Tag Archive: Deepak Chopra


Monsanto found guilty of poisoning in pesticide case

Published on Feb 13, 2012 by

http://www.euronews.net/ A court in the French city of Lyon has ruled US pesticides maker Monsanto was responsible for the poisoning of a farmer who had used one of their products on his crops. Paul Francois says he suffered neurological problems including memory loss, headaches and stammering after inhaling Monsanto’s Lasso weedkiller in 2004.

His lawyer, Stephane Teyssier, described the ruling as “historic”. “The tribunal has ordered an expert opinion, so we will see what comes of that in relation to compensation.”

Satisfy your bacon craving with crispy organic turkey chips and avoid the risk of pancreatic cancer

By JB Bardot,
(NaturalNews) The meat-eaters among you may truly believe that bacon makes everything better; and folks from Iron Chefs to everyday-Joe’s will pay up to $35 a pound for gourmet bacon cuts. However, these delectable pieces of smoked pig are highly processed with numerous toxic chemicals such as nitrites, sodium nitrate, and other products that cause cancer. In particular, your risk ofpancreatic cancer increases two-fold after eating processed meats such as bacon and sausages, reports the British…

Teenage diabetes more than doubles

By J. D. Heyes,  
(NaturalNews) In another sign that America is losing its battle of bulging waistlines, new data indicates that the teenage diabetes rate has doubled, as other health risks have also remained dangerously high. Researchers with the American Diabetes Association, as well as other groups, said the number of teens with diabetes or pre-diabetes soared from 9 percent to 23 percent over the past decade. In addition, researchers said, other cardiovascular-related risk factors such as high blood pressure…


Holistic Health

The overwhelming evidence of the healing power of food…

Uploaded by on Oct 24, 2007

Think there’s not enough research on food and nutrients? Think again! In this week’s UltraWellness Blog, Dr. Mark Hyman details the latest studies on the healing power of food — and explains why you shouldn’t always believe everything you read when it comes to medical research. For more, see http://www.ultrawellness.com/blog



The role of pure water in detoxification

By PF Louis, 
(NaturalNews) We need to hydrate with pure water to retain our physical and mental health. All our tissues’ cells need to be hydrated to function properly. Would you believe that most of us are dehydrated? It’s not just your five or so quarts of blood serum that contain water. Your organs’ cells contain water. Your brain and nerve tissues are 80 percent water. Severe dehydration leads to mental derangement and death. Most of us, perhaps 75% of the population, suffer from mild dehydration, which…

Ten ways to use apple cider vinegar in DIY remedies

By Willow Tohi, 
(NaturalNews) If time is a teacher, one thing we know is that apple cider vinegar is good stuff. The Babylonians used it as a tonic in 5000 B.C. so its been around for a while. It was also used in ancient Egypt (3000 B.C.) and by Samurai warriors in Japan (1200 B.C.), so it’s grandfathered in – doesn’t need a double-blind study to prove its effectiveness. Apple cider vinegar (ACV) has so many uses. It ranks as one of the top natural remedies for healing the body – from whatever ails it! It’s medicinal…

Carnosine provide broad-range cellular protection to fight vascular injury and extend lifespan

By John Phillip, 
(NaturalNews) Most allopathic medical practitioners would argue that the process of aging is nothing more than a normal process whereby cells deteriorate at a predetermined rate controlled by genetically determined commands and heredity. Standing in stark opposition is a rapidly growing body of research and documented evidence to indicate that aging is a product of many varied lifestyle choices including physical activity, smoking, and most importantly, the type of diet we regularly consume. In…


Pet Health

Morning Dog Breakfast Routine: Noreen’s Kitchen

Published on May 16, 2012 by

Greetings! Here we are sharing how we feed the dogs their daily breakfast. This is the homemade dog food that we recently made for them and we discuss the supplements that we add to it.

We hope this inspires you to provide a homemade or better pet food for your pet made from whole nutritious ingredients.

Gone to the Dogs Again! Beef and Liver Dog Food: Noreen’s Kitchen

Published on May 29, 2012 by

Greetings! During this past weekend, it was time to replenish our supply of homemade dog food. This time I have done a variation on my last recipe. I have used organic brown rice, ground beef, peas and carrots a dozen beaten eggs with their shells an 2 pounds of good quality liverwurst broken up in the mix. I got 6 foil pans out of this batch which will be enough for about 1 month of morning feedings.

Next time I plan on making a different variation using ground turkey, canned salmon, oats and sweet potatoes. The dogs love fish and sweet potatoes, I think the turkey will round that out nicely.

I hope you give this a try for your dogs and I hope they love it!


Positivity Mind and Body

Deepak Chopra : Physical Healing, Emotional Wellbeing

Uploaded by on Jun 20, 2011

How we can be liberated from stress, burn out, depression, immune dysfunction, relationship pressures and other emotional and physical illnesses.

Deepak Copra is a New York Times Best Selling author, Founder of the Chopra Foundation and a Gallup Senior Scientist. He has written more than 50 books. Time magazine heralds him as one of the top 100 heroes of the century.

This talk was filmed at Dartington Hall, as part of the Tagore Festival 2011.
In Collaboration with
Resurgence Magazine
and Schumacher College


Articles of Interest

Killer pain relief

By Craig Stellpflug, 
(NaturalNews) We strive to lower the smallest fever, mask, block, and interfere with pain, artificially combat swelling, medicate hypertension, diabetes, and body cholesterol. What we are failing to see is that these are all normal body responses to identify and correct what is wrong and bring balance and healing. Bottom line, pain is not so friendly but it is our friend. It warns us when we are injured to help us pay attention to the wound. Pain signals us to bring outside assistance, like avoiding…

Federal government says it’s okay to lie about pomegranate juice, but not to tell the truth

By J. D. Heyes,
(NaturalNews) Do you remember our recent story (http://www.naturalnews.com) about Coca-Cola getting away with advertising one of its drinks as “Pomegranate Blueberry,” even though it only contained a measly 0.3 percent and 0.2 percent, respectively, of each of those juices? Well, we now learn that the federal government not only sanctions lying about ingredients in drinks, but will punish companies who try to tell the truth about those same products. To recap: Beverage company Pom Wonderful…


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Detergent Dangers for Kids

Published on May 24, 2012 by

New detergent ponds have become a danger to children who have been eating them. The pods when consumed are poisonous and parents are warned to keep them out of the reach of children.

Flesh-Eating Bacteria Struck Milledgeville Man

Submitted by Bernard O’Donnell

4th case  of Flesh Eating Bacteria in Georgia

The family of Paul Bales tells us today he’s recovering and resting after doctors partially amputated his left leg, which was infected with the flesh-eating bacteria.

That’s according to the man’s son, Mike Bales of Dacula. Here’s audio of his Wednesday interview with 13WMAZ.

Wednesday evening, Mike Bales told 13WMAZ that his father, Paul Bales (see slideshow) was out of surgery and in stable condition after his left leg was amputated below the knee.

He said his dad lives on Lake Sinclair near Milledgeville and injured his leg when he slipped and fell on his dock May 2.

Paul Bales bandaged the cut and went golfing the next day but started feeling pain in his leg.

He was admitted to the Oconee Regional Medical Center on May 5, then sent to the Medical Center of Central Georgia a week later.

Mike Bales says doctors have told the family that his father suffers from necrotizing fasciitis, the same flesh-eating bacteria that struck north Georgia student Aimee Copeland and at least two other Georgians.

“He’s gotten to be stable, but they can’t get the infection from his leg,” he said.

The left leg had to be amputated because the bacteria damaged blood vessels in his leg, Mike Bales said.

After the surgery, he told us that doctors found more infected tissue in his father’s leg and will have to operate again.  He said they could remove more of the leg.

Medical Center spokeswoman Janie Poulnott said Paul Bales is in stable condition but would not comment further.

The rising tide of Autism

By Craig Stellpflug, 
(NaturalNews) Autism was once thought to be a psychological disorder because of the lack of eye contact that is hallmark in the child with autism. But autism cannot be treated and cured with psycho-therapy or psychotropic drugs. Autism is not a medical disorder that can be diagnosed with an X-ray or MRI and then cured with drugs or surgery. A lack of drugs is not the cause of autism! On the contrary, too much pharmaceutical intervention has been implicated as one of the multifactorial causes of…

Birth defects – could Epilim be the new Thalidomide?

By D Holt, 
(NaturalNews) After the scandal of Thalidomide, it was said that important lessons were learned, and that it should never happen again. Now it comes to light that another set of drugs are causing birth defects, and have been since the seventies. Thalidomide was a “calming” drug used in the fifties to treat morning sickness, and led to birth deformities such as shortened or missing limbs, impaired hearing and eyesight, and internal injuries. This resulted in claims which cost millions of dollars…


Holistic Health

Researchers vindicate omega-3 fatty acids in the prevention of inflammatory chronic diseases

By John Phillip, 
(NaturalNews) Systemic inflammation is a primary factor in the development and progression of many chronic conditions ranging from heart disease and stroke to diabetes, dementia, and cancer. Most people have no idea that their risk of these conditions is dramatically increased, as disease-causing chemical messengers are continually released throughout the body as a result of low level inflammation. These messengers or cytokines can be life-saving in the case of a cut or burn, but when released as…

Can 5-HTP really curb depression and anxiety?

By Danna Norek, 
(NaturalNews) Depression and anxiety remain two of the most pervasive mental health issues in American culture today. We currently have more medications than we’ve ever had to treat these conditions along with more natural, gentler alternatives like 5-HTP, St. John’s Wort, and others. Yet it seems both depression and anxiety have ballooned over the past several decades for reasons that can only be speculated upon. 5-HTP is a natural alternative to anti-anxiety medications. It can also be useful…

Resveratrol may be the missing link to prevent and even treat Alzheimer’s disease

By John Phillip, 
(NaturalNews) Incidence of Alzheimer’s disease cases continue to explode at an unprecedented rate as processed food diets, overweight and obesity become the norm for middle and senior aged adults in the US and most western societies. By the year 2050, it’s projected that 13.2 million adults will suffer from this degenerative disease that ranks as the sixth leading cause of death, with many suffering early signs of the condition at earlier ages. Any natural compound that can be shown to prevent or…

Medicinal herb ginger helps protect against the effect of chemical parabens

By Celeste M. Smucker, MPH, PhD, 
(NaturalNews) Traditional healers often use ginger to treat ailments ranging from nausea to arthritis pain. Recent studies highlight another use for ginger, the amelioration of the impact of parabens, a chemical widely used in the food and beverage industry and as a preservative in personal care products, drugs, and cosmetics. Parabens have been in the news recently thanks to studies which show the vast majority of Americans show signs of exposure. If ginger does indeed reduce parabens’ impact that…


Pet Health

Another Great Reason to Throw Out That Dry Cat Food

Recently researchers at the University of California-Davis published the results of a very interesting study that provides additional evidence of the importance of high moisture content in feline diets.

  • A recent study conducted at the University of California-Davis concludes that cats eat less, lose weight and maintain healthy body composition when fed wet diets.
  • Not only that, but wet (canned) cat food does not contain the massive amounts of fiber found in many dry cat food formulas. Fiber has been shown to interfere with the digestibility of other nutrients in cat food – and kitties aren’t even designed to process fiber and grain.
  • The UC-Davis researchers also concluded that cats much prefer canned food to either freeze-dried or dry food.
  • If you have a cat who is still eating dry food, you can find tools here at Mercola Healthy Pets to take you step-by-step through the transition to a species-appropriate diet. And if your cat needs to lose weight, you’ll find information on safe dieting for kitties as well.

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Top 5 Ways to Raise a Long-Lived Pet

Just as people are living longer lives, so are many pets.

In fact, pet owners with an elderly dog or cat around the house these days tend to brag about it!

Improved living conditions, treating companion animals as real members of the family and advances in veterinary care are major contributing factors to the longevity of pets nowadays.

  • Pets are living longer these days thanks to improved living situations and advances in veterinary care.
  • Two things that haven’t added to the longevity of dogs and cats are commercial pet foods and yearly re-vaccinations.
  • Tips for helping your pet live a long, healthy life include feeding a species-appropriate diet, refusing unnecessary vaccinations, insuring your dog or cat doesn’t become overweight, keeping your pet’s frame and organs in top condition, and arranging for regular vet checkups.

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Positivity Mind and Body

Deepak Chopra: The Mystery of Consciousness

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Deepak Chopra’s Lecture on The Mystery of Consciousness. Video produced by Alan Steinfeld and http://www.NewRealities.com This is Deepak’s opening lecture to his Seduction of Spirit retreat. One of the Chopra Center programs http://www.chopra.com where in 5 days participants learn the secrets of meditation, unlock the stillness that rests within your soul, and connect to their inner essence. Deepak’s new book is called The Ultimate Happiness Prescription.


Articles of Interest

ALL 3 of the FLESH EATING BACTERIA infections originated in the ATLANTA, GA area NEAR THE CDC!

LOCATION: (CDC) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Rd. Atlanta, Georgia 30333, USA

LOCATION Case #1 May 1, 2012: 51 miles West of the CDC
LOCATION Case #2 May 7, 2012: 1.1 mile South of the CDC
LOCATION Case #3 May 4, 2012: 44.7 miles Northwest of the CDC

Case #1: Aimee Copeland, 24, was riding a homemade zip line near the Little Tallapoosa River near Carollton, Georgia May 1st when the line snapped, causing a gash in her left calf. The bacteria thought to have triggered the infection, Aeromonas hydrophila, thrives in warm climates and fresh (brackish) water, like the river where Copeland was kayaking and zip lining with friends. abcnews.go.com]

Case #2: Lana Kuykendall, 36, was infected on May 7th after she gave birth to twins at Emory University Hospital in Atlanta (Emory University Hospital Midtown in Atlanta – 201 Dowman Drive. Atlanta, Georgia 30322)

Case #3: Bobby Vaughn, 32, Cartersville, Georgia a Cartersville landscaper was injured at work May 4th when he fell from a tree and suffered a cut to his side.


[In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit, for research and/or educational purposes. This constitutes ‘FAIR USE’ of any such copyrighted material.]


Flesh-eating germ rare, especially for the healthy


ATLANTA — Aimee Copeland, a Georgia grad student, is fighting for her life because of the flesh-eating bacteria that infected her after she gashed her leg in a river two weeks ago. One of her legs was amputated and her fingers will be too, her father says, because of the spreading infection.

She has a rare condition, called necrotizing fasciitis, in which marauding bacteria run rampant through tissue. Affected areas sometimes have to be surgically removed to save the patient’s life.

Q: How often do people get these infections?
The government estimates roughly 750 flesh-eating bacteria cases occur each year, usually caused by a type of strep germ.

However, Aimee Copeland’s infection was caused by another type of bacteria, Aeromonas hydrophila. Those cases are even rarer. One expert knew of only a few reported over the past few decades.

Q: Do most people survive?
Yes, but about 1 in 5 people with the most common kind of flesh-eating strep bacteria die. There are few statistics on Aeromonas-caused cases like Copeland’s.

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The dirtiest clean places — and how to clean them up

By Laura Roberson, Men’s Health

You expect some spots to be filthy—your kitchen floor, your garbage can, your toilet. But how germy are the things designed to keep you and your home clean?

Washing machine
Even if your drawers are free of skid marks–please, guys–trace amounts of feces still cling to your dirty underwear, says Charles Gerba, Ph.D., a microbiologist at the University of Arizona. “If you wash a load of undergarments, you transfer about 500 million E. coli bacteria to the machine.” This can contaminate other clothing items, which may harbor germs of their own. (For the dos and don’ts of boxers and briefs, read What She Thinks of Your Underwear. Because yes, she’s looking. And yes, she cares.)

Stay clean: Wash most whites first, and use chlorine bleach. “It sanitizes the machine,” Gerba says. Then dedicate a load to underwear, using hot water (150°F) and a color-safe bleach substitute. Once a month, run an empty cycle with bleach to wipe out any lingering germs. This is especially important for front-loading machines; water tends to settle in the bottom of these machines, allowing bacteria to proliferate, Gerba says.
Crusty scrambled eggs = bacterial breakfast. “When you allow dishes to accumulate for a few days, growth of bacteria invariably increases,” says Philip Tierno Jr., Ph.D., director of microbiology and immunology at NYU’s Langone Medical Center and the author of The Secret Life of Germs. “And even if you can’t see it, there is viable foodstuff in the rinse water to feed them.” Plus, the dishwasher’s door gasket may be contaminated with fungus and black yeast. “That outer rim never reaches a temperature high enough to kill everything off.” And that’s to say nothing of what you’re actually ingesting–find out how to clean–and avoid–The 10 Dirtiest Foods You’re Eating.

Stay clean: If you don’t plan on running a load soon, rinse your plates with a mild bleach solution (a shot glass of bleach to a half quart of water). This kills surface organisms so you can let dishes accumulate, Tierno says. Use the same solution to periodically clean the gasket.

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New mom diagnosed with flesh-eating bacteria days after giving birth

By NBC News


GREENVILLE COUNTY, S.C. — An Upstate, S.C. mom is in critical, but stable condition after her husband said she was diagnosed with a flesh-eating bacteria days after giving birth to twins. Lana Kuykendall was discharged Thursday evening from Emory University Hospital in Atlanta, and was admitted into Greenville Memorial Hospital about 13 hours after coming home to the Upstate, friends said.

Friend Kayla Moon said Kuykendall was having a lot of pain and noticed a spot on her leg. Moon said that spot grew quickly.

“(Kuykendall) just kept getting worse in front of your eyes. She would just get worse and worse and worse. Every minute it was like she was going down,” said Moon. “She was never really able to hold (her babies) and enjoy it.”

Friends said no one is sure how Kuykendall contracted the bacteria.

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6 cups a day? Coffee lovers less likely to die, study finds

Trish Hamilton / FeaturePics.com

Men who drank six cups of coffee or more a day had a 10 percent lower risk of dying; for women, it was 15 percent lower, according to a large new study.

By JoNel Aleccia

Coffee drinkers who worry about the jolt of java it takes to get them going in the morning might just as well relax and pour another cup.

That’s according to the largest-ever analysis of the link between coffee consumption and mortality, which suggests that latte lovers had a lower risk of death during the study period.

“I would say it offers some reassurance to coffee drinkers,” said Neal Freedman, a nutritional epidemiology researcher at the National Cancer Institute. “Other studies have suggested a higher risk of mortality with coffee drinking and we didn’t see that in our study.”

In fact, men who drank at least six cups of coffee a day had a 10 percent lower chance of dying during the 14-year study period than those who drank none. For women, the risk was 15 percent lower, according to Freedman’s work, published in the latest issue of the New England Journal of Medicine.

Reassuring, indeed, for hard-core coffee drinkers like Spencer Turer, who guzzles four to six cups of coffee every day for personal consumption — and sips between 75 and 300 cups more as part of his job as a professional coffee taster.

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Holistic Health

The vital importance of Coenzyme Q10 for health and longevity

By Tony Isaacs,
(NaturalNews) Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is a naturally occurring oil-soluble, vitamin-like substance which is absolutely essential for optimum health and longevity. Also known as ubiquinone, CoQ10 is found in virtually every cell in the body, primarily in cellular mitochondria, and it is a vital component of the electron transport chain which generates 95 percent of the body’s energy via adenosine triphosphate (ATP). CoQ10 is vital for the heart Organs with the highest energy requirements – such as…

Top food choices for avoiding and beating cancer

By Tony Isaacs, 
(NaturalNews) The right food choices can greatly increase the odds of beating cancer. Fortunately, nature offers a multitude of foods which have great cancer fighting and immune boosting properties. Here are some of the very best: Cancer fighting and immune boosting superstarsCruciferous Vegetables. Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower and kale are among the most powerful cancer fighting foods to be found. Cruciferous vegetables are high in fiber, vitamins…

Herbs that help prevent nausea during pregnancy

By Willow Tohi, 
(NaturalNews) Congratulations! You’re expecting. Welcome to the roller coaster ride that is pregnancy. For many women, fatigue is the first sign of pregnancy, followed closely by morning sickness. Morning sickness is most common between the fourth and fourteenth weeks of pregnancy and is most often experienced upon rising, thus the term, but one can experience nausea at any time of the day. Roughly three quarters of women experience nausea during the first trimester. Half of all pregnant women…

The lemon detox diet – a recipe that really works

By Aurora Geib, 
(NaturalNews) Ever since Beyonce Knowles was associated with the Lemon Detox diet, there has been a surge of interest in this particular program. Also known as the Master Cleanse, this detox diet has been around for almost 50 years and has seen variations on its recipe and program. It’s effectivity in breaking down built up toxins in the body while contributing to short term weight loss has made it a popular option for a spring detox. Reviewing the Master CleanseThe Lemonade Detox diet first became…

Sun exposure lowers cancer risk

By Randall Neustaedter OMD, 
(NaturalNews) A study that correlated exposure to sunlight with cancer risk found that people exposed to more sunlight had a significantly lower risk of many types of cancer (Lin, 2012). This study followed more than 450,000 white, non-Hispanic subjects aged 50-71 years from diverse geographic areas in the US. Researchers correlated the calculated ultraviolet radiation (UVR) exposure in these different areas with the incidence of a variety of cancers. The diverse sites included six states (California…


Pet Health

Forget Everything Bad You’ve Been Told about Essential Oils for Pets

By Dr. Becker

  • Dr. Melissa Shelton is a holistic DVM who has pioneered the use of essential oils to treat animals in her practice – with really outstanding results.
  • Dr. Shelton’s interest in essential oils began very gradually, but ultimately became her passion. She considers the importance of oils to heal pets second only to a solid nutritional foundation.
  • Using essential oils, the doctor has brought several animals back from the brink of euthanasia, including a cat named Cowboy, Emmett the parrot, and one of her own pets.
  • Dr. Shelton believes the quality of essential oils and proper handling is the key to success with oils. According to her extensive research, the bad reputation essential oils have received is wholly undeserved, and certainly, the results she has achieved in her practice are a testament to the benefits of their use.

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Cats and Dogs: The Art of the Introduction

By Dr. Becker

  • Introducing the new dog to the family cat or a new kitty to your dog is not a meeting to take lightly. Prepare for the worst, hope for the best, and focus on achieving a safe, sane outcome.
  • There’s a high likelihood the cat in this equation – whichever role he is in – will need more TLC than the dog. (In case you hadn’t noticed, cats aren’t good with change.)
  • There is really no way to predict how well the new canine and feline siblings will get along down the road, but there are many ways to help them begin their relationship safely and respectfully.
  • Since dogs on the whole are more social than cats, it will be your dog you’ll need to keep on a short leash (pun intended). You don’t want her boundless enthusiasm to scare the living daylights out of the cat right off the bat.
  • Kitties can take a long time to accept a new animal on their turf, and cats just joining the family also need plenty of time and their own space in which to adjust to a new, strange environment.

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Balding disease killing Australia’s wombats


The illness causes the wombat to lose some or all of its fur and then starve to death


File photo shows a man holding a wombat at a zoo in Australia. A mystery liver disease thought to be caused by introduced weeds is causing hairy-nosed wombats in southern Australia to go bald and die, researchers said Tuesday.

A mystery liver disease thought to be caused by introduced weeds is causing hairy-nosed wombats in southern Australia to go bald and die, researchers said Tuesday.

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The illness, which causes the wombat to lose some or all of its fur and then starve to death, is tearing through South Australia’s native southern hairy-nosed wombats, threatening entire populations.

Wildlife workers at first thought the animals had mange, but it became so widespread and severe — with shiny, healthy skin revealed beneath — that were carried out to determine what was causing the illness.

University of Adelaide researcher Wayne Boardman said the non-native toxic potato weed appeared to be affecting the wombats’ livers, triggering a reaction with that caused them to lose their fur.

Boardman said it was unclear why the herbivorous wombat had suddenly taken to eating the but a shortage of their usual grasses and alternative foods could be to blame.

“We have a feeling it might well be a struggle to find enough vegetation, leading them to eat other plants like weeds, and particularly potato weed, which is then having a deleterious effect on the liver,” Boardman told ABC Radio.

The creatures were also roaming in areas where they were not usually seen, supporting the theory that there were and they “have to move out to find vegetation”, he added.

Squat and thickly furred, wombats are small burrow-dwelling marsupials that walk on all fours and are bear-like in appearance with a wide muzzle and a flattened head.

They are not a threatened species but Boardman said the population in parts of South Australia state could die out completely if their habitat was not restored to a healthy balance of .

Brigitte Stevens, from the Wombat Awareness Organisation, said it was a “huge and overwhelming” problem.

“Some of them are just lying down… on their side and just eating dirt. You know, they can’t even lift their heads,” she told ABC.

“As the disease progresses, it’s as if they simply cannot eat anymore. Once the dehydration sets in, they basically just lie there waiting to die.”

(c) 2012 AFP

Nearly one-tenth of hemisphere’s mammals unlikely to outrun climate change

by Staff Writers
Seattle WA (SPX)

The percentage of mammal species unable to keep pace with climate change in the Americas range from zero and low (blue) to a high of nearly 40 percent (light orange). Credit: U of Washington.

A safe haven could be out of reach for 9 percent of the Western Hemisphere’s mammals, and as much as 40 percent in certain regions, because the animals just won’t move swiftly enough to outpace climate change. For the past decade scientists have outlined new areas suitable for mammals likely to be displaced as climate change first makes their current habitat inhospitable, then unlivable.

For the first time a new study considers whether mammals will actually be able to move to those new areas before they are overrun by climate change.

Carrie Schloss, University of Washington research analyst in environmental and forest sciences, is lead author of the paper out online the week of May 14 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

“We underestimate the vulnerability of mammals to climate change when we look at projections of areas with suitable climate but we don’t also include the ability of mammals to move, or disperse, to the new areas,” Schloss said.

Indeed, more than half of the species scientists have in the past projected could expand their ranges in the face of climate change will, instead, see their ranges contract because the animals won’t be able to expand into new areas fast enough, said co-author Josh Lawler, UW associate professor of environmental and forest sciences.

In particular, many of the hemisphere’s species of primates – including tamarins, spider monkeys, marmosets and howler monkeys, some of which are already considered threatened or endangered – will be hard-pressed to outpace climate change, as are the group of species that includes shrews and moles. Winners of the climate change race are likely to come from carnivores like coyotes and wolves, the group that includes deer and caribou, and one that includes armadillos and anteaters.

The analysis looked at 493 mammals in the Western Hemisphere ranging from a moose that weighs 1,800 pounds to a shrew that weighs less than a dime. Only climate change was considered and not other factors that cause animals to disperse, such as competition from other species.

To determine how quickly species must move to new ranges to outpace climate change, UW researchers used previous work by Lawler that reveals areas with climates needed by each species, along with how fast climate change might occur based on 10 global climate models and a mid-high greenhouse gas emission scenario developed by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

The UW researchers coupled how swiftly a species is able to disperse across the landscape with how often its members make such a move. In this case, the scientists assumed animals dispersed once a generation.

It’s understandable, for example, that a mouse might not get too far because of its size. But if there are many generations born each a year, then that mouse is on the move regularly compared to a mammal that stays several years with its parents in one place before being old enough to reproduce and strike out for new territory.

Western Hemisphere primates, for example, take several years before they are sexually mature. That contributes to their low-dispersal rate and is one reason they look especially vulnerable to climate change, Schloss said. Another reason is that the territory with suitable climate is expected to shrink and so to reach the new areas animals in the tropics must generally go farther than in mountainous regions, where animals can more quickly move to a different elevation and a climate that suits them.

Those factors mean that nearly all the hemisphere’s primates will experience severe reductions in their ranges, Schloss said, on average about 75 percent. At the same time species with high dispersal rates that face slower-paced climate change are expected to expand their ranges.

“Our figures are a fairly conservative – even optimistic – view of what could happen because our approach assumes that animals always go in the direction needed to avoid climate change and at the maximum rate possible for them,” Lawler said.

The researchers were also conservative, he said, in taking into account human-made obstacles such as cities and crop lands that animals encounter. For the overall analysis they used a previously developed formula of “average human influence” that highlights regions where animals are likely to encounter intense human development. It doesn’t take into account transit time if animals must go completely around human-dominated landscapes.

“I think it’s important to point out that in the past when climates have changed – between glacial and interglacial periods when species ranges contracted and expanded – the landscape wasn’t covered with agricultural fields, four-lane highways and parking lots, so species could move much more freely across the landscape,” Lawler said.

“Conservation planners could help some species keep pace with climate change by focusing on connectivity – on linking together areas that could serve as pathways to new territories, particularly where animals will encounter human-land development,” Schloss said.

“For species unable to keep pace, reducing non-climate-related stressors could help make populations more resilient, but ultimately reducing emissions, and therefore reducing the pace of climate change, may be the only certain method to make sure species are able to keep pace with climate change.”

The third co-author of the paper is Tristan Nunez, now at University of California, Berkeley. Both Schloss and Nunez worked with Lawler while earning their master’s degrees. Lawler did this work with support from the UW School of Environmental and Forest Sciences using, in part, models he previously developed with funding from the Nature Conservancy and the Cedar Tree Foundation.

Related Links
University of Washington
Darwin Today At TerraDaily.com

One Quarter Of Grouper Species Being Fished To Extinction

by Staff Writers
San Francisco CA (SPX)

Groupers are among the highest priced market reef species (estimated to be a multi-billion dollar per year industry), are highly regarded for the quality of their flesh, and are often among the first reef fishes to be overexploited.

Groupers, a family of fishes often found in coral reefs and prized for their quality of flesh, are facing critical threats to their survival. As part of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Species Survival Commission, a team of scientists has spent the past ten years assessing the status of 163 grouper species worldwide.

They report that 20 species (12%) are at risk of extinction if current overfishing trends continue, and an additional 22 species (13%) are Near Threatened. These findings were published online on April 28 in the journal Fish and Fisheries.

“Fish are one of the last animal resources commercially harvested from the wild by humans, and groupers are among the most desirable fishes,” said Dr. Luiz Rocha, Curator of Ichthyology at the California Academy of Sciences, and one of the paper’s authors.

“Unfortunately, the false perception that marine resources are infinite is still common in our society, and in order to preserve groupers and other marine resources we need to reverse this old mentality.”

The team estimates that at least 90,000,000 groupers were captured in 2009. This represents more than 275,000 metric tonnes of fish, an increase of 25% from 1999, and 1600% greater than 1950 figures. The Caribbean Sea, coastal Brazil, and Southeast Asia are home to a disproportionately high number of the 20 Threatened grouper species. (A species is considered “Threatened” if it is Critically Endangered, Endangered, or Vulnerable under IUCN criteria.)

Groupers are among the highest priced market reef species (estimated to be a multi-billion dollar per year industry), are highly regarded for the quality of their flesh, and are often among the first reef fishes to be overexploited. Their disappearance from coral reefs could upset the ecological balance of these threatened ecosystems, since they are ubiquitous predators and may play a large role in controlling the abundance of animals farther down the food chain.

Unfortunately, groupers take many years (typically 5-10) to become sexually mature, making them vulnerable for a relatively long time before they can reproduce and replenish their populations.

In addition, fisheries have exploited their natural behavior of gathering in great numbers during the breeding season. The scientists also conclude that grouper farming (mariculture) has not mitigated overfishing in the wild.

Although the prognosis is poor for the restoration and successful conservation of Threatened grouper species, the authors do recommend some courses of action, including optimizing the size and location of Marine Protected Areas, minimum size limits for individual fish, quotas on the amount of catch, limits on the number of fishers, and seasonal protection during the breeding season.

However, the scientists stress that “community awareness and acceptance, and effective enforcement are paramount” for successful implementation, as well as “action at the consumer end of the supply chain by empowering customers to make better seafood choices.”

These findings are posted online here.

Related Links
California Academy of Sciences
Darwin Today At TerraDaily.com


Positivity Mind and Body


Transforming the World: Empowerment of Girls and Women

by deepakchopra

Featured Host


Jennifer Buffet – Co-Chair  and President of the New York based NoVo Foundation, a philanthropic organization focused primarily on the empowerment of women and girls. She is responsible for the strategic direction of NoVo and chairs its Grants Committee. She shares leadership of the foundation with her husband, composer and producer Peter Buffett.


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Articles of Interest

Genetic engineering: The world’s greatest scam?

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(French version — http://www.greenpeace.org/ogm)
Genetic engineering is a threat to food security, especially in a changing climate. The introduction of genetically manipulated organisms by choice or by accident grossly undermines sustainable agriculture and in so doing, severely limits the choice of food we can eat.

Once GE plants are released into the environment, they are out of control. If anything goes wrong – they are impossible to recall.

GE contamination threatens biodiversity respected as the global heritage of humankind, and one of our world’s fundamental keys to survival.

Environmentalist group laud Supreme Court move to look into country’s GMO approval system

A recent move by the Supreme Court stop commercial production of genetically-modified Bt eggplant in the Philippines was welcomed by a group of environmentalists and concerned individuals

    • By Gilbert P. Felongco, Correspondent

Manila: A recent move by the Supreme Court stop commercial production of genetically-modified Bt eggplant in the Philippines was welcomed by a group of environmentalists and concerned individuals.

Greanpeace said the Supreme Court decision to grant a Writ of Kalikasan in favour of stopping Bt eggplant field trials in the country while further studies are being conducted is a step forward in the fight against so-called “Frankenstein” food that harm not only the human body but the environment as well.

Many independent scientific studies provide clear evidence that GMOs such as Bt eggplant, as well as Bt corn, can negatively impact the liver, kidneys or blood when ingested”


“Greenpeace believes the granting of the Writ of Kalikasan to be a recognition of the threats that GMOs pose to human health and the environment. We welcome this as a positive development: GMOs and GMO field trials clearly violate every Filipino’s constitutional right to a balanced and healthful ecology, and their invasion into our fields and our diets must be stopped,” said Daniel Ocampo, Sustainable Agriculture Campaigner, Greenpeace Southeast Asia.

The Writ of Kalikasan (Nature) is a legal remedy designed for the protection of one’s constitutional right to a healthy environment.

In the same breath, Greenpeace called for greater scrutiny of the country’s GMO approval system as it welcomed the Supreme Court decision to stop field trials of the genetically-modified organism (GMO) Bt eggplant in the Philippines.

“The Supreme Court has given hope to Filipinos as its decision now puts into the spotlight the country’s flawed GMO approval system which has never rejected any GMO application, allowing dangerous GMO crops to be eaten and planted by Filipinos. This is an outrage and such a regulatory system which clearly disregards public good must be scrapped,” he added.

According to Greenpeace, there are serious uncertainties regarding the safety and long-term impacts of GMOs.

“Many independent scientific studies provide clear evidence that GMOs such as Bt eggplant, as well as Bt corn, can negatively impact the liver, kidneys or blood when ingested,” the group said.

Last April 26, petitioners led by Leo Avila of Davao City Agriculturist Office, Atty. Maria Paz Luna, former Senator Orlando Mercado and Greenpeace Southeast Asia Executive Director Von Hernandez filed a petition asking the Supreme Court to issue a Writ of Kalikasan against GMO field trials.

The petition seeks to immediately stop the field trials of Bt eggplant. It also puts into question the flawed government regulatory process for approving GMOs and ensuring the safety of GMOs first on health and environmental grounds before they are released into the open.

Despite the scientific doubt that surrounds GMO food crops, the Philippines has never rejected any GMO application, approving, since 2002, a total of 67 GMOs for importation, consumption and propagation.

Most of these GMOs are approved as food for Filipinos.
While other countries are taking the precautionary approach to GMOs, Greenpeace said the Philippine Department of Agriculture has done exactly the opposite.

Argentinian mother sticks it to Monsanto, wins major environmental award

By Jonathan Benson, 
(NaturalNews) The tragic, but inspiring, story of one woman’s quest for justice in her local community has resulted in a significant victory for health freedom. Sofia Gatica, an ordinary, working-class mother from Argentina, successfully mobilized more than a dozen of her neighbors to fight the indiscriminate spraying of Monsanto’s Roundup (glyphosate) herbicide and other chemicals near the town of Ituzaingo where she lives — and in the process, she has earned a prestigious environmental award for…


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Advance toward an imaging agent for diagnosing Alzheimer’s disease

ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters

Scientists are reporting development and initial laboratory tests of an imaging agent that shows promise for detecting the tell-tale signs of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) in the brain — signs that now can’t confirm a diagnosis until after patients have died. Their report appears in the journal ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters.

Masahiro Ono and colleagues explain that no proven laboratory test or medical scan now exists for AD, which is claiming an increasingly heavy toll with the graying of the world’s population. Patients now get a diagnosis of AD based on their medical history and symptoms, and symptoms like memory loss often are identical to those of normal aging. Currently, the only definitive way to diagnose AD involves an autopsy with examination of brain samples for the presence of the clumps and tangles of abnormal protein that occur in the disease.

The scientists describe the synthesis and lab testing of a new imaging agent (called FPPDB), which bound tightly to ß-amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles — signs of AD — in human brain samples. In normal laboratory mice, which served as stand-ins for humans, FPPDB stayed in the body long enough for a PET scan (a sophisticated medical imaging technique). With further development, the imaging agent may allow early AD diagnosis in humans, the scientists indicate.

The authors acknowledge funding from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan.

Masahiro Ono, Ph.D.
Department of Patho-Functional Bioanalysis
Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Kyoto University
Kyoto, Japan

Handheld device for doing blood tests moves closer to medical use

Analytical Chemistry

Scientists are reporting a key advance in efforts to develop a handheld device that could revolutionize the complete blood cell count (CBC), one of the most frequently performed blood tests used to diagnose and treat disease. In a report in ACS’ journal Analytical Chemistry, they describe adding a key feature to their “blood lab-on-a-chip” that allows it to count white blood cells more accurately.

Hywel Morgan, Cees van Berkel and colleagues explain that current CBC technology requires expensive equipment housed in central laboratories, which can take several days to process tests. The CBC test measures levels of the different components of human blood, including red and white blood cells. High or low levels of certain components can indicate a variety of conditions, ranging from infections and anemia to certain forms of cancer. Hoping to make those diagnoses faster and easier, Morgan and van Berkel have been working on a handheld device similar to the blood sugar tests used by people with diabetes.

In their latest advance, the scientists describe successfully adding a new feature to the chip, which sends a blood sample through channels only a few times as wide as a human hair to an electrode that counts blood cells as they pass. The feature breaks down red blood cells in a way that allows the chip to count white blood cells more accurately. Tests on blood samples from patients produced results comparable to those from tests performed on the same samples by a full-scale hematology lab.

The authors acknowledge funding from the Technology Strategy Board and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council.

American Chemical Society
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American Chemical Society, ACS is a congressionally chartered independent membership organization which represents professionals at all degree levels and in all fields of chemistry and sciences that involve chemistry. Learn more about ACS.

Device might spark memories in some with Alzheimer’s

By Andrew M. Seaman

The results do not signal the device could someday cure the disease, but that it may restore some measure of activity in areas of the brain whose decline is linked to Alzheimer’s symptoms like memory loss, depression and agitation.

“What we can say is that the changes in brain activity are encouraging, but before we can make any sort of comments about the potential of the treatment we really have to study it in more individuals,” said Gwenn Smith, the study’s lead author, from Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore.

The implant, which delivers continuous electrical impulses into the brain, is already commonly used in patients with Parkinson’s disease and tremors to help control their movements.

Although the new research is only in its beginning stages, it’s a promising avenue to explore since available Alzheimer’s treatments “aren’t that great,” said Dr. Bryan Klassen, a neurologist at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, who was not involved in the study.

Smith, who was part of a team that did the initial research while at the University of Toronto, said they are just starting to look into what this could mean for Alzheimer’s patients.

The researchers, who published their findings in the Archives of Neurology, came to the idea of testing the device in Alzheimer’s patients after using it in a study of brain pathways involved in appetite, and found that memory improvement was an unexpected side effect of the brain stimulation.

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Bipolar symptoms may begin in teen years

By Kerry Grens

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – The number of teenagers who have experienced mania — a hallmark of bipolar disorder — is close to the number of adults estimated to have the mood disorder, suggesting that for many the condition begins during adolescence, according to a new study.

“The traditional wisdom has been that mania begins in your 20s and 30s,” said Kathleen Ries Merikangas, the study’s lead author and chief of the genetic epidemiology branch at the National Institute of Mental Health.

“I think the important thing is for people to recognize that mania does occur in adolescents,” she said.

Mania is a mood disorder characterized by excessive energy, a lack of sleep and sometimes risky and impulsive behaviors.

The most common diagnostic definition of bipolar disorder includes alternate cycles of mania and depression, though one type of bipolar diagnosis involves mania alone.

Merikangas said there have been smaller studies estimating how common mania is among children, and she and her colleagues sought to get a better handle on national rates of the disorder in kids.

The study included more than 10,000 teenagers who went through extensive interviews about their moods and behavior.

The research team found that 2.5 percent met the criteria for having had mania and depression, and 2.2 percent of teens had experienced it within the last 12 months.

Also within the year preceding the survey, 1.3 percent of the kids had mania alone and 5.7 percent had depression.

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Holistic Health

Use these natural remedies to fight and overcome superbugs

By Sarka-Jonae Miller, 
(NaturalNews) Nearly half of the meat sold in the United States has been found to contain methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MSRA), a strain that causes a staph infection but is resistant to antibiotic drugs. Antibiotic resistance caused by overusing antibiotics in people and animals creates superbugs, germs that cannot be killed with regular antibiotics. To combat antibiotic resistance, doctors try stronger meds. However, essential oils, garlic and vinegar can work as a natural MRSA treatment…

Natural remedies for migraine headaches

By Willow Tohi, 
(NaturalNews) More than thirty million people in the U.S. suffer from migraine headaches. That means that there is a migraine sufferer in twenty five percent of households, according to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders. Traditionally, sufferers use prescription drugs – 2.5 times more than the amount non-sufferers use – to help them get through it. However, even with the prescriptions, most experience an inability to function normally while having a migraine. The American Academy of…

Powdered coffee ‘creamer’ isn’t food, it’s processed chemicals

By Ethan A. Huff, 
(NaturalNews) Every day, millions of Americans add powdered coffee “creamer” products to their morning cups of joe because they falsely believe that these substances are somehow healthier than real cream. But little do they know that most coffee creamer products contain no actual cream, or food for that matter, as they are really nothing more than a crafty blend of toxic chemicals. When powdered coffee creamers first came onto the scene back in the 1950s, they actually contained real dehydrated…

The Measles Lie, and the ongoing ad campaign disguised as news

By D Holt, 
(NaturalNews) An article in the Daily Mail UK, has reported that there has been the highest rate of measles infection since 1988. It goes on to say that 214 cases have been reported in the Mersey-side area alone. In a blatant advert for the MMR vaccination, Dr Roberto Vivancos from the Health Protection Agency, said “It is obvious from these statistics that people who are not fully vaccinated are not just at risk themselves, but they pose an infection risk to others.” He is also quoted as saying…
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Pet Health

Give That Dog (or Cat) a Bone!

By Dr. Becker
>In order to be optimally healthy, your pet’s body requires nutrients — specifically calcium and phosphorus — provided by bones derived primarily from beef, pork, lamb, chicken and turkey.

Nutritional Components of Bone

In order to understand the nutrition bones provide to pets, it’s first necessary to nail down exactly what we’re talking about when it comes to bones.

Raw bones contain marrow.

However, marrow isn’t bone.

It’s comprised primarily of fat and blood components, which are high quality nutrients – just not nutrients provided by the bone itself.

There is also cartilage attached to raw bones.

Cartilage also isn’t bone.

It is connective tissue composed of about 50 percent collagen and mucopolysaccharides (chains of glucose molecules combined with mucous).

Collagen is fibrous connective tissue that is poorly digested by pets.

According to Miller’s Anatomy Of The Dog, 2nd Editioni:
“Bone is about one third organic and two thirds inorganic material. The inorganic matrix of bone has a microcrystalline structure composed principally of calcium phosphate.”
So bone is composed primarily of calcium phosphate. Calcium and phosphorus ratios and total amounts in a pet’s diet are important. This is especially true for large breed puppies with unique nutritional requirements (0.8 percent calcium and 0.67 percent phosphorus is considered the ideal ratio for these pups).

The ideal total amount of calcium in dog food is 1.0 to 1.8 percent of the dry weight of the food. Many inexpensive, poor quality dog foods contain higher amounts of calcium – sometimes twice the recommended percentage. This is because large quantities of ground bone wind up in meat, poultry and fish meal pet food ingredients. Any pet food with “meat and bone meal” at or near the top of the ingredient list probably has an excessive amount of calcium, which can be detrimental for growing animals.

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The Myth of the Alpha Dog

By Dr. Becker
>Most behavior problems in dogs involve either normal canine behaviors owners don’t like or understand, or undesirable behaviors rooted in anxiety.

In order to improve any type of dog behavior issue, the steps must always include:

    • Learning what ‘normal’ means in the canine world
    • Identifying and minimizing risks associated with the behavior
    • Effectively communicating with the dog
    • Learning to read the dog’s signals
    • Meeting the dog’s needs

Unfortunately dog trainers, veterinarians and other canine experts have been conditioned over the years to believe ‘bad’ behavior is driven by a dog’s desire to be dominant over his humans.

So owners receive the message that exerting control over their dog – showing him who’s ‘boss’ – is the key to improving behavior.

This is an anthropocentric focus on the relationship between people and dogs which considers only the needs of the human.

The Merriam-Webster definition of anthropocentrici:

  1. considering human beings as the most significant entity of the universe
  2. interpreting or regarding the world in terms of human values and experiences

According to Dr. Karen Overall of the University of Pennsylvania, an Applied Animal Behaviorist,
“The entire concept of dominance as applied to pet dogs is almost always based on a profound misunderstanding of the shared history of dogs and humans.”

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PhantomHD – Kitten in Slow Motion

Uploaded by on Jan 11, 2011

Check out our newest video:
We would like to present you, a relaxing video of an adorable little kitten playing in the garden. It’s filmed entirely on the Phantom HD with framerates ranging from 400 to 800 frames per second.
A gallery of the kitten is available @ http://www.phantomhd.eu/m/zdjecia/6/?photo=23&page=
Footage shot by: Michael Szymczak
Editing: Arek Arciszewski
Music “Serengetti Bliss” composer Papa J, publisher: Extreme Music / SM Publishing Poland


Positivity Mind and Body

The Quest! Marianne Williamson Deepak Chopra Stephen Covey Thomas Moore



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Poor Sleep in Elderly Increases Mental And Physical Risks

By Mamta Singh

New research has come in from the University of Rochester Medical Center suggesting that older adults who sleep poorly are at an increased risk of developing poor physical and psychological outcomes. This is due to their altered immune system response, which has resulted from the poor sleep pattern.

A particular marker of inflammation associated with poor health and even death, interleukin 6 was found significantly higher in poor sleepers compared to the good sleepers.

Interleukin 6 is a protein found in our blood secreted by T cells which are a type of immune cells that stimulate immune response, inflammation being one such response.

According to assistant professor of Psychiatry at the Medical Center, Kathi L. Heffner, Ph.D, “This study offers more evidence that better sleep not only can improve overall well-being but also may help prevent poor physiological and psychological outcomes associated with inflammation. Our study suggests that, for healthy people, it all comes down to sleep and what poor sleep may be doing to our physiological stress response, our fight or flight response.”

The research that was funded by a grant from the National Institutes of Aging and published in American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry clearly suggested that though there were other factors of immune dysfunction such as depression, loneliness and perceived stress, it was poor sleep alone that caused a heightened inflammatory response to acute stress.

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Close Laundry Detergent Right After Use, Expert Says

Apr. 21, 2012 8:50PM PDT

SATURDAY, April 21 (HealthDay News) — A new survey finds that most Americans remember to seal laundry detergent containers immediately after use, an important part of safe laundry practices.

Only 12 percent of people sometimes, rarely or never seal laundry detergent containers after each use, according to the American Cleaning Institute poll.

Laundry detergents contain chemicals that can be poisonous if accidentally ingested by a child or pet, experts say.

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Most of us like to think we know the basics of kitchen cleanliness, whether it’s how to handle raw chicken or that veggies should be thoroughly washed before eating. But restaurant kitchens are held to much more exacting standards than most of us ever impose on ourselves.

We decided to see what we could all learn, so we sent a kitchen-cleanliness expert, Mark Nealon, to scrutinize the kitchens of two Prevention

families as they prepared dinner on a busy weeknight. A f rmer New York City restaurant inspector, Nealon now helps restaurants institute the very best food-safety practices to avoid being slapped with health-code violations. These two moms, both of whom consider themselves quite safety conscious, were shocked, as you’ll be, to discover where their kitchen habits fell short.

10 Worst Germ Hot Spots

Case Study #1: Stacey Glick and Jeremy Zirin, Haworth, NJ

Food preparation is often a hectic family affair for Stacey, 40, a literary agent; her husband, Jeremy Zirin, 42, an equity strategist; and their daughters, Samantha, 7; Alea, 5; and identical twins Chelsea and Talia, 3. All six of them crowd into the kitchen to help out. Under Nealon’s watchful eye, Stacey and her family put together a quick pizza, using premade crust from the supermarket, and a salad.

Stacey says she tries to avoid obvious food safety mistakes, such as letting her kids share eating utensils. But she adds: “I don’t have time to sanitize everything, and I know I’m probably overlooking some dangers.” Her biggest worry: the state of her two jam-packed refrigerators. (She keeps one in a nearby closet to accommodate all the food she buys.) “I know I overbuy food, and things get forgotten until they’re moldy. Then I worry about bacteria from spoiled food contaminating the other food we’ll be eating.”


Holistic Health

Rose Hip

What You Need to Know About Rose Hip

By , About.com Guide

Rose hip is the fruit that develops from the blossoms of the wild rose plant. A common ingredient in herbal teas, rose hip is also available in supplement and powdered form. Rose hip contains a number of antioxidants, including vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene and lycopene.

Uses for Rose Hip

Rose hip is touted as a natural remedy for a variety of health problems, including:

In addition, rose hip is purported to strengthen the immune system, stimulate circulation, reduce inflammation and help prevent heart disease.

Benefits of Rose Hip

Although research on the health effects of rose hip is fairly limited, there’s some evidence that rose hip may offer certain benefits. Here’s a look at several key study findings:

1) Rose Hip and Arthritis

A number of studies suggest that rose hip may help treat osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

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Natural Treatments for Panic Attacks

By , About.com Guide

Natural treatments for panic attacks are sometimes recommended to people with panic disorder, a form of anxiety that affects about six million American adults. Marked by sudden feelings of intense fear, panic attacks typically cause symptoms like rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, sweating, and nausea. When treated with the help of a mental health professional, panic disorder tends to improve. But while some mind-body approaches show promise in treatment of panic disorder, very few studies have tested the use of natural treatments for panic attacks.

Research on Natural Treatments for Panic Attacks

Although natural treatments like passionflower, kava, and St. John’s wort are said to stop panic attacks, there is limited evidence for their effectiveness in treatment of panic disorder. Here’s a look at the available findings on other complementary treatments for panic attacks:

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Pet Health

Respiratory Tract Infection in Birds

Avian Aspergillosis

Airway and respiratory tract diseases are very common in pet birds. One such disease commonly is Aspergillosis, which is a fungal infection of the bird’s respiratory tract.

Symptoms and Types

The symptoms of the disease are dependent on the form of the infection. For birds, the fungal spores lodge in the air sacs of the lungs. But, it can also involve the bronchi, trachea, and syrinx (voice box) of the bird. If not treated quickly, Aspergillus can even spread to other organs. There are two forms of Apergillosis disease found in birds.

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Bird Care 101

Caring for Your Bird

There’s more to getting a bird than simply buying a cage (although more on that below). Birds are delicate and complex creatures that need lots of loving care and attention to be happy and healthy. So don’t be fooled, playing them Sesame Street to see their friend, Big Bird, or the film the Bird Cage doesn’t count for much.

Like with any pet, research the breed before bringing it home. This way there’ll be no surprises. Important things to pay attention to: genetic health risks, size, and the breed’s personality traits. Some birds, for example, require much more care than others, even special foods. Then, once you find a breed that fits your lifestyle and personality, you can move on to the nitty-gritty.

Now I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings

Don’t worry about designing a fanciful fun house for the bird. Your bird isn’t going to care about pretty bars and ornate details. It will, however, care about room to move.

Obviously the size of the bird dictates the size of the cage, but it’s essential the bird have enough room to spread both of its wings and move about freely. The wider, the better. The perch, meanwhile, should be at a height that suits your particular bird, preferably at a level where the bird can climb and settle on top of without too much effort. Don’t overdo the amount of perches, though. Too many perches may hinder the bird’s ability to move.

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Positivity Mind and Body

Deepak Chopra – The Happiness Prescription

Published on Mar 13, 2012 by

Deepak takes us on an inspirational journey beginning with the Buddha’s Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path to Enlightenment. The result is a prescription for living life mindfully, joyfully, and with effortless spontaneity — a prescription that only Deepak Chopra could offer us.



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Stealth GMOs Rapidly Consuming Global Food Supply


Anthony Gucciardi



Obviously there is no room for GMOs in truly healthy food products, which is why it is truly vital that you understand the nature of GMOs and how they are oftentimes hidden in commercial food products. It may very well shock you to know just how prevalent GMOs are within the food supply. It’s truly amazing that modified products continue to go unlabeled despite being linked to organ damage — among a barrage of other conditions — in a prominent review of 19 studies.

In fact, nearly 93-95% of US soybeans are genetically modified in order to resist powerful weed-killers that were found to be killing the actual soybeans as well as the weeds. Following current trends, genetically modified food products will makeup the majority of the future food supply if a change is not made. For now, that change has been shot down by the FDA — the very organization tasked to defend public health. Just recently, the agency deleted around 1 million signatures from the GMO labeling campaign ‘Just Label It.’

This move means that consumers will continue to stay in the dark about whether or not what they’re eating is compromised of genetically modified ingredients. And it’s not just corn and soybeans, other commonly modified food staples include:

Sweet corn
Hawaiian Papaya


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Tobacco Industry Forced to List Ingredients Used in Their Products


Mike Barrett


….There are over 4,000 individual compounds identified in tobacco and tobacco smoke, with at least 60 of them being known carcinogens. How would you feel after finding out that with every cigarette comes a dose of insecticide, car exhaust, gas chamber poison, ant poison, floor cleaner, mothballs, and nuclear weapon material? The fact is, there are hundreds of chemicals in tobacco products (and cigarettes especially) that people don’t even know about.

Insecticide – nicotine
Car exhaust – carbon monoxide
Gas chamber poison – hydrogen cyanide
Ant poison – ammonia
Mothballs – naphthalene
Nuclear power – radioactive compounds


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Holistic Health


Natural help for the relief of hepatitis C


By Marsha Anderson,


(NaturalNews) There are approximately 180 million people worldwide that are infected with hepatitis C. Of those with access to conventional treatment approximately 20 to 50 percent do not respond to therapy. The likelihood of responding to treatment is largely determined by the genotype of the virus. Genotype 1 is the most common in the United States and it is also one of the most difficult to treat. The current standard of care for treatment of hepatitis C is interferon injections combined with…


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A common vegetable cures skin cancer


By Paul Fassa,


(NaturalNews) When it comes to skin cancer, Big Pharma offers only topical chemo creams and surgery. The chemo creams often don’t work but often do cause ugly, painful side effects. Removing skin cancer tumors surgically usually results with tumors resurfacing sooner or later. Surgeries often leave ugly scars. However, there are inexpensive, effective, safe cures for curing skin cancer that are banned by the mainstream medical monopoly, which are not publicized by the mainstream media. A relatively…


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Blueberry superpower


By Dr. David Jockers,


(NaturalNews) Foods that have an incredible array of health benefits that go well beyond just their nutrient value are considered Superfoods. These foods are typically loaded with a combination of critical fatty acids, anti-oxidant phytonutrients and essential amino acids. Blueberries contain an extraordinary amount of unique phytonutrients and impressive anti-oxidant scores that make them a superfood. Blueberries are a native plant to North America. They grow in shrubs that can be anywhere from…


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Pet Health


Bad Breath (Chronic) in Dogs

Halitosis in Dogs


Halitosis is the medical term used to describe an offensive odor that comes from the mouth, producing bad breath. A number of causes may be responsible for this condition, notably periodontal disease, a disease resulting from bacteria in the mouth. Bacteria is also associated with plaque and cavities.

Small animal breeds and brachycephalic breeds (characterized by their short-nosed, flat-faced features; e.g., the Pug, Boston Terrier, Pekingese) are the most prone to periodontal and other mouth diseases, in large part because their teeth are close together.

Symptoms and Types

In most cases, there are no other symptoms aside from a bad odor emanating from the mouth. If the cause of the odor is a disease of the mouth, other symptoms may become apparent, including pawing at the mouth, inability to eat (anorexia), loose teeth, and excessive drooling, which may or may not have traces of blood.


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Bow Wow Chow: The Essential Dog Food Guide


Buy dog food or make it yourself, but make it healthy. Here are some important things to add (or not add) to your dog’s diet.


These days we often hear reports about dog foods that can harm our pets. In 2007, over one hundred dog food brands — some even well known brands — were recalled due to a tainted ingredient which was imported for China, making some dogs sick and killing others. More recently, salmonella has become a concern for various dog food items.

As responsible dog owners, we need to know how to read complicated dog food labels. Or better yet, feed our dogs with a healthy, well-balanced meal made at home.

So what is a healthy, well-balanced diet for your dog?

Whether you buy canned food from stores or prepare your dog’s meals at home, you have to ensure that the following ingredients are included in your dog’s diet: protein, carbohydrates, and fiber.

The most important ingredient is protein. In the past, dogs primarily survived on a diet of meat. This ensured that they consumed large quantities of protein, essential for energy. Fortunately, your dog is not as picky as you are when it comes to the cut of meat or the part of the body the cut comes from. In fact, it is the cuts of meat that we are least likely to eat that are best for dogs and therefore, they cost much less at your local butcher or grocery store. Ask for green tripe (the lining of a cow’s stomach), liver, heart, kidneys; all of these parts are high in concentrated nutrients and form an important piece of your dog’s lifetime development. Eggs and legumes are other sources of protein easily found at the store.

While it is not needed in as large of a quantity as protein, carbohydrate is another ingredient that is essential to a dog’s well-being. It is found in high concentrations in cereal grains such as rice, wheat, corn, barley and oats. Carbohydrates can be used in small amounts as fillers, or added in the form of green leafy vegetables like spinach, kale, celery, and broccoli, to name a few. Carrots are also beneficial. Along with being a great source of carbohydrates and fiber, they also contain vitamin A and Beta-carotene, which is good for eyesight. Fibers assist in moving waste through the digestive track, improving intestinal health. Easily digestible, or soluble, carbohydrates are excellent sources of fiber. This category is mainly comprised of fruits that are part of your diet, such as apples, pears, and oranges (but ask your vet which fruit are okay for your dog; some fruits are poisonous for dogs).


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Positivity Mind and Body


Deepak Chopra – Way of the Wizard


Uploaded by 00niro00 on Apr 24, 2011

A wizard exists in all of us. This wizard sees and knows everything.

The wizard is beyond opposites of light and dark, good and evil, pleasure and pain.

Everything the wizard sees has its roots in the unseen world.

Nature reflects the mood of the wizard.

The body and the mind may sleep, but the wizard is always awake.

The wizard possesses the secret of immortality.

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Articles of Interest


We Are EMR Guinea Pigs


Uploaded by minivanjack

A global “Smart Grid” program is being implemented which is blasting homes and businesses with more electromagnetic radiation than human beings have ever been subject to in human history. It is utterly preposterous to assume this will not lead to major human epidemics.

We must now face the very serious problem that the institutions, government, corporations and foundations, that are supposed to be serving our interests are deliberately violating, exploiting, endangering and assaulting us.

This video exposes electromagnetic radiation (EMR) as a major danger and violation to all current and future generations.

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The hidden (sick) agenda behind chemtrails


By Jonathan Landsman,


(NaturalNews) We, the people, are under attack by a small group of mad scientists, out-of-control government agencies and profit-seeking billionaires pretending to “save the earth” from global warming. These “global control-freaks” want to manipulate weather patterns – in order to dominate the Earth’s resources. In reality, military programs like HAARP and chemtrails which over-heat the atmosphere and poison the sky (and farmland) seriously threaten all life on this planet. (keep reading -with an…


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Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, David Wilcock, David Icke, Michael Talbot, Gregg Braden,David Lynch, James Traitz, Robert Anton Wilson, Neil Kramer, Grant Morrison, Bill Hicks