Category: Enlightenment

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quinn.anya   Females dancing barefoot



The Forgotten Health Trick You Need to Do for 150 Minutes a Week

Get barefoot for a truly prehistoric health boost.

October 6, 2015

I have long been convinced that the body is healthier when we have more physical contact with the natural energetic field of the earth. I have been intensely involved in grounding research for years and have written extensively about it. In Health Revelations From Heaven and Earth, it’s a topic coauthor Tommy Rosa and I cover a lot. Grounding (also referred to as Earthing) means connecting your body directly to this field and experiencing the benefits of connection with the electric fields of Earth.

This is easy to do. My recommendation is to ground at least 150 minutes a week. You can do that by going barefoot while gardening, camping, hiking, or walking on the beach or by swimming in the ocean—there are so many ways to connect to the natural world.


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Jakub Martyńsk      from Warsaw, Poland
Human feet (Fethye, Turkey).



When outdoors, wearing thin-soled, plain leather shoes will let you make contact with the earth’s natural vibration. Rubber soles like those of tennis sneakers or the neoprene found in running shoes keep you disconnected from the earth. Other ways to ground: You can even sleep, work, or relax indoors on special conductive sheets or mats connected to the earth with wires plugged into a grounded wall outlet or a ground rod outside.


A Prehistoric Prescription
Although studied scientifically in the last decade, grounding dates back to prehistoric ages. Since the dawn of time, humans have walked barefoot and have slept on the ground, oblivious to the subtle energetic signals underfoot that research now shows help regulate the body’s intricate mechanisms. Healers in many cultures throughout history knew of the natural healing endowment of the earth, though not in electrical terms.


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The Telegraph

Art does heal: scientists say appreciating creative works can fight off disease


The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York

People visit the American Wing at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York Photo: Getty

The healing power of art and nature could be real after scientists discovered they boost your immune system.

Seeing such spine-tingling wonders as the Grand Canyon and Sistine Chapel or listening to Schubert’s Ave Maria can fight off disease, say scientists.

Great nature and art boost the immune system by lowering levels of chemicals that cause inflammation that can trigger diabetes, heart attacks and other illnesses.

Monet’s Water Lily Pond paintings

In two separate experiments on more than 200 young adults reported on a given day the extent to which they had experienced such positive emotions as amusement, awe, compassion, contentment, joy, love and pride.


Samples of gum and cheek tissue – known as oral mucosal transudate – taken that same day showed those who experienced more of these – in particular wonder and amazement – had the lowest levels of the cytokine Interleukin 6 which is a marker of inflammation.

Psychologist Dr Dacher Keltner, of California University in Berkeley, said: “That awe, wonder and beauty promote healthier levels of cytokines suggests the things we do to experience these emotions – a walk in nature, losing oneself in music, beholding art – has a direct influence upon health and life expectancy.”



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Is This The Common Denominator Of All Disease?

Pigeonholing Diseases

Diseases display a variety of symptoms, but curiously enough, there is a common denominator!

The Truth About “All Disease”

A recent series presented via GreenMedInfo, “The Truth About Cancer” could have been more accurately titled, “The Truth about All Disease.” The elements of cancer protocols: nutrient/mineral correction, detoxification, helpful supplements, various energy therapies and lifestyle choices, really apply to healing all chronic disease. The idea of personal empowerment applies to all disease as well. Survivors emerged from the shock of a cancer diagnosis, stepped away from conventional treatments and “willed” their healing, which proves once again the critical importance of mental states and the reality of placebo-nocebo effects. Yes, it can be done!

We get misdirected by complex medical studies and lose sight of the common denominator in chronic disease; all are symptoms of oxidative stress and inflammation. Every symptom that ever occurs starts with a shortage of cellular bio-energy: electrons. Colds, bronchitis, indigestion, high blood pressure, bleeding gums or depression are first signs of inflammation and a progression toward heart disease, arthritis and cancers that arrive decades later. The fooler is that symptoms may appear in different locations in the body, yet reflect a predictable correlation with a range of specific insults. So cut to the cure, identify the root causes that come from toxins, wrong nutrition, poor lifestyle choices and negative personality traits/emotional stress/fear of death. Take appropriate steps at this seed level.

The public is not only convinced pharma-medicine is “real” medicine, but is deprived of accurate information and even the very idea of alternative treatments…and doctors have little time to coach patients on self-care. The best interests of the patient would be better served by a Nurse Advocate (schooled in CAM) offering personal instructions rather than a quick prescription. Leave the allopathic paradigm of a drug for every symptom…behind. Natural health proponents borrow the same pigeonhole framework by substituting an herb or supplement for a drug, repeating the idea that there is a specific silver bullet for each malady. Not so! Basic oxidation-reduction (redox) chemistry, though it seems foreign to medical thinking, is the most certain scientific and holistic point of view that goes to the root of health and healing.


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The humble sergeant thought nobody would know about the kind act.

When he saw a man in need, this humble cop decided to help without expecting any recognition in return.

Sgt. Brendan Hagarty of the Chicago Police Department in Illinois was having lunch at a Chipotle restaurant in early September when he saw a man picking through the trash outside, Hagarty told The Huffington Post. The officer tapped on the window to get the man’s attention, ushered him inside and bought him food.

The interaction was caught on camera by Rachel Mitchell, who posted it to Facebook. It later went viral when a country music radio station, as well as Hagarty’s own department shared the posts. The pictures have received more than 10,000 shares and over 26,000 likes on the police department’s Facebook page alone.

019th District Town Hall – Sergeant Hagarty
Leading by Example

A quote posted on social media, Facebook…
Rachel Mitchell – “So today I saw something that made my day. This Chicago Police officer was sitting at a window seat at Chipotle, outside the window he saw a homeless man digging through the trash. The cop knocked on the window, getting the homeless man’s attention. Through the glass he asked the man if he was hungry. The man nodded yes, and the cop motioned for him to c

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Chicago Police Department's photo.
  • Steve Eagan, Lani Yost Lawson, Sue Self and 27,178 others like this.

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“Why we are the way we are: the Internet of our brains. These are axonal nerve fibers in the real brain as determined by the measured anisotropy (directionality) of water molecules inside them. 3T 30 channel GRAPPA DTI scan protocol, deterministic tractography performed using TrackVis/FACT algorithm. You might know the subject :-)”

jgmarcelino from Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

Wikimedia . org



Disaster Survivors: How Stress Changes the Brain

How well a person recovers from traumatic events may depend  in part on their self-esteem, according to researchers who examined the effects of a major earthquake on the survivors’ brains.

The researchers had conducted brain scans of university students for a study before the Great East Japan Earthquake struck in 2011. After the earthquake, they repeated the scans on 37 of the same people, and tracked stress-induced changes in their brains in the following months.

“Most importantly, what these findings show, is that the brain is dynamic — that it’s responding to things that are going on in our environment, or things that are part of our personality,” said Rajita Sinha, professor of psychiatry at Yale School of Medicine, who wasn’t involved in the study. [Top 10 Mysteries of the Mind]

In the brain scans taken immediately after the incident, the researchers found a decrease in the volume of two brain regions, the hippocampus and orbitofrontal cortex, compared with the scans taken before the incident.

One year later, the researchers repeated the scans and found that the hippocampus continued to shrink, and people’s levels of depression and anxiety had not improved.


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Japan Quake Shows How Stress Alters the Brain

HealthDay April 29, 2014 SHARE

TUESDAY, April 29, 2014 (HealthDay News) — A small study of people who experienced the devastating 2011 earthquake in Japan shows that although traumatic events can shrink parts of the brain, some of those regions can rebound once a person’s self-esteem returns.

“Higher self-esteem is one of the most important traits of resilience in the context of stressful life events,” said study author Atsushi Sekiguchi, who noted that these latest findings also illustrate that brain changes are dynamic and fluid over time.

Sekiguchi’s prior research had already demonstrated that people with lower self-esteem following a traumatic event are likely to experience a quick, short-term drop in the size of their orbitofrontal cortex and hippocampus. The first brain region is involved in decision-making and emotions, while the second area is involved in memory.

But by tracking the same individuals over time, Sekiguchi’s team observed that the “part of the brain volume which had decreased soon after a stressful life event [ultimately] increased, especially in individuals with [renewed] high self-esteem.”

Sekiguchi, from the division of medical neuroimage analysis at Tohoku University in Sendai, Japan, and his team report the findings in the April 29 online edition of Molecular Psychiatry.

To gain insight into how the 2011 earthquake — and ensuing tsunami that heavily damaged several nuclear reactors in northern Japan — affected its victims, the researchers focused on 37 men and women who were about 21 at the time.

All had MRI brain scans right after the earthquake, and then again one year later.

At the same time, the earthquake victims were given psychological assessments to gauge anxiety, depression, low self-esteem and other characteristics of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Investigators concluded that none of the patients ever developed full-blown PTSD.

Yet, the group did experience a big dip in self-esteem immediately following the earthquake. And by comparing their brain scans with those of 11 other people taken before the earthquake, the team determined that the loss of self-esteem was accompanied by a downsizing of the brain’s orbitofrontal cortex.


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Published on Feb 23, 2014…
Support the filmmakers: Buy on DVD http://collectiveevolution.bigcartel….

For further resources:…

Be sure to check out Anthony Tilotta’s music who is featured at the end of the film:…

The Collective Evolution III is a powerful documentary that explores a revolutionary shift affecting every aspect of our planet. As the shift hits the fan, people are becoming more aware of the control structures that prevent us from experiencing our full potential. CE3 uses a different level of consciousness and scientific facts to bring clarity about the shift while dispelling myths about our true nature. It offers practical steps that we can implement right now to transition out of survival mode and into our more natural state of peace and co-operation . CE3 includes fascinating interviews with revolutionary speakers and people who are already opting out of the current socioeconomic system. The film examines hidden technologies and exciting alternatives for a bright limitless future. This is the most exciting time in the history of our world.

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Published on Jan 3, 2014

“I have cerebral palsy. I shake all the time,” Maysoon Zayid announces at the beginning of this exhilarating, hilarious talk. (Really, it’s hilarious.) “I’m like Shakira meets Muhammad Ali.” With grace and wit, the Arab-American comedian takes us on a whistle-stop tour of her adventures as an actress, stand-up comic, philanthropist and advocate for the disabled.

TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world’s leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design — plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more.
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When thigh gaps attack: Target’s Photoshop fail goes viral

March 11, 2014 at 3:26 PM ET

thigh gap

Attack of the thigh gap! Yesterday, an observant blogger called out some pretty egregious Photoshop shenanigans on Target’s website; we fear the thigh gap on this particular swimsuit model will not rest until it consumes her entire body.

By Tuesday morning, other, bigger sites like Jezebel and the New York Daily News had piled on. (We reached out to Target for a comment but did not immediately hear back.) And by Tuesday afternoon, the retailer had removed the images from its website. Speedy work, Internet.

“I love how quickly it got called out,” says Pamela Rutledge, a psychologist and director of the Media Psychology Research Center. “Social norms are enforced by community, and that’s true in a club, in a church, or society wide; and now society, because of the Internet, is very broad. And there’s a lot of sensitivity for stuff like this.”

In our TODAY/AOL Body Image survey, released last month, we found that the majority of the teen girls we surveyed said they wished that Photoshopping would stop entirely. Because those images that girls see in the media have a real impact on the way they feel about themselves; 80 percent of the teenage girls we surveyed said they compare themselves to the images they see of celebrities, and many of those girls said those images made them feel worse about their own appearances. On Jezebel, writer Rebecca Rose took particular issue with the fact that this is an item in the juniors’ department:….


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Old Navy Photoshops Thigh Gaps Onto Plus-Size Denim

March 17, 2014 at 6:19PM by Anna Breslaw

Oh! Cool. So, uh, thigh gap is still a thing that’s happening. Old Navy is the most recent retailer caught Photoshopping thigh gaps — specifically, onto the plus-size jeans displayed in their online store, reports Jezebel.

At first glance, it looks like the jeans simply could have been pinned on the display mannequin, but if you look closer, you can see it’s a (shoddy) Photoshop job.


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Land’s End Catalog Cover Photoshops Perfect Dorito-Shaped Thigh Gap

Land's End Catalog Cover Photoshops Perfect Dorito-Shaped Thigh GapExpand

It pains me to be the bearer of tragic news, but it appears that another brutal catalog swimsuit model thigh gapping has occurred. This one’s on the cover of the latest Land’s End catalog.

A reader alerted us (and a staffer who still gets catalogs in the mail* confirmed) that this month’s LE did some creative limb-chopping with the the woman in the one piece bathing suit on its cover. Note the oddly angular thigh gap, and the disparity in the size of her thighs; her left thigh is oddly oranger and slimmer than her right one. Also human legs don’t look like that.



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Emotions coordinate our behavior and physiological states during survival-salient events and pleasurable interactions. Even though we are often consciously aware of our current emotional state, such as anger or happiness, the mechanisms giving rise to these subjective sensations have remained unresolved. Brilliant research by Finnish scientists has mapped the areas of our body that are experiencing an increase or decrease in sensory activity when we experience a particular emotion.

emotions In a new study, Finnish researchers have published visualizations describing how human emotions affect the body.  PNAS

Depending on whether we are happy, sad or angry, we have physiological sensations that are not located in different areas of the body. We overlook this reality from one day to the next (the famous “lump in the breast” generated by anxiety, the feeling of warmth that pervades our face and our cheeks particularly when we feel the shame…), and do not consciously realize how much the location of these body areas activated by our emotions and how they vary considerably depending on the nature of the emotion.

Researchers around the world are slowly integrating research on how our energetic and emotional states cause health and/or disease. How we connect emotionally to our overall wellness and wellbeing may indeed be more relevant than any supplement, food, exercise, medical intervention or health treatment.

Finnish scientists have for the first time mapped areas of the body activated according to each emotion (happiness, sadness, anger, etc). This map was compiled following a study of 700 Finnish, Swedish and Taiwanese volunteers.

They used a topographical self-report tool to reveal that different emotional states are associated with topographically distinct and culturally universal bodily sensations; these sensations could underlie conscious emotional experiences. Monitoring the topography of emotion-triggered bodily sensations brings forth a unique tool for emotion research and could even provide a biomarker for emotional disorders.

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