Tag Archive: U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS)

Food Safety

FDA Issues Voluntary Plan to Limit Antibiotics in Agriculture

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is taking its biggest step yet to rein in the indiscriminate use of antibiotics that help food animals grow bigger, faster. The agency said Wednesday it is asking veterinary drug makers to voluntarily phase out medically important drugs from being available over the counter in the hope that the shift will help combat growing antimicrobial resistance.


Under FDA’s proposal, these antimicrobials will still be allowed in animal agriculture but, if veterinary drug companies agree to change the labels, farmers will be allowed to use the drugs only to prevent, control, or treat diseases and under the supervision of a veterinarian and not for promoting growth or improving feed efficiency.

The agency said it was taking the voluntary action to “preserve the effectiveness of medically important antimicrobials for treating disease in humans.”

According to the most recent estimates, around 80 percent of all antibiotics sold in the United States are given to animals. FDA said it doesn’t know what percentage is used for growth promotion or so-called production uses, which the agency is trying to limit.

The reaction in the public health, veterinary pharmaceutical and animal agriculture community was mixed, but mostly negative.

The Pew Charitable Trusts, which has been lobbying for limiting antibiotic usage in food animal production for years, gave the move a tepid thumbs up.

“This is the most sweeping action the agency has undertaken in this area, as this covers all antibiotics used in meat and poultry production that are important to human health,” said Laura Rogers, director of the Pew’s Campaign on Human Health and Industrial Farming. “There are some gaps in these measures that we will urge FDA to address and, because this is voluntary, we will have to monitor antibiotic usage and resistance rates carefully. If these measures do not bring down antibiotic use and drug-resistant bacteria, then FDA will have to take additional steps.”

The Animal Health Institute, which represents veterinary pharmaceutical companies, also said it supports the FDA’s voluntary stakeholder approach, but has reservations.

“We strongly support responsible use of antibiotic medicines and the involvement of a veterinarian whenever antibiotics are administered to food producing animals,” said AHI. “While we agree with this direction and the collaborative, stakeholder process, there are details that must be addressed to make this approach practical and workable.  We will continue to work with FDA through the comment process to address these details.”

Most consumer and pubic health groups expressed disappointment that the proposal is voluntary and seems toothless. ….

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Two More Illnesses Confirmed in Missouri E. Coli Outbreak

The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services has confirmed two more illnesses in an ongoing outbreak of E. coli O157:H7 reported from counties in central Missouri, bringing the total number of cases to seven. Raw milk has been cited as a common link among some of the illnesses, but state public health officials have not determined a definite source.


Illnesses have been reported in four counties: Boone (3 cases), Cooper (2), Howard (1) and Camden (1)…..

Outbreak Potentially Linked to Sushi Expands to 116 Cases

A multistate outbreak of Salmonella Bareilly that had previously sickened 100 has expanded to include at least 116 victims across 20 states, according to new data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).


In this latest outbreak report, released Wednesday, CDC reports that, “The investigation has not conclusively identified a food source,” however evidence suggests that sushi may be the contaminated product.
Last week CDC announced that an unusually high percentage of those sickened reported eating sushi, sashimi, or “similar foods” in the week preceding the onset of symptoms. An internal e-mail from FDA – which is collaborating with CDC to investigate the outbreak – reported that CDC thought sushi was the likely source, with spicy tuna rolls “highly suspect.”
Cases are largely centered in states along the Eastern Seaboard and the Gulf of Mexico, but also extend up into the Midwest. The number of sickened individuals in each state is as follows:
Alabama (2), Arkansas (1), Connecticut (5), District of Columbia (2), Florida (1), Georgia (5), Illinois (10), Louisiana (2), Maryland (11), Massachusetts (8), Mississippi (1), Missouri (2), New Jersey (7), New York (24), North Carolina (2), Pennsylvania (5), Rhode Island (5), South Carolina (3), Texas (3), Virginia (5) and Wisconsin (12)…..

California Company Will Keep Seafood Off Market

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration says a California seafood importer and processor has agreed to shut down its operations while it corrects conditions in its processing facility, which is alleged to be contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes.


The FDA said in a statement Wednesday that Yamaya USA of Torrance, CA and its president, Daigo Irifune, agreed to terms of a consent decree on April 5. Under the agreement, the company must destroy all foods being processed or ready for shipment and clean and sanitize the facility. It cannot resume marketing its seafood until laboratory results confirm no further L. mono contamination…..



Imported Fish Recalled

Two Minnesota companies – Import Foods Wholesale and Seng Ong Wholesale – are recalling various types of imported fish because they may be contaminated with Clostridium botulinum spores, which can cause botulism.


In each case, Minnesota Department of Agriculture Laboratory personnel confirmed that the fish were not properly eviscerated prior to processing.
No illnesses have been reported to date in connection with either company’s products.
The sale of improperly eviscerated fish, 5 inches in length or greater, is prohibited because Clostridium botulinum spores are more likely to be concentrated in the viscera than any other portion of the fish. Uneviscerated fish has been linked to outbreaks of botulism poisoning, which may pose a potentially life-threatening health hazard….

E. Coli Tests Spur Recall of Tenderized Beef in Maine

Town and Country Foods of Greene, ME, is recalling about 2,057 pounds of ground and mechanically tenderized beef that may be contaminated with E. coli O157:H7, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) announced Wednesday.


The company’s own lab testing confirmed a positive result for E. coli O157:H7, according to the news release, but FSIS said the firm had already distributed the beef before the test results were received.
FSIS said it has received no reports of illnesses associated with the beef.
The potentially contaminated beef was produced between April 4 and 10, 2012 and shipped to wholesale and retail establishments in Maine…..


Articles of Interest

Beijing Looks to Stiffen Food Safety Penalties

Those convicted of a food safety-related crime in Beijing will soon be barred from investing in or running a food business, according to new proposal.

chinafather-iphone.jpgBloomberg News reported that the draft rules would “regulate the use of edible additives in the catering industry, and crack down on the illegal use of inedible substances and mislabeling of production and sell-by dates.”

Under China’s new food safety regulations, which took effect in 2007, businesses that violate food safety laws have their licenses revoked for three years; the Beijing rule would extend that ban to five years. Individuals convicted of crimes would be banned from the food industry for life…..

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Consumer Advocate Seeks Poultry Inspection Gig

After sharply criticizing a proposal to expand the HACCP Based Inspection Models Project (HIMP) pilot to more poultry plants, Food & Water Watch is asking for unfettered access to a HIMP plant to better evaluate the idea.
chickeninspection-iphone.jpgIn a letter to the National Chicken Council and the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service, Tony Corbo, a lobbyist for Food & Water Watch, asked that he be permitted to work as a company sorter on a slaughter line in the HIMP program.

“I would like for you to start making arrangements so that I may work in a HIMP plant for at least one week,” wrote Corbo. “As you know, Food & Water Watch has been especially critical of HIMP and the proposed rule to expand this inspection model to all poultry plants…We do not support the privatization of inspection. However, both FSIS and the poultry industry claim that the HIMP inspection model is superior to the one that is used in the non-HIMP plants.”….

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Food Safety

NYC Investigating Possible Tofu-Related Botulism Cases

By News Desk

The New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene is investigating one confirmed and one suspect case of botulism and has issued a warning about unrefrigerated fresh bulk tofu, which is the possible but unconfirmed source of the illnesses.New…

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Pathogens Thrive on Ripe Fruit, Dublin Conference Learns

By News Desk

Escherichia coil and Salmonella enterica thrive on ripe fruit, according to research presented at the Society for General Microbiology’s Spring Conference held earlier this week in Dublin.The work by researchers at the Imperial College London is expected to have a…

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Chicken Apple Sausage May Contain Plastic Pieces

By News Desk

Eddy Packing Co. of Yoakum, TX, is recalling approximately 26,136 pounds of chicken apple sausages that may contain foreign materials, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) announced Saturday.The problem was discovered as a result of…

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Allergen Alert

Allergen Alert: Cream Puffs With Sodium Caseinate

By News Desk

Creme Curls Bakery of Hudsonville, MI is recalling 19.4 ounce cartons of Simply Enjoy Vanilla cream puffs distributed by Foodhold U.S.A. and 13.2 ounce cartons of Vanilla Cream Puffs distributed by Crème Curls Bakery, because the product contains sodium caseinate,…

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Food Safety

Governors Help BPI Wash Ammoniated Beef of “Pink Slime” Image

By Helena Bottemiller

Three governors – among them recent presidential candidate Rick Perry of Texas, two lieutenant governors, and the Under Secretary for Food Safety at the U.S. Department of Agriculture all went to bat for Beef Products Inc. in a press conference…

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No Sign of Oyster Recovery Two Years After BP Oil Spill

By Dan Flynn

With the second anniversary of the BP oil spill fast approaching, attention is once again returning to the damaged Gulf environment, especially to its greatly diminished oyster production. The worst man-made environmental disaster in U.S. history put 200 million gallons of…

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California Lifts Quarantine on Claravale Farm Raw Milk

By News Desk

California State Veterinarian Dr. Annette Whiteford lifted a statewide quarantine Thursday on raw milk produced by Claravale Farm, while the state Department of Public Health said it is still conducting an epidemiological investigation of reported clusters of Campylobacter infection associated…

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FDA Seeks to Stop CA Fish Producer, Cites Botulism Risk

By Gretchen Goetz

The U.S. Food and Drug administration is seeking an injunction against a California seafood company because of a risk of botulism and other food hazards in its fish and fish products.Government inspections determined that Fujino Enterprises Inc., which operates under…

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H1N1 Vaccine Tied to Spike in Narcolepsy

By Michael Smith, North American Correspondent, MedPage Today

Reviewed by Dori F. Zaleznik, MD; Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Boston and Dorothy Caputo, MA, RN, BC-ADM, Nurse Planner

Cases of childhood narcolepsy spiked in Finland in 2010, and researchers there are suggesting the adjuvanted vaccine against the H1N1 pandemic flu might have been a trigger.

Two related studies, appearing online in PLoS ONE, found that the incidence of narcolepsy rose markedly in children and adolescents, while remaining unchanged in those 20 and older.

Most of the cases in children occurred after vaccination with the ASO3-adjuvanted flu vaccine Pandemrix, which was the only vaccine used in Finland during the pandemic.

The two studies, with overlapping research teams, used hospital discharge data and vaccination records to identify cases and estimate incidence.

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This Simple Hand Trick Helped Participants Melt Away Flab

By Dr. Mercola

According to novel research, obese women can exercise longer if they cool the palms of their hands.

Fat tissue is a very effective insulator, causing many who are obese to get too hot while exercising.

To investigate whether cooling the hands might help overweight women overcome fatigue and overheating while exercising, researchers at Stanford University School of Medicine tested a hand-cooling device already in use by some professional athletes.

According to MSN Health i:

“[Researchers] assigned the women to one of two groups: both held the cooling device in their palms, but only one group had cool water (60.8 degrees Fahrenheit) running through the device…

The cooling group shaved more than five minutes off their time for the 1.5 mile treadmill test…

Their exercising heart rate went up, too, 136 beats per minute to 154 beats per minute — a good thing.

The cooling group also took more than two inches off their waist by end of the 12-week study.

… Their blood pressure also went down, from 139/84 to 124/70. (Below 120/80 is the goal.)

In contrast, the comparison group didn’t show any substantial differences in any of the measures…”

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Holistic Health

G. Edward Griffin – A World Without Cancer – The Story Of Vitamin B17

Uploaded by manonfireb4u on Dec 27, 2010

Citrus May Reduce Stroke Risk, Study Finds

By Gretchen Goetz

A compound found in citrus fruits may reduce a woman’s risk of stroke according to a recent study.Researchers at Harvard University Medical Center and Norwich Medical School in the U.K. studied stroke rates in almost 700,000 women over 14 years…

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The conventional lie about Autism and other chronic diseases

By Jonathan Landsman,

(NaturalNews) Imagine your doctor telling you: “There is no known cure for this condition”. Sadly, there are a staggering amount of people victimized by this destructive (false) belief system. But, to make matters worse, millions of people are being systematically prevented from hearing the truth about how to effectively eliminate disease – naturally. Join us for an enlightening program – filled with practical solutions – with a true (medical) pioneer – visit: http://www.naturalhealth365.com and…

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Pet Health

A Dangerous Trend in Pet Health: Fat is the New Normal

By Dr. Becker

Well, the latest depressing results are in, and I’m sad to report U.S. pets continued to get fatter during 2011.

A survey of veterinarians conducted by the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention (APOP) found that 53 percent of adult dogs and 55 percent of adult cats are officially overweight or obesei.

In terms of how pet owners view their overweight four-legged companions, not surprisingly, fat has become the new ‘normal.’

Fifteen percent of cat owners and 22 percent of dog owners view their too-heavy pets as being of normal weight.

Oddly, over 90 percent of pet owners are aware pet obesity is a problem, yet many don’t acknowledge the furry obesity statistic living under the same roof with them.

Dr. Ernie Ward of APOP considers a major contributing factor to be commercial pet food and treats.

He points out that a typical dog treat fed to a 20 pound dog is the equivalent of a human eating 2 double-stuffed fudge cookies.

A pig ear fed to a 40 pound dog is like a human drinking a six-pack of 12 ounce sodas.

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Castellini Company Recalls Jalapeno Peppers

By News Desk

Castellini Company is recalling certain jalapeno peppers distributed from its Wilder, Kentucky facility because they may be contaminated with Salmonella. A random test by the Ohio Department of Agriculture in a store in Ohio which revealed the presence of Salmonella in…

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Listeria Tests Prompt Recall of Halal ‘Kubba’ Beef

By News Desk

Mosul Kubba of Chicago, IL. is recalling approximately 1,100 pounds of stuffed, layered beef products due to possible contamination with Listeria monocytogenes, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) announced Thursday.The problem was discovered during routine…

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Allergen Alert

Allergen Alert: Cookies With Milk

By News Desk

Topnotch Cookies & Cakes of Westland, MI is recalling certain chocolate chip cookies because they may contain undeclared traces of milk, an allergen, in the butter and vanilla flavoring.The recall was initiated after it was discovered that the supplier of…

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Articles of Interest

Officials blame ‘mystery virus’ for widespread deaths of thousands of cattle

By Ethan A. Huff,

(NaturalNews) Thousands of lambs and cattle across Europe are bearing dead or severely deformed offspring, and the mainstream media and health officials are blaming a “mystery virus” for this inexplicable and worsening phenomenon. The U.K’s Telegraph reports that at least 74 farms across southern and eastern England, and many more in Germany and various other places across Europe, are being afflicted by what some are now calling the “Schmallenberg Virus.” Springtime is when many farmers’ flocks…

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Battle over fluoride warning intensifies in New Hampshire

By Doug Cragoe,

(NaturalNews) In 2006 the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the American Dental Association (ADA) finally admitted what dental researchers had been saying for many years. If powdered infant formula is prepared with fluoridated water infants are put at increased risk of a developmental disturbance called fluorosis. This causes disfigured teeth with white spots, streaks, and occasionally brown stains that can affect a child’s appearance and self esteem. Fluorosis can be expensive to fix, and no…

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Food Safety

BPI Suspends 70 Percent of Ammoniated Beef Production


By Helena Bottemiller

Responding to a dramatic drop in consumer demand, Beef Products Inc, the nation’s leading maker of ammoniated beef now widely known as “pink slime,” announced it is suspending production at three plants. The suspended plants account for approximately 70 percent…

BPI Suspends 70 Percent of Ammoniated Beef Production


Study Finds Pathogens in Italian Vending Machine Raw Milk


By Mary Rothschild

A study in Northern Italy found that some unpasteurized milk sold from vending machines contained potentially harmful levels of pathogens and did not meet public health standards.The Salmonella, Campylobacter jejuni, E. coli O157 and Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (Map) detected…

Study Finds Pathogens in Italian Vending Machine Raw Milk


Will BPI’s Plant Closures Affect America’s Ground Beef?


By James Andrews

Following Monday’s announcement by Beef Products Inc. that the company would suspend operations at three of the four facilities that produce lean finely textured beef (LFTB), many wonder what lasting impact major supermarkets and restaurant chains will have as they…

Will BPI’s Plant Closures Affect America’s Ground Beef?

Growing Crops with Conservation and Food Safety in Mind


By Alli Condra

The subsidy discussion in the United States most often focuses on the impact of subsidizing certain crops, such as wheat and soybeans, through the direct and counter-cyclical payments program to the exclusion of fruits and vegetables and therefore to…

Growing Crops with Conservation and Food Safety in Mind





Some insurers paying patients to get cheaper care

Patients offered $50 to $200 to have tests, elective procedures at less expensive facilities than doc recommended


In recent years, insurers have tried to cajole consumers into using less-expensive health-care providers by promising lower co-payments and other cost-sharing breaks for members who select those doctors and hospitals.

Lately, they’re trying an even more direct approach: cash rewards.

Some Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield members in New Hampshire, Connecticut and Indiana can receive $50 to $200 if they get a diagnostic test or elective procedure at a less expensive facility than the one their doctor recommended. The offer covers nearly 40 services, from standard radiology tests such as mammograms and MRIs to such surgical procedures as hip and knee replacements, hernia repair, bariatric surgery and tonsillectomies.

“We identified a subset of highly utilized services with cost variances that we thought would have a big impact,” says Denise McDonough, regional vice president of sales for Anthem BCBS of New Hampshire. “We want to provide information to members to drive health-care costs down.”


Too many babies still at risk of SIDs


Parents in the United States changed how they put their infants to sleep after a campaign to prevent sudden infant death, but the decrease in babies dying has stabilized in recent years and some deaths remain preventable, according to a study.

Sudden infant death syndrome, or SIDS, kills about 2,500 babies each year in the United States, most often those who are between two- and four-months-old.

Babies put to bed on their stomach and side, especially with blankets and pillows, or those who share a bed with their parents, are known to be at extra risk of SIDS, also known as “crib death.”….


Popcorn as healthy as veggies? Depends how you pop it


By Joy Bauer, TODAY nutrition expert

Who doesn’t love unwinding on a Friday night with a terrific movie and a great big bowl of fluffy popcorn? When prepared with just the right ingredients, popcorn is low in calories, heart-smart, and surprisingly chock-full of healthy nutrients. Adding to popcorn’s wholesome reputation, researchers at the University of Scranton in Pennsylvania reported this week that popcorn has more antioxidant substances called polyphenols than fruits and vegetables.

Polyphenols have been linked to a reduction in heart disease and certain cancers. And, since it’s 100% whole grain, popcorn is also a great source of fiber — you get 5 grams in a 4-cup portion. That’s pretty darn impressive for a snack food.



Secret superfoods you’re already eating


By Keri Glassman

Superfoods don’t just come from your supermarket’s produce aisle and they don’t have to have weird names — like acai, chia and jicama — to qualify. In fact, those chocolate candy bars next to the gummy bears have superfood powers that often no one ever speaks of. Anyone can get on the superfood bandwagon without having to leave their comfort zone! Simply take a browse through your cabinet to find these unsung heroes — your secret superfoods, which are probably sitting in your kitchen right now!



New Obamacare regulation calls for free sterilization for all college women


By Ethan A. Huff,

(NaturalNews) At the prompting of the Institute of Medicine (IOM), which has already been exposed as playing a covert role in promoting the interests of the military-medical complex (http://www.naturalnews.com/033455_Institute_of_Medicine_vaccines.html), the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has issued new guidelines mandating that all college-age women have free access to sterilization procedures. Building upon the agency’s announcement just a few weeks prior that all private…




Holistic Health


Neurosurgeon issues public challenge to vaccine zealots: Inject yourselves with all shots you say children should get!


By Ethan A. Huff,

(NaturalNews) Dr. Russell Blaylock, a neurosurgeon, author and expert on “excitotoxins,” has issued a public challenge to vaccine pushers everywhere to put their money where their mouths are. During a recent interview with Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, about the fraudulent science of the vaccine industry, Dr. Blaylock challenged Dr. Paul Offit, vaccine manufacturer CEOs, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) scientists, and others who insist today’s childhood vaccine regimens are…



New Chapter’s new owner (P&G) steeped in animal testing and led by directors with ties to weapons contractors, Big Pharma, Monsanto, Chevron and more


By Mike Adams,

(NaturalNews) NaturalNews has never really taken much of an interest in Procter & Gamble — until now. Having acquired New Chapter, a once-promising supplier of high-end herbal supplements such as Zyflamend, P&G now demands some honest scrutiny. Who are these people that New Chapter has decided to cozy up to? What are their business interests, and what are their ethics? To answer this question, NaturalNews conducted an investigation of Procter & Gamble’s board of directors in order to determine…



Study vilifying ‘fat’ as cause of low sperm count in men flawed


By Jonathan Benson,

(NaturalNews) The myth that all saturated fat is harmful to health continues to make the rounds, as a new study published in the journal Human Reproduction equates saturated fat with “junk food,” and claims that eating it reduces men’s sperm count. But this study, which is being repeated throughout the echo chambers of the mainstream media, is nothing short of erroneous pseudoscience predicated on outdated medical opinions. For their study, researchers from Harvard Medical School in Boston, Mass…



Special hormone released by bone cells plays an important role in blood sugar regulation


By Dr. David Jockers,

(NaturalNews) Most people have viewed bones as inanimate structures within the body that merely play a role in providing structural integrity to the body. New research is revealing just how dynamic bone structure is to the nervous, immune and endocrine system. A bone released hormone is now considered by researchers one of the foremost players in controlling blood sugar and inflammation. Poor blood sugar signaling leads to the formation of advanced glycolytic enzymes (AGE’s). AGE’s are created…




Pet Health


Antioxidants and their Use in Dog Food


The reason your dog’s food can stay on the store shelves, and then sit in your pantry for a while longer, is that the food is preserved with antioxidants and other necessary ingredients called preservatives. Antioxidants are substances that provide health benefits and prevent ingredients in the food from spoiling (oxidation). They are very important to keep your dog’s food tasting good and help maintain its nutrients.

Oxidation is the process that occurs when foods are exposed to oxygen. Naturally, over time the oxygen will cause a breakdown in the nutrients and fats in a food and cause everything from discoloration to rancidity. An antioxidant works to block or slow down the rate at which oxygen causes damage. Antioxidants are added to foods during processing to extend the shelf life of the final product.

The success of antioxidants in pet food depends on several conditions. Generally, antioxidants work better if they are added early in the production process. Another factor to consider is the combination of antioxidants used in the formula. Specific amounts and types of particular antioxidants work better together than others…..


Eight Herbs to Improve Your Dog’s Health


Herbs. How boring would your Bolognese sauce be without them? Herbs have long been used to treat and prevent ailments in people, and apart from smelling good and adding an extra something to your cooking, certain herbs can help out your dog, too.

If you have room to grow herbs (and you really don’t need much, a window box is perfectly fine), why not grow a selection that can be used to treat some common dog ailments? Hey, it may help you save a few bucks on vet visits — and saving money is always a good thing…..

Aloe Vera ,     Calendula Flowers,     Ginger,      Goldenseal,     Milk Thistle,      Valerian,     Chamomile and California Poppy






Washington Firm Recalls Beef Patties Due To Possible E. Coli Contamination


Sysco Seattle Inc., a Seattle, Wash. firm, is recalling approximately 16,800 pounds of ground beef patties imported from Canada because they may have been contaminated with E. coli O157:H7….




Allergen Alert


Allergen Alert: Smoked Sausage With Whey, Casein


By Julia Thomas

J Bar B Foods of Waelder, TX is recalling approximately
pounds of smoked sausages because they contain whey and casein, allergens that are not declared on the label, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS)..

Allergen Alert: Smoked Sausage With Whey, Casein


Strong America Ltd. Issues an Alert on Undeclared Sulfites in Golden Smell Brand “Dried Potato”


Strong America Ltd. is recalling 6oz Golden Smell brand “Dried Potato” package packages because they contain undeclared sulfites. People who have a sever sensitivity to sulfites run the risk of serious or life-threatening reaction if they consume this product…..




Food Safety

Gov. Dept. Works With Major Corporation to Hide Animal Abuse

U.S. Government Supports CAFOS Over Small Family Farms

As reported by ABC News, Nathan Runkle, executive director of Mercy for Animals, stated:

“It is deeply troubling that a governmental agency that is entrusted with monitoring and overseeing agriculture and food production is so corrupt that it’s in bed with the very corporate interests that were documented abusing and neglecting animals. The fox apparently is guarding the henhouse.”

Indeed, the U.S. government has a history of supporting these industrial confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs), both by looking the other way when abuse or contamination occurs, and by directly subsidizing cheaply produced beef, and corn and soy used for feed.

As it stands, 2 percent of U.S. livestock facilities produce 40 percent of farm animals,i and these large, corporate-owned CAFOs have been highly promoted as the best way to produce food for the masses. The only reason CAFOs are able to remain so “efficient,” bringing in massive profits while selling their food for bottom-barrel prices, is because they substitute subsidized crops for pasture grazing.

Factory farms use massive quantities of corn, soy and grain in their animal feed, all crops that they are often able to purchase at below cost because of government subsidies. Because of these subsidies, U.S. farmers produce massive amounts of soy, corn, wheat, etc. — rather than vegetables — leading to a monoculture of foods that create a fast food diet. As written in the book “CAFO: The Tragedy of Industrial Animal Factories”:…..


No Quick Fixes for Outbreak Surveillance and Response

By John J. Guzewich

Many of us have experienced the frustration of learning of a foodborne disease outbreak and wondering why didn’t we know about it sooner, why we don’t know all the details we wanted to know, why the investigation wasn’t successful or…

No Quick Fixes for Outbreak Surveillance and Response

Cantaloupe Growers Invite Public to Webinars

By Dan Flynn

When the goal is to get consumers back after last year’s deadly cantaloupe outbreak, the industry’s Stephen Patricio says growers need to impose “transparent yet severe and expensive restrictions on ourselves.”And the industry groups sponsoring educational sessions for cantaloupe growers…

Cantaloupe Growers Invite Public to Webinars

Safeway Drops ‘Pink Slime,’ Walmart to Offer Consumers Choice

By Helena Bottemiller

Responding to widespread consumer concern, the nation’s second and third largest grocery chains, Safeway and SuperValu, will stop selling Lean Finely Textured Beef (LFTB), otherwise known as ‘pink slime,’ ABC World News reported Wednesday.Safeway said “considerable consumer concern” led to…

Safeway Drops ‘Pink Slime,’ Walmart to Offer Consumers Choice

Denver Defends New Restaurant Inspection Scheme

By Dan Flynn

Bob McDonald, Denver’s environmental health director, wants restaurateurs and the public at large to understand how the city now enforces inspections.McDonald met Tuesday with some of Denver’s restaurateurs who are upset because more fines are being levied after inspections.The city…

Denver Defends New Restaurant Inspection Scheme


U.S. travelers to Olympics may bring home measles, CDC warns

Health officials are bracing for the possibility of a measles outbreak in the USA, fueled by unvaccinated American tourists returning home from this summer’s Olympic Games.

A recent study in the New England Journal of Medicine estimated that each measles case costs $160,000 for investigation, follow-up and possible hospitalization.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warns that the Olympics in London, as well as the Euro 2012 soccer cup in Poland and Ukraine, will be huge draws for American travelers and will increase the risk for measles infection. The virus is much more prevalent in Europe, leading to eight deaths and 26,000 illnesses last year.

“Disease knows no borders,” said Rebecca Martin, director of the CDC’s Global Immunization Division. “We are concerned about Americans coming back from the Olympics this summer and unknowingly infecting others.”


If aspirin is a miracle drug, shouldn’t we all be taking it?

A small dose of the painkiller every day can reduce the risk of cancer, cardiovasular disease and blood clots.

So, did you take a mini-aspirin this morning? If not, why not? Research appears to confirm aspirin’s growing reputation as that most medicinal of cliches – a miracle drug. The study, published on Tuesday, reported that taking a low dose of acetyl-salicylic acid – the generic name for aspirin – daily for between three and five years reduces the chance of being diagnosed with cancer during that time by 19 per cent.


Seaweed toast is same as half an hour on treadmill

Breakfasting on a slice of bread baked with ground-up seaweed could help burn more calories than half an hour on a treadmill, according to new research

Trials on nearly 80 healthy but overweight men showed those fed scrambled egg on seaweed enriched toast felt so full they consumed 179 calories less a day.

The tests at Sheffield Hallam University are the first to involve adding the entire seaweed plant to the bread mix rather than breaking it down to extract various chemicals.

The bread – served with the crusts cut off – did not include any salt at all with the seaweed acting as a total replacement.


Breakthrough in cancer detection to be tested on smokers

A simple blood test that can detect lung cancer five years earlier than conventional screening will be trialled by the NHS on thousands of high risk smokers.

The test is being trialled in Scotland in the hope it could provide the first national screening program for lung cancer as well as paving the way for better detection of other tumorous cancers such as breast, colon and prostate.

A version of the test, developed at Nottingham University, to detect breast cancer early could be ready next year.

It could revolutionize how cancer is diagnosed and mean treatment can start at a much earlier stage when the chances of success are best.


Holistic Health

Indoor urban farm in New York helps feed hundreds of families

By Jonathan Benson,

(NaturalNews) Flowering displays are replacing urban decay all across America, with recent reports out of New York illustrating the power of creative, resourceful thinking in implementing successful, city-based farming initiatives. New York Daily News reports that a food pantry in the Bedford-Stuyvesant neighborhood of Brooklyn, N.Y., has successfully created a 250-square foot indoor farm that produces food for hundreds of local families and their children — and many others in the area are working…


Vitamin E tocotrienols work through multiple pathways to delay disease onset and extend lifespan

By John Phillip,

(NaturalNews) The result of several new research bodies that have been published all point to the powerful effect of vitamin E tocotrienols to prevent stomach cancer, reduce fatty liver disease incidences and prevent disease mechanisms that can extend natural lifespan in humans. Over the past decade, many studies have highlighted the importance of the most common vitamin E isomer known as alpha-tocopherol. While this form of the vitamin is important to lower risk of heart disease, a plethora of new…


French pine bark contains powerful antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds that ease symptoms of chronic disorders like arthritis, asthma

By Jonathan Benson, March 21 2012

(NaturalNews) An antioxidant-rich nutrient with powerful anti-inflammatory properties, French pine bark extract, also commonly known as Pycnogenol, is hailed by many as an effective treatment for asthma, osteoarthritis, chronic venous insufficiency (CVI), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and many other chronic diseases. And based on the myriad research that has been conducted on French pine bark over the years, all of this and more appear to be true of the nutrient. French pine…


Pet Health

Caring for Your Pet’s Skin During the Winter Season

By the time we reach adulthood, most of us have discovered that winter weather can wreak havoc on our skin. Humidity is low, the outside air is cold and windy, and we’re going in and out of cold to warm and back again throughout each day. Even in homes with great ventilation, our bodies have to struggle to keep up with the temperature and moisture changes that occur throughout the day.

It stands to reason that the body cannot always keep up the necessary balance of chemicals, oils and bacteria the skin needs to stay soft, flexible and comfortable, and the common result is dry, itchy, flaking skin. What is true for human skin is often true for animal skin, as well, and many of the same remedies are useful for both preventing and treating skin problems in dogs.



Listeria Found in Ready-to-Eat Beef Sausage

By Julia Thomas

Southside Market & BBQ of Elgin, TX is recalling approximately 2,373 pounds of ready-to-eat beef sausage products that may have been contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) announced Wednesday.The problem was…

Listeria Found in Ready-to-Eat Beef Sausage