Tag Archive: False flag

Active Shooter at Fort Hood! Planned Jihad-False Flag Exposed!


Published on Apr 2, 2014








Busted! Sloppy MSM Psyop On Fort Hood ‘False Flag Shooting’ Exposed!


Published on Apr 2, 2014


LOOK! Craigslist Ad for Role Players in Staged Fort Hood Disaster!

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Screenshot of Deleted Craigslist Ad for roleplayers for a Fort Hood Type Shooting Drill



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Welcome to Amerika: No More Truth, Justice or American Way

by Jim Fetzer (with John W. Whitehead)


Of all the tyrannies a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive.”—C.S. Lewis

This is an all-out psy op at this point with bizarre claims of “double agents” and future attacks in the works.  Having been caught with their pants down–where the younger Tsarnaev brother, Dzhokhar, was photographed at the scene with his backpack, which was completely different than those used in the bombings, and spent his week as a normal college student–and  and now they are throwing in everything but the kitchen sink, including fantastic stories of him and his brother, Tameran, as “double agents”, which is nearly as ludicrous as the original story.

What we know is that Craft International was doing this for the DHS and that the operation was botched badly, where the internet has a blizzard of reports that take it apart, piece by piece.  The agenda appears to have been to smother news about the Bush/Cheney and Obama/Biden administrations having been engaged in torture, the transfer of some of our most sophisticated weapons to Israel for use in an attack on Iran, the legitimization of the use of military forces to maintain law and order in violation of “Posse Comitatus”, and to create sympathy for Israel by suggesting that, “Now we know what they experience on a daily basis”.

That appears to have been the rationale for sending Israeli investigators and Israeli doctors to Boston, as though it were remotely necessary.  Does anyone think they would know Boston better than local cops?  or that Boston does not have abundant medical experts?  Some were injured and killed, but consider the case of the man who lost his legs TWICE for the sake of a worthy cause.  They apprehended the older brother and then later beat him to death.  He was a boxer and his younger brother was a wrestler.  Their parents and relatives are complaining that these were good kids, who were set up as patsies–and they appear to be right!  Think “Ruby shoots Oswald”.  Caught, they are trying to sow confusion on a massive scale.  As “false flags” go, this was the Original Amateur Hour and the toothpaste is out of the tube.

The most obvious “false flag” in US history

As Gordon Duff has observed in Press TV and  VT, this is the most obvious “false flag” attack in US history:

This week’s terror attack in Boston is not the first incredible failure of intelligence and law enforcement America has suffered. By “incredible,” I mean exactly that, “not to be believed.”

Before the smoke had cleared, the Israel Lobby and DEBKA had identified “domestic terrorists with Mid-East connections” as the guilty parties. This, alone, was taken as a confirmation that a very real conspiracy was involved, this time the most obvious false flag terror attack yet.

Highest sources “weigh in” on Boston bombing

During 9/11, NORAD and the entire United States Air Force “vaporized” just like the FBI, DHS, and Boston PD security did. We’re getting used to it, being lied to and, frankly, being murdered as well.

Within minutes of the Boston attack, America’s intelligence and Special Operations community put their back-channel “round-robin” into motion. This is how America’s top intelligence operatives informally share sensitive information on threats.

Those with the highest access to both human and signals intelligence, those tasked with tracking and killing terrorists came to a very startling conclusion.

“An American agency was involved, our first guess is that it is the FBI.”

Had I asked this question three years ago and I did, I would have been called a “conspiracy theorist,” and, in fact, I was. Now I am told, “Duff, you were right all along, we feel like such idiots.”

Not only has CSPAN and The Washington Journal been inundated with calls from ordinary citizens raising concerns that the Boston bombing was a “false flag” that was designed to undermine our civil rights, but we have overwhelming proof that the young men accused of the crime were innocent, not only from their parents and relatives complaints that they are being framed but from photographs that show the younger brother leaving the area still wearing his back pack:

Older brother caught, then killed

We now have reports and video showing that the older brother, was captured alive and then beaten to death or run over by a car, while his younger brother, Dzhokhar, was shot in the throat, which means that he can no longer speak. How convenient! The older brother, Tameran, was a boxer and the younger a wrestler, who was active in school, including the drama club. Their parents are protesting loudly that they are innocent and have been framed, which is provable. This has become such a huge boondoggle that the feds want to shut down any further discussion about the Boston bombing:

In that video, he is obviously alive and well.  He has been stripped naked and is being placed into a police car. When he is subsequently found dead, the claim is even being made that his brother ran him over with a car, which is about as absurd as it gets. A witness reports that he was run over by the police in an SUV, which would have to have been after his apprehension. His body is badly bruised and he appears to have suffered from a savage beating. Here is a photograph of Tameran, which contradicts the stories that the public is being sold:

The Man who lost his legs twice

In addition, we have a series of photographs showing how the alleged victim who lost his legs was faked by several accomplices. If this is not the most amateurish production in American “black op” history, I cannot imagine what comes close. There can be no doubt that the authorities want to claim the case is closed before more Americans wake up and smell the stench. It is embarrassing that an event of this clumsy character should be swallowed by any American–not to mention the blatancy of the hoax being promoted by all of our television networks, without exception. This is a major scandal, where no one should be taken in:

The man in hood sets up the fake leg wound prosthetics. Notice the absence of blood. With an injury of this magnitude, if you lose both legs from explosive trauma, half your blood is gone in one minute and you are dead in two. This man, Nick Vogt, survived because he actually lost his legs in combat in Afghanistan.

If this man had really lost his legs due to blunt force trauma, there would have been blood everywhere. The victim would have been drenched with it. Here not even a tourniquet is applied to staunch arterial bleeding. And the others are treated first, before he receives any attention. The bombing was staged.

Staged event does not inhibit lawmakers

That the brothers appear to be patsies and that the bombing was staged does not appear to have inhibited Republicans from demanding that the surviving brother be treated as an enemy combatant and be denied his rights as a United States citizen.  Even Alan Dershowitz has observed that denying the suspect his Miranda rights jeopardizes any case that might be brought against him, assuming, of course, that any semblance of due process remains in this nation.

The fallacies that are being committed in the frenzy to convince the public that this was a “terrorist attack” and not a “false flag” include the selective use of evidence (known as “special pleading”), taking for granted that they were responsible (called “begging the question”) and tacitly endorsing the use of torture, even though it diminishes this nation and corrupts our moral standing in the world, which, in the past, has been our greatest safeguard against bona fide terrorist attacks.

G.O.P. Lawmakers Push to Have Boston Suspect Questioned as Enemy Combatant


WASHINGTON — Some Republican lawmakers want President Obama to declare the surviving Boston bombing suspect an enemy combatant in order to question him without a lawyer and other protections of the criminal justice system, intensifying a recurring debate over how to handle terrorism cases arising inside the United States.

But while the suspect, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, a naturalized American citizen, is a Muslim, there is no known evidence suggesting that he is part of Al Qaeda. The United States is engaged in an armed conflict with Al Qaeda, not all Muslim extremists. As a result, the dispute is pushing beyond familiar arguments and into new territory.

Senator Lindsey Graham, Republican of South Carolina, is among the earliest and most vocal proponents of declaring Mr. Tsarnaev an enemy combatant. Others include Senators Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire, Saxby Chambliss of Georgia and John McCain of Arizona, as well as Representative Peter T. King of New York, all also Republicans.

The Obama administration has said it thinks terrorism suspects arrested inside the United States should be handled exclusively in the criminal justice system. It has indicated no intention to do otherwise in Mr. Tsarnaev’s case, but the issue is taking on political currency, underscoring a major divide on national security legal policy.

Senator Carl Levin, a Michigan Democrat who is the chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, said in a statement that the laws of war did not apply to Mr. Tsarnaev and that there was so far no evidence that he was “part of any organized group, let alone Al Qaeda, the Taliban or one of their affiliates — the only organizations whose members are subject” to detention as a part of war.

“In the absence of such evidence, I know of no legal basis for his detention as an enemy combatant,” Mr. Levin said. “To hold the suspect as an enemy combatant under these circumstances would be contrary to our laws and may even jeopardize our efforts to prosecute him for his crimes.”

In an interview, Mr. Graham acknowledged that if no evidence were to emerge linking Mr. Tsarnaev to Al Qaeda, then he should not continue to be held as an enemy combatant. But he argued that given the need to swiftly find out if Mr. Tsarnaev knew of other planned attacks or terrorist operatives, the government could and should hold him as a combatant while it searched for any such links.

“You can’t hold every person who commits a terrorist attack as an enemy combatant, I agree with that,” Mr. Graham said. “But you have a right, with his radical Islamist ties and the fact that Chechens are all over the world fighting with Al Qaeda — I think you have a reasonable belief to go down that road, and it would be a big mistake not to go down that road. If we didn’t hold him for intelligence-gathering purposes, that would be unconscionable.”

One of the absurdities in this article is that the US is in collusion with Al Qaeda, which was a contrivance of our own CIA to assist in driving the Soviet Union out of Afghanistan. We have lied so many times about Al Qaeda and Saddam Hussein that the “official story” about 9/11 has become completely incoherent, where fake raids have been conducted to create the false impression that Osama was still alive in 2011, when he in fact died in Afghanistan in 2001. The public in the past has been gullible enough to buy this rubbish, but perhaps there is a chance that the Boston fiasco might awaken them from their dormant slumber, because, as John W. Whitehead observes, the fate of the nation hangs in the balance.

‘Boston Strong’: Marching in Lockstep with the Police State



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Official Story Unraveling for Boston Marathon Bombing; Clear Evidence Points to Bomb Squad’s Prior Knowledge


GR Editor’s Note: Several important questions raised in this report regarding the official version of events.

A number of  central issues,  however, remain to be substantiated.  Some of the points raised are unsubstantiated.

For a careful review which addresses media inconsistencies, see:
Boston Marathon Bombing: Rush Media Reports of “Terror Attack” without Factual Substantiation By Barry Grey, wsws.org and  Global Research April 16, 2013

*       *      *

It’s now becoming clear that members of the Boston bomb squad had advanced notice of the horrific bombing that took place at the marathon today. As an eyewitness reports, once the bombs went off, officials began announcing, “this is just a drill!” This logically means they were all informed of the “bomb drill” beforehand. Otherwise, why would they respond with, “this is just a drill” ?

According to Local15TV.com, a University of Mobile’s Cross Country Coach said there were bomb-sniffing dogs at both the start and finish lines, long before any explosions went off. He said:

“They kept making announcements on the loud speaker that it was just a drill and there was nothing to worry about. It seemed like there was some sort of threat, but they kept telling us it was just a drill.”

The official story of the bombing is that terrorists detonated two bombs at the marathon finish line and that the Boston bomb squad magically located a third bomb one mile away, identified the bomb, rigged it with explosives and initiated a “controlled explosion” all in less than an hour! (Absurd.)

The official story sounds like nothing more than a cover story.

Here are some of the facts we know so far

1) Bomb-sniffing dogs were present at the start of the race and the finish line, even before bombs went off.

2) The reported arrest of a “Saudi national” has now been retracted. Apparently that was a mistake published by the NY Post.

3) Instead, the mainstream media is pushing a new narrative that blames “right-wing extremists” for the bombing, even without a shred of evidence to back that up.

4) It is impossible for a bomb squad to have located, analyzed, rigged and detonated the third bomb in under an hour, especially when it was located one mile away, at the Kennedy Presidential Library.

See the map, below:

Why did the Boston bomb squad know all this in advance?

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‘False-flag’ meme goes mainstream on Boston Marathon bombings

Police react after the Boston Marathon bombings, April 15, 2013.

Police react after the Boston Marathon bombings, April 15, 2013.
Wed Apr 17, 2013 4:38AM GMT
By Dr. Kevin Barrett
Press TV

Whatever the truth about the Boston bombings, it seems that the false-flag meme is infiltrating mainstream discourse. And it isn’t going to go away . . . at least not until 9/11 and other false-flag crimes are solved, and effective measures instituted to protect the public against the scourge of false-flag terror.”

On September 11th, 2001, the US media began chanting “Bin Laden” in unison almost from the moment the attack was reported. The possibility that US government insiders had orchestrated the attack – in order to blame Muslims, launch wars on Muslim countries, and seize near-absolute power – was never mentioned.

Bin Laden’s repeated statements that he deplored the 9/11 attacks, considered them un-Islamic, and suspected that American supporters of Israel were behind them failed to penetrate the corporate media bubble. When the FBI definitively stated that Bin Laden was “not wanted” for 9/11 because there was “no hard evidence” of his involvement, the media blacked out the story.

But after the Boston bombings of April 16th, 2013, even the corporate monopoly media could no longer ignore the possibility of a false-flag attack. Yahoo News asked “Who’s behind the Boston Marathon bombings?” and offered 4 theories: (1) Islamic jihadists, (2) Right-wing militia types, (3) the government, and (4) a criminally-insane lone wolf.

Numbers (1), (2), and (4), of course, are the usual suspects. But including (3) “the government” on the suspects list is unprecedented for a mainstream news story reporting on a domestic terror incident.

The false-flag meme’s growing prominence was underlined at Massachusetts governor Deval Patrick’s press conference after the bombings. The first question for Governor Patrick came from Infowars correspondent Dan Bidondi, who asked whether the bombings were “a false-flag staged event..to take away our civil liberties.” Patrick, of course, answered “no.”

Even the Atlantic Monthly, a neocon-lite magazine associated with names like Goldberg and Hitchens, felt compelled to publish a story headlined: “What Is a ‘False Flag’ Attack, and What Does Boston Have to Do with This?” Amazingly, the Atlantic article stated that yes, there is historical precedent for viewing the Boston bombing as a false-flag event. The author, Philip Bump, even admitted: “If the Boston attack had been a ‘false flag’ attack, Gov. Patrick would have responded ‘no’ anyway.”

What has changed since 2001 to bring the false-flag meme into the limelight?

Short answer: The 9/11 truth movement. During the past decade, millions of activists have been working to awaken the American and global publics to the evidence that 9/11 was an American Reichstag Fire. Polls show that 36% of Americans – roughly 100 million people – think it likely that 9/11 was an inside job. Many of these truth-seekers are highly-accomplished scientists, engineers, military and intelligence officers, and other experts. You can meet some of them at PatriotsQuestion911.com and AE911Truth.org.

Since the corporate mainstream media and the foundation-funded pseudo-alternative media have refused to report the facts about 9/11, roughly 100 million Americans consider the media moguls pathological liars. Even among the almost 200 million Americans who are not up-front 9/11 skeptics, the vague sense that something is wrong, and that the media and the politicians are lying, is widespread. A recent Pew Research poll, for example, showed that Americans’ trust in government has fallen to an all-time low: Fewer than one-third of Americans trust the government, while more than two-thirds do not.

As the people lose faith in their government, and the corporate media crumbles into bankruptcy, a vibrant new independent media has sprung up on the internet. The Alex Jones media empire, which pushes the false-flag meme about as hard as it can be pushed, now reaches an estimated five to ten million people. Jeff Rense, Mike Adams, Mike Rivero, Veterans Today, American Free Press, and the foreign-run English language outlets Press TV and Russia Today also reach large and influential audiences with honest reporting about false-flag events.

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The Boston Bombings in Context: How the FBI Fosters, Funds and Equips American Terrorists


The Boston Marathon bombing has provoked shock, grief and outrage from around the world. After decades of conditioning, the public automatically equates such terrorism with Muslim radicals. But the evidence shows that every major terror plot on American soil in the past 10 years has been fostered, funded and equipped by one organization: the FBI.

People around the world watched in horror this week as explosions rocked the finish line of the Boston Marathon, turning a day of sportsmanship and celebration into one of shock, grief and outrage. As with all such events, the desire to discover who was behind this cowardly act has driven many into a speculative frenzy. And, in a sad reminder of the indoctrination that the Western world has been under for over a decade now in the mythical “war of terror,” it did not take long at all before the collective finger of the mob was pointed squarely in the direction of Muslim terrorists.

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Within hours of the blast, fear spread throughout the international Muslim community that the bombing would be connected to an Islamist extremist. A Libyan Twitter user touched a nerve—and received thousands of retweets and worldwide media coverage—by tweeting “Please don’t be a ‘Muslim.’” The backlash began shortly thereafter, with the New York Post falsely implying that a Saudi national was being questioned for his possible role in the attack. The next day, a plane departing Boston Logan Airport returned to the gate and two passengers were forcibly removed because they had been overheard speaking Arabic before takeoff.

As data continues to pour in regarding the bombing and who may be behind it, it is instructive to take a moment to step back and consider this knee-jerk tendency to conclude that this is the work of Islamic radicals. In the minds of millions of Americans, bombs targeting innocents on US soil are inextricably linked with the image of the bearded, turban-wearing boogeyman that has become the shorthand for evil in this age of terror.

This association is not only incorrect, it is dangerously incorrect because it signally fails to identify the one unifying thread between all of the recent terror plots in the US. Lurking behind the shadowy armies of would-be jihadis in the popular imagination is the sober reality that every single major terror bust in the United States since 9/11 has sourced back to the same group, a single entity that has in every single case funded, equipped and even incited the would-be terrorists into action: the FBI.

In 2005, federal prosecutors charged Michael Reynolds, a 47 year old drifter living with his elderly mother, of attempting to wage jihad on the US by blowing up fuel facilities. In reality, his plan for jihad was little more than a series of conversations he had on a Yahoo! Chat room with a US judge posing as a militant. He was arrested after agreeing to meet with an FBI informant who had promised him $40,000 for his cause, and two months later the FBI quietly announced he was likely mentally ill. He was eventually convicted and is curently serving 25 years in jail.

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US conducts false flag operation in Syria: Randy Short

A political analyst tells Press TV that the Free Syrian Army is a subsidiary of the CIA and they want to destroy Syria and it is obvious they do not care for the Syrians.

This is while the United States has updated its military options for a direct intervention in Syria to aid the militants fighting against the government of President Bashar al-Assad.

Press TV has conducted an interview with Randy Short, human rights activist, to further discuss the issue. What follows is an approximate transcription of the interview.

Press TV: What exactly are the so-called Friends of Syria after? I mean are they really concerned about the plight of people in Syria?

Short: Of course they are not concerned. If you ask me the FSA or the Free Syrian Army or whatever, they are a subsidiary of the CIA. Some people call the CIA the cocaine importing agency in terms of its relationship to drugs coming into the United States from Afghanistan and other places.

There they are to destroy a strong secular Muslim society that has shown itself a leader to fighting against the excesses of Zionism as well they want to punish the people of Syria who quietly helped resist the American invasion of Iraq and as well have preserved Lebanon, preventing it from becoming a colony of Israel.

This is a crime of the Assad dynasty, they can’t be forgiven as if they dare to want to have their own path, their own chart and the FSA and the others who they are to hide behind Saudi Arabian Wahabi Islam which is basically working with Zionism and European and American imperialism, racism and Islamophobia in the world.

They want to destroy Syria. It is obvious they do not care anything for the people. And most of the fighters, 95 percent according to German Intelligence are not even Syrians.

So I mean how can people who come into a country invade and destroy infrastructures, kill children and desecrate Masjids and profane the [Prophet] Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) and kill Imams, how can they really before anything other than covert Zionistic attack on the people of Syria?

Press TV: Mr. Short, I’d like to pick up on your mention of Israel there. You know, none of the so-called Friends of Syria have any problems with Israel, indeed some of them are allies and supporters of Tel Aviv. So what then is the role of Israel in this war on Syria?

Short: Of course, to throw rocks and hide their hands, to do things like have a role in assassination of leaders in other countries and try to attribute it to a third source, black flag operations or false flag operations seem to be the hallmark of not just Israel but the United States and Europe, the European Union with Operation Gladio or for that matter many people here suspect 9/11 and somehow is some sort of false flag operation.

And so there is a false flag that people care about the freedom of Syrian people. If they did, they wouldn’t be killing them, executing people and marking their bodies on YouTube, I cannot even watch it. How can such people care about Syrians?

And caring about Syrians you can’t just care about the Sunni majority. You have to think about the Bedouin, the Shia, the Kurds, the Christians, I mean Syria is a complex society, you cannot really care about a nation and only like some of the people.

That is the problem we have in United States as you know, I am an expert on that.


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US indifferent to Bahrain’s want of democracy: Analyst

Press TV

A Middle East expert says that Washington is indifferent to the Bahraini people’s aspirations for democracy and human rights since the US views Bahrain as nothing but the base for the US fifth fleet.

The comment comes as Bahrainis have staged a mass anti-regime demonstration near the capital to protest against the upcoming Formula One Grand Prix.

Thousands of Bahrainis took to the streets in the village of al-Aali, some 15 kilometers outside the capital Manama, on Friday to express their opposition to the Persian Gulf state’s hosting of the April 19-21 event.

Bahrainis say Formula 1’s governing body, the FIA, should cancel the event over Manama’s ongoing crackdown on protests.

Press TV has conducted an interview with author and Middle East expert, Kevin Barrett, in Madison to further discuss the issue. The program also offers the opinions of New York-based Stewart Stogel with the Newsmax Magazine. What follows is an approximate transcription of the interview.

Press TV: Kevin Barrett, twenty arbitrary arrests of activists prior to the Formula One Grand Prix. So the race is more important than Bahrainis. It raises questions about the Bahraini authorities’ commitment to reform doesn’t it?

Barrett: Well, I think the question is about the Bahraini authorities commitment to reform “have already been answered” as the viewers will recall the Arab Spring died in Bahrain.

We had genuine people’s non-violent revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt and Bahrain was the next domino that was tottering and about to fall; this is when the Western imperial powers stepped in and shut down the Arab Spring in Bahrain.

They supported the Bahraini government which is kind of a puppet really of the US Empire and of Saudi Arabia which itself is a puppet of this empire as they crushed the non-violent peaceful demonstrations in Bahrain and then the imperial propaganda apparatus went into over drive in using all of the means of their disposal which are quite considerable everything from internet propaganda to probably even subliminal techniques I would imagine are being employed.

They were able to create these artificial destabilization uprisings in Libya and Syria and create vicious bloody civil wars in those countries designed to destabilize the last independent Arab nations.

So this has been an imperial mobilization really of the post-Arab Spring world and Bahrain is the place where they kill the Arab Spring and these rulers have been propped up, the Khalifa dynasty has been propped up by the empire and told this is the kind of country that we like to have in the Middle East.

A very small powerless country that’s really just a US naval air station with a couple of local figure heads running it; taking orders from the West; running all of its policy for the West and crushing any genuine popular sentiments for independence and for running the place on behalf of the local people and so this sets the stage for really what’s the coming conflict in the Middle East which is will this region be governed by its own people or will it be destroyed in destabilization efforts by the empire.

Press TV: Kevin Barrett (your reaction to the other guest)?

Barrett: If Obama isn’t an imperialist then [former Spanish dictator] Franco, Mussolini and Hitler aren’t fascists. Obama was put in power precisely as the velvet glove to follow the Iron fist of the [Dick] Cheney regime that used the false flag attacks of 9/11 to destabilize the Middle East.

Obama was set in there with his nice surface, his fancy talk, his middle name Hussein designed to appeal to people of this region as a way to continue the same imperial policies and in some ways accelerate the same destructive aggressive, illegal imperial policies that have been followed for decades and accelerated under the lawless era left by this 9/11 false flag attack. Obama is the biggest imperialist of the century and if anybody out there doesn’t know that they must be living in a cave somewhere.

Barrett: Obama raised the US military budget more than any other US president in decades, far more than any democratic president. Every other democratic president that’s come into office has actually reduced the increase of the military budget but Obama was the first democratic president since World War II who greatly increased the military budget in his first years in office.

He initiated a brutal drone campaign designed to assassinate political opposition all over the world. He has presided over the biggest expansion of US Empire since what, the Spanish American war.
And you are telling me this guy isn’t an imperialist. Excuse me but what arguments can you possibility muster to claim that Obama had shut down the US Empire; closed all 1000 US military bases there infesting our planet like little cancerous sores everywhere. What has he actually done to shut down the empire?

Press TV: Stewart Stogel do you want to respond to Kevin Barrett there?

Stogel: Who killed Daniel Pearl of the Wall Street Journal, freedom fighters? Who beheaded them, freedom fighters? These are the kinds of people you are defending?

Barrett: The short answer to that question is CIA killed Daniel Pearl. Daniel Pearl was killed by the same false flag terrorists running amuck in Pakistan.

Stogel: Who beheaded them? Who massacred them?

Barrett: It doesn’t matter who actually beheaded him. It matters who was paying the executioner who beheaded him and that executioner was obviously in the pay of the same people who are waging false flag destabilization campaigns in Pakistan and every other country on the region.

You should Google the name Raymond Davis. Raymond Davis is a CIA officer who was arrested planning false flag attacks in Pakistan. He was driving around Pakistan setting up bombings of mosques and markets. They were going to be attributed to so called ‘Islamic radicals.’ Google the name Raymond Davis CIA and you will find out the kind of people who killed Daniel Pearl.

Press TV: Viewer comment: “John Kerry, where is your call for regime change that you so eagerly and readily express for Syria? Why do you remain silent [on Bahrain]?”

Dino Di Lucido

Kevin Barrett reaction on that from you?

Barrett: Well, I actually heard a couple of things from the guest (Stewart Stogel) that weren’t complete nonsense so that’s nice. I think it’s true that the Bashar al-Assad government in Syria recognizes that its own destruction would bring in an era of even more repression and violence.

But I think the guest is utterly it appears to be ignorant of basic geopolitical realities which are that we have sort of a US Zionist imperialist axis that some of us consider the real axis of evil going up against those forces in the region and around the world that want to maintain independence.

And in Syria the Russians who are trying to maintain at least a degree of independence and a world in which we wouldn’t have a single imperial center, Washington DC or occupied Jerusalem or whatever are putting their foot down and saying no I’m sorry but NATO is not going to have the chance to overfly Syria and drop bombs and kill tens of thousands of people like they did in Libya. The Russians have said it’s going to have to be fought out on the ground in Syria.

So the imperial forces US, Israel and their puppet states like Saudi Arabia and Qatar are sending these-you know, they open their prisons, they say we’ll give you a lot of money criminals if you want to go in there and blow things up.

And so they are sending these mercenaries into Syria to wreak havoc and Syria is being destabilized by the empire; they’re punishing it for its support of the axis of resistance; its support of Hezbollah and Hammas and its refusal to knuckle under and be a slave of the empire that’s why they are destroying Syria.

It’s interesting that my fellow guest doesn’t even seem to recognize that there is a geopolitical aspect to any of this. He is just kind of delving these surface platitudes that get buzzed on Fox News as kind of brainwashing discourse to try to sucker Americans into remaining as ignorant of the world as they already are.

Barrett: (In response to the other guest) Nobody in the Middle East wants an American military anywhere in the Middle East. The entire Middle East wants US bases out.

They want US bases out. The population of the Middle East wants US bases out. Face that fact Sir. Would you like to be occupied? Would you like your country to be occupied by Chinese bases? Do you want to live under occupation yourself?

You should visit the Middle East yourself sometime. I speak Arabic pretty well and I’ve been there and I have yet to meet anybody from the Middle East who wants American occupation to continue and the people you hang out with over there being the puppets of the empire are probably quite happy but 99 percent of the population wants those US bases out and they want the Zionist occupation to end too.

Stogel: You know it’s funny if all these human rights abuses are going on especially in Bahrain I would have thought that at least the group of 77 would have raised the issue at the UN. I’ve seen very very little even with states ‘sympathetic’ to the anti-government Bahraini forces. I don’t see them making a big issue inside the UN before the human rights commission. Why don’t they do it? I haven’t seen any of what you are talking about.

Press TV: Kevin Barrett why don’t they do it enough?

Barrett: Well, they’re certainly not doing it enough but there are human rights organizations all over the world, including some of the big ones; they are taking a lot of money from the empire through the foundations which is supposed to keep them quiet on Bahrain and other sensitive issues but they are raising the issue of human rights in Bahrain if you haven’t heard about it I think you know again you’ve been living in a cave.

Stogel: If the issues in Bahrain are that serious there are many sympathetic states in the Middle East why have they not raised on an official level to get legal action taken against the Bahraini authorities?

Barrett: I’m not sure what states you are referring to that are sympathetic to the people of Bahrain obviously Iran would be sympathetic because it’s still an independent state.

Stogel: Why is Iran not raising the issue on a formal level at the UN?

Barrett: I hope they do and maybe since Press TV has a pretty big English speaking audience in Iran they’ll pick it up.

Press TV: Kevin Barrett we are looking at two years on here and we had the US human rights and labor assistant secretary of state for Bureau of democracy, Michael Posner. Well, they said they welcome the call for dialogue by the Bahraini government. That was last year and here we are; is this just talk from the US so they can add their comments on it but yet do nothing about it?

Barrett: Of course it is. The US has decided that the base for the US fifth fleet which is what Bahrain is; is more important than the aspirations for democracy and human rights of the people of Bahrain. That’s not new the US Empire has been making this kind of decision about virtually any country it occupies in the world and there have been many dozens, probably hundreds since World War II.

William Bloom’s great book Killing Hope gives a pretty good record of these US occupations, CIA interventions and military interventions that have killed probably more than ten million people and ruined the lives of many dozens of millions since World War II. Bahrain is just more road kill on the highway or road kill on the Formula one road race of the empire.


Watch Video Here


Bahrain uprising threatens US hegemony

A young Bahraini protester waves the national flag during a demonstration near Manama.

A young Bahraini protester waves the national flag during a demonstration near Manama.
Mon Nov 12, 2012 4:9AM GMT
By Finian Cunningham
Press TV

The Western-backed Bahraini monarchy has been facing continuous street protests… since February 2011 calling for an elected government to replace decades of misrule and corruption under one family. While the self-styled royal rulers and their hangers-on live in absolute luxury -– never having worked a day in their pampered lives -– the majority of Bahrainis live in poverty and under constant harassment from regime goons and death squads hired from neighbouring Sunni countries, such as Yemen and Pakistan.”

Connecting the dots of recent dramatic events in Bahrain spells one unmistakable message — the US-backed Al Khalifa regime is on the political ropes. It is desperately trying to defeat a determined pro-democracy movement that just won’t lie down or go away.

The regime is fighting for its very survival under unrelenting pressure from the mainly Shia population, who won’t back down in their demand for human dignity and freedom, no matter how much they are brutalized and terrorized.

But it’s not just the survival of the Khalifa regime that is at stake. It’s the entire US-backed order of Arab monarchies which has been in place for over six decades, and which is now showing cracks in the dam. This order has historically guaranteed the West a reliable source of oil; and more recently it is crucial to shoring up the bankrupt petrodollar system that Anglo-American global capitalism depends on.

Moreover, the Persian Gulf Arab dictatorships are a lucrative destination for the American and British weapons industries. The latter vital interest was underscored last week by the visit of British prime minister to the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia — whose sole mission was to sell $9 billion-worth of fighter jets to these regimes. The Pentagon is also planning to sell Saudi Arabia $6.7 billion-worth of military transport planes, on top of the $60 billion deal signed off last year. In an age of debt-ridden American and British capitalism, the Arab dictators are vital sources of cash.

This crucial geo-strategic backdrop to Bahrain explains the escalating repression in the tiny island kingdom against civilian protesters, with a blanket ban invoked by the regime on all public demonstrations. Bloggers and organisers caught or suspected of agitating on social media have been dealt with instant imprisonment.

Then last week saw the rulers making the extraordinary Orwellian move of deleting the nationality status of 31 Bahraini pro-democracy leaders — a move that has shocked human rights observers and which contravenes the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Imagine a government making its own citizens “non-nationals.” How sinister is that?

Those draconian moves followed on the heels of suspicious explosions in the capital, Manama, and earlier last month in the village of Eker, which claimed the lives of two Indian workers and a policeman, respectively.

This theatre of dirty tricks and playing to the gallery with lurid accusations of foreign subversion is, to be sure, aimed at justifying the unjustifiable — the use of state terrorism and repression against civilians who are simply demanding basic democratic rights. However, what the latest draconian moves by the Khalifa dictatorship tells us is that the regime and its powerful backers are coming under acute pressure for political survival.

The Western-backed Bahraini monarchy has been facing continuous street protests over the past 21 months — since February 2011 — calling for an elected government to replace decades of misrule and corruption under one family. While the self-styled royal rulers and their hangers-on live in absolute luxury — never having worked a day in their pampered lives — the majority of Bahrainis live in poverty and under constant harassment from regime goons and death squads hired from neighbouring Sunni countries, such as Yemen and Pakistan.

Bahrain’s mainly Shia population wants the Al Khalifa regime, headed by King Hamad, to be abolished — and quite rightly so. The regime is seen as an imposter, originally from the Arabian Peninsula, which was installed by the British Empire to rule over Bahrainis in order to make the territory and Persian Gulf waterway safe for Britain’s geopolitical interests. This function of the Khalifa as a foreign proxy still persists for American and British interests.

Over the past two years, largely peaceful demonstrations have been held nearly on a daily basis across the oil-rich Persian Gulf island, despite a brutal crackdown by regime forces that has caused some 100 deaths since the uprising.

Two factors underpin the Al Khalifa’s shaky hold on power. First, massive support from neighbouring Persian Gulf monarchies led primarily by Saudi Arabia. These unelected Sunni kings and emirs have bankrolled their smaller neighbour since protests have taken a heavy toll on the economy and investor confidence. Saudi Arabia — the world’s biggest oil exporter — has also sent troops into Bahrain, which have greatly intensified the repression against the Bahraini population and shored up the Khalifa regime with a reign of terror.

Secondly, Bahrain’s monarchy has been able to rely on unwavering diplomatic and military support from the United States and British governments. Apart from the occasional muted words of concern about human rights, Washington and London’s repeated salutations of “key ally” and flow of weapon sales have, in effect, told the Bahraini and Saudi regimes that they have a green light to crush the popular revolt by whatever means necessary. The unquestioned stationing of the US Navy’s Fifth Fleet in Bahrain is perhaps the clearest signal from Washington that its patronage to the Khalifa regime is rock solid.


I am  not   fan  of  Fox  News ,  However,  I  am a  fan  of  Judge Napolitano.  I   found  this  video and   wanted to  share.  Very  interesting to  say the least.

~Desert Rose~


Pete Santilli

Published on Apr 18, 2013

In October of 2009, Judge Napolitano reveals facts that the US Gov’t has participated in false flag events. Can the government save Boston from a plot of it’s own creation? He had it right back then, and it definitely applies to the Boston Marathon terror perpetrated; or at minimum, assisted by the US Gov’t.

The FBI recruits, trains, funds and supplies terrorists…..so that they can “solve” the crime they actually created themselves. It’s like a firefighter who becomes an arsonist so that he can become the “hero”.


Mother & Father Of Boston Bombing Suspects Speak Out!


Published on Apr 19, 2013

They Were Framed, FBI Knew About Them 4 Years Ago: Mother & Father Of Boston Bombing Suspects Speak Out! Tsarnaev brothers MOTHER of Boston Bombing Suspects said My sons are innocent, this is a setup!!! Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Russia Russian in the Run Boston bombing suspect Manhunt For Second Suspect Of Boston Bomber Boston Shootout Footage – Watertown, MA – April 18 2013 Manhunt For Second Suspect Of Boston Bomber Who’s On The Run: Governor Speaks Out After 1 Officer & 1st Suspect Killed! INSTAGRAM — @dherrera175 https://www.Twitter.com/HerreraVip

Boston bombings suspects are 19-year-old Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, who remains at large. His brother, 26-year-old Tamerlan Tsarnayev, was killed after a police car chase. Their family originates from Russia’s North Caucasus – but settled in the United States more than a decade ago. RT talks to the mother of the two suspects Zubeidat Tsarnaeva – LIVE UPDATES http://on.rt.com/hu3yye

Published on Jan 24, 2013


ANONYMOUS Call for Overthrowing US Government

Published on Mar 13, 2012

Operation V

Politics, Legislation and Economy News



Politics  :  Wars and Rumors of War – War on terror



Published on Sep 25, 2012 by

Patrick Clawson of the influential neo-con Washington Institute for Near East Studies OPENLY suggests that the US should provoke Iran into taking the first shot.Israel Lobbyist suggests False Flag attack to start war with Iran. Just like 911 in New York causing the deaths of American civilians and soldiers, a million dead Iraqis and for what?

VOTE THIS UP!! and stop these criminals!

watch the original full video here WashingtonInstitute(Clawson’s traitorous comments start around 1 hour 15min): http://youtu.be/fsvDWZTVP3E

How to Build U.S.-Israeli Coordination on Preventing an Iranian Nuclear Breakout

Published on Sep 24, 2012 by

Dennis Ross, Patrick Clawson, and David Makovsky discuss how the United States and Israel can regain the initiative in halting Iran’s progress toward nuclear weapons.

Preventing Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons is the declared policy of both the U.S. and Israeli governments. This past spring and summer, The Washington Institute convened strategic dialogues with a small group of knowledgeable and influential Israelis and Americans to discuss bilateral consultation on advancing the policy of prevention. In the wake of those meetings, Patrick Clawson and David Makovsky have written a soon-to-be-released report regarding the various issues and tensions that affect such consultation. The report includes a variety of proposals for how the United States and Israel can get back the initiative in halting Tehran’s nuclear progress.

To discuss their findings, The Washington Institute held a Policy Forum luncheon with the authors, joined by Ambassador Dennis Ross, in Washington, DC, on Friday, September 21, 2012.

Dennis Ross rejoined The Washington Institute as counselor in December 2011 after serving as special assistant to President Obama, senior director for the central region at the National Security Council, and special advisor to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, focusing on Iran. Previously, he played a leading role in shaping U.S. involvement in the peace process for more than twelve years, dealing directly with the parties in negotiations.

Patrick Clawson is director of research and head of the Iran Security Initiative at the Institute. A Persian speaker, he is the author or editor of eighteen books and studies on Iran as well as more than 150 articles on the Middle East. Previously, he served at the National Defense University, the World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund, among other institutions.

David Makovsky is the Ziegler distinguished fellow at the Institute, where he directs the Project on the Middle East Peace Process and has chaired two rounds of U.S.-Israeli dialogue on Iran. His publications include a just-released New Yorker essay on Israel’s 2007 bombing of Syria’s nuclear reactor titled “The Silent Strike.”

Politics, Legislation and Economy News

Government Overreach/ Psy-Ops :  Corruption / Hypocrisy/False Flag

They want to portray Obama as a victim of racist hatred by the white gun owners

DHS Source: “It’s going hot”

– Doug Hagmann

“It’s going hot.” Those were the ominous opening and closing words from my source inside the Department of Homeland Security in two separate contacts we had within the last 72 hours. Readers to this website and listeners to my radio program know this source as “Rosebud,” a source with access to high levels within the DHS administration.

Readers of this website and listeners to my radio program are familiar with this DHS insider from previous leaks detailing alleged plans by members of the Obama administration to keep him in power beyond the 2012 elections.  One could argue that any person of reasonable sensibilities would certainly find this a delusional prospect and tinfoil hat conspiracy nonsense. After all, we have a Constitution, or what’s left of it, that dictates our election process, at least for now. As such, one might logically ask how any sane person can even entertain the prospect of not having normal elections in November.

I would feel the same, and did so as well until the last few years. Today, things are much different than they were four years ago, or even last year at this time. Judi McLeod, award-winning founder and editor of Canada Free Press and not one to succumb to delusion or fantasy, points this out and provides a solid foundation for this possibility in her column published on August 27, 2012 titled “Staged crisis leading to suspended elections could happen on our watch.” What a difference four years can make.

For the purpose of full disclosure, I must note that what follows is a compilation of the information I obtained from my source from two separate contacts within a 72 hour period. Both contacts have been assembled into a single “conversation” for easier reading. None of the information has been changed or otherwise edited.

New information from DHS source

According to my well-placed source within the DHS apparatus, what amounts to a final authorization was reportedly given to DHS directly from the White House. A “go signal” if you will.

“It’s going hot. The plan, or whatever specific operation that was devised, is going hot, being put into motion. You’ve got to let people know that something is up, approval has been given, and unless somebody stops it, we’re going to have a staged event inside the U.S., and it’s being set up so that it gets real ugly real fast.” Obviously, I asked for clarification and more details.

“Look, I’ll tell you everything I know, what I’ve heard and seen, and some of what I’ve been told, but you’ve got to get this public. Even then, I’m not sure we know enough about the specific operational details, have enough time, or have the ability to overcome the characterizations of lunacy they’re going to throw at you, at us, for even talking about this. I’ve heard you talk about the ‘normalcy bias’ of most Americans, and that’s part of what we’re fighting. Look at what they did to you and the content of last information I gave to you. It was like that pass a secret game in first grade, you know, where one student whispers something in the ear of the kid next to him and it’s passed around the room until it gets to the last student. By that time, it’s nothing like the original ‘secret.’ It’s the lesson kids learn about spreading gossip. There was some state representative from Tennessee that sent out a mass e-mail of a screwed up version of what you wrote and then later retracted it,” he stated.

I reminded him that it was Tennessee State Representative Kelly Keisling who sent an e-mail to his constituents based on what amounted to third-hand information he read on the Internet. It centered around an alleged fake assassination attempt, something I never wrote, I told him. “Yes, that’s it. Didn’t you find the timing of that odd? I mean, the information I gave you was back in late April. When did Keisling send that e-mail and then make his very public retraction? Two or three weeks ago? Give me a break. They wanted to discredit you and anyone who makes public their intentions as bad as they want to know where the leaks are coming from,” he stated. “Believe me when I tell you they are desperate on a number of levels.”

My source continued: “Don’t think for one second that the sudden resurrection of the information, as incorrect as it was by that state rep, was an accident, because it wasn’t,” he replied. “Maybe the rep was played and clueless to the original story, but the way the story was managed after the fact made you look like a fool, like a real nutcase,” he said. I thanked him for the reminder.

“That’s their playbook,” he emphasized. “[Glenn] Beck, you on CFP, your show and others who talk about Alinksy tactics are right. Remember, Alinsky when he wrote that ridicule is the most potent weapon, and there is no defense because it irrational and infuriating. Trust me when I tell you that you are going to get hit hard and called crazy, this time with much greater intensity. Expect it the closer we get to the end game. But, pay attention to who is exploiting the false rumors, and you’ll get an idea who is behind the larger agenda,” he added.

I asked my source for details. “What exactly is the plan? Can you give me specific details? How do you know about this plan ‘going hot?’”

“Okay, from what I’ve been able to learn, there have been a couple different plans or scenarios developed, ready to be implemented at a moment’s notice, but each are distinctly different in nature and timing.” stated my source. “This is done for a few reasons. Look how the weather changed the plans for [Vice-President Joe] Biden’s visit to Tampa. That’s just one example. They’ve got contingencies. They are watching the poll numbers. They are closely monitoring public sentiment. But the objective of the plan is that they want to portray Obama as a victim of racist hatred by the white gun owners, the people concerned about the Constitution, the people they consider fringe. They want to silence their critics, prove that talk show hosts are causing hatred, and that all gun owners are behind the recent shootings. That’s at the heart of the plan. But to understand just how insidious this is, you’ve got to understand the people who are behind it.”

Nero in the White House, Caligula at the DHS

My source continued, “I’ve been trying to get as much information as possible, but it’s not been easy. This is definitely a plan that has its origins at the highest levels of the White House, and seems limited to maybe a handful of the people closest to Obama. The only reason I know about this authorization order, or approval, or whatever you want to call it, is that there was a major slip up at the very upper level of DHS, and I mean the very upper level” he stated.

“Remember the news about sexual harassment, intimidation and all of the garbage that’s gone on between the people Napolitano brought in and promoted due to their ‘lifestyle’ preferences? These are some sick people, mental rapists and perverts, who she’s brought in to her innermost circle. They make Caligula look like a boy scout, at least with power and sex. Well, one of those people, close to Napolitano, was involved in a meeting where the concept and approval of a false flag was being discussed.”

“This is where they almost lost it. You’ve got to understand that this whole thing is very compartmentalized and we’re talking about a very small group of people in this meeting. This person knew some of the information, not all of it, and let some information slip to a counterpart. That counterpart, who found herself involved in a situation way over her head, talked. I won’t go any further, but that’s how I ended up learning the latest information,” said my source. “Now you should have an idea of how this slipped out. But they had a quick handle on damage control, given the circumstances behind the disclosure. Potentially embarrassing circumstances, sexual blackmail” he added.

I asked my source whether DHS is involved in the actual planning or staging of the event. In response, this source stated that Janet Napolitano and her closest aides are playing a supporting role. ” She has to be involved because she has to control the response to a staged event. She’s involved to coordinate and implement the clampdown, after the fact. She does what she’s told. From everything I’ve heard, I believe the plans come from Valerie Jarrett and possibly a close friend and Obama associate who has a very big stake in Obama’s re-election.”

“What happens and when it happens depends on the events of the next sixty days. If it appears that Obama does not have a lock on the next four years to finish what he started, what he has been told to do, then watch for it ‘going hot.’”

Doug Hagmann
Most recent columns
Copyright © Douglas Hagmann
Douglas J. Hagmann and his son, Joe Hagmann host The Hagmann & Hagmann Report, a live Internet radio program broadcast each weeknight from 8:00-10:00 p.m. ET.

Douglas Hagmann, founder & director of the Northeast Intelligence Network, and a multi-state licensed private investigative agency. Doug began using his investigative skills and training to fight terrorism and increase public awareness through his website.

Doug can be reached at: director@homelandsecurityus.com

Older articles by Doug Hagmann


If Obama is not guaranteed that cheating will win him reelection, the staged crisis to suspend elections will happen on our watch

Staged crisis leading to suspended elections could happen on our watch

– Judi McLeod

Obama whistling past the cemeteryThe closer America gets to Election Day, the more some worry about the possibility of there not being one.

Obama is smiling all the way through the polls, and it may not merely be whistling past the cemetery this time.

The fear of Obama suspending elections came long before the presidential election campaign officially began.  It was almost one year ago when North Carolina Governor Bev Perdue made suspended elections an idea whose time has come.

“I think we ought to suspend, perhaps, elections for Congress for two years and just tell them we won’t hold it against them, whatever decisions they make, to just let them help this country recover,” Gov. Perdue, a Democrat said, according to a report by the Raleigh News & Observer.  “You want people who don’t worry about the next election.” (Fox News, Sept. 27, 2011).

The trial balloon for Obama’s suspension of elections had been sent up overnight.

When public outrage followed Perdue’s ‘suggestion’, her staff quickly issued a statement suggesting she wasn’t really calling for suspension of elections.

“Governor Perdue was obviously using hyperbole to highlight what we can all agree is a serious problem: Washington politicians who focus on their own election instead of what’s best for the people they serve,” a spokesman said.

Canada Free Press (CFP) believes that Perdue, who is suiting herself and not running for re-election this time out, was the first person to give oxygen to the idea of Obama suspending elections.

You do not have to be in the Conspiracy Camp to worry that something is amiss in this Election.  It is not as the media is presenting it, just an election like any other with the Repubs and Dems dragging out skeletons and leaving them for all to see out on the campaign trail.

Occupy Wall Street (OWS), Code Pink, turned out in get-ups depicting their own nether regions,  and the other far left riffraff will be out there today protesting the Republican National Convention (RNC).

It’s not spontaneous but is all part of the White Noise orchestrated and overseen by the Hollywood creative equipped-White House Marxists.

Sure,  progressives have done this before and have even been part of every election campaign counting back decades.

But the significant big difference this time is that they’re playing for keeps.

What kind of crisis will the Obama Team exploit to impose martial law and suspend the 2012 Election?

Any staged crisis will do.  It’s not really the crisis they need but only the perception of one.

The game plan is already in play and God only knows where it will end.

You can see the game plan clearly in the Aug. 18 released DVD “The Hunger Games” in a movie highlighting the so called “evils” of American capitalism and the horrors of life under the Bush Regime.

While the masses are worried about the every day horror of Marxist Obama, progressives haven’t weaned their sorry selves off the Blame Bush mentality.

Canadian actor Donald Sutherland, who stars as Dictator President Snow in the movie, takes advantage of his appearance in the special features section to come out and heap praise on the Occupy Wall Street movement—to declare that it’s “absolutely time” for a revolution.

Sutherland even goes on to predict the Occupy movement will produce a “leader” for the upcoming revolution.

“(The Hunger Games) so clearly and carefully echoes (today).  I think the people with Occupy Wall Street and Occupy L.A., out of those people will come a leader.  It has to.  It’s time, it’s absolutely time.” (CNS News, Aug. 24, 2012)

Interesting to note that Donald Sutherland isn’t just another Pretty Boy George Clooney type.  His second of three wives was Shirley Douglas, the daughter of Tommy Douglas, Father of Canada’s socialized medicine, among other things.

In a revolutionary-bound world, there’s always Hollywood. Even as the same people who pay to see their movies suffer in Marxist misery, Hollywood is still there providing most of the Obama regime props.

The perception of overnight ‘grassroots’ insurrection will go down without a glitch.  Obama controls both the mainstream media and the social media.

Not as commonly known is that Obama also controls the fake grassroots protest movement known as OWS.

For nearly four long years he’s built an army “as well trained and well equipped as the U.S. military”.

This is how the staged ‘crisis’ that leads to suspended elections could happen:  Overnight in late-October,  progressive activists will cause a ruckus aimed to shut down major American cities, including Washington, DC and New York.  A thousand protesters will manage to hold these urban centers hostage—but you can bet the family farm that the media will present them as hundreds of thousands heading towards millions.

Protesters will storm private homes frightening their inhabitants.

When things are at their very worst,  Obama calling for calm will appear over every television network and send out a message over cell phones telling Americans that he—and only he—has their backs covered.  Obama will then reveal that for he sake of Public Safety he has no choice but to suspend elections.

All Obama really needs to deliver the evil deed is Hollywood/media crafted perception.

If Obama is not guaranteed that cheating will win him reelection, the staged crisis to suspend elections will happen on our watch.  And it is integral to the success of the progressives, that no one from our watch will ever be able to prove it happened.

Judi McLeod
Most recent columns
Copyright © Canada Free Press

RSS Feed for Judi McLeod

Judi McLeod is an award-winning journalist with 30 years’ experience in the print media. A former Toronto Sun columnist, she also worked for the Kingston Whig Standard. Her work has appeared on Rush Limbaugh, Newsmax.com, Drudge Report, Foxnews.com, and Glenn Beck.

Judi can be emailed at: judi@canadafreepress.com

Older articles by Judi McLeod


An Interview with Doug Hagmann

Obama Reelection Insurrection Imminent

 By   Sher Zieve

Recently, I read Doug Hagmann’s column “The planned re-election of Obama, revolutionary style” in which Doug cited a “deep-throat” DHS source.  The following interview is a continuation of that column and it is bone-chilling.

Douglas J. Hagmann is the founder and director of the Northeast Intelligence Network. Hagmann is a 26-year veteran private investigator who has worked as an operational asset for the U.S. Department of Justice, the FBI, the New York and Pennsylvania State Police. He is the author of Tactical Surveillance, a textbook used for training surveillance operatives. He is the CEO of a multi-state licensed private investigative agency and a senior columnist for Canada Free Press. He’s a frequent guest on nationally syndicated radio shows such as Coast to Coast AM with George Noory.

Joe Hagmann is the associate director of the Northeast Intelligence Network, a veteran researcher and investigator with an insatiable desire for truth.

The Interview

Sher: Doug, in your recent and extraordinary column “The Planned Re-Election of Obama, Revolutionary Style” you wrote about the coming plans of the Obama syndicate to install Martial Law in order to forcefully thwart and attack the American people, in order to maintain their jobs.  Your source advises that various false flag attempts could be in the works by Obama’s operatives, including perhaps an event to evoke sympathy for Obama that would also serve to foment racial chaos. Would you give us a little background on how your source believes the Obama syndicate might plan to bring this to fruition, perhaps resulting in suspending elections in November?

They hate, and I mean hate the democratic system of government and loathe capitalism

Doug: I’ve been in contact with my source since that column was published and we’ve had more discussions about this. In fact, our last contact was after the shooting at the Sikh Temple in Wisconsin, and I’ve obtained more information about this very issue.

First, it seems that people have an over-simplistic view of how things are being planned by the people who are most influential to Obama, or by those who are in the position to help Obama stay in office. Their playbook is full of asymmetrical tactics, but suitably transparent if one understands what’s at stake.

According to my source, it is the very existence of our country and way of life is at stake. Many people who are currently in positions of power, whether elected or appointed, have the same ideological goals of Barack Hussein Obama. Like Obama, they want to transform the country, and will use every tactic possible to do so. They believe that under Obama, they finally have the perfect opportunity to implement the socialism-to-communism agenda in America. They hate, and I mean hate the democratic system of government and loathe capitalism. They are the “red diaper babies” of the 1960’s who have gained power through the very process they seek to destroy.

They feel that they have lived their entire lives for this time in history, when they can change America on every level. They feel that they need more time, however, to fully achieve their objectives. My source told me that something(s) went “sideways” for Obama, which created the need for more time, or a second term.

According to my source, there were some internal problems within the Department of Homeland Security, and some external problems outside of that venue as well that slowed the process. My source stated that the delays caused a lot of anger among those at a higher level, and that anger or impatience trickled down through the ranks at DHS.

On the day of the shooting at the Sikh Temple, however, my source stated that there were many meetings and contacts between Obama’s people, especially from Valerie Jarrett, that involved Janet Napolitano and the FBI director. According to my source, Jarrett and others within Obama’s inner circle were actually coordinating how the information about the shooting was to be handled. Imagine that! Obama’s closest advisor was actually involved with almost every aspect of a local shooting by first designating it as an act of domestic terrorism. As soon as they were made aware that the shooting took place at a Sikh Temple and had the identity of the shooter, they made sure that the federal agents took over the crime scene so the flow of information could be controlled.  “There was a sickening sense of perverted excitement by Obama’s closest advisors, based on what I heard at my level,” said my source. “That twist approach to a terrible event, it actually p-ssed some [higher ranking DHS officials] off,” he said to me. He also said that he heard one high ranking source within DHS tell someone else that “we can’t let this one get away from us,” a reference to the shooting.

So, they obviously prefer to exploit situations like the shooting in Wisconsin to attack our freedoms granted under the Constitution, but have no moral objection to creating their own crises, if necessary, to further their objectives. In part, that’s where the “false-flag” scenario originated.

My source was very emphatic then and now that the planning that is being done is “fluid,” or always being revised and updated to exploit whatever situations might arise.

Sher: It’s hard to believe, Doug, but this is almost worse than I believed.  For the last several years, Obama has ordered military drills, including the military’s heavy artillery, in multiple US States and their major cities. A few of these include Los Angeles, New York City, Miami and Boston. I’ve been writing about these phenomena for the last several years.

Now, Infowars is reporting from Florida’s Sun Sentinel that military exercises began again in Hollywood, Florida, on 2 August and that unannounced military drills in the middle of that night frightened and awakened Worcester Massachusetts residents.

In a comment, Worcester resident Brian Goslow reported the essential “black helicopters” buzzed his house and others in Worcester, in the middle of the night, for over 2 ½ hours. Strongly sounds to me that these tactics are being used to intimidate and cast fear into the hearts of American citizens via our own military, what’s your assessment of all of this?

Doug: Alex Jones has done a great job in exposing the government’s role in conditioning the populace to an ever increasing paramilitary presence on the streets of America. You’ve done a great job as well. I’ve spoken to my source about this at length, including the latest urban military training exercise. His response was simply, “expect more.”

Again, this is directly related to Obama needing yet another term to complete his objectives. The militarization of municipal law enforcement agencies within the U.S. has been expedited under the reign of Barack Hussein Obama, implemented by DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano, and facilitated through bipartisan support of members of the United States Senate and House of Representatives. But, who is the enemy? If you are reading this, chances are good that you are.

It is important for every American to understand that we are witnessing the end game scenario of a takeover from within. The plan has been in place for a long time and transcends the fictitious right-left paradigm, but is coming to fruition under the reign of Barack Hussein Obama. The patriotic conservatives in tandem with the Progressives and communist elements within our own government have not only approved of it, they applauded it.

A listener to my nightly internet talk show, the Hagmann & Hagmann Report, sent me the following picture.

The above photograph is that of a military armored personnel carrier taken this week by a gentleman named Tom. The photograph was not taken in Afghanistan, Iraq or even on a military base in the U.S., but on a city street in Wausau, Wisconsin. The armored personnel carrier is the property of the Sheriff’s Department, as is the result of the militarization of law enforcement agencies across America. It is the “new normal” under the Department of Homeland Security, and is just one of many such vehicles deployed across the United States. Along with the photograph Tom sent to me, he asks the legitimate question of why such a vehicle is needed in a community of about 39,000 residents, and how many other such vehicles exist across the country that we don’t know about?

In addition to heavily armored street vehicles, the Department of Homeland Security is now using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs or drones) within the United States for surveillance and interdiction purposes. Indeed, the continental United States (CONUS) has become a battlefield in preparation for… what?

We are facing a revolution, and the government is preparing for it. This supports everything my source has told me about what’s coming.

Sher: The breadth and scope of all of these ongoing military “drills”: are unprecedented in the United States of America and to many they smack of abject tyranny and Obama’s plan to remain in power by whatever means necessary. In fact, in another totally unprecedented move, more and more Russian soldiers have been invited by Obama to US soil to engage in “joint military exercises” with US soldiers. Obama invited a foreign power (Russia) and pronounced enemy of the USA to send its troops to US soil, coupled this atrocity with his recent statement to Russian President Medvedev and was caught on video saying:

President Obama: “On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this, this can be solved but it’s important for him to give me space.”

President Medvedev: “Yeah, I understand. I understand your message about space. Space for you…”

President Obama: “This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility.”

President Medvedev: “I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir.”

Sounds to me as if Russia and the Putin KGB may be calling the shots and dictating the US’ course of actions to Obama. What do you make of this?

Doug: It also sounds like Obama is confident of another four years, doesn’t it?

Sher: Four more years of Obama will be the end of the country and of many of us.  And as Congress has been ignoring Obama’s patently unconstitutional and increasingly illegal activities and—with SCOTUS CJ John Roberts’ ObamaCare decision (which the dissent actually called an illegal decision)—and the Supreme Court seemingly now following Obama’s orders we are now firmly in the grip of an Oligarchic dictatorship. None of the branches of our federal government have listened to We-the-People for a very long time. Do you see any way to take our country back, other than a real active fighting and bloody second American Revolution?

Doug: There is something terribly wrong in America. People can feel it, they can sense it, and are now beginning to see “it.” Some say that “it” began decades ago, with the establishment of the Federal Reserve and the fiat monetary system. Others suggest that “it” began when we, as a nation, removed God from our schools and legalized the wholesale killing of unborn babies.

Anyone with spiritual discernment knows that America is in deep trouble. We are bankrupt, not just financially, but morally and spiritually. Some say our nation is broken beyond repair, and that we’ve perverted our Republic to such an extent that it would not be recognizable to our founding fathers. That which was once unacceptable is not only permitted, but encouraged under the guise of tolerance.

I’d like to quote a good friend of mine in response to this question. Steve Quayle, a long time talk show host and frequent well-known guest on national talk shows has said, and I’m paraphrasing now, that “you cannot fix a spiritual problem with a political solution.”

Our troubles run much deeper than politics, and it’s going to take much more than political solutions to get it back. Make no mistake, though, the government is preparing for a revolution.

Sher: Doug, thanks so much for your time and input. Where can people read your work?

Doug: My website is HomelandSecurityUS.com and I am the senior co-host, with my son, of The Hagmann & Hagmann Report that is aired weeknights from 8:00-10:00 p.m. ET on the internet. People can listen or watch the program live via my website. I am also proud to be a senior columnist for Canada Free Press at CanadaFreePress.com.

The Planned Re-Election of Obama, Revolutionary Style:
Massachusetts Citizens Frightened by Midnight Military Exercises:
Rappelling over Hollywood is training exercise:
It’s only a drill—but urban terrain training choppers rattle parts of city (Mass):
President Obama Asks Medvedev for ‘Space’ on Missile Defense:
After My Election I Have More Flexibility“:

Sher Zieve
Most recent columns

Sher Zieve is an author and political commentator. Zieve’s op-ed columns are widely carried by multiple internet journals and sites, and she also writes hard news. Her columns have also appeared in The Oregon Herald, Dallas Times, Sacramento Sun, in international news publications, and on multiple university websites. Sher is also a guest on multiple national radio shows.

Sher can be reached at sherzieve@bajabb.com






DHS Source: “It’s Going Hot”- Obama False Flag Event Coming Before

Michio Kaku – New World Order Facilitator


by Zen Gardner

The science establishment is like the medical model – sterilized white suits with unchallengeable answers sent down to us from sacred Mount Know-It-All.

Until they’re disproven. Time and again.

But like false flags, once you find out it was manipulated  and the actions taken were based on a completely false premise, it’s too late. The deed’s been done, the sheeple duped, the plan is set in motion, and the purpose is accomplished.

The indoctrination is complete, the wars are underway, gobs of drugs were sold and people sickened, and whatever else they’re pushing is being consumed en masse…

Yes. It’s that bad.

Agent Kaku

You know this guy has to be the voice of the PTBs with all the press he gets. He’s set up as such an unchallengeable authority. Just look at the “illumination” effect they put around his portrait for the Science Channel at the top.

They just can’t help themselves.

He does have lots of interesting and perceptive information, but I watch what he says very carefully. He’s so good at slipping in mega assumptions meant to steer the unwitting into the lair of the false paradigm of their future voluntarily enslaved world.

He may imply or claim “innocence” of any complicity, but I’ll bet he knows quite well which side his bread is buttered on. As many of them do.

Such is the case with this first clip below. Playing on the popular idea of a coming “singularity” where knowledge will have accelerated to a transcendent apex, Kaku talks about the foretold time when machines will outsmart humanity and perhaps rise up against us.

And how does he say we should prepare for such a day?

Embrace it! Become part machine and evolve into a god-like future state with the machines!

Of course! How could I be so stupid?

I know. Just the message you want your grandkids to grow up with.

But watch how evangelical this media promoted mental manipulator gets about it:

Downright creepy how he can corral the unsuspecting youth with his assumptive closing techniques.

A review about his contribution to the BBC “Visions of the Future” miniseries put it this way:

[Kaku posits] We are on the brink of an “historic transition from the the age of scientific discovery to the age of scientific mastery”. He suggests that having “created artificial intelligence”, “unravelled the molecule of life” and “unlocked the secrets of matter” , science of the future will be concerned with more than mere observation of nature. It will be concerned with its mastery.

Kaku’s job, like that of so many others, is to soften us up and prepare us to accept this technological takeover of mankind. Already they’re busy “mastering” nature with genetic tampering, geoengineering, and messing with electromagnetic weaponry. These programs are already in full swing, however cloaked.

We’re being prepared for their “unveiling”.

In other words, their “admission”. All sugar coated in plenty of interesting real truths and scientific discoveries, especially in quantum physics as science begins to merge with the metaphysical Truths that have been known to conscious humanity for eons.

It’s the direction they’re taking us you have to watch out for.

Kaku is being used as the scientific white coat to help people swallow these pills and even happily enslave themselves to this Orwellian takeover.