Tag Archive: Boston Police Department


3 pals of Boston Marathon bombing suspect arrested: sources


Heightened security, empty streets, and memorials mark the the days after the Boston Marathon bombings.

Three college friends of Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev are under arrest, suspected of removing items from his dorm room after the April 15 attack, sources said Wednesday.

Two of them were detained April 20 on immigration charges and a third has now been taken into custody, sources said.

They will be charged with lying to federal investigators for denying they took the items from the dorm, sources said.

Three college friends of Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev are being held by police in Massachusetts in connection to the case, allegedly removing possible evidence from his dorm room. NBC’s Pete Williams reports.

There was no indication the three men, who have ties to the University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth, had any prior knowledge of the bombing.

“Please be advised that there is no threat to public safety,” the Boston Police Department said on its website, confirming the arrests but releasing no further information.

Authorities said Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19, and his older brother Tamerlan carried out the blasts that killed three and wounded more than 200 near the finish line of the race.

Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 26, was killed during a firefight with police. Dzhokhar was arrested after a manhunt and has been charged with using a weapon of mass destruction.

Law enforcement officials have told NBC News that Dzhokhar told them during questioning he and his brother wanted to defend Islam after the American wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

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3 roommates of Boston bombing suspect arrested

Kevin Johnson and Doug Stanglin, USA TODAY1:31 p.m. EDT May 1, 2013

A source says the three were college classmates of bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.

Three college roommates of Boston bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev have been arrested on suspicion of allegedly removing some of his personal effects from their dorm room at his direction following the April 15 attack, a law enforcement source reported Wednesday.

None of the three is suspected of having advance knowledge of the plot or participating in the planning of the bombing.

Two law enforcement officials briefed on the investigation say two of the three are originally from Kazakhstan who were friendly with Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the Associated Press reported.

Linda Cristello, a Boston attorney who represented Azamat Tazhayakov and Dias Kadyrbayev in immigration court Wednesday morning, confirmed her clients now face separate federal charges and have an afternoon court appearance related to the bombing case.

At the immigration hearing, which involved alleged visa violations, lawyers for the two men said they had cooperated with Homeland Security and FBI investigators for hours and were only college friends Tsarnaev and should be released, The Boston Globe reported.

The pair have been held in a county jail for more than a week on allegations that they violated their student visas while attending the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth with Tsarnaev, who is originally from Russia.

The name of the third suspect was not immediately released.

Three law enforcement sources confirmed the arrests, which were also announced by the Boston Police Department on its Twitter account. The sources asked not to be identified because they are not authorized to discuss the case publicly.


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Reblogged from :  The Grey Enigma

April 22, 2013   

As with every terrorist attack and high-profile killing, the Boston bombing has prompted calls for Americans to give up civil liberties for the sake of security. Rather than gun control or airport pat-downs, this time the call is for a Big Brother-like network of police cameras allowing authorities to more closely monitor people who move about the streets.

But the story of the Boston bombers — the details of their crime and their capture — makes the opposite argument. We don’t need more government surveillance. We need to maintain robust civil society and public spiritedness.

Responding to IRA bombings and then going further after 9/11, London has created a “ring of steel,” with chokepoints and thousands of closed-circuit television [CCTV] cameras. Wherever you go in London, Big Brother can watch you.

At Slate, Farhad Manjoo wrote, “Thanks to CCTV cameras, the identities of the bombers and their co-conspirators were determined in a few days’ time.”

But guess who else determined the identities of bombers in a few days’ time, without thousands of police surveillance cameras? U.S., Massachusetts and Boston police.

Law enforcement in Boston used cameras to ID the bombing suspects, but not police cameras. Instead, authorities asked the public to submit all photos and videos of the finish-line area to the FBI, just in case any of them had relevant images. The surveillance videos the FBI posted online of the suspects came from private businesses that use surveillance to punish and deter crime on their property.

So it turns out we already have plenty of cameras on the street. They’re not government cameras, but rather cameras owned and operated by private individuals and businesses. In a bout of public spiritedness, these pedestrians and businesses willingly shared their videos with law enforcement. Even if the crime had not been so notorious, the police could expect public cooperation — what merchant wouldn’t share his surveillance tapes to aid in a murder investigation?

So what do we gain by having the government run its own cameras? That would mean the police wouldn’t need to turn to the public for help. This would create efficiencies, but it seems the public responded pretty efficiently last week.


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Warning there  are graphic  photos displayed  in this  article !!  Viewer  be  advised!!



Welcome to Amerika: No More Truth, Justice or American Way

by Jim Fetzer (with John W. Whitehead)


Of all the tyrannies a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive.”—C.S. Lewis

This is an all-out psy op at this point with bizarre claims of “double agents” and future attacks in the works.  Having been caught with their pants down–where the younger Tsarnaev brother, Dzhokhar, was photographed at the scene with his backpack, which was completely different than those used in the bombings, and spent his week as a normal college student–and  and now they are throwing in everything but the kitchen sink, including fantastic stories of him and his brother, Tameran, as “double agents”, which is nearly as ludicrous as the original story.

What we know is that Craft International was doing this for the DHS and that the operation was botched badly, where the internet has a blizzard of reports that take it apart, piece by piece.  The agenda appears to have been to smother news about the Bush/Cheney and Obama/Biden administrations having been engaged in torture, the transfer of some of our most sophisticated weapons to Israel for use in an attack on Iran, the legitimization of the use of military forces to maintain law and order in violation of “Posse Comitatus”, and to create sympathy for Israel by suggesting that, “Now we know what they experience on a daily basis”.

That appears to have been the rationale for sending Israeli investigators and Israeli doctors to Boston, as though it were remotely necessary.  Does anyone think they would know Boston better than local cops?  or that Boston does not have abundant medical experts?  Some were injured and killed, but consider the case of the man who lost his legs TWICE for the sake of a worthy cause.  They apprehended the older brother and then later beat him to death.  He was a boxer and his younger brother was a wrestler.  Their parents and relatives are complaining that these were good kids, who were set up as patsies–and they appear to be right!  Think “Ruby shoots Oswald”.  Caught, they are trying to sow confusion on a massive scale.  As “false flags” go, this was the Original Amateur Hour and the toothpaste is out of the tube.

The most obvious “false flag” in US history

As Gordon Duff has observed in Press TV and  VT, this is the most obvious “false flag” attack in US history:

This week’s terror attack in Boston is not the first incredible failure of intelligence and law enforcement America has suffered. By “incredible,” I mean exactly that, “not to be believed.”

Before the smoke had cleared, the Israel Lobby and DEBKA had identified “domestic terrorists with Mid-East connections” as the guilty parties. This, alone, was taken as a confirmation that a very real conspiracy was involved, this time the most obvious false flag terror attack yet.

Highest sources “weigh in” on Boston bombing

During 9/11, NORAD and the entire United States Air Force “vaporized” just like the FBI, DHS, and Boston PD security did. We’re getting used to it, being lied to and, frankly, being murdered as well.

Within minutes of the Boston attack, America’s intelligence and Special Operations community put their back-channel “round-robin” into motion. This is how America’s top intelligence operatives informally share sensitive information on threats.

Those with the highest access to both human and signals intelligence, those tasked with tracking and killing terrorists came to a very startling conclusion.

“An American agency was involved, our first guess is that it is the FBI.”

Had I asked this question three years ago and I did, I would have been called a “conspiracy theorist,” and, in fact, I was. Now I am told, “Duff, you were right all along, we feel like such idiots.”

Not only has CSPAN and The Washington Journal been inundated with calls from ordinary citizens raising concerns that the Boston bombing was a “false flag” that was designed to undermine our civil rights, but we have overwhelming proof that the young men accused of the crime were innocent, not only from their parents and relatives complaints that they are being framed but from photographs that show the younger brother leaving the area still wearing his back pack:

Older brother caught, then killed

We now have reports and video showing that the older brother, was captured alive and then beaten to death or run over by a car, while his younger brother, Dzhokhar, was shot in the throat, which means that he can no longer speak. How convenient! The older brother, Tameran, was a boxer and the younger a wrestler, who was active in school, including the drama club. Their parents are protesting loudly that they are innocent and have been framed, which is provable. This has become such a huge boondoggle that the feds want to shut down any further discussion about the Boston bombing:

In that video, he is obviously alive and well.  He has been stripped naked and is being placed into a police car. When he is subsequently found dead, the claim is even being made that his brother ran him over with a car, which is about as absurd as it gets. A witness reports that he was run over by the police in an SUV, which would have to have been after his apprehension. His body is badly bruised and he appears to have suffered from a savage beating. Here is a photograph of Tameran, which contradicts the stories that the public is being sold:

The Man who lost his legs twice

In addition, we have a series of photographs showing how the alleged victim who lost his legs was faked by several accomplices. If this is not the most amateurish production in American “black op” history, I cannot imagine what comes close. There can be no doubt that the authorities want to claim the case is closed before more Americans wake up and smell the stench. It is embarrassing that an event of this clumsy character should be swallowed by any American–not to mention the blatancy of the hoax being promoted by all of our television networks, without exception. This is a major scandal, where no one should be taken in:

The man in hood sets up the fake leg wound prosthetics. Notice the absence of blood. With an injury of this magnitude, if you lose both legs from explosive trauma, half your blood is gone in one minute and you are dead in two. This man, Nick Vogt, survived because he actually lost his legs in combat in Afghanistan.

If this man had really lost his legs due to blunt force trauma, there would have been blood everywhere. The victim would have been drenched with it. Here not even a tourniquet is applied to staunch arterial bleeding. And the others are treated first, before he receives any attention. The bombing was staged.

Staged event does not inhibit lawmakers

That the brothers appear to be patsies and that the bombing was staged does not appear to have inhibited Republicans from demanding that the surviving brother be treated as an enemy combatant and be denied his rights as a United States citizen.  Even Alan Dershowitz has observed that denying the suspect his Miranda rights jeopardizes any case that might be brought against him, assuming, of course, that any semblance of due process remains in this nation.

The fallacies that are being committed in the frenzy to convince the public that this was a “terrorist attack” and not a “false flag” include the selective use of evidence (known as “special pleading”), taking for granted that they were responsible (called “begging the question”) and tacitly endorsing the use of torture, even though it diminishes this nation and corrupts our moral standing in the world, which, in the past, has been our greatest safeguard against bona fide terrorist attacks.

G.O.P. Lawmakers Push to Have Boston Suspect Questioned as Enemy Combatant


WASHINGTON — Some Republican lawmakers want President Obama to declare the surviving Boston bombing suspect an enemy combatant in order to question him without a lawyer and other protections of the criminal justice system, intensifying a recurring debate over how to handle terrorism cases arising inside the United States.

But while the suspect, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, a naturalized American citizen, is a Muslim, there is no known evidence suggesting that he is part of Al Qaeda. The United States is engaged in an armed conflict with Al Qaeda, not all Muslim extremists. As a result, the dispute is pushing beyond familiar arguments and into new territory.

Senator Lindsey Graham, Republican of South Carolina, is among the earliest and most vocal proponents of declaring Mr. Tsarnaev an enemy combatant. Others include Senators Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire, Saxby Chambliss of Georgia and John McCain of Arizona, as well as Representative Peter T. King of New York, all also Republicans.

The Obama administration has said it thinks terrorism suspects arrested inside the United States should be handled exclusively in the criminal justice system. It has indicated no intention to do otherwise in Mr. Tsarnaev’s case, but the issue is taking on political currency, underscoring a major divide on national security legal policy.

Senator Carl Levin, a Michigan Democrat who is the chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, said in a statement that the laws of war did not apply to Mr. Tsarnaev and that there was so far no evidence that he was “part of any organized group, let alone Al Qaeda, the Taliban or one of their affiliates — the only organizations whose members are subject” to detention as a part of war.

“In the absence of such evidence, I know of no legal basis for his detention as an enemy combatant,” Mr. Levin said. “To hold the suspect as an enemy combatant under these circumstances would be contrary to our laws and may even jeopardize our efforts to prosecute him for his crimes.”

In an interview, Mr. Graham acknowledged that if no evidence were to emerge linking Mr. Tsarnaev to Al Qaeda, then he should not continue to be held as an enemy combatant. But he argued that given the need to swiftly find out if Mr. Tsarnaev knew of other planned attacks or terrorist operatives, the government could and should hold him as a combatant while it searched for any such links.

“You can’t hold every person who commits a terrorist attack as an enemy combatant, I agree with that,” Mr. Graham said. “But you have a right, with his radical Islamist ties and the fact that Chechens are all over the world fighting with Al Qaeda — I think you have a reasonable belief to go down that road, and it would be a big mistake not to go down that road. If we didn’t hold him for intelligence-gathering purposes, that would be unconscionable.”

One of the absurdities in this article is that the US is in collusion with Al Qaeda, which was a contrivance of our own CIA to assist in driving the Soviet Union out of Afghanistan. We have lied so many times about Al Qaeda and Saddam Hussein that the “official story” about 9/11 has become completely incoherent, where fake raids have been conducted to create the false impression that Osama was still alive in 2011, when he in fact died in Afghanistan in 2001. The public in the past has been gullible enough to buy this rubbish, but perhaps there is a chance that the Boston fiasco might awaken them from their dormant slumber, because, as John W. Whitehead observes, the fate of the nation hangs in the balance.

‘Boston Strong’: Marching in Lockstep with the Police State



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I don’t know does anyone else feel as if there is something off  here.  As if there is something  not  quite  right  about all of this ?

~Desert Rose~


Boston bombing suspect arrested

RTAmerica RTAmerica

Published on Apr 19, 2013

The hunt for 19-year old Boston Marathon bombings suspect came to an end- after a day of door-to-door search in Watertown MA police found him hiding out in a boat under a tarp in the back yard of a building. Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev – the yongest of the two brothers who allegedly detonated the bombs escaped the scene after the law enforcement officials killed the older brother – 26-year old Tamerlan – in a shotout early this morning. Dzhokhar is said to be injured. RT’s Anastasia Churkina is at the site of the original Boston Marathon bombing and brings us the latest.


‘We got him!’ Wounded fugitive marathon ‘bomber’ captured after he was found hiding in a BOAT in backyard of Boston home. Cops use flash-bang grenades to flush him out

  • Police captured Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19, on Friday night after a day-long manhunt using helicopters and heavily armed officers in a Boston suburb
  • Apprehended ‘covered in blood and hiding in a covered boat in Watertown by homeowner who ventured out after curfew was lifted’
  • He and law enforcement officers engaged in a furious exchange of gun-fire that began shortly after 7pm
  • Over 30 rounds were fired in the exchange – as terrified residents of Franklin Street were evacuated by police
  • The stand-off continued until approximately 8.45 p.m. when Boston police announced on Twitter that Tsarnaev had been apprehended
  • Tsarnaev reportedly surrendered himself to police having been shot twice
  • He was rushed to Beth IsraelDeaconess Medical Center where many marathon victims are being treated
  • He was said to be ‘clinging to life’ this morning
  • His Miranda rights have been revoked and he is being treated as an exception due to national security
  • Residents were warned to stay indoors amid gunfire, flash-bang explosions and tear gas
  • On his arrest – jubilant crowds took to the streets of Boston to thank police, FBI and law enforcement officials – chanting ‘USA!’
  • Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 26, killed after explosions and machine gun fire on Thursday night
  • Both suspects are brothers from the Russia region near Chechnya and had lived in U.S. since 2002

By Louise Boyle, James Nye, Simon Tomlinson and Jill Reilly



The Massachusetts college student wanted in the Boston Marathon bombing was captured wounded but alive after hiding out in a boat parked in a backyard on Friday evening.

The arrest of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19, signaled the end of five days of terror set-off by the double bombing at the marathon finish line.

The mayor of Boston, Thomas Menino, was quoted by the Boston Globe as taking to the police scanner to exclaim, ‘We got him’.

‘I have never loved this city and its people more than I do today. Nothing can defeat the heart of this city .. nothing.’

Relieved law enforcement officers began cheering and clapping after Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was arrested and thousands of jubilant members of the public took to the streets to salute their hard work.

The terror suspect is now said to be ‘clinging to life’ at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center – where some marathon bombing victims are also still being treated.

He lost a great deal of blood from his injuries and is still too ill to speak to officers. Initial efforts will be focused on keeping him alive so he can be questioned in full.

‘He had lost a lot of blood. He was so weak that we were able to just go in and scoop him up,’ state police spokesman David Procopio told the Boston Herald adding that the suspect was in ‘serious if not critical condition’.

The bloody endgame came four days after the bombing and just a day after the FBI released surveillance-camera images of two young men suspected of planting the pressure-cooker explosives that ripped through the crowd at the marathon finish line, killing three people and wounding more than 180.

Dzhokhar’s older brother, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 26, lay dead in a furious 24-hour drama that transfixed the nation and paralyzed the Boston area with fear. 

Boston police commissioner Ed Davis was celebratory in his tone as he took to Twitter to say, ‘It’s a proud day to be a Boston police officer. Thank you all.’

‘CAPTURED!!! The hunt is over. The search is done. The terror is over. And justice has won,’ the Boston Police Department said on its Twitter account.

Police cornered the younger Tsarnaev  around 7pm, less than an hour after police lifted a stay-indoors order for the city and its suburbs.

Resident David Hanneberry reportedly went outside to smoke and saw the tarpaulin cover of his boat was disturbed.

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This striking picture show Dzhokhar Tsarnaev lying on the ground of the property of 67 Franklin Street in Watertown after authorities apprehended him. It is not known if the bag visible in the bottom left belongs to the suspect

This striking picture show Dzhokhar Tsarnaev lying on the ground of the property of 67 Franklin Street in Watertown after authorities apprehended him. It is not known if the bag visible in the bottom left belongs to the suspect

Seriously Injured: This still frame from video shows Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev visible through an ambulance after he was captured in Watertown, on Friday, April 19, 2013

Seriously Injured: This still frame from video shows Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev visible through an ambulance after he was captured in Watertown, on Friday, April 19, 2013

'We Got Him': This is the exact moment that Boston police commissioner Ed Davis told Boston Mayor Thomas Menino that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev had been apprehended - as the suspect is seen (right) wearing a gas mask

‘We Got Him’: This is the exact moment that Boston police commissioner Ed Davis told Boston Mayor Thomas Menino that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev had been apprehended – as the suspect is seen (right) wearing an oxygen mask as he is transported to hospital for treatment

Security: Law enforcement officials stand guard outside the West Clinical Center, pictured, where Boston bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is being treated

Security: Law enforcement officials stand guard outside the West Clinical Center, pictured, where Boston bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is being treated

Heroes: A member of the North Metro SWAT team raises his fist while leaving the scene near Franklin Street on April 19, 2013 in Watertown, Massachusetts

Heroes: A member of the North Metro SWAT team raises his fist while leaving the scene near Franklin Street on April 19, 2013 in Watertown, Massachusetts

This still frame from video shows Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev visible through an ambulance after he was captured in Watertown on Friday
This still frame from video shows Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev visible through an ambulance after he was captured in Watertown on Friday

Wounded- but Alive: This still frame from video shows Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev visible through an ambulance after he was captured in Watertown on Friday

This image obtained April 19, 2013 courtesy CBS News shows Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, a suspect in the Boston Marathon bombing who was captured Friday night, April 19, 2013 after he was found hiding in a boat in a Boston suburb

This image obtained April 19, 2013 courtesy CBS News shows Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, a suspect in the Boston Marathon bombing who was captured Friday night, April 19, 2013 after he was found hiding in a boat in a Boston suburb

Neighbors use cameras

Neighbors use cameras to record images of the boat (left) at 67 Franklin St. where Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the surviving suspect in the Boston Marathon bombings, was hiding inside in Watertown, Massachusetts on Friday as a SWAT member stands guard (right)

In this neighbor's view from across the street, law enforcement agents look around the corner of a house where Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was believed to be hiding in Watertown, Massachusetts on Friday

In this neighbor’s view from across the street, law enforcement agents look around the corner of a house where Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was believed to be hiding in Watertown, Massachusetts on Friday

Aerial views of 67 Franklin Street, Watertown, Massachusetts. Boston bombing suspect #2 Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev, 19, led the authorities to 67 Franklin Street in Watertown, Massachusetts where he was taken into custody

Aerial views of 67 Franklin Street, Watertown, Massachusetts. Boston bombing suspect #2 Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev, 19, led the authorities to 67 Franklin Street in Watertown, Massachusetts where he was taken into custody

Residents flee from an area where a suspect is hiding on Franklin St., on April 19, 2013 in Watertown, Massachusetts as law enforcement position themselves
Residents flee from an area where a suspect is hiding on Franklin St., on April 19, 2013 in Watertown, Massachusetts as law enforcement position themselves

Residents flee from an area where a suspect is hiding on Franklin St., on April 19, 2013 in Watertown, Massachusetts as law enforcement position themselves

Police officers guard the entrance to Franklin street where there is an active crime scene search for suspect in the Boston Marathon bombings, Friday, April 19, 2013, in Watertown

Police officers guard the entrance to Franklin street where there is an active crime scene search for suspect in the Boston Marathon bombings, Friday, April 19, 2013, in Watertown

Boston Swat team members celebrate after the capture of the second of two suspects wanted in the Boston Marathon bombings on Friday evening
Boston Swat team members celebrate after the capture of the second of two suspects wanted in the Boston Marathon bombings on Friday evening

Jubilant: Boston Swat team members celebrate after the capture of the second of two suspects wanted in the Boston Marathon bombings on Friday evening

Checking to see what was wrong, he investigated and saw Dzhokhar Tsarnaev curled-up inside covered in blood.

He then ‘freaked out’ and ran inside to call police – who dispatched a helicopter which used thermal imaging to confirm there was a person inside the boat.

‘He looked and noticed something was off about his boat, so he got his ladder, and he put his ladder up on the side of the boat and climbed up, and then he saw blood on it, and he thought he saw what was a body laying in the boat,’ Henneberry’s neighbor, George Pizzuto told ABC News.

‘So he got out of the boat fast and called police.’

‘That boat’s his baby. He takes care of it like you wouldn’t believe. And they told him it’s all shot up,’ Pizzuto said. He’s going to be heartbroken.’

Within minutes police, ATF, SWAT and K-9 units had descended upon 67 Franklin Street and engaged Tsarnaev in a vicious gun battle – over 40 shots rang out in the quiet suburban neighborhood.

‘There was an exchange of gunfire,’ confirmed Boston Police Commissioner Ed Davis at a news conference.

Authorities, using a bullhorn, had called on the suspect to surrender: ‘Come out with your hands up.’

‘We used a robot to pull the tarp off the boat,’ David Procopio of the Massachusetts State Police said to CNN. ‘We were also watching him with a thermal imaging camera in our helicopter. He was weakened by blood loss — injured last night most likely.’

Applause: A police officer breaks into a smile as the crowd applaud him on the news of the arrest of one of the Boston Marathon bombing suspects, Friday, April 19, 2013, in Boston

Applause: A police officer breaks into a smile as the crowd applaud him on the news of the arrest of one of the Boston Marathon bombing suspects, Friday, April 19, 2013, in Boston

Celebration: Crowd gathered to celebrate in the Boston Common after both marathon bombing suspects were found

Celebration: Crowd gathered to celebrate in the Boston Common after both marathon bombing suspects were found

 VIDEO  Celebrations and a heroes welcome for police after second bombing suspect arrest

Heroes welcome for police after Boston bombing suspect arrest

Unconfirmed reports suggest that Tsarnaev was shot twice by law enforcement in the terrific gun battle which raged until his capture at approximately 8.45 p.m.

Law enforcement sources have suggested that Tsarnaev gave himself up voluntarily after realizing continuing resistance was fruitless.

The standoff and subsequent arrest came only minutes after authorities said during a news conference that the manhunt for the suspect appeared to come up empty.

President Barack Obama praised the outcome after a ‘tough week’ but said the focus would now be on getting answers for the victims.

He said: ‘Why did young men who grew up and studied here as part of our communities and our country resort to such violence?’

‘We’ve closed an important chapter in this tragedy,’ added Mr. Obama said in his televised address.

Tsarnaev will be arraigned as soon as he is physically able which would be able to take place as soon as Saturday if his injuries have improved considerably overnight.

Federal law enforcement officials are invoking the public safety exception to the Miranda rights.

That means that Tsarnaev will be questioned immediately without having his rights read to him.

‘In normal circumstances, someone arrested on Friday night would not be arraigned until Monday morning but because of the extraordinary circumstance here he may be arraigned on (Saturday),’ said CNN’s legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin said today.

‘He will not get bail obviously. They will set a preliminary hearing that could happen in the next 30 days. He will be indicted with the grand jury. And that’s when the case will begin.’

Republican Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham have called for Tsarnaev to be held as an enemy combatant, although the chances of that being permitted are slim.

Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick speaks during a news conference announcing the capture of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the second suspect in the Boston Marathon bombing
Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick speaks during a news conference announcing the capture of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the second suspect in the Boston Marathon bombing

Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick speaks during a news conference announcing the capture of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the second suspect in the Boston Marathon bombing

State Police Col. Timothy Alben, accompanied by Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick, speaks during a news conference
State Police Col. Timothy Alben, accompanied by Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick, speaks during a news conference as U.S. Attorney Carmen Ortiz, (right) addresses the crowd

State Police Col. Timothy Alben, accompanied by Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick, speaks during a news conference as U.S. Attorney Carmen Ortiz, (right) addresses the crowd

Cheering for Heroes: Two women applaud after the arrest of a suspect of the Boston Marathon bombings in Watertown on Friday evening

Cheering for Heroes: Two women applaud after the arrest of a suspect of the Boston Marathon bombings in Watertown on Friday evening

Thankful: Residents applaud after the capture of the second of two suspects wanted in the Boston Marathon bombings after thousands of heavily armed police staged an intense manhunt for the Chechen teenager

Thankful: Residents applaud after the capture of the second of two suspects wanted in the Boston Marathon bombings after thousands of heavily armed police staged an intense manhunt for the Chechen teenager

'We Got Him': Watertown residents along Arsenal Street cheer for police officers after the capture of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev four days after the dual bombings at the Boston Marathon in Watertown, Massachusetts

‘We Got Him’: Watertown residents along Arsenal Street cheer for police officers after the capture of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev four days after the dual bombings at the Boston Marathon in Watertown, Massachusetts

President Obama said it was important justice was ‘done right’.

‘In this day of instant reporting, tweets, and blogs, there is a temptation to latch onto any bit of information, sometimes to jump to conclusions, but when a tragedy like this happens, with the public safety at risk and the stakes so high, it important to do this right,’ Obama said.

‘That’s why have an investigation, that’s why we relentlessly gather the facts, that’s why we have courts.’

‘Whatever hateful agenda drove these men cannot, will not prevail,’ he said, ‘and whatever they thought they could achieve failed because the people of Boston refuse to be intimidated, and we as Americans refuse to be terrorized.’

The two suspects were ethnic Chechens from southern Russia who had been in the U.S. for about a decade and were believed to be living in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Investigators still have given no details on the motive for the bombing.

Early on Friday morning, 26-year-old Tamerlan Tsarnaev was killed in a ferocious gun battle and car chase during which he and his younger brother hurled explosives at police from a stolen car, authorities said. The younger brother managed to escape.

During the getaway attempt, the brothers killed Sean Collier, an MIT policeman, and severely wounded another officer, authorities said.

Chechnya has been the scene of two wars between Russian forces and separatists since 1994, in which tens of thousands were killed in heavy Russian bombing. That spawned an Islamic insurgency that has carried out deadly bombings in Russia and the region, although not in the West.

The older brother had strong political views about the United States, said Albrecht Ammon, 18, a downstairs-apartment neighbor in Cambridge. Ammon quoted Tsarnaev as saying that the U.S. uses the Bible as ‘an excuse for invading other countries.’

Also, the FBI interviewed the older brother at the request of a foreign government in 2011, and nothing derogatory was found, according to a federal law enforcement official who was not authorized to discuss the case publicly and spoke on condition of anonymity.

The official did not identify the foreign country or say why it made the request.

After a tense all-day manhunt for Dzhokhar and house-to-house search by thousands of SWAT team officers with rifles and armored vehicles, Dzhokhar was cornered in a homeowner’s yard, where he exchanged gunfire with police while holed up in the boat.

When he was captured a cheer went up from a crowd of bystanders in Watertown.

‘Everyone wants him alive,’ said Kathleen Paolillo, a teacher.

Boston Mayor Tom Menino tweeted ‘We got him,’ along with a photo of himself talking to the police commissioner.

Members of the public cheer as police officers leave the scene where Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the surviving suspect in the Boston Marathon bombings, was taken into custody in Watertown, Massachusetts on Friday
Members of the public cheer as police officers leave the scene where Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the surviving suspect in the Boston Marathon bombings, was taken into custody in Watertown, Massachusetts on Friday

Members of the public cheer as police officers leave the scene where Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the surviving suspect in the Boston Marathon bombings, was taken into custody in Watertown, Massachusetts on Friday

Thank You: Members of the public cheer as police officers leave the scene where Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the surviving suspect in the Boston Marathon bombings, was taken into custody

Thank You: Members of the public cheer as police officers leave the scene where Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the surviving suspect in the Boston Marathon bombings, was taken into custody

Two unidentified young men drive with an American Flag through Watertown, Massachusetts, USA, 19 April 2013, after Law Enforcement Officials apprehended Boston Marathon Bombing suspect, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev

Two unidentified young men drive with an American Flag through Watertown, Massachusetts, USA, 19 April 2013, after Law Enforcement Officials apprehended Boston Marathon Bombing suspect, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev

Hundreds of Northeastern University students gather in Hemenway Street to celebrate the capture of suspected Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev in Boston on April 19th

Hundreds of Northeastern University students gather in Hemenway Street to celebrate the capture of suspected Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev in Boston on April 19th

Defiant: Joseph Eli Libby, 20, of Boston, carries a flag near a makeshift memorial on Boylston Street, near the finish line of the Boston Marathon, Friday, April 19, 2013, in Boston

Defiant: Joseph Eli Libby, 20, of Boston, carries a flag near a makeshift memorial on Boylston Street, near the finish line of the Boston Marathon, Friday, April 19, 2013, in Boston

High Five: A police officer and a woman react to news of the arrest of one of the Boston Marathon bombing suspects, Friday, April 19, 2013, in Boston
Frank McGillin, who has ran three Boston Marathons, waves a U.S. flag as a crowd reacts to news of the arrest of one of the Boston Marathon bombing suspects

High Five Flying Flag: A policeman (left) celebrates with a woman after one of the Boston bombers was apprehended on Friday while Frank McGillin, who has ran three Boston Marathons, waves a U.S. flag

Police officers high-fived each other and shook hands at the conclusion to a day long manhunt. One police officer, a look of relief on his face, said: ‘Yep, we got him.’

Chants of ‘USA! USA!’ broke out. In Boston, people danced in the streets outside Fenway Park.

Another officer was hugged by a woman standing at a barricade set up at a road several blocks from Franklin Street. As word quickly spread crowds cheered and clapped as the news spread.

Many stared into their smart phones as they checked on the latest updates on Twitter and local news stations. Others cheered with shout of ‘Yes’ echoing around.

Dozens of police walked back from Franklin Street with their weapons lowered or holstered. Several chatted on cell phones as they presumably called loved ones to tell them the hunt was over and they were safe.

‘Thank you. Thank you. It was our pleasure,’ members of the Boston SWAT team said over a loudspeaker to the relieved crowds who gathered to thank them.

An estimated 1,000 law enforcement officers had been involved in the massive police manhunt.

Just prior to this, police fueled the paranoid atmosphere when they said three other people were taken into custody for questioning at an off-campus housing complex at the University of the Massachusetts at Dartmouth where the younger man may have lived.

Authorities are still holding the three people in custody in New Bedford, Massachusetts, 65 miles south of the city, the Boston Globe reports.

It is unknown how they were connected to the case.

At least seven IEDs were found, some in Watertown and some at a home in Cambridge, which police made safe.

Up until the younger man’s capture, it was looking like a grim day for police. As night fell, they announced that they were scaling back the hunt because they had come up empty-handed.

Fist Pump: A SWAT officer raises his fist in Watertown, Mass. Friday, April 19, 2013, after the manhunt for the second of two suspects in the Boston Marathon bombing was captured

Fist Pump: A SWAT officer raises his fist in Watertown, Mass. Friday, April 19, 2013, after the manhunt for the second of two suspects in the Boston Marathon bombing was captured

‘We Got Him!’: Twenty four hours of chaos comes to an end: How Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was apprehended by police after day-long search

April 18 5.30pm – The FBI releases CCTV footage and stills of two suspects from surveillance cameras near the explosion sites filmed shortly before the blasts. FBI agent Richard DesLauriers asks for the public’s help in identifying the men who are both wearing baseball caps and carrying backpacks. ‘We consider them to be armed and extremely dangerous,’ Mr DesLauriers said, warning that they should not be approached.
10.30pm – A campus police officer is shot and killed at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge, near Boston, after responding to a report of a disturbance.
Shortly afterwards, police get a report of a carjacking nearby. The two men are suspected of killing the MIT police officer, then stealing the car at gunpoint and later releasing its driver unharmed. The suspects threw explosives from the car as police followed it to the Boston suburb of Watertown.
April 19 1am – Witnesses report hearing multiple gunshots and explosions in Watertown. Residents are advised to keep their doors locked and not let anyone in. TV footage shows armed officers surrounding a suspect lying on the ground.
Police later say one of the two suspects in the MIT officer shooting is dead but the other, who is tied to the Boston marathon bombing, remains at large.
Public transport is suspended in the Boston area as the hunt for the remaining suspect continues.
A new photo of him on the loose is released showing him in a grey hoodie sweatshirt at a 7-Eleven store in Cambridge.
5pm – Police admit at a press conference they don’t know where 19-year-old Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev is. Authorities lift ‘shelter in place’ orders and allow residents to venture outside.
5.45pm – David Henneberry finds a body in his boat on Franklin Street in Watertown, less than three quarters of a mile from where Tsarnaev ditched his stolen Mercedes SUV.
6pm – Officers surround Mr Hennerberry’s boat and exchange fire with him.
7.05pm – Flash grenades are reportedly tossed into the boat to stun Tsarnaev.
8.43pm – Tsarnaev surrenders and it taken into custody. He is rushed to the hospital by ambulance

The search for the younger brother all but paralyzed the Boston area for much of the day.

Officials shut down all mass transit, including Amtrak trains to New York, advised businesses not to open, and warned close to 1 million people in the entire city and some of its suburbs to stay inside and unlock their doors only for uniformed police.

It was estimated today that it could have cost the city $333 million.

But it was not fruitless given the break that came with the call from the boat-owner.

Police immediately reissued an alert to stay inside after earlier announcing that people could move about with caution. An ambulance also arrived at the scene as a helicopter flew overhead. 

CNNreported that a family of ten were removed from the scene and officers were seen carrying children.

An ambulance carries Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev from the scene after he was apprehended in Watertown, Massachusetts, USA on Friday (left) as Police SWAT teams leave the area (right)

 Massachusetts, USA on Friday (left) as Police SWAT teams leave the area (right)

Tense: Police officers listen to a vehicle's radio for word just before the capture of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev four days after the dual bombings at the Boston Marathon in Watertown, Massachusetts, USA

Tense: Police officers listen to a vehicle’s radio for word just before the capture of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev four days after the dual bombings at the Boston Marathon in Watertown, Massachusetts, USA

Relief: Boston Mayor Thomas Menino (left) congratulates Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick upon the capture of marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev

Relief: Boston Mayor Thomas Menino (left) congratulates Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick upon the capture of marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev

This map shows the location of incidents surrounding the manhunt for the two Boston Marathon bombings suspects and includes an updated timeline of events and information on the Tsarnaev brothers

This map shows the location of incidents surrounding the manhunt for the two Boston Marathon bombings suspects and includes an updated timeline of events and information on the Tsarnaev brothers

Lock down: An individual appears to have been cornered in a boat in a backyard in a Boston suburbs, reports said

Lock down: An individual appears to have been cornered in a boat in a backyard in a Boston suburbs, reports said

Hiding place: Police carefully moved in on the alleged suspect who has already thrown explosive devices at officers on Thursday

Hiding place: Police carefully moved in on the alleged suspect who has already thrown explosive devices at officers on Thursday

Cornered: Police converge near the scene where it was believed 19-year-old bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is in hiding

Cornered: Police converge near the scene where it was believed 19-year-old bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is in hiding

 VIDEO  ‘We got him.’ Second Boston Marathon bombing suspect in custody after armed police standoff

Dzokhar Tsarnaev arrested after armed standoff with police

Terrorists: Tamerlan Tsarnaev (right) was killed during an exchange of gunfire with police on Wednesday night. His younger brother Dzhokhar (left) is still on the run and reportedly has explosives strapped to his body

Terrorists: Tamerlan Tsarnaev (right) was killed during an exchange of gunfire with police on Wednesday night. His younger brother Dzhokhar (left) is still on the run and reportedly has explosives strapped to his body

Volatile: Police conduct a door-to-door search for 19-year-old Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev after it emerged that IEDs had been found at two addresses in Watertown and Cambridge

Volatile: Police conduct a door-to-door search for 19-year-old Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev after it emerged that IEDs had been found at two addresses in Watertown and Cambridge

It emerged earlier in the day that Dzhokhar had several active online profiles and even posted messages warning people to ‘stay safe’ after the bombings – an apparent attempt to cover his tracks.
The 19-year-old, who attended Cambridge Rindge and Latin School and was a registered student at University of Massachusetts – Dartmouth, was also a 9/11 denier and posted a chilling message on Twitter eight months ago where he wrote: ‘Boston marathon isn’t a good place to smoke’.The tweet last August appeared on the micro-blogging site from user @J_Tsar – named in multiple reports as an alias for the man behind Monday’s atrocity. He also tweeted about his intent to grow a beard and how he ‘wanted out’ of American life.The messages suggested the level of forethought and planning that the Chechen immigrants allegedly put into the devastating attack on Boston.

The tweets added to a picture of Dzhokhar which was emerging on Friday, as a young man who had hidden his sinister intentions beneath the facade of a party-loving but dedicated student who was captain of his high school wrestling team. 

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, emerged as the FBI’s ‘Suspect 2’ on Thursday after he was seen on CCTV wearing a white baseball cap and dropping a backpack shortly before the huge blasts.

The older brother Tamerlan attended Bunker Hill Community College and was studying to become an engineer but took a year off to pursue boxing.

He traveled to Russia for six months last year. He said in an interview with a Boston University student magazine in 2010: ‘I don’t have a single American friend. I don’t understand them.’

Tamerlan was once arrested for domestic assault on a girlfriend, ABC reported.

The 26-year-old had a profile on YouTube channel since August 2012. Five months ago, Tamerlan created a playlist dedicated to terrorism.

Named simply ‘Terrorists,’ the playlist included a pair of videos, which are now no longer available. Although most of the clips in the channel are ordinary music videos, Tamerlan Tsarnaev’s YouTube channel shows signs that he had been drawn to radical Islamism.

Among the songs on his playlists was one called ‘I will dedicate my life to Jihad.’ He also featured videos recorded by recent converts to Islam.

A friend of the brothers told CNN that he had known them since 2006 and they were ‘normal kids’ who partied and occasionally smoked. A classmate toldCBS that Dzhokhar did not have an accent and that he assumed he had always lived in the U.S.
Foreboding: The message posted on Twitter to 'Abdul' by J_Tsar last August 10 mentioned the Boston Marathon - eight months before the atrocious attack

Foreboding: The message posted on Twitter to ‘Abdul’ by J_Tsar last August 10 mentioned the Boston Marathon – eight months before the atrocious attack

On the move: Several different agencies including the Boston police, FBI and SWAT teams were working together

On the move: Several different agencies including the Boston police, FBI and SWAT teams were working together

No escape: Armed Boston Maritime Safety Security team members patrol the Boston Harbor on Friday

No escape: Armed Boston Maritime Safety Security team members patrol the Boston Harbor on Friday

I saw it explode: Eyewitness on Watertown shoot-out

Unfolding drama: Following the bombing in Boston in Monday, combined law enforcement have worked tirelessly to find those behind the atrocity

Unfolding drama: Following the bombing in Boston in Monday, combined law enforcement have worked tirelessly to find those behind the atrocity

Constant danger: Scores of police and SWAT team members were surrounding the Boston suburb on Friday morning

Constant danger: Scores of police and SWAT team members were surrounding the Boston suburb on Friday morning

The father of the suspects said that his son Dzhokhar was a smart and accomplished young man. Anzor Tsarnaev spoke by telephone from the Russian city of Makhachkala on Friday.

Anzor Tsarnaev said: ‘My son is a true angel. Dzhokhar is a second-year medical student in the U.S. He is such an intelligent boy. We expected him to come on holidays here.’

The father said that his sons had been framed for the bombing in Boston.

A sister of the Boston bombing suspects is ‘heartbroken and devastated’ after meeting with police and FBI over her brothers’ involvement in the atrocious attack, it was revealed today. Police officers of West New York, New Jersey and FBI descended on the home of the woman who is believed to be Ailina Tsarnaev just after 11am on Friday.

Federal agents were seen removing cell phones and computers from her quiet suburban home in West New York in New Jersey. Two police trucks are being sent to her home after it was feared that Dzhokhar might try to reach her.

However police did not expect the 19-year-old suspect to arrive. Police director Michael Indri told reporters she is a young mother with a baby girl and that she had not spoken to either brother ‘in years’.

The director went on to describe the siblings as ‘estranged’. The reason for the falling out is unclear. Indri said to the best of his knowledge there has been no attempt by Dzhokhar to contact his sister but the FBI said it is a possibility.

The FBI are no longer at the property but her front door is being guarded by two police officers.

Director Indri was unaware how the young woman  discovered that her brothers were the most wanted men in America but said that she ‘was co-operating fully’.

Many members of the family denounced the two men and the suspects’ uncle Ruslan Tsarni of Montgomery Village, Maryland, pleaded on television for Dzhokhar to give up.

‘Dzhokhar, if you are alive, turn yourself in and ask for forgiveness,’ he said.

Friday’s spectacular stand-off followed a dramatic night in which two suspects killed MIT campus police officer Sean Collier, 26, and hurled explosives at police in a car chase and gun battle that left one of them dead and his brother on the loose.

It is believed that Dzhokhar ran over his brother Tamerlan who had leapt from the car during the confrontation. Around 200 rounds were exchanged during the battle.

Tamerlan, dubbed ‘Suspect 1’ by the FBI, died in hospital from gunshot wounds and possible blast injuries after the exchange.

The drama began around six hours after the FBI released clear images of two men named as suspects in the Boston blast.

The two stole a Honda CRV, robbed a nearby 7-Eleven, carjacked a Mercedes SUV and briefly kidnapped the driver before letting him go, the sources said. One brother drove away in the CRV, and the other drove away in the Mercedes.

One then ditched the CRV and reunited with his brother in the Mercedes, where they then withdrew $800 from the ATM with the carjacking victim’s card.

Authorities say both suspects were in the Mercedes when they encountered police and hurled explosives at officers. Police officer Richard Donohue, 33, was seriously wounded in an exchange of gun fire.

Tamerlan reportedly had an improvised explosive device strapped to his chest when he was killed. Dzhokhar escaped by driving through a line of police officers at the end of the street. 

Fast-moving investigation: Since pictures of the two suspects were released at 5pm on Thursday, events have rapidly unfolded in the manhunt for the terrorists

Fast-moving investigation: Since pictures of the two suspects were released at 5pm on Thursday, events have rapidly unfolded in the manhunt for the terrorists

Video of SWAT raid on Watertown house

Student: Dzhokhar Tsarnaev (left) graduated from his Cambridge high school and was in college studying medicine. He is on the run after his brother Tamerlan (right) was killed after they were named terror suspects
Student: Dzhokhar Tsarnaev (left) graduated from his Cambridge high school and was in college studying medicine. He is on the run after his brother Tamerlan (right) was killed after they were named terror suspects

Student: Dzhokhar Tsarnaev (left) graduated from his Cambridge high school and was in college studying medicine. He is on the run after his brother Tamerlan (right) was killed after they were named terror suspects

High alert: State police arrest an unidentified man walking at the University of Massachusetts - Dartmouth campus during their sweep of the university on Friday

High alert: State police arrest an unidentified man walking at the University of Massachusetts – Dartmouth campus during their sweep of the university on Friday

Police search apartment in Revere, Boston as part of probe into marathon bombs that killed three and injured 144




Two bombs exploded in the packed streets near the finish line of the Boston Marathon today, killing three and injuring more than 144 in a terrifying scene of shattered glass, bloodstained pavement and severed limbs at the world’s oldest and most prestigious marathon.

There was no word on the motive or who may have carried out the attack, and police said they had no suspects in custody. However, at least two people are “talking with police”.

At the White House, President Barack Obama vowed that those responsible will “feel the full weight of justice.”


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Man on the roof Picture, Boston Marathon Bomb Blasts

Reblogged  from Prayingforoneday


All over facebook here. The picture top left, the 1st picture is the 2nd blast, the man on the roof appears to be nearer a roof from the first blast

The person could have good reason to be there. The person may not. This needs to get exposure, I am sure the police will know, but lets get this picture going through Facebook and Word Press.  As I say, may be nothing, might be everything

Also hearing on most TV Channels here an 8 year old boy died and the Boston Kids Hospital is busy, this disturbs me and it will others. Put me in the path of these children. So sad






Twitter conspiracy theories over ‘man on roof’ during Boston Marathon explosion

Frank Ocean @Fraank_Oceaan

Who’s that guy on the roof?? 😦 pic.twitter.com/TXAplZFFcE


Ocean’s post has been retweeted 1904 times and others are asking why “The Media” aren’t making a news story out of it.


Let’s be clear: there is no evidence that this man is in anyway involved.


One user, @Urban_Supremacy tweeted that the man on the roof has been confirmed to be a Boston Marathon security employee.

It was confirmed the man on the roof was just Boston Marathon security.


At least two killed in Boston Marathon blasts, 100+ injured, additional unexploded devices reported

Published time: April 15, 2013 19:34
Edited time: April 15, 2013 21:16

image from @Boston_to_a_T

image from @Boston_to_a_T

At least two people are dead following a pair of explosions in Boston, Massachusetts where thousands of runners are participating in the annual Boston Marathon. Local media report over 100 people have been injured as well.

Preliminary reports suggest two explosions occurred near the finish line of the 26.2-mile event shortly before 3 pm local time, and the Boston Globe is reporting two deaths and more than 100 injuries.

Follow RT’s Live Updates on the blasts.

Some media have reported that a suspect is in custody at a Boston hospital, though the claim has not been officially confirmed. A source told the New York Post that a 20-year-old Saudi Arabian national was under guard at the hospital, though it was not made clear whether or not he was injured.

Federal aviation authorities have declared a no-fly zone over the area and authorities including the US Air Force continue to attempt to secure the scene. The aviation restrictions have reportedly extended to an order that all flights out of Boston’s Logan Airport be grounded until further notice.

An intelligence official working on the scene told the Associated Press that two additional explosive devices were found inside garbage cans near the site, and are being dismantled by a bomb squad.

As law enforcement look for further explosives, they have reportedly told people in the area to stay off of mobile phones in fears that the signal could detonate another undiscovered device.

The Boston Police Department has not to confirmed claims of other, higher numbers of deaths. Meanwhile a source at Boston’s Mass General hospital claimed that at least 10 patients have been admitted to the facility’s emergency room with missing limbs after the accident.

An explosion hit Boston’s John F. Kennedy Library as well Monday afternoon, with Boston’s police commissioner saying law enforcement officials were “not certain” if it was related to the blasts at the marathon, though they were treating them as if  they are.”

image from @GlobeDavidLRyan

image from @GlobeDavidLRyan

The Boston Marathon’s headquarters have reportedly put on locked down while authorities investigate the incident. Both US President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden have been made aware of the tragedy.

“Obama has directed administration to provide whatever assistance is necessary in the investigation and response,” a White House official tells the Globe.

Eyewitnesses say smoke filled the streets of the city after a first explosion, and seconds later another loud boom was heard.

image from @EvilMikeTomlin

image from @EvilMikeTomlin

“I saw two explosions. The first one was beyond the finish line. I heard a loud bang and I saw smoke rising,” Boston Herald reporter Chris Cassidy says from the scene. “I kept running and I heard behind me a loud bang. It looked like it was in a trash can or something.”

“There are people who have been hit with debris, people with bloody foreheads,” he says.

Witness Andrea Storer adds to the Globe, “It was huge. There had to be people killed. There had to be.”

“Blood everywhere,” another witness tells the paper.

The event has been put on hold and paramedics are quickly trying to assess the situation.

Earlier in the afternoon, 23-year-old Ethiopian runner Lelisa Desisa came in first-place by completing the run in 2 hours, 10 minutes and 22 seconds. At the time of the explosions, though, hundreds of runners were still racing for the finish line.

Organizers call the event the “world’s oldest annual marathon and one of the world’s most prestigious road races.”

A runner in a wheelchair is taken from a triage tent after explosions went off at the 117th Boston Marathon in Boston, Massachusetts April 15, 2013 (Reuters / Jessica Rinaldi)

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After Boston Marathon Blasts, U.S. Cities Ramp Up Security


Published on Apr 15, 2013

April 15 (Bloomberg) — Olivia Sterns reports on increased security at upcoming events on Bloomberg Television’s “Street Smart. Note: Footage may contain graphic content. (Source: Bloomberg)


Two huge blasts rock Boston Marathon

Tommy Tyson

Published on Apr 15, 2013

04:27 PM ET
Police: 2 dead, more than 20 hurt in Boston Marathon explosions


BREAKING NEWS Terrorist Attack, BOMB BLASTS Boston Marathon.


Published on Apr 15, 2013

Dead And Injured People To Early To Know How Many.


Video – Many Hurt In Blasts At Boston Marathon


Published on Apr 15, 2013

A series of explosions erupted near the finish line at the Boston Marathon on Monday. The Boston Police Department confirmed that they were looking into an explosion, but had no further comment.
Live Updates on Explosions at the Boston Marathon
Photographs from the scene are appearing on social media, and The Lede blog is providing live updates.
3:57 PM White House Official Says Obama Has Been Notified
3:55 PM Video of Explosion at Boston Marathon Finish Line
3:55 PM Boston Police Had No Warning About a Possible Attack.

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WBZ-TV, via Associated Press
The explosions at the Boston Marathon went off more than four hours after the start of the men’s race, which meant that there were still several thousand runners yet to finish the race.
The Associated Press reported that the authorities were helping injured runners leave the scene and bloody spectators were being carried to a medical tent that was being used for runners.

The A.P. said that a loud explosion was heard on the north side of Boylston Street, near a photo bridge that marks the finish line. Another explosion was heard several seconds later.


Boston Marathon Blasts Kill 2, Police Say

Witnesses to Chaos at Boston Marathon: A runner and bystanders near the explosions at the Boston Marathon describe the blasts and the chaotic scene.

BOSTON — A series of bombs exploded near the finish line at the Boston Marathon on Monday, leaving two people dead and dozens more injured, according to the Boston Police Department.

Winslow Townson/Associated Press

A runner left the course crying.

A third explosion was heard just before 4 p.m., about an hour after the first two blasts. The police were apparently aware of that device before the explosion occurred.

The Associated Press, citing an intelligence official, said that two other devices were found at the marathon area and that they were being dismantled. People were also being cleared from an area around the Copley Plaza Hotel after a package was found on a footbridge nearby.

The first blasts took place about four hours after the start of the men’s race, which meant that there were still several thousand runners yet to finish the course. Several news outlets reported that a loud explosion was heard on the north side of Boylston Street, near a photo bridge that marks the finish line. Another explosion was heard shortly afterward.

The Boston police confirmed at a late afternoon news conference that they were investigating the explosions. A senior United States government official said that the Boston police and the F.B.I. had received no reports in recent days about a threatened attack on the marathon and that there was no warning on Monday.

The Associated Press reported that authorities were helping injured runners leave the scene and that bloodied spectators were being carried to a medical tent that was being used for runners.

Eyewitnesses said the explosions were about 15 seconds apart. A few runners stopped and turned around after they heard the blasts. Some runners were seen crying and some said they saw limbs on the ground. Runners were directed to the runners’ meeting area and hotels several blocks away.

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LIVE UPDATES: Boston Marathon Explosion

Apr 15, 2013 3:27pm

6:12 pm ET:  We do not know who did this or why…But make no mistake we will get to the bottom of this,” says President Obama.

6:11 pm ET: “On days like this there are no Republicans and Democrats,” says President Obama.

6:10 pm ET: President Obama is now addressing the nation.

6:04 pm ET:  Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D- Calif., chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, tells ABC News: “It is a terrorist incident…   It could be foreign, it could be home grown.”  She said the attack had the “hallmarks” of a terror attack.

6:02 pm ET: ATF agents have descended on Brigham and Women’s hospital where they’re questioning one potential person of interest.

5:56 pm ET: At least 86 people have been taken to area hospitals, according to a tally by ABC News.

5:48 pm ET: FAA lifts restrictions on air travel over Boston. Logan Airport has been reopened.

5:41 pm ET: President Obama expected to address the nation at 6:10 p.m.

5:37 pm ET: Boston police now say library incident was likely an unrelated fire.

READ: Boston Marathon Explosion Witnesses: Smoke, Trampling, ‘Like a War Zone’

5:28 pm ET: Red Cross says it does not need any more blood donations. “There is currently enough blood on the shelves.”

gty victim boston tk 130415 wblog LIVE UPDATES: Boston Marathon Explosion

5:22 pm ET: Federal law enforcement officials are treating incident as a “terrorist attack.”

Google sets up Boston Marathon person finder website.

4:58 pm ET: No one has taken responsibility for the attack, says Police Commissioner Ed Davis.

4:55 pm ET: There was also a controlled explosion on Boylston St., not one of the three incidents, says Commissioner Ed Davis.

4:53 pm ET: Police ask anyone with knowledge of attacks to call 1-800-494-TIPS


4:51 pm ET: Determined there was a third incident at JFK Library around 4:20 p.m. Not certain if incidents are related, but treating them as if they are, says Davis. There are no known injuries from that event.

4:50 pm ET: Two explosions, 50 to 100 yards apart at the finish line at 2:50 p.m. “All victims have been removed from scene,” Boston Police Commissioner  Ed Davis said at a news conference.

ap strong crowd kb 130415 wblog LIVE UPDATES: Boston Marathon Explosion

4:49 pm ET: New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg says security increased throughout that city.

4:48 pm ET: Massachusetts authorities confirm at least 68 patients transported to area hospitals.

4:41 pm ET: Boston Police are asking the public to turn over any video of the finish line explosion.

ap boston injured kb 130415 wblog LIVE UPDATES: Boston Marathon Explosion

4:38 pm ET:  “There is no sign of any radiological material involved in the explosion,” a federal source tells ABC News.

4:35 pm ET:  Two more explosive devices have been found near the scene of the explosion, according to the Associated Press.

 4:34 pm ET: Some 400 Massachusetts National Guard soldiers were on the scene for the marathon.

4:24 pm ET: A Federal law enforcement authority confirms to ABC News this was an intentional bombing, using small portable explosive devices.

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Boston Marathon Explosions: Police Detail Three Blasts in City


Published on Apr 15, 2013

April 15 (Bloomberg) — Boston Police Commissioner Edward Davis gives a press conference on the powerful explosions killed two and injured 23 near the finish of the Boston Marathon. (Source: Bloomberg)


Boston Marathon Blast LIkely False Flag


Published on Apr 15, 2013

Three bombs, one failed, two detonated within seconds. Wolf Blitzer of CNN quickly linked Patriots in Boston. This will likely be blamed on conservatives. If it is, more false flags will come. If you are a vet, gun owner, conservative, etc…, watch your six. Word is there might be more undetonated devices in Boston.


Here we go – CNN Wolf Blitzer blames anti-tax group or tea party for Boston Marathon explosion

Seems there is no video to confirm Wolf Blitzer blamed an anti-tax group or the tea party for the Boston Marathon bombings. Instead, there’s a video of Blitzer the hack speculating it happened because it was Patriot’s Day in Massachusetts or something.

Read More Here

CNN: Wolf Blitzer says Patriot’s Day is potentially a factor in Boston Marathon explosions

mdwolking mdwolking


Boston Marathon Bomb Blast Angle 2

Ramsey Musgrove

Published on Apr 15, 2013

Via NBC via The Boston Globe


RAW FOOTAGE: Terrorism Strikes Boston Marathon As Bombs Explode 2013


Published on Apr 15, 2013

Two bombs struck near the finish line of the Boston Marathon on Monday, turning a celebration into a bloody scene of destruction.

The blasts threw people to the ground, killing two and injuring dozens.

The Boston Globe reported that at least 90 people were being treated at area hospitals.
White House area on lockdown after blasts CNN producer: Heard big boom, saw smoke Blasts near Boston Marathon finish line Eyewitness: People ‘very badly hurt’

The terrorist attack, near the marathon’s finish line, triggered widespread screaming and chaos, shattered windows and barricades and sent smoke billowing into the air at Copley Square.

They were about 50 to 100 yards apart, officials said.
“It felt like a huge cannon,” a witness told CNN about one of the blasts.

Photos from the scene showed people being carried away on stretchers. One man in a wheelchair had blood all over his face and legs.

The bombs shook buildings, sending people to seek shelter under tables, witnesses said.


Boston Marathon Explosions Caught On Film


Published on Apr 15, 2013

At least two people have been killed and 23 others hurt after two explosions near the finish line of the Boston Marathon, police have said.

There was also a third blast at the JFK library a few miles away but no injuries were reported.

The blasts at the marathon took place about two hours after the winners crossed the line, with one explosion on the north side of Boylston Street, just before the photo bridge that marks the finish.

Another happened a few seconds later, about 50-100 metres away, believed to be further down the street.

Some runners were making their way across the finish line as the drama unfolded, and TV helicopter footage showed blood on the pavement in the popular shopping and tourist area known as the Back Bay.

Fox News reports authorities are guarding a ‘person of interest’ in hospital with severe burns.

The injured were treated at the scene

Participants were seen lying on the ground as the explosions tore through the finish line, sending smoke and debris soaring into the air.

A senior US intelligence official said two other explosive devices found nearby were being dismantled.

According to the Boston Marathon website, there were more than 25,000 registered entrants in the race, 374 of whom are British and there were also 108 Irish athletes.

It is not known what caused the blasts but Fox News reported ball bearings were found on the street.

Mark White said: “The ball bearings are likely to be shrapnel, leading to a growing suspicion the blasts were deliberate.”

Some runners who had not finished the race were diverted down Commonwealth Avenue and into a family meeting area, according to an emergency plan.

The Federal Aviation Administration has warned pilots it had created a no-fly zone over the site.

Runners and race volunteers were crying as they fled the chaos. Smoke rose from the explosions, through flags lining the route of the world’s oldest and most prestigious marathon.

British police are now reviewing security plans for this Sunday’s London Marathon after the US blasts.

Video footage has emerged which appeared to show the moment one of the explosions happened.

Police made their way through competitors as they ran towards the scene, and injured spectators were being carried to the medical tent that had been set up to care for tired runners.

Roupen Bastajian, a 35-year-old state trooper, had just finished the race when they put the heat blanket wrap on him and he heard the first blast.

“I started running toward the blast. And there were people all over the floor,” he said.

“We started grabbing tourniquets and started tying legs. A lot of people amputated. … At least 25 to 30 people have at least one leg missing, or an ankle missing, or two legs missing.”

A police officer was taken from the course with a leg injury that was bleeding.

“There are people who are really, really bloody,” said Laura McLean, a runner from Toronto, who was in the medical tent being treated for dehydration when she was pulled out to make room for victims of the explosions.

Boston Police have told people to stay at home and avoid large crowds.

The Marathon sports store was reportedly near where one of the blasts took place.

There were two boom sounds heard from inside the Fairmount Copley Plaza Hotel. Race officials locked the building down.

The White House said President Barack Obama has been notified about the explosions.

The administration said it is in contact with state and local authorities and the president told his administration to provide whatever assistance is necessary in the investigation and response.

New York police have stepped up security around key landmarks in the city after the double blasts, a top officer said.

Foreign Secretary William Hague tweeted: “Appalled by news of explosion at Boston marathon. My thoughts are with everyone affected by it and all those waiting for news.”

Boston Police said there is a helpline in the US for concerned relatives : 617-635-4500, and anybody with information about the blasts should call 1-800-494-tips.


Senate Informed of Boston Explosions

AssociatedPress AssociatedPress

Published on Apr 15, 2013

Pennsylvania Senator Pat Toomey informed the Senate floor of the explosions at the Boston Marathon Monday soon after it happened. (April 15)
