Tag Archive: Meteor




EMSC Central Turkey
Apr 03 05:48 AM
2.4 20.0 MAP

USGS Guerrero, Mexico
Apr 03 05:35 AM
4.7 42.8 MAP

EMSC Guerrero, Mexico
Apr 03 05:35 AM
4.8 40.0 MAP

GEOFON Near Coast Of Guerrero, Mexico
Apr 03 05:35 AM
4.6 10.0 MAP

EMSC Eastern Turkey
Apr 03 04:39 AM
2.9 8.0 MAP

EMSC Eastern Turkey
Apr 03 04:34 AM
3.0 2.0 MAP

EMSC Mindanao, Philippines
Apr 03 04:25 AM
5.1 80.0 MAP

USGS Mindanao, Philippines
Apr 03 04:25 AM
5.0 79.2 MAP

GEOFON Mindanao, Philippines
Apr 03 04:25 AM
5.1 10.0 MAP

EMSC Southern Iran
Apr 03 04:19 AM
3.5 26.0 MAP

EMSC France
Apr 03 03:39 AM
2.9 5.0 MAP

EMSC Eastern Turkey
Apr 03 03:20 AM
2.6 2.0 MAP

EMSC Near S. Coast Of Honshu, Japan
Apr 03 03:12 AM
4.9 92.0 MAP

USGS Near The South Coast Of Honshu, Japan
Apr 03 03:12 AM
4.9 88.9 MAP

USGS Near The Coast Of Northern Peru
Apr 03 03:08 AM
5.4 74.5 MAP

EMSC Near Coast Of Northern Peru
Apr 03 03:08 AM
5.3 60.0 MAP

GEOFON Near Coast Of Northern Peru
Apr 03 03:08 AM
5.1 10.0 MAP

EMSC Switzerland
Apr 03 02:45 AM
2.5 5.0 MAP

GEOFON Eastern New Guinea Reg., P.n.g.
Apr 03 02:39 AM
5.0 10.0 MAP

USGS Northern California
Apr 03 02:38 AM
2.8 21.0 MAP

EMSC Dodecanese Islands, Greece
Apr 03 02:18 AM
3.0 5.0 MAP

GEOFON Off Coast Of Central Chile
Apr 03 02:11 AM
5.1 52.0 MAP

USGS Offshore Valparaiso, Chile
Apr 03 02:11 AM
5.1 8.3 MAP

EMSC Offshore Valparaiso, Chile
Apr 03 02:11 AM
5.1 15.0 MAP

USGS Puerto Rico
Apr 03 02:03 AM
2.7 7.0 MAP

EMSC Eastern Turkey
Apr 03 01:35 AM
3.1 17.0 MAP

USGS Central Alaska
Apr 03 01:14 AM
2.9 132.1 MAP

USGS Southern Alaska
Apr 03 01:13 AM
2.6 87.0 MAP

USGS Puerto Rico Region
Apr 03 00:35 AM
2.7 5.7 MAP

EMSC Eastern Turkey
Apr 03 00:06 AM
2.6 5.0 MAP



Mexico City (CNN)

A powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.3 struck southern Mexico on Monday, the U.S. Geological Survey said.


The quake’s epicenter was about 17 miles (27 kilometers) from Ometepec, Guerrero. It was about 7.6 miles (12 kilometers) deep, the USGS said.

There were no immediate reports of damage or injuries.

Officials described the quake as an aftershock of the 7.4-magnitude temblor which struck in the same area on March 20, damaging hundreds of homes.


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Volcanic Activity


Central Colombia

authorities closed the national “Los Nevados” park Sunday after an increase in seismic activity of the Nevado del Ruiz volcano.


Meteorological authorities raised the alert level to orange in 17 municipalities in Tolima and Caldas departments while visitors are prohibited to enter the park in an area in four departments.

The measures came at the beginning of teh holy week in which usually some 20,000 tourists visit the nature reserve.

An orange alert does not mean that an eruption is imminent.


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Evacuation of smallest Canary Island begins after earthquake ‘swarm’ sparks fears of volcanic eruption


A holiday island popular with Britons is preparing for a mass evacuation because of a possible volcanic eruption.

Experts have recorded 150 tremors on El Hierro, the smallest of the Canary Islands, since yesterday – raising fears of an imminent eruption.

Last night 53 people were ordered out of their homes over fears of landslides and the army has been called in to prepare for a possible evacuation.

Schools on the tiny island, home to 10,000 people, have been closed and a tunnel linking the two main towns – Frontera and Valverde – has been shut.

Volcano expert Juan Carlos Carrecedo said: ‘There is a ball of magma rising to the surface producing a series of ruptures which generate seismic activity.

‘We don’t know if that ball of magma will break through the crust and cause an eruption.’

But he warned an eruption was possible ‘in days, weeks or months’.

The last volcanic eruption in the Canary Islands took place on the island of La Palma in 1971.


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Storms, Flooding




People in flood-ravaged Fiji have begun returning home after spending several days in evacuation centers. At least four people have died in some of the worst flooding the country has seen in decades. Officials in Fiji say locals are likely to be spared a further heavy downpour, with Cyclone Daphne, which formed on Monday afternoon, expected to pass the island. Tafazul Gani, a correspondent for a Fijian magazine, says many of the island’s residents are struggling to cope. “A lot of people are thinking ‘what do we do next? How do we cope?’ And having two floods in a matter of a couple of days, a lot of people they don’t have basically anything,” he said. Mr Gani is in one of the worst affected areas of Nadi. He says flood damage there is extensive. “Basically, if you look at the town, the town is totally decimated. It actually looks like a warzone,” he said. “There is not a single shop in the town which has not been affected. Some shops actually have nothing left, everything that was in the shop, the counter, the merchandise, everything got washed away.” But floodwaters have now begun to drop and the clean-up has started. Tourist flights into Nadi have resumed but power is still cut off in many areas. Fiji government spokeswoman Sharon Johns says the extent of damage is still being assessed. “It’s quite extensive. In Nadi town, shops in Nadi town, the floodwaters went right through that,’ she said. Over the past few days about 8,000 people sought refuge in evacuation centers. “They’re being well looked after that, rations are getting to them. We’re …organizing water sterilizers for the children especially. So evacuation centres we would expect that to decrease slowly over the coming days.” Tourist flights into Fiji were stopped last night but most airlines have resumed all services. Australia has offered $1 million in aid to Fiji for water sanitation, blankets and other supplies.

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Solar Activity

2MIN News Apr2: Disaster Report, Solar/GeoPhysical Update




Solar System


Tarek Niazi on Surrounded by Idiots


Uploaded by sunskymysteries on Feb 7, 2012


Tarek is the author of More Than 60 Minutes: When Earth Stands Still and like many other science based researchers around the world, has reached the conclusion that in fact we are seeing the approach of an extra-solar body towards the Earth.


‘Unbelievable’ meteor seen in the skies over NZ


A spectacular, bright meteor that left a long trail in the sky has stunned witnesses in Wellington and Christchurch tonight.

The WeatherWatch website has been inundated with reports of the fireball, which witnesses say rushed across the sky at about 6.30pm.

A Nelson resident described it as an “unbelievable” green, orange and white ball flying past at “super speed”, leaving behind a massive trail that lasted for nearly 10 minutes before dissipating.


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Mysterious Booms / Rumblings


Unexplained triple mystery ‘booms’ rattle houses in northern region of France


April 2, 2012 – FRANCE – A “thud” and even “three booms” were heard in the sky near Bigouden Wednesday night, March 23rd. The phenomenon remains unexplained and apparently was repeated on the night of the 24th from north to south of Finistere. There were reports also in Côtes d’Armor and Morbihan. But where do these sounds come from? “It sounded like a thud of a child stamping his feet on the wall of the neighbor,” one witness said. Testimonials are legions Bigouden. But not only. Combrit Chateauneuf-du-Faou through Briec, Quimper, Plogastel-Saint-Germain, Pont l’Abbé, Tréméoc, Cockles, Plobannalec-Lesconil or Clohars-Fouesnant, many people on Wednesday to 21h, were intrigued by the phenomenon. Some alluded that “their houses were shaken three times.’ We’re talking about “three strong rumblings” that “have rattled houses” and even awakened some. Some people, meanwhile, heard what they described as “muffled explosions” while others are convinced that this was from “an earthquake.” But neither a reported earthquake, nor aerial maneuver by aircraft can explain the mystery. Contacted, the central office Seismological French (BCSF) states that nothing abnormal registered in this area. And for its size, Chateauneuf-du-Faou Clohars-Fouesnant, the blasts and aftershocks felt “like the equivalent of a magnitude 3 earthquake in force.” In 2005, Bigoudens remember, an earthquake on the fault of south Armorican which had a magnitude 3 on the Richter scale caused the same feelings. What then of these explosions heard and felt? An air-borne cause? Regional Centre of Western navigation, it is shown have no record this kind of phenomenon. Moreover, some also said they heard a helicopter. Proceeded by “three booms” recalling it sounded like “thunder.” One thinks of an aircraft. When questioned, the communications department of the Brest Maritime Prefecture said that there was no Navy operation in the region and even less involving helicopters. An official from the Joint Staff of the area of defense and security northwest (OGZDS), said there were no operations or “supersonic flights.” Bizarre; especially considering in March of 2003, three earthquakes also hit the Bigouden and that phenomenon also remains unexplained. –Le Télégramme


The Extinction Protocol




Stories of Interest


FEMA chief says agency bracing for ‘maximum’ disaster


By Eric Berger


Recent hurricanes Ike and Katrina may rank among the three costliest storms in U.S. history, but in preparing for disasters the federal government must think bigger still, says America’s top emergency planner.

“As devastating as those two hurricanes were, they’re not as bad as it gets,” said Craig Fugate, administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

Fugate told reporters Tuesday at the National Hurricane Conference in Orlando, Fla., that his agency has been preparing for realistic worst-case scenarios – not just natural disasters, such as hurricanes and earthquakes, but terrorist attacks, as well.


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Global Disaster Watch – March 5th, 2012


Magnitude 5.1 earthquake, Off Coast Of Central America

UTC Date / Time  Mar 04 09:44AM

Depth  60 km  GEO: Longitude  -84.470

GEO  Latitude  2.630

Source  EMSC

Magnitude 5.5 earthquake, Southeast of Loyalty Islands

UTC Date / Time   Mar 04 12:49 PM

Depth 10 kmGEO: Longitude169.760GEO: Latitude-21.510


Magnitude 4.5 earthquake , Luzon,Philippines

UTC Date / Time  Mar 04 14:26 PM

Depth 152.5 km    GEO: Longitude120.625   GEO: Latitude14.254


Magnitude 5.1 earthquake, Southern Sumatra, Indonesia

UTC Date / Time   Mar 04 23:17 PM

Depth 10 km   GEO: Longitude 102.490 GEO: Latitude -4.500


Magnitude 4.5 earthquake, Southwestern, Siberia, Russia

UTC Date / Time   Mar 04 23:33 PM

Depth 14.9 km GEO: Longitude 95.983 GEO: Latitude 51.542


Magnitude 4.5 earthquake,Northern Algeria

UTC Date / Time   Mar 05 02:45 AM

Depth  10 km GEO: Longitude  0.690 GEO: Latitude 36.520

EMSCKuril Islands,

Magnitude 4.8 earthquake, Kuril Islands

UTC Date / Time Mar 05 03:33 AM

Depth123 km GEO: Longitude153.450 GEO:Latitude  46.250


Magnitude 4.8 earthquake, Southeast of Loyalty

Date / Time  Mar 05 05:14 AM

Depth 287 km GEO: Longitude 169.720

GEO: Latitude –22.130


Solar Activity

BIG SUNSPOT: A sunspot almost four times as wide as Earth itself is rotating onto the solar disk. NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded its entrance on March 2nd and 3rd; click to view a 24-hour animation:

The sunspot has a ‘beta-gamma’ magnetic field that harbors energy for strong M-class solar flares. Indeed, it has already unleashed an M3-class eruption on March 2nd that created mild waves of ionization in the atmosphere over Europe.

Earth-effects could become stronger as the sunspot turns toward our planet in the days ahead. NOAA forecasters estimate a 55% chance of additional M-class flares and a 5% chance of an X-flare during the next 24 hours. Solar flare alerts: text,phone.

more images: from Dennis Put of Brielle, The Netherlands; from Pavol Rapavy of Observatory Rimavska Sobota, Slovakia; from Maximilian Teodorescu of Bucharest, Romania; from Jim Werle of Henderson, Nevada;


Solar System

The Lunar Cataclysm



Portugal prays for rain as drought adds to crisis



Tornadoes cut violent path across U.S. leaving trail of destruction and 37 dead

Tornadoes cut violent path across U.S. leaving trail of destruction and 38 dead

Whole town ‘completely gone’ after Indiana tornado


Storms Demolish Small Towns in Indiana, Kentucky; 38 Dead


Volcanic Activity

The Tungurahua volcano increased its activity level at 18:30 on Saturday. According to the technicians of the Observatory of the Geophysical Institute, this is characterized by the explosive ejection of incandescent rocks with additional steam and ash. Moreover, the intensity of the bellows rose relative to those detected at 14:20 on the start of this new eruptive process.  Jorge Bustillos, a volcanologist, said the expulsion of the material reaches 500 meters above the crater and the vapor cloud 800. “The activity is Strombolian type, this is identified by the output of lava, steam and ash.”  Lookouts of the colossus said there was a fall of volcanic dust cam in communities Puela, Chonglontus and El Manzano, in Chimborazo. The cloudy nights have impeded direct observation of the giant crater.  Serafin Medina, a resident of Palictahua said that since the late bellows have been emitted from the volcano, activity at the volcano has increased. “We listen to what they say the technicians of the Geophysical Institute.” –El Comerico translated

Lights in the Sky

Green Object Reported in the Sky Over Newfoundland


Green Fireball Seen All Over Southeastern Canada


Fireball seen from southern Norway and Sweden


Meteor Lights up the Sky Across England


Thousands Witness Spectacular Fireball Streak Over UK (VIDEO)



Tokyo Bay Radioactive Cesium Deposits Now Over 10 Inches Deep



Asteroid 2012 DA14 heads for Earth next year


3MIN News Mar4: Earthquake Watch, M-FLARE WHILE UPLOADING!