Category: Holistic Health

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Ipomoea batatas, Convolvulaceae, Sweet Potato, storage roots; Karlsruhe, Germany. The plant is used in homeopathy as remedy: Ipomoea batatas (Ipom-b.)     Llez  



6 Anti-Inflammatory Powerhouses

Clean eating can put out the fire that’s making you sick.

August 24, 2015
Chronic inflammation has been associated with an increased risk of arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, and cancer. Sure, some inflammation is good—like the acute kind is a form of self-protection, your body’s immune response to a cut or pathogens entering the body. Chronic inflammation, however, means that your body is constantly producing immune cells, which can damage the body. This harmful inflammation is a result of never-ending stress, being overweight, or a diet high in things like sugar, trans fats, and various toxins.But while the wrong diet promotes excessive inflammation, a diet rich in clean foods can help reduce it and its harmful effects on your body. The following foods in particular are anti-inflammatory powerhouses:
Spices and Herbs
Herbs and spices like basil, rosemary, thyme, oregano, turmeric, peppercorns, ginger, and cinnamon are loaded with all sorts of antioxidants that have even been found to reduce pro-inflammatory compounds that build up on meat during grilling. And ginger and turmeric, in particular, have been linked to joint pain relief. Add them to marinades, dressings, spice rubs, and teas for a dose of health and flavor.Soy
Soy can reduce the inflammation marker C-reactive protein, which is linked to cardiovascular disease. Incorporate clean sources of soy into your diet, such as tempeh or edamame.Try It: Eating clean has never been tastier or easier!


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Herbs and Spices

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Spices, seasoning, herbs and vegetables
Zak Greant from Vancouver, Canada


Cold Water Fish

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Essaouira,_Fish_Market   Attribution: Donar Reiskoffer



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Boca DoradaNueces



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Colorful Spices and TeasChristopher from Shanghai, China


See how these inflammation busting foods can help you here

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quinn.anya   Females dancing barefoot



The Forgotten Health Trick You Need to Do for 150 Minutes a Week

Get barefoot for a truly prehistoric health boost.

October 6, 2015

I have long been convinced that the body is healthier when we have more physical contact with the natural energetic field of the earth. I have been intensely involved in grounding research for years and have written extensively about it. In Health Revelations From Heaven and Earth, it’s a topic coauthor Tommy Rosa and I cover a lot. Grounding (also referred to as Earthing) means connecting your body directly to this field and experiencing the benefits of connection with the electric fields of Earth.

This is easy to do. My recommendation is to ground at least 150 minutes a week. You can do that by going barefoot while gardening, camping, hiking, or walking on the beach or by swimming in the ocean—there are so many ways to connect to the natural world.


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Jakub Martyńsk      from Warsaw, Poland
Human feet (Fethye, Turkey).



When outdoors, wearing thin-soled, plain leather shoes will let you make contact with the earth’s natural vibration. Rubber soles like those of tennis sneakers or the neoprene found in running shoes keep you disconnected from the earth. Other ways to ground: You can even sleep, work, or relax indoors on special conductive sheets or mats connected to the earth with wires plugged into a grounded wall outlet or a ground rod outside.


A Prehistoric Prescription
Although studied scientifically in the last decade, grounding dates back to prehistoric ages. Since the dawn of time, humans have walked barefoot and have slept on the ground, oblivious to the subtle energetic signals underfoot that research now shows help regulate the body’s intricate mechanisms. Healers in many cultures throughout history knew of the natural healing endowment of the earth, though not in electrical terms.


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70 Reasons To Eat More Flaxseed

70 Reasons To Eat More Flaxseed

The science has never been clearer: flaxseed deserves to be top of the list of the world’s most powerful medicinal foods. For just pennies a day it may protect against dozens of life-threatening health conditions. 

Many of us have been enculturated to think about the nutritional dimension of our food intake in terms of the government’s recommended daily allowances (RDAs), focusing on getting the “right” amounts of carbohydrate, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals. However, I believe this focus on the quantifiable dimensions of food versus the qualitative elements has profoundly lead us astray. We bear witness to this in the fact that Americans are some of the most overfed yet simultaneously malnourished people on the planet. It is no wonder that we we are dying by the droves, with heart disease and cancer representing the most common (and also most preventable) causes of premature death.

What if there was a nutrient-packed super-food which costs pennies a day that can greatly reduce the risk of dying not only these, but dozens of other life-threatening conditions? Would you take it? The good news is there already is: welcome to the amazing nutritional/medicinal potential of flaxseed!

70 Reasons To Consume Flaxseed Daily

Admittedly, the title of this article is a bit over the top. Wouldn’t five good reasons, or even just one good reason be enough to consume it more regularly? After all, think of the millions of people around the world who take aspirin daily only because it promises to reduce the risk for one condition: namely, prevention of heart attack. A practice, incidentally, that is dubious at best, and for which natural and likely far safer and effective alternatives may exist. If we can establish the preventive value of flaxseed in only one serious condition, perhaps this alone would be compelling enough to convince our readers to start incorporating it into their daily dietary regimen. However, for those nutrition geeks out there who like to read the first-hand research, here’s our flaxseed database page, wherein you will find all the abstracts we have gathered on the topic of this seed’s immense potential in preventing and/or treating up to 70 different health conditions.


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Dr. Axe

Food is Medicine

Lymphatic system - Dr. Axe

What is the lymphatic system? It’s a critical part of the immune system, vital for protecting us from illness and damaging, disease-causing inflammation. Essentially, the lymphatic system is the the body’s inner “drainage system,” a network of blood vessels and lymph nodes that carry fluids from tissues around the body into the blood and vice versa.

The lymphatic system has the primary role of protecting the body against outside threats — such as infections, bacteria and cancer cells — while helping keep fluid levels in balance.

The best way to protect the complex series of criss-crossing lymphatic vessels and “nodes” that span almost the entire body (every one except for the central nervous system) is to eat a healing diet, exercise and take steps to detoxify the body naturally.

Lymphatic vessels carry fluid that is managed through “valves,” which stop fluid from traveling the wrong way, similar to how blood flow works within the arteries and veins. In fact, the lymphatic system is very similar to the circulatory system made up of branches of veins, arteries and capillaries — both bring essential fluids around the whole body and are vital for keeping us alive.


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Dr Axe

Food is Medicine


Heal Adrenal Fatigue Title

It’s hard to believe, but adrenal fatigue is estimated to affect around 80 percent of people in the world! According to James Wilson (author of “Adrenal Fatigue: The 21st Century Stress Syndrome“), chronic stress and lifestyle affect the body’s ability to recuperate from physical, mental or emotional stress.

In fact, whether for a short time or a chronic condition, most people struggle with adrenal fatigue at some point in their lives. Symptoms include:

  • body aches
  • trouble concentrating
  • racing thoughts
  • moodiness and irritability
  • always tired
  • feeling overwhelmed
  • hormone imbalance
  • cravings for sweet and salty foods

These symptoms can be indicative of a few different disorders and are often overlooked by doctors, but more and more people are starting to realize that a combination of these could indicate the onset of adrenal fatigue, also known as adrenal insufficiency.

And if you have adrenal fatigue, it can also be a major cause of excess fat storage and low energy levels. So, let’s talk about exactly what your adrenal glands do and how you can heal adrenal fatigue in three simple steps.

Your Amazing Adrenal Glands

adrenal glands above kidneys



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7 Herbs & Spices Everyone Needs To Eat

Variety is the spice of life. Or maybe spice is the variety of life? Spices are important for both health reasons and great flavor. So you get a picture of how potent they are, think about this: Just a half teaspoon of ground cinnamon has as many antioxidants as a half cup blueberries, and a half teaspoon dried oregano has the antioxidant power of 3 cups of raw spinach.

So below, in order of most beneficial, are the top bulletproof herbs and spices.


Turmeric is the king of all spices. Ounce for ounce, it’s the most anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antibacterial, anticancer, antifungal one of the bunch, so you should eat it as much as possible when you’re becoming Bulletproof.

In Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine, it’s used to treat everything from diabetes and allergies to Alzheimer’s and arthritis. Turmeric’s active ingredient is curcumin, an antioxidant compound that reduces inflammation and also gives it its vibrant yellow color. (Beware getting turmeric on anything white; it stains.) Curcumin has actually been shown to reduce growth in cancer cells, and if there’s any good reason to eat a spice, I’d say that’s it. Turmeric also contains other anti-inflammatory compounds that inhibit swelling and pain and block the plaques that cause Alzheimer’s disease.

So the takeaway is? Eat more turmeric. Add it to salad dressings, meat and fish marinades, or even turmeric infused tea, latte, or lemonade. It’s surprisingly tasty.


Chile Peppers And Cayenne
Cayenne’s active ingredient is capsaicin, which delivers both a chile pepper’s medicinal qualities and its spicy heat. The hotter a pepper, the more capsaicin it has. In addition to a long history of medicinal uses in India and China, Native American healers favored cayenne for digestive and circulatory problems. For all its good benefits though, there are some negative aspects of capsaicin. Like black pepper, cayenne is highly likely to have high amounts of mold toxins, so proper sourcing and storage is really key.



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Natural Health 365



(NaturalHealth365) Whether you suffer from seasonal allergies or are susceptible to common year-round allergy triggers, such as certain foods or dust, allergy symptoms can impact your everyday life. Allergens release histamines that attack your body’s cells, causing the familiar symptoms of runny nose, sneezing and watery eyes.

While there are dozens of over-the-counter antihistamines to choose from, their negative effects can far outweigh the benefits. Rather than risk the problems associated with these drugs, you can choose from several effective, natural antihistamines that can put a halt to your symptoms without putting your health at risk.

Brain function gets damaged with toxic pharmaceuticals

When your body is exposed to allergens, it reacts by releasing histamines that attack cells in the body, causing them to swell up and leak fluid. This results in the common allergy symptoms of watery eyes, congestion, swelling of the nasal passages, itching, sneezing and runny nose.

The most common over-the-counter antihistamine medications, known as first-generation antihistamines, work by blocking histamines. However, they also cross the blood-brain barrier, interacting with a number of unintended receptor sites.

The result is a sedating effect. While dangerous in itself, particularly for driving or operating machinery, this sedation also induces an unnatural sleep, interfering with the body’s recovering time, when the brain normally stores memories and retains learning. The sleepy feeling brought on by these antihistamines can lead to impaired psychomotor performance, cognitive functions and memory problems.


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Research: Plants Cure Cancer, Not Chemicals

Plants Are The Cure For Cancer, Not Chemicals

Unbeknownst to most, a Copernican revolution has already taken place in cancer theory. Today, the weight of evidence indicates that plants and not chemicals are the solution for reversing the global cancer epidemic.

Our understanding of what causes cancer has undergone something akin to a Copernican revolution in the past decade. Biological fatalism has been the predominant force in medicine over the past half century, where most conditions including cancer were believed predestined ‘in the genes,’ and therefore impossible to reverse. Instead of looking for root cause resolution of disease (RCRD), we resigned ourselves to ‘finding it early’ and in the case of cancer, when doing so (even when it was benign), we waged war against it, quite literally using weapons grade materials (mustard gas- and nuclear materials-derived agents). Now, however, in this post-Genomic era, factors above (epi-) the control of the genes – epigenetic factors – are taking center stage; these include environmental exposures, stress, nutritional factors, and various lifestyle-based variables that are within the ambit of our control and volition, and which are often reversible.

In other words, cancer is now being understood as epigenetic dysfunction, a direct and even adaptive response to the post-industrial, carcinogen-saturated environment, in addition to a diet of faux, mostly chemically-produced ‘food,’ combining to produce an environment – ‘inner terrain–  within the body ideal for cancer promotion.

Indeed, in a new study published in the journal Food and Chemical Toxicology titled, “The use of plant-derived bioactive compounds to target cancer stem cells and modulate tumor microenvironment,” the authors note the powerful implications of this new epigenetic view of cancer:

“A fundamental aspect to be taken into account is that epigenetic changes can possibly be reversed by modifying epigenetic factors, such as diet and lifestyle. Nowadays, identification of these factors is crucial to develop epigenetically-based preventions and more effective anti-cancer intervention strategies.”

Moreover, they note that natural interventions are once again (after countless millennia of worldwide use), at the cutting edge of medical intervention:

“Virtually, all dietary compounds have the ability to act at the epigenetic level in cancer cells thus influencing the epigenome in a positive or negative way. Particularly, plant derived compounds, such as polyphenols, have the capacity to reverse adverse epigenetic mutations in cancer cells, to inhibit tumorigenesis progression, to prevent the metastatic process or to sensitize cancer cells to chemo and radiotherapy (Vanden Berghe, 2012).”

The new study highlighted the following points, the implications for the future of cancer treatment are truly revolutionary:

  • Cancer stem cells (CSCs) are chemo-radiotherapy resistant, causing tumor relapse.
  • CSCs are known to reside within specific hypoxic and acidic tumor niches.
  • Phytocompounds affect CSC self-renewal, metabolism and microenvironment.
  • Phytocompounds might be exploited for cancer prevention and treatment.


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Is This The Common Denominator Of All Disease?

Pigeonholing Diseases

Diseases display a variety of symptoms, but curiously enough, there is a common denominator!

The Truth About “All Disease”

A recent series presented via GreenMedInfo, “The Truth About Cancer” could have been more accurately titled, “The Truth about All Disease.” The elements of cancer protocols: nutrient/mineral correction, detoxification, helpful supplements, various energy therapies and lifestyle choices, really apply to healing all chronic disease. The idea of personal empowerment applies to all disease as well. Survivors emerged from the shock of a cancer diagnosis, stepped away from conventional treatments and “willed” their healing, which proves once again the critical importance of mental states and the reality of placebo-nocebo effects. Yes, it can be done!

We get misdirected by complex medical studies and lose sight of the common denominator in chronic disease; all are symptoms of oxidative stress and inflammation. Every symptom that ever occurs starts with a shortage of cellular bio-energy: electrons. Colds, bronchitis, indigestion, high blood pressure, bleeding gums or depression are first signs of inflammation and a progression toward heart disease, arthritis and cancers that arrive decades later. The fooler is that symptoms may appear in different locations in the body, yet reflect a predictable correlation with a range of specific insults. So cut to the cure, identify the root causes that come from toxins, wrong nutrition, poor lifestyle choices and negative personality traits/emotional stress/fear of death. Take appropriate steps at this seed level.

The public is not only convinced pharma-medicine is “real” medicine, but is deprived of accurate information and even the very idea of alternative treatments…and doctors have little time to coach patients on self-care. The best interests of the patient would be better served by a Nurse Advocate (schooled in CAM) offering personal instructions rather than a quick prescription. Leave the allopathic paradigm of a drug for every symptom…behind. Natural health proponents borrow the same pigeonhole framework by substituting an herb or supplement for a drug, repeating the idea that there is a specific silver bullet for each malady. Not so! Basic oxidation-reduction (redox) chemistry, though it seems foreign to medical thinking, is the most certain scientific and holistic point of view that goes to the root of health and healing.


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Natural Blaze

9-Best-Essential-Oils-for-Your-Survival-KitBy Gaye Levy

There are many reasons why learning about essential oils is useful for preppers.  Not the least of those reasons is to lessen the reliance on expensive and often ineffective and toxic pharmaceuticals.  How often have you filled an expensive prescription only to have side effects or find that the drug simply did not work?  Other than add these meds to your SHTF barter kit, you are out of luck.

On the other hand, most essential oils are quite inexpensive and have the added bonus that a prescription is not required.  With essential oils you have the freedom of where to shop, how much to pay, and how to use them.  You can dilute essential oils in a carrier oil or salve, use them in a compress, or diffuse them, or use them in a myriad of other ways suitable to your situation.

With that in mind, today I want to answer one of the most frequently asked questions I get regarding essential oils: what are the best essential oils to set aside for my survival kit?   In other words, what are the specific “set it and forget it” oils that are on par with emergency food and water storage?

Nine Essential Oils for the Long Term Survival Kit

There are many factors that have gone into my choices, including an oil’s versatility and its ability to resolve multiple woes.  I have also taken into consideration price and shelf life.  More about that in bit; but first, here is my own list of the nine best essential oils for the long-term survival kit along with my top 4 uses for each of them.


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