Tag Archive: MI

Food Safety


19 Ill with E. Coli in Oregon Raw Milk Outbreak

Four children hospitalized with kidney failure

by Cookson Beecher | Apr 21, 2012
Nineteen people in Oregon are ill with E. coli in an outbreak traced to raw milk from Foundation Farm near Wilsonville — up one from the 18 cases reported Thursday —  according to a April 20 news release from the Public Health Division of the state’s Health Authority.


Of the 19 people, 11 have culture-confirmed E. coli O157 infections. Fifteen of the 19 cases are children 19 or younger.  Four of the children have been hospitalized with kidney failure. On April 19, a Portland hospital confirmed that one of the hospitalized children — a 13-year-old girl — was in critical condition.

Sushi Salmonella Outbreak Total Rises to 160 Confirmed Cases

by Mary Rothschild | Apr 21, 2012
Nineteen more cases of Salmonella Bareilly infection have been confirmed in the multistate outbreak linked to sushi tuna. At least 160 people in 20 states and the District of Columbia have been sickened, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported Friday.
However, this outbreak is probably much larger, and many more illnesses likely occurred than those confirmed through lab analysis of stool specimens. For every case of salmonellosis reported, the CDC estimates 38.6 go unreported. That would translate to about 6,176 people ill from eating tainted tuna.


The implicated frozen raw yellowfin tuna product – known as “tuna scrape” because it is back meat scraped from tuna bones – was imported from India and has been recalled by the California-based distributor, Moon Marine USA.  The Nakaochi Scrape resembles ground tuna and is used to make sashimi, ceviche and sushi, particularly “spicy tuna” sushi.

15 Ill with E. Coli in Missouri, Multiple Sources Possible

7 sickened drank raw milk

by James Andrews | Apr 21, 2012
Illnesses in the ongoing E. coli O157:H7 outbreak in central Missouri rose to 15 on Friday, while information on the individual infections suggests they may come from multiple sources.


Of the 15 cases, seven individuals have reported that they consumed raw milk products from a single dairy in Howard County. As a result, the dairy has been under investigation and has halted sales of its raw milk products.
The E. coli infections in six of those seven raw milk drinkers have shown to match by their identifiable genetic pattern known as a pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). The infection of the seventh raw milk drinker — the newest addition to the total number ill — has a different PFGE pattern, though one that is very similar to the other six, according to epidemiologist Sarah Rainey at Missouri’s Columbia-Boone County Health Department.




In Canada, Fesikh Mullet Recalled for Possible Botulism

April 20, 2012 By Leave a Comment

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is recalling fesikh, a salted and cured fish product because it may be contaminated with Clostridium botulinum. This dangerous bacteria can cause botulism, which can be life-threatening.

Fesikh is left out to rot, or putrefy, and is then salted and pickled for several months. It’s served during the celebration of spring in Egypt called Sham el-Nessim. Some people die every year of botulism poisoning after eating this product.

The whole fish was sold in clear vacuum-packaged bags of different counts and weights. There was no code or date information. The fish was sold from Lotus Catering and Fine Food at 1960 Lawrence Avenue East in Toronto, Ontario, on or before April 17, 2012.


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Listeria Test Leads to Pizza Calzone Recall

by News Desk | Apr 21, 2012
Albie’s Foods of Gaylord, MI is recalling approximately 311 pounds of pizza calzone due to possible contamination with Listeria monocytogenes, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) announced late Friday.


The problem was discovered during routine FSIS testing.
FSIS and the company say they have received no reports of illnesses associated with the calzone.
The fully cooked, ready-to-eat, calzone products were produced on April 10, 2012, and shipped to institutions in Indiana and Michigan.


Allergen Alert


Allergen Alert: Bratwurst with Egg

by Julia Thomas | Apr 21, 2012
Old Style Sausage of Denver, CO is recalling approximately 3,000 pounds of bratwurst distributed to restaurants in Colorado because the sausage contains egg, an allergen not declared on the package label.


The problem was discovered during a routine food safety assessment and may have occurred as a result of a change in ingredient formulation, according to the recall alert.
FSIS and the company said they have not received reports of adverse reactions.



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Food Safety

NYC Investigating Possible Tofu-Related Botulism Cases

By News Desk

The New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene is investigating one confirmed and one suspect case of botulism and has issued a warning about unrefrigerated fresh bulk tofu, which is the possible but unconfirmed source of the illnesses.New…

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Pathogens Thrive on Ripe Fruit, Dublin Conference Learns

By News Desk

Escherichia coil and Salmonella enterica thrive on ripe fruit, according to research presented at the Society for General Microbiology’s Spring Conference held earlier this week in Dublin.The work by researchers at the Imperial College London is expected to have a…

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Chicken Apple Sausage May Contain Plastic Pieces

By News Desk

Eddy Packing Co. of Yoakum, TX, is recalling approximately 26,136 pounds of chicken apple sausages that may contain foreign materials, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) announced Saturday.The problem was discovered as a result of…

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Allergen Alert

Allergen Alert: Cream Puffs With Sodium Caseinate

By News Desk

Creme Curls Bakery of Hudsonville, MI is recalling 19.4 ounce cartons of Simply Enjoy Vanilla cream puffs distributed by Foodhold U.S.A. and 13.2 ounce cartons of Vanilla Cream Puffs distributed by Crème Curls Bakery, because the product contains sodium caseinate,…

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Food Safety

Governors Help BPI Wash Ammoniated Beef of “Pink Slime” Image

By Helena Bottemiller

Three governors – among them recent presidential candidate Rick Perry of Texas, two lieutenant governors, and the Under Secretary for Food Safety at the U.S. Department of Agriculture all went to bat for Beef Products Inc. in a press conference…

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No Sign of Oyster Recovery Two Years After BP Oil Spill

By Dan Flynn

With the second anniversary of the BP oil spill fast approaching, attention is once again returning to the damaged Gulf environment, especially to its greatly diminished oyster production. The worst man-made environmental disaster in U.S. history put 200 million gallons of…

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California Lifts Quarantine on Claravale Farm Raw Milk

By News Desk

California State Veterinarian Dr. Annette Whiteford lifted a statewide quarantine Thursday on raw milk produced by Claravale Farm, while the state Department of Public Health said it is still conducting an epidemiological investigation of reported clusters of Campylobacter infection associated…

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FDA Seeks to Stop CA Fish Producer, Cites Botulism Risk

By Gretchen Goetz

The U.S. Food and Drug administration is seeking an injunction against a California seafood company because of a risk of botulism and other food hazards in its fish and fish products.Government inspections determined that Fujino Enterprises Inc., which operates under…

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H1N1 Vaccine Tied to Spike in Narcolepsy

By Michael Smith, North American Correspondent, MedPage Today

Reviewed by Dori F. Zaleznik, MD; Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Boston and Dorothy Caputo, MA, RN, BC-ADM, Nurse Planner

Cases of childhood narcolepsy spiked in Finland in 2010, and researchers there are suggesting the adjuvanted vaccine against the H1N1 pandemic flu might have been a trigger.

Two related studies, appearing online in PLoS ONE, found that the incidence of narcolepsy rose markedly in children and adolescents, while remaining unchanged in those 20 and older.

Most of the cases in children occurred after vaccination with the ASO3-adjuvanted flu vaccine Pandemrix, which was the only vaccine used in Finland during the pandemic.

The two studies, with overlapping research teams, used hospital discharge data and vaccination records to identify cases and estimate incidence.

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This Simple Hand Trick Helped Participants Melt Away Flab

By Dr. Mercola

According to novel research, obese women can exercise longer if they cool the palms of their hands.

Fat tissue is a very effective insulator, causing many who are obese to get too hot while exercising.

To investigate whether cooling the hands might help overweight women overcome fatigue and overheating while exercising, researchers at Stanford University School of Medicine tested a hand-cooling device already in use by some professional athletes.

According to MSN Health i:

“[Researchers] assigned the women to one of two groups: both held the cooling device in their palms, but only one group had cool water (60.8 degrees Fahrenheit) running through the device…

The cooling group shaved more than five minutes off their time for the 1.5 mile treadmill test…

Their exercising heart rate went up, too, 136 beats per minute to 154 beats per minute — a good thing.

The cooling group also took more than two inches off their waist by end of the 12-week study.

… Their blood pressure also went down, from 139/84 to 124/70. (Below 120/80 is the goal.)

In contrast, the comparison group didn’t show any substantial differences in any of the measures…”

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Holistic Health

G. Edward Griffin – A World Without Cancer – The Story Of Vitamin B17

Uploaded by manonfireb4u on Dec 27, 2010

Citrus May Reduce Stroke Risk, Study Finds

By Gretchen Goetz

A compound found in citrus fruits may reduce a woman’s risk of stroke according to a recent study.Researchers at Harvard University Medical Center and Norwich Medical School in the U.K. studied stroke rates in almost 700,000 women over 14 years…

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The conventional lie about Autism and other chronic diseases

By Jonathan Landsman,

(NaturalNews) Imagine your doctor telling you: “There is no known cure for this condition”. Sadly, there are a staggering amount of people victimized by this destructive (false) belief system. But, to make matters worse, millions of people are being systematically prevented from hearing the truth about how to effectively eliminate disease – naturally. Join us for an enlightening program – filled with practical solutions – with a true (medical) pioneer – visit: http://www.naturalhealth365.com and…

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Pet Health

A Dangerous Trend in Pet Health: Fat is the New Normal

By Dr. Becker

Well, the latest depressing results are in, and I’m sad to report U.S. pets continued to get fatter during 2011.

A survey of veterinarians conducted by the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention (APOP) found that 53 percent of adult dogs and 55 percent of adult cats are officially overweight or obesei.

In terms of how pet owners view their overweight four-legged companions, not surprisingly, fat has become the new ‘normal.’

Fifteen percent of cat owners and 22 percent of dog owners view their too-heavy pets as being of normal weight.

Oddly, over 90 percent of pet owners are aware pet obesity is a problem, yet many don’t acknowledge the furry obesity statistic living under the same roof with them.

Dr. Ernie Ward of APOP considers a major contributing factor to be commercial pet food and treats.

He points out that a typical dog treat fed to a 20 pound dog is the equivalent of a human eating 2 double-stuffed fudge cookies.

A pig ear fed to a 40 pound dog is like a human drinking a six-pack of 12 ounce sodas.

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Castellini Company Recalls Jalapeno Peppers

By News Desk

Castellini Company is recalling certain jalapeno peppers distributed from its Wilder, Kentucky facility because they may be contaminated with Salmonella. A random test by the Ohio Department of Agriculture in a store in Ohio which revealed the presence of Salmonella in…

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Listeria Tests Prompt Recall of Halal ‘Kubba’ Beef

By News Desk

Mosul Kubba of Chicago, IL. is recalling approximately 1,100 pounds of stuffed, layered beef products due to possible contamination with Listeria monocytogenes, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) announced Thursday.The problem was discovered during routine…

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Allergen Alert

Allergen Alert: Cookies With Milk

By News Desk

Topnotch Cookies & Cakes of Westland, MI is recalling certain chocolate chip cookies because they may contain undeclared traces of milk, an allergen, in the butter and vanilla flavoring.The recall was initiated after it was discovered that the supplier of…

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Articles of Interest

Officials blame ‘mystery virus’ for widespread deaths of thousands of cattle

By Ethan A. Huff,

(NaturalNews) Thousands of lambs and cattle across Europe are bearing dead or severely deformed offspring, and the mainstream media and health officials are blaming a “mystery virus” for this inexplicable and worsening phenomenon. The U.K’s Telegraph reports that at least 74 farms across southern and eastern England, and many more in Germany and various other places across Europe, are being afflicted by what some are now calling the “Schmallenberg Virus.” Springtime is when many farmers’ flocks…

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Battle over fluoride warning intensifies in New Hampshire

By Doug Cragoe,

(NaturalNews) In 2006 the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the American Dental Association (ADA) finally admitted what dental researchers had been saying for many years. If powdered infant formula is prepared with fluoridated water infants are put at increased risk of a developmental disturbance called fluorosis. This causes disfigured teeth with white spots, streaks, and occasionally brown stains that can affect a child’s appearance and self esteem. Fluorosis can be expensive to fix, and no…

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