today. It is expected to cross the east Pilbara coast late Saturday morning or early afternoon. “Gales are currently being experienced in offshore Pilbara waters and are expected to develop in coastal areas between Whim Creek and Bidyadanga late Friday night. Very destructive winds with wind gusts in excess of 200km/h are likely to develop in coastal areas near the centre of the cyclone during Saturday…Tides are likely to rise significantly above the normal high tide mark with damaging waves and very dangerous flooding.”
Remote Pardoo and Eighty Mile Beach Caravan Park is in the path of the cyclone. There are fears the park will be damaged again, three years after it received a battering from Cyclone Laurence in 2009. “There’s all new trees, everything’s beautiful and green, and to see that destroyed again would be heartbreaking. We’ve prepared ourselves and we’ve got new buildings, which is the top rating you can get, but it’s all the work that’s gone into it to rebuild.” The iron-ore export port of Port Hedland is being evacuated and residents in the cyclone’s expected path have been urged to prepare their properties for dangerous weather and organise their emergency kits. Western Australia’s Fire and Emergency Services Authority has warned there may be significant flooding in the north Kimberley region and minor flooding in the east Kimberley area today. (map)



A tornado touched down in southern Michigan Thursday, and there were reports of significant property damage, with the tornado damaging or demolishing more than 100 homes, downing trees and power lines, sparking fires and flooding neighborhood roads. Local news station footage showed flattened homes but there were no immediate reports of injuries. There was a lot of damage reported just outside the village of Dexter. March and April typically produce the most tornados in the US but this season has already been especially active. Two massive weather systems beginning late last month have spawned a spate of tornados that have ripped through the South and Midwest, flattening towns and killing dozens of people.



More NSW residents told to evacuate as waters rise. The Murrumbidgee River is expected to flood yet another Riverina town over the weekend with about 1000 people preparing to flee the deluge.


Record Breaking Temperatures

U.S. RECORD-BREAKING WARM WEATHERadvances beginning of growing season

Recent ABNORMALLY WARM weather has resulted in a very early start to the growing season across the Great Lakes Region and much of the central and eastern USA. The prolonged warm spell is the result of a very persistent jet stream configuration across North America that generally prevented cold, arctic-origin air masses from moving out of their high-latitude source regions southward into the central and eastern USA. This left the area under the influence of relatively mild Pacific-origin air masses. The current jet stream pattern, with deep troughing across the western USA and ridging across the east has accentuated the pattern. The result is record-breaking warmth brought northward from the Gulf States on southerly winds.
Characterizing the current warm spell as HIGHLY UNUSUAL IS AN UNDERSTATEMENT, both due to the magnitude of the warmth and due to its length. Recent temperatures have been running in the range of 20 to 30°F or more above normal. The warm weather has caused an earlier peak time for cherry blossoms as Washington, D.C. hit a RECORD-BREAKING 82 degrees on a late winter’s day Thursday. (map depicting forecast conditions across North America early next week)



More RECORD-BREAKING WARMTH ahead for Denver. Colorado’s warm spell has a solid chance to leave its mark on the record book three times this week. The National Weather Service is predicting a high of 76 degrees today, which would eclipse the record high of 74 degrees for March.


Solar Activity

‘Deathstar’ like object spotted near sun

A NASA video of a dark, disc shaped object hovering near the sun has set off a wave of speculation online as amateur astronomers try to figure out what the object could be.

The video, taken from a NASA satellite and uploaded to Youtube by a man calling himself SunsFlare, shows a huge round object floating near the sun, with a large ‘twister tail’ extending from it.

The video shows the sun’s rays bursting out from the surface, but a large circular object remains black, with a dark ‘twister tail’ remaining connected to the sun.



Ice Age, Supervolcano Could Topple US Government


As more evidence mounts that the world is slipping faster into the next Ice Age, Washington insiders are scurrying to solidify their new power base for centralized government operations. Fears that the US…


White cliffs of Dover suffer large collapse

A large section of the white cliffs of Dover has collapsed into the English Channel between Langdon Cliffs and South Foreland Lighthouse.


Savanah Georgia region shaken by mystery ‘boom’ noise

“Earthquake “booms” have been reported for a long time, and they tend to occur more in the Northeastern US and along the East Coast. Of course, most “booms” that people hear or experience are actually some type of cultural noise, such as some type of explosion, a large vehicle going by, or sometimes a sonic boom, but there have been many reports of “booms” that cannot be explained by man-made sources. No one knows for sure, but scientists speculate that these “booms” are probably small shallow earthquakes that are too small to be recorded, but large enough to be felt by people nearby.



Rising Sea Levels Seen as Threat to Coastal U.S.

About 3.7 million Americans live within a few feet of high tide and risk being hit by more frequent coastal flooding in coming decades because of the sea level rise caused by global warming, according to new research.

Food Safety


Talk of Food Safety Consolidation Takes Bipartisan Turn

By Helena Bottemiller

U.S. Rep. Cynthia Lummis, a conservative Republican from Wyoming, is starting to sound a lot like her colleague Rep. Rose DeLauro, a liberal Democrat from Connecticut — at least when it comes to fixing the nation’s fragmented food safety system.Citing…

Talk of Food Safety Consolidation Takes Bipartisan Turn


Indiana Legislature Orders Raw Milk Study

By Dan Flynn

The Hoosier Legislature is over, but it left behind an assignment for the Indiana State Board of Animal Health — study whether farmers should sell unpasteurized milk to consumers and publish a report by Dec. 1.Those instructions are contained in…

Indiana Legislature Orders Raw Milk Study

Budget Constraints Delay Outbreak Investigation Centers

By News Desk

Lack of federal funds will likely postpone the creation of five centers proposed to improve foodborne illness outbreak investigations, CIDRAP News reported Tuesday.Lisa Schnirring, staff writer for the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP) news service, explained that…

Budget Constraints Delay Outbreak Investigation Centers


Beyond Pink Slime

By Andy Bellatti

As you have probably heard by now, the food scandal “du jour” has to do with “pink slime”, also known as mechanically-separated meat (or, when made by Beef Products Inc., “Boneless Beef Lean Trimmings”).This ammonia-treated scrap meat — the same one some fast food giants recently phased out …

Beyond Pink Slime




Is Red Meat – Or Fake Meat – Killing Us?

Does Eating Red Meat Kill You … Or Is The Problem That What We’re Eating Isn’t REAL Meat?

Harvard Medical School found that 1 in 10 premature deaths is caused by eating red meat:

Small quantities of processed meat such as bacon, sausages or salami can increase the likelihood of dying by a fifth, researchers from Harvard School of Medicine found. Eating steak increases the risk of dying by 12%.



UGA study reveals basic molecular ‘wiring’ of stem cells

Athens, GA (SPX)

Despite the promise associated with the therapeutic use of human stem cells, a complete understanding of the mechanisms that control the fundamental question of whether a stem cell becomes a specific cell type within the body or remains a stem cell has-until now-eluded scientists. A University of Georgia study published in the March 2 edition of the journal Cell Stem Cell, however, creates …



One Third of ‘Empty Calories’ Come from Snacks

By News Desk

Americans are getting about one-third of all their daily calories from the “empty calories” of snack foods – that is, from solid fats and added sugar of little nutritional value, according to the USDA’s Agricultural Research Service (ARS).On a positive…

One Third of ‘Empty Calories’ Come from Snacks


The Vaccine Police State Exposed – Know Your Rights!

Alan Phillips, J.D., Attorney and Counselor at Law joins the Intel Hub News Brief to discuss the truth about vaccines and the vaccine police state that is being set up throughout the country.

Many so called experts and doctors have called for mandatory vaccines as well as mandatory testing on citizens of possible new vaccines.

That’s right, the WHO, the UN, and Big Pharma are actively promoting toxic vaccines and attempting to make them mandatory for all citizens of the world.



How Engineering the Human Body Could Combat Climate Change

From drugs to help you avoid eating meat to genetically engineered cat-like eyes to reduce the need for lighting, a wild interview about changes humans could make to themselves to battle climate change.
The threat of global climate change has prompted us to redesign many of our technologies to be more energy-efficient. From lightweight hybrid cars to long-lasting LED’s, engineers have made well-known products smaller and less wasteful. But tinkering with our tools will only get us so far, because however smart our technologies become, the human body has its own ecological footprint, and there are more of them than ever before. So, some scholars are asking, what if we could engineer human beings to be more energy efficient? A new paper to be published in Ethics, Policy & Environment proposes a series of biomedical modifications that could help humans, themselves, consume less.



Holistic Health


Natural Foods are Not Organic, Often Contain GMOs and Other Toxins

Jonathan Benson, News Analysis:

Without a GMO labeling mandate that requires full-disclosure, and that prohibits “natural” products from containing GMOs, the phony “natural” products sector will only continue to flourish at the expense of the certified-organic products sector. This is why it is crucial to fight for mandatory GMO labeling requirements in every town, city, and state across the country to ensure our continued access to clean, truly-organic food and personal care products.



Doctors Prove This Test Can Give Healthy People Cancer

By Dr. Mercola

The Nordic Cochrane Center has put out a leaflet that every woman should read, explaining the potential benefits and potential harms of mammographyi.

They point out that recent studies suggest mammography screening is not effective in reducing your risk of dying from breast cancer.

And in fact, screening creates breast cancer patients out of healthy women who would never have developed symptoms.



This Vitamin Might Ease Menstrual Cramps

By Dr. Mercola

At least half of reproductive-age women suffer from painful menstrual cramps that begin shortly before the start of menstrual flow and continue for several days.

For some the pain is a mild annoyance, but for others it can be so severe that it interferes with daily activities.





Rounding Up Better Ways to Raise World Beef

By Alli Condra

In February 2012, a group of industry and environmental groups joined together to form the Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef (GRSB). According to its website, the GRSB is a global, multi-stakeholder initiative that seeks to advance the sustainable production of…

Rounding Up Better Ways to Raise World Beef


Pet Health


If Your Dog is Bouncing Off the Walls, This Could be Why

By Dr. Becker

If your canine companion is tightly wound… wired… has no desire (ever) to settle down, relax, regroup… you probably refer to him as being hyperactive or suffering from ADHD.

But even though the term is widely used in our society today, the actual clinical syndrome of hyperactivity is rare in canines.



Saying No to Poor Quality Pet Food… Even When It’s Recommended by Your Vet


As the veterinary community places more emphasis on the importance of nutrition, unfortunately, traditionally trained vets become easy targets for pet food manufacturers selling a ‘therapeutic’ line of products. What you should know about veterinary formulas and why you should politely decline if your vet recommends one.


Allergen Alerts


Allergen Alert: Nuts in Protein Powder

By Olivia Marler

Raw Elements Inc. is recalling Sunwarrior Warrior Blend Plant-Based Raw Protein because it contains tree nuts, an undeclared allergen.The raw protein was distributed in Alberta, British Columbia, Ontario and Quebec.The recalled 1 kg raw protein has the UPC 7 18122…

Allergen Alert: Nuts in Protein Powder




Recall Expands for Beef Linked to E. Coli Case

By Olivia Marler

The February recall of certain beef burgers and beef steaks in Canada has been expanded, according to the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA). The beef may be contaminated with E. coli O157:H7 and has been linked to one illness.The expanded…

Recall Expands for Beef Linked to E. Coli Case




Magnitude 4.6 earthquake, Cyprus Region

UTC Date / Time Mar 13 10:44 AM

Depth 10 km GEO: Longitude 31.260 GEO: Latitude 35.210



Magnitude 4.5 earthquake, CYPRUS REGION

UTC Date / Time Mar 13 10:44 AM

Depth 16 km GEO: Longitude 31.540 GEO: Latitude 35.610



Magnitude 4.9 earthquake, Vanuatu

UTC Date / Time Mar 13 19:43 PM

Depth 188 km GEO: Longitude 166.959 GEO: Latitude -13.127




In the Indian Ocean –
Tropical cyclone 17s (Lua) was located approximately 285 nm north of Learmonth, Australia.

Australia – The cyclone threat to Darwin is easing, with a tropical low heading further south than forecast and failing to gain strength as expected.


Volcanic Activity


ItalyThe volcanic caldera on the picturesque tourist island of Santorini is showing signs of unrest. But researchers detecting the caldera’s movement say it doesn’t necessarily mean an eruption is imminent. The Greek island was the site of one of the most massive volcanic eruptions in history 3,600 years ago. That eruption, which created tsunamis 40 feet (12 meters) tall, may have spawned the legend of the lost city of Atlantis. The volcano last erupted in 1950, on a much smaller scale.
Global positioning system (GPS) sensors placed on the caldera have detected renewed movement after decades of peace. The earth around the caldera (a depression at the top of a volcano) is deforming, or expanding outward. GPS instruments on the northern part of Santorini have moved between 1.9 and 3.5 inches (5 to 9 centimeters) since January 2011. “What we’re seeing now is the first significant deformation and the first deformation that has any significant earthquake activity associated with it.” In the same time period, the magma chamber under Santorini has swollen by almost 500 million cubic feet (14 million cubic meters).
It’s unlikely that the deforming caldera portends an eruption. Excavations of extinct volcanoes suggest that 90 percent of the time, below-ground magma movements don’t end in eruption. A similar caldera system, the Long Valley Caldera in California, started deforming in 1980. It then quieted again until 1989, repeating the cycle in 1997 and 2002, with nary an eruption. If a Santorini eruption did occur, it would be nothing like the Minoan eruption of 1650 B.C. That eruption was a once-in-100,000-year event, and the expansion of the magma chamber happening now is only 1 percent of what would have gone on prior to the ancient blast. Geophysicists are keeping an eye on the caldera, however. An eruption could generate local tsunamis within the Santorini archipelago, damaging ports and disrupting ship traffic. Even if the volcano doesn’t erupt, the shifting caldera could increase earthquake risk, and the island cliffs are vulnerable. “We don’t need an eruption to have earthquake-induced landslides.” There’s no telling how long the deformation will continue, but it could stretch years or decades, perhaps cycling between activity and peace. “It is one of very few of these really large caldera volcanoes. So any information we gather from ongoing activity adds significantly to our database of how these systems evolve.”




Fukushima’s Dangerous Myths

The myth that Fukushima radiation levels were too low to harm humans persists, a year after the meltdown. A March 2, 2012 New York Times article quoted Vanderbilt University professor John Boice: “there’s no opportunity for conducting epidemiological studies that have any chance for success – the doses are just too low.” Wolfgang Weiss of the UN Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation also recently said doses observed in screening of Japanese people “are very low.”



Severe Rainfall – Drought

Mexico withers under worst drought in 71 years
Country’s extreme conditions could cause widespread hunger for years to come

San Luis de la Paz, Mexico — Odon Leon has grown vegetables in San Luis de la Paz for 50 years, planting tomatoes, peppers, and onions. He says the arid community is fortunate to have wells they can use to water crops, but the water is getting scarcer amid Mexico’s worst drought in 71 years. This year, Mr. Leon could only irrigate half of what he usually does, meaning his water-dependent onions suffered: The harvest was a fifth of what it usually is, the lowest ever.


Louisiana: 15 inches of rain in five hours

States of emergency were in force Tuesday in four Louisiana parishes after torrential rain left homes and roads under several feet of water. Hundreds fled their homes and dozens of motorists had to be rescued.

Flooding closed the major highway through St. Landry Parish, and many roads across the four parishes remained closed on Tuesday.





2MIN News Mar13: Weather, Quakes, Geomagnetic Update


Magnitude 6 earthquake, Northwestern Kashmir

UTC Date / Time Mar 12 06:06 AM

Depth 10 km GEO: Longitude 73.280 GEO: Latitude 36.720


Magnitude 5.1 earthquake, Near Coast of Peru

UTC Date / Time Mar 12 06:34 AM

Depth 10 km GEO:Longitude -75.770 GEO: Latitude -14.120


Magnitude 4.5 earthquake, northwestern Kashmir

UTC Date / Time Mar 12 08:26 AM

Depth 66.2 km GEO: Longitude 73.083 GEO: Latitude 36.857


Magnitude 5.8 earthquake, Kuril Islands

UTC Date / Time Mar 12 12:32 PM

Depth 115 GEO: Longitude 147.750 GEO: Latitude 45.240


Magnitude 4.5 earthquake, NORTHWESTERN KASHMIR

UTC Date / Time Mar 12 12:59 PM

Depth 80 km GEO: Longitude 73.710 GEO: Latitude 36.900


Magnitude 5 earthquake, Kepulauan Talaud, Indonesia

UTC Date / Time Mar 12 17:55 PM

Depth 35 km GEO: Longitude 127.005 GEO: Latitude 3.022


Magnitude 4.9 earthquake, MAULE, CHILE

UTC Date / Time Mar 12 19:37 PM

Depth 65 km GEO: Longitude -71.560 GEO: Latitude


Magnitude 4.8 earthquake, VANUATU

UTC Date / Time Mar 12 22:38 PM

Depth 261 km GEO: Longitude 169.240 GEO: Latitude -18.890


Magnitude 4.9 earthquake, Bay of Plenty

UTC Date / Time Mar 13 02:11 AM

Depth 100 km GEO: Longitude 176.475 GEO: Latitude -38.600


Magnitude 4.5 earthquake, Dominican Republic region

UTC Date / Time Mar 13 04:15 AM

Depth 19.2 km GEO: Longitude -68.064 GEO: Latitude 19.364


Magnitude 4.8 earthquake, South Sandwich Islands region

UTC Date / Time Mar 13 04:49 AM

Depth 35 km GEO: Longitude -27.788 GEO: Latitude -55.403


Kashmir Valley rocked twice, no casualties

SRINAGAR: Two earthquakes of moderate intensity shook Kashmir Valley within three hours today but there were no reports of any casualty or damage.

“An earthquake measuring 5.6 on the Richter Scale rocked Northwest Kashmir at 1136 hrs,” an official of the Disaster Management Cell said.

He said the epicentre of the quake was in Gilgit area in Pakistan.

Another tremor measuring 4.5 on the Richter Scale was experienced at 0156 hrs, the official said.

The two quakes caused panic but there were no reports of any casualty or damage to property, he


Tremor rocks Snowy Mountains

People in the New South Wales Snowy Mountains are reporting what they say is an earth tremor.

Residents at Jindabyne say the earth was shaking around the Kalkite area, on the shores of Lake Jindabyne early this morning.

Jim Crocker from the Jindabyne township says the tremor took him by surprise.

But he says earth movements are not uncommon when the lake is full.


Volcanic Activity

Ijen volcano (East Java, Indonesia): eruption warning due to increased seismic and degassing activity


The official alert level for Ijen volcano in East Java, Indonesia, has been raised again to 3 (“alert”) due to an increase in activity, our Indonesian correspondant Andi reports.
A new 10 m wide gas vent, which erupted buring gasses, was observed on 10 March at 17 m distance from the shore. Thick steaming, larger than usual, forming a thick white column of sulfur steam 200 m high was already noted since 3 March. Measurements of the lake water temperature at 5 m depth had also shown increased values of 42.70 deg C.
On 10 March, the lake surface was 2 meters higher than normal, although this could be attributed to heavy recent rain fall.


Frightening Volcanic Venting Signals Coming


A U.S. Midwest Megaquake:

many say ‘It can’t happen here.’ But it can, and it will. It’s happened many times in the past and the odds are increasing that it’s about to happen again soon—much sooner than most…


Tropical Storms

In the Indian Ocean

Tropical cyclone 16s (Koji) was located approximately 1200 nm south-southeast of Diego Garcia.

Australia – A cyclone watch has been issued for parts of the Top End, with the Bureau of Meteorology saying a cyclone may develop on Wednesday. Areas from Cape Hotham and stretching west to Kalumburu in Western Australia are on cyclone watch, including Darwin and the Tiwi Islands.

Severe Rain

China – High speed train track collapses in China. a section of a high-speed railway line that had already undergone test runs has collapsed in central China following heavy rain. The official Xinhua News Agency did not mention casualties in its report on the collapse of a 300-metre section of the railway line. It said hundreds of workers were rushing to repair the line between the Yangtze River cities of Wuhan and Yichang. The railway line is due to open in May. China has reaffirmed its intention to push ahead with the fast-paced build-up of the high-speed rail system, despite financial difficulties and worries safety may have been compromised in the rush to open new lines.

Record Temperatures

Northeast, Midwest see record high temperatures

MINNEAPOLIS (Reuters) – Temperatures soared to record highs in the Northeast on Monday after a weekend of record-setting warmth across the Upper Plains and forecasts for an unprecedented extended warm front this week, the National Weather Service said.

In Boston, temperatures reached a record 71 degrees Monday afternoon, eclipsing the former high of 69 degrees for this date set 110 years ago, the weather service said.

The unseasonably warm weather was expected to continue in Boston throughout the week, but likely not with record setting temperatures, said Bill Simpson, a weather service meteorologist based in Taunton, Massachusetts.

Temperatures also soared Monday afternoon in New York City to near the record 71 degrees in Central Park.


Solar System

Vast Increase In ‘Star Bubbles’ Proof Of Energetic Change?


Is this recent discovery by citizen scientists evidence of the energetic shift we’re experiencing? Is our sun just one of many in our galaxy that is experiencing this re-charging effect that is apparently…


Villain in disguise: Jupiter’s role in impacts on Earth

Whilst most famous for his catalog of 110 galaxies, nebulae, clusters and double stars, Charles Messier was a comet-hunter at heart. His catalog was simply a list of nuisances, faint fuzzies that looked like comets but were not. The Frenchman found 13 comets in all between 1760 and 1785, but perhaps the most important of them was the streaking comet that he spotted in June 1770. Fast moving on the sky, it was bright enough at magnitude +2 that it could be clearly seen from well-lit towns and cities. A brief spectacle of wonder for eighteenth century astronomers to enjoy, its ramifications could have been much greater.



Thousands of Snowy Owls Migrate South in Unbelievable Wildlife Event

By Dr. Becker

In a true mystery of nature, thousands of snowy owls are migrating into and across the U.S from their Arctic home this winter.

The snow-white owls have been spotted from the east coast to the west, in states as far flung as Idaho, Massachusetts, Montana and Missouri, and as far south as Oklahoma.

A certain number of owls always fly south from their Arctic home during winter months, but for so many to travel so far is extraordinary.

According to Denver Holt of Montana’s Owl Research Institute, who has studied snowy owls in the Arctic for 20 years, “What we’re seeing now — it’s unbelievable. This is the most significant wildlife event in decades.”



Potential For 100ft. Waves On NW Coast Now Seems A Possibility

CURATOR: BARRACUDA. A computer simulation shows how a tsunami generated by a magnitude 9 earthquake off the Northwest Coast would spread across the Pacific. Scientists are asking whether the massive waves triggered by last year’s…


2MIN News Mar12: CME Impacting Now