Tag Archive: protein

Tess Pennington
Ready Nutrition

Being well-nourished during a disaster can mean the difference between powering through the event with strength, stamina and energy or plodding through the situation barely able to put one foot in front of the other.

One often overlooked component of the prepper’s pantry is protein.  This vital nutrient:

  • Helps with the repair and building of muscle tissue
  • Helps the body heal from injuries
  • Provides long-lasting stamina
  • Helps boost the immune system

Protein is stored throughout the body. It can be found in muscles, bones, hemoglobin, myoglobin, hormones, antibodies, and enzymes. In fact, protein makes up nearly 45% of the human body. Without a steady supply, body functions will cease to operate effectively.

Protein is often thought of as one of the more challenging items to stockpile for an extended period of time. Most people think of a freezer full of juicy steaks and roasts when they contemplate protein. They feel that the next resort is tins of highly processed meat pieces.  The good news is, there are many ways to add muscle-building nutrients to your long term food storage without resorting to a sodium laden closet full of Spam.

To see a breakdown of protein amounts in food sources, click here.

Although pantry basics such as dry non-fat milk powder and powdered cheeses offer protein for the diet, there are other food sources to consider. Here are the top 5 healthy (and tasty) protein sources to add to your stockpile:


Beans are more than just a vegetarian staple.  While beans can stand on their own as a delicious protein source, adding beans to a dish that contains meat can stretch your budget by providing lots of protein while using less meat.

Due to their high fiber content, beans prevent blood sugar levels from rising too rapidly after a meal, making this food source an excellent choice for individuals with diabetes, insulin resistance or hypoglycemia. Having a high fiber food source also helps to slow the rate of absorption of carbohydrate thus making it a more energy efficient food source.

Dried beans provide the most bang for your food storage buck. They are one of the most low cost food sources on the market. The canned variety will prove to be more fuel efficient. Canned beans can often be purchased on sale. Plain canned beans and beans in barbecue sauce can provide instant nutrition in the event of a power outage.  If you don’t want to eat beans that have been processed, it’s easy to can your own.  Click here for directions on preserving homemade pork and beans.

Store dried beans in Mylar bags with oxygen absorbers, then placed the sealed bags inside large plastic food grade buckets for added protection.  Click here for details.

Chia Seeds

The Chia seed is a tiny little powerhouse that can add a lot of benefits to your long-term food storage while only taking up a small amount of space. The word “Chia” is actually the Mayan word for strength. In ancient cultures, they are considered the food of the warrior because of their nutrient density and ability to sustain running messengers for long durations without other food.

Chia seeds have double the amount of protein found in other seeds, as well as many other nutritional benefits.

  • 2x the protein of other seeds
  • 5x the calcium of milk
  • 2x the potassium of bananas
  • 3x the antioxidants of blueberries
  • 3x the iron of spinach

Chia seeds can be sprinkled dry on top of other foods, they can be sprouted or they can be soaked to create a tasteless gel to stir into soups or sauces.

Chia seeds can be stored for 2-4 years in a cool, dry place. They can be stored in large glass jars or Mylar bags.

Click here to learn more about the nutritional value and uses of Chia seeds.

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  • U.S. researchers have identified a a molecule, known as TIC10, which activates protein that helps fight disease
  • The protein, called TRAIL, helps immune system suppress tumour development
  • Because protein is part of immune system, it is not toxic to the body like chemotherapy or radiotherapy

By Anna Hodgekiss

PUBLISHED: 10:42 EST, 8 February 2013 | UPDATED: 10:47 EST, 8 February 2013


Scientists have made a key breakthrough in discovering how the body can destroy cancerous tumours itself.

Researchers from Pennsylvania State University have identified a molecule, known as TIC10, which activates a protein that helps fight the disease.

The protein, called TRAIL, suppresses tumour development during immune surveillance, the immune system’s process of patrolling the body for cancer cells.

A key benefit of using TRAIL is that it uses the immune system, so it is not toxic to the body like chemotherapy or radiotherapy (pictured)A key benefit of using TRAIL is that it uses the immune system, so it is not toxic to the body like chemotherapy or radiotherapy (pictured)

This process is lost during cancer progression, which leads to uncontrolled growth and spread of tumours.

The key benefit of using TRAIL (tumour-necrosis-factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand) as a way to fight cancer is that it is already part of the immune system so it is not toxic to the body like chemotherapy or radiotherapy.

Furthermore, the small size of TIC10 also makes it more effective than past discoveries because it can cross the blood-brain barrier, which separates the main circulatory system from the brain.

This barrier can prevent cancer treatments from entering the brain, thereby hindering the action of drugs for brain tumours.

‘We didn’t actually anticipate that this molecule would be able to treat brain tumours – that was a pleasant surprise,’ said lead researcher Wafik El-Deiry, an oncologist at Pennsylvania State University.
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by Staff Writers
Sydney (AFP)

An Australian scientist said Wednesday he had discovered a way to turn the HIV virus against itself in human cells in the laboratory, in an important advance in the quest for an AIDS cure.

David Harrich from the Queensland Institute of Medical Research said he modified a protein in HIV that normally helps the virus spread, into a “potent” inhibitor.

The protein was introduced to immune cells targeted by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), where it slowed the reproduction of the virus after infection.

The experiments were conducted in a lab dish, and thorough testing on lab animals is needed before any human trials can begin.

“I have never seen anything like it. The modified protein works every time,” said Harrich.

Harrich’s team, whose study is published in the journal Human Gene Therapy, said the modified protein dubbed Nullbasic inhibited virus replication about eight- to ten-fold in some cells.

“If this research continues down its strong path, and bear in mind there are many hurdles to clear, we’re looking at a cure for AIDS,” the researcher said.

Commenting on the study, Frank Wegmann, an Oxford University HIV vaccine researcher, told AFP a Nullbasic-based drug was “quite far from application”.

Creating a drug would be challenging, he said, as it would require introducing “designed” information into the genes of people to be treated.

“The immune cells of the blood are the primary cells which are infected by HIV and if you want to have a cure with this new protein, you need to… get every immune cell to make this protein,” he explained.


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Health And Wellness Report

Holistic Health  :   Natural Health  /   Nutrition

Research uncovers whole foods method of defending against protein loss from a hard workout

by: Raw Michelle

(NaturalNews) There is a widespread perception that since it is muscle that is being challenged during a workout, and muscle is made of protein, protein is what muscle needs to repair and protect itself. A recent research study investigated the efficacy of green leaf vegetables as a buffer against the damage, replacing the traditionally relied on protein shakes with salads.

Not everything about exercise is good for you

Earlier studies have widely documented the deleterious effects that aerobic exercise has on the body. Because of the increase in blood circulation, individuals will also experience (and need) increased oxygen flow to the tissues as well. Oxidization is an unavoidable consequence of this process, and has been demonstrated to cause mutations in mitochondrial DNA and erasures of important information in adult muscle cells. Oxidization is the key process in the barrier of complete cell renewal, and leads to signs of aging, and weakened defenses against disease.

An innocent looking arsenal

Watercress is the antithesis of what would intuitively be reached for after a workout. In contradiction to the “You are what you eat” philosophy, watercress floats, is hollow, and like all plant life, is largely composed of water- quite the opposite of the effect most exercisers are aiming for. Generally, protein is supplemented before or after a workout to replace and reinforce the depleted muscle. Researchers are proposing that the problem be addressed in a more preventative manner. Instead of mediating the destruction by preparing reinforcements, they advise anticipating and preventing the loss altogether.

The conductor’s favorite meal is a stocked pantry

In addition to the standard nutrients of dark green leaves, vitamins A, C, and folic acid, watercress is well-stocked with iron and calcium. It also contains surprisingly high levels of iodine, which serve to improve hormone regulation via its impact on the thyroid. Perhaps a clue to watercress’ ability to help muscle recovery, the thyroid controls the metabolism and the amount of protein being released into the blood, and orchestrates the functioning of several other organs by these mechanisms. It controls how and when nutrients are rerouted to distressed muscle tissue, effectively making the body more immediately aware of the need.

The third line of defense

The plant also stocks a chemical called phenethyl isothiocyanate, which has been shown to cause apoptosis in cancer cells. Apoptosis, or ‘programmed cells cell death’, is a kind of biological self destruct feature that organisms use to protect themselves against cells in their army that go rogue. Demonstrating this ability, consuming watercress shows a strong correlation with growth inhibition in breast and cervical cancers.

Sources for this article include:




About the author:
Raw Michelle is a natural health blogger and researcher, sharing her passions with others, using the Internet as her medium. She discusses topics in a straight forward way in hopes to help people from all walks of life achieve optimal health and well-being. She has authored and published hundreds of articles on topics such as the raw food diet and green living in general. In 2010, Michelle created RawFoodHealthWatch.com, to share with people her approach to the raw food diet and detoxification.



Stealth GMOs Rapidly Consuming Global Food Supply


Anthony Gucciardi



Obviously there is no room for GMOs in truly healthy food products, which is why it is truly vital that you understand the nature of GMOs and how they are oftentimes hidden in commercial food products. It may very well shock you to know just how prevalent GMOs are within the food supply. It’s truly amazing that modified products continue to go unlabeled despite being linked to organ damage — among a barrage of other conditions — in a prominent review of 19 studies.

In fact, nearly 93-95% of US soybeans are genetically modified in order to resist powerful weed-killers that were found to be killing the actual soybeans as well as the weeds. Following current trends, genetically modified food products will makeup the majority of the future food supply if a change is not made. For now, that change has been shot down by the FDA — the very organization tasked to defend public health. Just recently, the agency deleted around 1 million signatures from the GMO labeling campaign ‘Just Label It.’

This move means that consumers will continue to stay in the dark about whether or not what they’re eating is compromised of genetically modified ingredients. And it’s not just corn and soybeans, other commonly modified food staples include:

Sweet corn
Hawaiian Papaya


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Tobacco Industry Forced to List Ingredients Used in Their Products


Mike Barrett


….There are over 4,000 individual compounds identified in tobacco and tobacco smoke, with at least 60 of them being known carcinogens. How would you feel after finding out that with every cigarette comes a dose of insecticide, car exhaust, gas chamber poison, ant poison, floor cleaner, mothballs, and nuclear weapon material? The fact is, there are hundreds of chemicals in tobacco products (and cigarettes especially) that people don’t even know about.

Insecticide – nicotine
Car exhaust – carbon monoxide
Gas chamber poison – hydrogen cyanide
Ant poison – ammonia
Mothballs – naphthalene
Nuclear power – radioactive compounds


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Holistic Health


Natural help for the relief of hepatitis C


By Marsha Anderson,


(NaturalNews) There are approximately 180 million people worldwide that are infected with hepatitis C. Of those with access to conventional treatment approximately 20 to 50 percent do not respond to therapy. The likelihood of responding to treatment is largely determined by the genotype of the virus. Genotype 1 is the most common in the United States and it is also one of the most difficult to treat. The current standard of care for treatment of hepatitis C is interferon injections combined with…


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A common vegetable cures skin cancer


By Paul Fassa,


(NaturalNews) When it comes to skin cancer, Big Pharma offers only topical chemo creams and surgery. The chemo creams often don’t work but often do cause ugly, painful side effects. Removing skin cancer tumors surgically usually results with tumors resurfacing sooner or later. Surgeries often leave ugly scars. However, there are inexpensive, effective, safe cures for curing skin cancer that are banned by the mainstream medical monopoly, which are not publicized by the mainstream media. A relatively…


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Blueberry superpower


By Dr. David Jockers,


(NaturalNews) Foods that have an incredible array of health benefits that go well beyond just their nutrient value are considered Superfoods. These foods are typically loaded with a combination of critical fatty acids, anti-oxidant phytonutrients and essential amino acids. Blueberries contain an extraordinary amount of unique phytonutrients and impressive anti-oxidant scores that make them a superfood. Blueberries are a native plant to North America. They grow in shrubs that can be anywhere from…


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Pet Health


Bad Breath (Chronic) in Dogs

Halitosis in Dogs


Halitosis is the medical term used to describe an offensive odor that comes from the mouth, producing bad breath. A number of causes may be responsible for this condition, notably periodontal disease, a disease resulting from bacteria in the mouth. Bacteria is also associated with plaque and cavities.

Small animal breeds and brachycephalic breeds (characterized by their short-nosed, flat-faced features; e.g., the Pug, Boston Terrier, Pekingese) are the most prone to periodontal and other mouth diseases, in large part because their teeth are close together.

Symptoms and Types

In most cases, there are no other symptoms aside from a bad odor emanating from the mouth. If the cause of the odor is a disease of the mouth, other symptoms may become apparent, including pawing at the mouth, inability to eat (anorexia), loose teeth, and excessive drooling, which may or may not have traces of blood.


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Bow Wow Chow: The Essential Dog Food Guide


Buy dog food or make it yourself, but make it healthy. Here are some important things to add (or not add) to your dog’s diet.


These days we often hear reports about dog foods that can harm our pets. In 2007, over one hundred dog food brands — some even well known brands — were recalled due to a tainted ingredient which was imported for China, making some dogs sick and killing others. More recently, salmonella has become a concern for various dog food items.

As responsible dog owners, we need to know how to read complicated dog food labels. Or better yet, feed our dogs with a healthy, well-balanced meal made at home.

So what is a healthy, well-balanced diet for your dog?

Whether you buy canned food from stores or prepare your dog’s meals at home, you have to ensure that the following ingredients are included in your dog’s diet: protein, carbohydrates, and fiber.

The most important ingredient is protein. In the past, dogs primarily survived on a diet of meat. This ensured that they consumed large quantities of protein, essential for energy. Fortunately, your dog is not as picky as you are when it comes to the cut of meat or the part of the body the cut comes from. In fact, it is the cuts of meat that we are least likely to eat that are best for dogs and therefore, they cost much less at your local butcher or grocery store. Ask for green tripe (the lining of a cow’s stomach), liver, heart, kidneys; all of these parts are high in concentrated nutrients and form an important piece of your dog’s lifetime development. Eggs and legumes are other sources of protein easily found at the store.

While it is not needed in as large of a quantity as protein, carbohydrate is another ingredient that is essential to a dog’s well-being. It is found in high concentrations in cereal grains such as rice, wheat, corn, barley and oats. Carbohydrates can be used in small amounts as fillers, or added in the form of green leafy vegetables like spinach, kale, celery, and broccoli, to name a few. Carrots are also beneficial. Along with being a great source of carbohydrates and fiber, they also contain vitamin A and Beta-carotene, which is good for eyesight. Fibers assist in moving waste through the digestive track, improving intestinal health. Easily digestible, or soluble, carbohydrates are excellent sources of fiber. This category is mainly comprised of fruits that are part of your diet, such as apples, pears, and oranges (but ask your vet which fruit are okay for your dog; some fruits are poisonous for dogs).


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Positivity Mind and Body


Deepak Chopra – Way of the Wizard


Uploaded by 00niro00 on Apr 24, 2011

A wizard exists in all of us. This wizard sees and knows everything.

The wizard is beyond opposites of light and dark, good and evil, pleasure and pain.

Everything the wizard sees has its roots in the unseen world.

Nature reflects the mood of the wizard.

The body and the mind may sleep, but the wizard is always awake.

The wizard possesses the secret of immortality.

destruit productions





Articles of Interest


We Are EMR Guinea Pigs


Uploaded by minivanjack

A global “Smart Grid” program is being implemented which is blasting homes and businesses with more electromagnetic radiation than human beings have ever been subject to in human history. It is utterly preposterous to assume this will not lead to major human epidemics.

We must now face the very serious problem that the institutions, government, corporations and foundations, that are supposed to be serving our interests are deliberately violating, exploiting, endangering and assaulting us.

This video exposes electromagnetic radiation (EMR) as a major danger and violation to all current and future generations.

Sponsored by FreedomTaker (d’o’t’c’o’m)




The hidden (sick) agenda behind chemtrails


By Jonathan Landsman,


(NaturalNews) We, the people, are under attack by a small group of mad scientists, out-of-control government agencies and profit-seeking billionaires pretending to “save the earth” from global warming. These “global control-freaks” want to manipulate weather patterns – in order to dominate the Earth’s resources. In reality, military programs like HAARP and chemtrails which over-heat the atmosphere and poison the sky (and farmland) seriously threaten all life on this planet. (keep reading -with an…


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