Tag Archive: PepsiCo

by Associated Press

Posted on November 5, 2013 at 7:11 PM

Updated today at 12:29 PM

SEATTLE  — A Washington state ballot measure requiring mandatory labeling of genetically engineered foods is failing in early returns.

The campaign over Initiative 522 has been one of the costliest initiative fights in state history, drawing millions of dollars from out of state.

See complete list of Decision 2013 Results

The measure was failing 45 percent to 55 percent with more than 980,000 ballots counted Tuesday night.

“We’re delighted with the vote tonight,” said Dana Bieber, a spokeswoman for the No on 522 campaign. Voters “gave a clear message. The more they looked at the initiative the less they liked it.”

But labeling supporters weren’t conceding.

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Monsanto Propaganda Defeats Major GMO Labeling Bill

Anthony Gucciardi

Published on Nov 6, 2013

Anthony Gucciardi of Storyleak and NaturalSociety breaks down how Monsanto’s propaganda has killed the GMO labeling initiative in Washington and the company is becoming even more desperate than ever in this report with Infowars studios.

Anthony Gucciardi is the acting Editor and Founder of alternative news website Storyleak.com, as well as the Founder of the third largest natural health website in the world, NaturalSociety.com. He is also a news media personality and analyst who has been featured on top news, radio, and television organizations including Drudge Report, Michael Savage’s Savage Nation, Coast to Coast AM, and RT.


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Author Gila Brand


NYC allows doctors to prescribe fresh fruit and vegetables as treatment for obesity; FDA declares veggies ‘unapproved drugs’

Sunday, July 28, 2013
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of NaturalNews.com

(NaturalNews) These days, it’s difficult to find examples of government doing anything that makes sense. That’s all the more reason why a program embraced by New York City is newsworthy. Dubbed the “Fruit and Vegetables Prescription Program,” it allows doctors to “prescribe” fresh fruit and vegetables to overweight or obese patients by giving them “Health Bucks” that are redeemable at local farmer’s markets.

See the announcement of this program at the Wholesome Wave website.

This program makes New York City the largest U.S. city to officially acknowledge that fruits and vegetables have a role to play in preventing chronic degenerative disease — an idea that the FDA insists is delusional. According to the FDA, there is no such thing as any fruit, vegetable, supplement or superfood that has any ability whatsoever to prevent, treat or cure any disease.

Sure, the FDA’s belief is ancient history in terms of present-day knowledge about nutrition and disease, but it’s still federal policy. And according to the FDA, the mere “prescribing” of a food as something to prevent obesity automatically transforms that food into a “drug.” Under current FDA regulations, then, NYC is guilty of promoting “unapproved drugs” which are really just fruits and vegetables. But that’s how FDA logic works.

NYC officials invest in nutrition to prevent disease

New York doesn’t seem to be letting the FDA’s outdated delusions stop it from pursuing the “Fruits and Vegetables Prescription Program,” however. Deputy Mayor Linda Gibbs and Health Commissioner Thomas Farley announced the program last week, and by all accounts the program has been met with widespread approval. It allows families that are prescribed the Health Bucks to redeem them for fresh produce at over 140 New York City farmer’s markets.

As WFEV reports:

Bronx resident Tammy Futch said her family has seen positive changes since starting the program.

“My son lost 40 pounds behind this program,” she said, “and also I lost weight doing it with him and also I have my other kids, I have four other kids also doing the program.”

The Prescription Program was started by Wholesome Wave in 2011 and has since been expanded to seven states.

Natural News endorses the Fruit and Vegetable Prescription Program

For the record, all of us here at Natural News openly endorse this program, and we think it needs to be vastly expanded. To understand why, let’s talk about the role of government and food stamps for a moment.

Right now, 100+ million Americans are on some form of federal food aid. Much of that is through the USDA’s “SNAP” program, often called “food stamps” even though that’s not the official name anymore.

The SNAP program is nothing more than a big government handout to junk food manufacturers and soda companies. That’s because food stamp money can be spent on all the processed junk foods and sodas that make people sick and diseased with conditions like diabetes, obesity, cancer, heart disease and more. Through SNAP, the federal government is subsidizing the foods that cause sickness! Obviously, this also drives up health care costs and deeply harms the overall U.S. economy.

What if we took the federal SNAP program and turned the entire thing into the Fruit and Vegetable Prescription Program?

What I mean here is to shift the SNAP program so that all processed junk foods are disallowed. Update the rules so that SNAP funds can only be used to buy fresh produce and a few basic staples such as rice, oats, beans, salt and so on.

All of a sudden, you’d see a nationwide shift away from disease and toward vastly improved health. Disease rates would plummet, but so would the share prices of junk food companies like PepsiCo, Kraft and Coca-Cola. You’d also see lower rates of chronic degenerative disease, and this would hurt the profits of the all-powerful drug companies, hospitals and cancer industry profiteers. For these reasons, the food and medicine lobby will incessantly pressure the USDA to make sure SNAP continues to keep Americans sick and diseased. After all, billions of dollars in profits are at stake here, and the drug companies have a powerful lobby.

So don’t expect the feds to do anything other than keep poisoning America through SNAP. That’s the purpose of the program, it seems: to sicken the population and trap Americans in a never-ending cycle of medical dependence while enriching the drug companies.

Cities can succeed where the federal government fails

But on a city-by-city basis, forward-thinking people are starting to fight back against the “industry of death” offered by the USDA and its junk food subsidy programs. That’s why New York City deserves a lot of credit for this particular program: it’s investing taxpayer money directly into the health of people who are on the verge of becoming huge financial burdens on the health care system.

See, for every dollar you spend subsidizing real nutrition in the population — fresh fruits, vegetables or superfoods — you’ll probably save $10 or more in averted health care costs over the long term. Healthy foods are a fantastic investment because they’re cheap to buy but extremely valuable in terms of the lifesaving medicines they provide.

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PepsiCo introduces Mountain Dew Kickstart

Actor Norbert Torok rehearses in Los Angeles on January 29, 2013, during the filming of a commercial for a new PepsiCo product called Kickstart, a carbonated drink with juice and Mountain Dew flavor.

Actor Norbert Torok rehearses in Los Angeles on January 29, 2013, during the filming of a commercial for a new PepsiCo product called Kickstart, a carbonated drink with juice and Mountain Dew flavor. / Reed Saxon/AP

NEW YORK If you don’t like coffee or tea, Mountain Dew has a new breakfast drink that might perk you up.

PepsiCo (PEP) is rolling out a new drink called Kickstart this month that has Mountain Dew flavor but is made with 5 percent juice and Vitamins B and C, along with an extra jolt of caffeine.

The company, based in Purchase, N.Y., is hoping to boost sales by reaching Mountain Dew fans at a new time of day: morning.

PepsiCo said it doesn’t consider Kickstart to be an energy drink, noting that it still has far less caffeine than drinks like Monster and Red Bull and none of the mysterious ingredients that have raised concerns among lawmakers and consumer advocates.

But Kickstart, which comes in flavors such as “energizing orange citrus” and “energizing fruit punch,” could nevertheless give the company a side-door into the fast-growing energy drink market without getting tangled in any of its controversies. The drink comes in the same 16-ounce cans as popular energy drinks made by Monster Beverage (MNST), which also offers options with juice content. And the TV ad features young men skateboarding, reminiscent of the marketing themes used by energy drink makers.

Simon Lowden, chief marketing officer for PepsiCo’s Americas beverages, says the idea for Kickstart came about after the company learned through consumer research that Mountain Dew fans were looking for an alternative to traditional morning drinks such as coffee, tea and juice.

“They didn’t really see anything that fit their needs,” he said.


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Extra-caffeinated soda and chemical sweeteners for breakfast? PepsiCo introduces ‘Kickstart’ soda for people who absolutely hate themselves


NaturalNews) Ah, there’s nothing like a heavy dose of caffeine, corn syrup and highly acidic phosphoric acid in the morning. And bringing it to you is none other than PepsiCo, the company that habitually uses aspartame, MSG and GMOs across its product line. Apparently drinking an aspartame-laced, caffeine-spiked soda for lunch and dinner isn’t enough: PepsiCo wants to own your breakfast, too.

This new “Kickstart” soda reportedly is made with 5% juice (meaning it’s 95% corn syrup, phosphoric acid and other ingredients). But here’s where the laughter really begins: According to the FDA, a beverage containing at least 5% juice isn’t considered a “soda.” It’s actually JUICE!

Yep, this means Kickstart can be served to your children in public school, because it’s “not soda” according to the agreement between the FDA and the soda industry.

Except, of course, it is 95% soda. But that doesn’t count by the FDA’s “new math” in which 5 > 95.


Corporate Assault on Our Lives And Our Health

How plastic bottled water is harming you and the environment

by: Anita Khalek
(NaturalNews) As soda sales leveled off in the U.S., multinational corporations like PepsiCo, Coca Cola and Nestle found a cash cow in marketing bottled water as the healthy alternative. Though blessed with an abundance of clean water, the U.S. now consumes more bottled water than any other country, piling up enough empty bottles to run the circumference of the equator every 27 hours, and we do so at an unacceptable price to both human health and the environment.

A feigned image of health

The World Bank estimates the bottled water market at $800 billion, making the prospect of a fraction of this fortune enough for companies to salivate over. Marketing words like pristine, pure, and fresh, have been used to describe bottled water, while undermining the perceived quality of tap water. Yet, contamination issues have led to over 100 recalls on bottled water in recent years. Unlike tap water, which is tested hundreds of times a day and is under constant monitoring, bottled water producers are not required to provide water quality reports. Bottled water is not regulated, as the FDA has no jurisdiction on bottled water sourced and sold in the same state, which is often mined from local streams and lakes before being sold back to the public at a cost thousands of times more than what they can readily get from their own faucet.

Hazards on the environment

The hazards of bottled water far outweigh its convenience. Small towns across the U.S. and around the world are being exploited for water resources to feed the manufactured demand of giant corporations selling public water and commodifying a necessity of life. Furthermore, poor neighborhoods, often in minority communities, are being poisoned by the toxic manufacturing of plastic bottles.

According to the Environmental Working Group, the annual manufacturing of plastic bottles for water alone in the U.S. market takes as much oil as required to fuel a million cars. At the consumer end, it is estimated that only one out of five bottles actually gets recycled, with much of the rest polluting our fragile environment. The throw-away bottled water economy has a significant burden on its resource as well, where it is estimated that two liters of water are needed to bottle every liter on the store shelf, resulting in approximately 72 billion gallons wasted annually worldwide.

Harzards on health

Producers of bottled water are not required to offer water quality reports, leaving a consumer to wonder what kind of filtering is actually occurring. In third-party testing, bottled water showed traces of bacteria, chemicals, fluoride, endocrine disruptors such as BPA and PETE (or PET). In fact, whether the filtering process is pure or not does not exclude some of these chemicals since the process of storing the water in the PET plastic water bottles (especially after being exposed to heat during transportation and storage) infuses the water with leaching from the plastic. The fact is plain and simple: in the majority of counties across the U.S., local tap water is safer than the plastic-laced water bought for insanely inflated prices.

A clearer path ahead

Given its ease and convenience, it takes commitment and planning to relinquish the costly addiction to bottled water. Nonetheless, it must be done for the sake of our own health, the health of others, and for the sake of our fragile, over-polluted environment. A healthier alternative would be to install a good quality filter in the home and use non-plastic, reusable water bottles. If a need arises, glass-bottled spring water is a better choice as it is bottled at the source and is naturally filtered underground.

Sources for this article include


About the author:
Anita is a researcher, a writer and a passionate believer in the healing power of food. Using her culinary skills and amateur photography, she regularly creates new recipes and shares her techniques on her food blog at www.myfreshlevant.com.
Questions and suggestions can be directed to anita@myfreshlevant.com

Fighting GMO Labeling in California is Food Lobby’s “Highest Priority”

Food Safety News


In case you had any doubt that California’s Prop 37 — which would require labeling of food containing genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) — is a significant threat to industry, a top food lobby has now made it perfectly clear.
In a recent speech to the American Soybean Association (most soy grown in the U.S. is genetically modified), Grocery Manufacturers Association President Pamela Bailey said that defeating the initiative “is the single-highest priority for GMA this year.”
You may not know the Grocery Manufacturers Association, but its members represent the nation’s largest food makers — those with the most at stake in the battle over GMO labeling; for example, soft drink and snack giant PepsiCo, cereal makers Kellogg and General Mills, and of course, biotech behemoth Monsanto.
According to state filing reports, so far GMA has spent $375,000 on its efforts to oppose the labeling measure, with its members adding additional out-of-state lobbying power in the tens of thousands of dollars.
Never mind polling demonstrating that a whopping 90 percent of voters think they deserve the right to know what they are eating. GMA also won’t bother to mention the more than 40 other nations (including the European Union, Brazil, and China) that already require food makers to disclose GMOs.
Big Food Lobbying to Undermine Health
This is hardly the first time the nation’s most powerful trade association of food manufacturers has marshaled its resources to oppose common sense food and nutrition policy–at both the national and state levels.
As I documented in my book, Appetite for Profit, for years GMA flexed its lobbying muscle in state legislatures all over the country fighting bills that were simply trying to remove junk food and soda from school vending machines.
Big Food lobbyists have also banded together to vociferously fight any attempt to restrict out of control junk food marketing to children on TV and other media.
For example, in 2005, GMA was a founding member of the Alliance for American Advertising, whose stated purpose was to defend the food industry’s alleged First Amendment right to advertise to children and to promote voluntary self-regulation as an alternative to government action.
More recently, the Grocery Manufacturers Association was among leading trade groups and corporations opposing the federal government’s attempt to improve industry’s own voluntary guidelines for food marketing to children. As this Reuters special report from April explains, GMA’s chief lobbyist visited the White House last July along with several top food industry representatives (including from Nestle, Kellogg, and General Mills) to scuttle an effort by four federal agencies that would have protected children from predatory junk food marketing.
But Food Makers Love Labels Don’t They?
It seems rather ironic that the same food makers taking advantage of every inch of food packaging space to convince shoppers to purchase its products would object so strongly to labeling for something they claim is not harmful.
Indeed in recent years, the federal government , in recognizing that food companies’ so-called “front of package” labeling is so out of control that it commissioned not one but two Institute of Medicine reports to make recommendations to fix the problem and un-confuse consumers.
Unwilling to tolerate government intervention designed to help Americans, the Grocery Manufacturers Association has been aggressively promoting its own new nutrition labeling scheme it calls “Facts Up Front.” But as Food Politics author Marion Nestle has explained, this is an obvious end-run around the feds. Here is how the food industry describes its own voluntary program:
“Facts Up Front is a nutrient-based labeling system that summarizes important information from the Nutrition Facts Panel in a simple and easy-to-use format on the front of food and beverage packages.”
Translation: We are repeating information already required on the back of the package, now placing it in a format we like better on the front.
See how that works? The food industry is always in charge. That’s why the nation’s largest packaged food lobby and its members are shaking in its boots over 90 percent of Californians wanting to see GMO labeling on food.
And no wonder, because as GMA President Bailey correctly warned her audience: “If California wins, you need to be worried the campaign will come to your state.”
Very worried.
This article was originally posted on Appetite for Profit on July 31, 2012.


What the future of water means to business

by David Unger, Medill News Service
Washington (UPI) Apr 5, 2012

disclaimer: image is for illustration purposes only

Over the past decade, Ford Motor Co. has set out to reduce the amount of an important natural resource it uses in the production of its vehicles. What precious liquid has the automotive company set its sights on? The humble three-atom compound H2O.

“World Water Day is March 22,” reads a company news release, “but every day is Water Day for Ford Motor Company.”

The rising price of nature’s other most valuable resource — oil — may dominate the headlines but Ford and other companies are quietly examining how water, regarded for decades as virtually free, may one day have a bigger affect on their bottom line.

PepsiCo Inc., a company that relies heavily on water for its products, draws a direct line between water efficiency and business growth.

“A broader range of stakeholders — large investors, financial analysts, insurance companies and others — now recognizes that water scarcity poses business risks for all companies in a host of sectors,” the recent PepsiCo water stewardship report states.

It’s no secret that water is an important factor in the production of goods. Apart from being necessary for human life, water has long been a catalyst for economic growth, serving as a crucial ingredient in agriculture and manufacturing. It is little coincidence that the majority of the world’s population is centered on a river, lake or other body of water.

In the early 20th century, as water filtration and distribution technology evolved rapidly, access to clean, relatively cheap water became commonplace in much of the United States. No longer was economic growth inextricably linked to naturally occurring bodies of water. People, along with the industries that employ them, were free to move to drier, more arid regions in large numbers.

That trend could change in the coming decades, said Steven Maxwell, the author of “The Future of Water” and the managing director of TechKNOWLEDGEy Strategic Group.

“Water is so plagued with all sorts of subsidies that the broad public assumption is that it’s free,” Maxwell says.

As the world population increases so too will demand for what is ultimately a finite resource, he and other experts say.

“As it becomes more expensive, it will drive economic and individual decisions,” Maxwell says.

It’s a vision of the future that resonates with Sharlene Leurig, a senior manager at Ceres, a sustainability leadership advocacy organization.

Leurig advises insurers and insurance regulators on climate risk and says that companies should pay more attention to the liquid that covers roughly 70 percent of the planet’s surface.

“Water is the next big thing,” she said during a panel in Washington on water risk hosted by The Environmental Law Institute and ZAG/S&W LLC. “Water is the next real asset.”

A more serious corporate focus on water While experts say it’s a while before water plays a predominant role in the global marketplace, some companies have started taking the resource more seriously. In the past 10 years, companies like Ford, Coca-Cola Co., IBM and Intel Corp. have made water conservation or stewardship a part of their company profile.

IBM developed technology that cut water usage in its Burlington, Vt., semiconductor factory 29 percent. Coca-Cola employs a director of global water stewardship and has issued an annual “Global Water Stewardship and Replenish Report” for the past five years. A November 2011 report by Morgan Stanley examines the notion of peak water and concludes that “water may turn out to be the biggest commodity story of the 21st century, as declining supply and rising demand combine to create the proverbial “perfect storm.”

Part of the corporate focus on water is an extension of the rise of environmental sustainability as a cultural and corporate zeitgeist. But the interest in water also stems from a growing awareness of water risk management, says Charles Fishman, author of “The Big Thirst.”

“It’s not just good business,” Fishman says. “It gives you an incredible competitive edge.”

Companies attentive to water needs and usage, Fishman says, are in a position to continue operations even during severe water shortages.

There’s a social and political component to water risk as well, he says. If a company is seen as depleting a community’s water assets for non-vital purposes, it becomes a public perception issue. In times of water scarcity, Fishman says, people wonder, “Do we let the car factory have the water or the farm?”

A growing corporate interest in water will translate to cities and other local governments leveraging their water resources to attract new businesses and economic growth, Maxwell said. Companies determine where to locate based on a variety of different factors including tax rates, education levels and infrastructure.

Access to water is only one factor but those who study water say that its relevance to economic vitality will grow in the coming decades.

Milwaukee: How one city markets water resources At least one city is building on its proximity to fresh water to spur economic growth. In 2009, the Milwaukee Water Council, a non-profit, was formed to promote collaboration among the city’s growing water industry. The group also works to attract water industry businesses to Milwaukee, likening the city to a water hub in the way other cities brand themselves as a hub for the arts or technology.

The council’s Web site opens with a dominant image of Lake Michigan waters flowing smoothly past downtown Milwaukee.

“Milwaukee numbers among the world’s most significant hubs for water research and industry,” the message on the Web site reads. “Whether you are in industry, academia or government, you will find a confluence of expertise and resources in the Milwaukee region, needed to succeed in the world water marketplace.”

Alexis Morgan, Global Water Roundtable coordinator for The Alliance for Water Stewardship, says Milwaukee is ahead of the game in terms of branding itself as water rich.

“Milwaukee is actually beginning to think about [water] as a municipal or city-level pitch or competitive advantage to recruiting companies,” Morgan says.

Other water-rich cities may follow suit. Maxwell said he envisions a future where water-rich cities like Milwaukee — Buffalo, N.Y., and Cleveland for example — may use cheap, direct and sustainable access to water as an incentive to attract companies.

Water, after experiencing a period of relative financial irrelevance, may one day return to being an important consideration in job creation efforts and sound investing. At a time when the average price of a gallon of another important factor of production creeps toward $4, the pennies paid for water seem like drops in the bucket.

Water experts, however, say those days are numbered and companies, like individuals, are beginning to catch on.

“Water was a critical economic tool and then the water people were so good at their jobs that their work ended up completely hidden from ordinary people,” Fishman says. “I think now we’re headed into an era where the pressure on our supplies will force people to think about water and its connection to economic development in a way that we haven’t thought about it in a long time.”


Cyber Space

Cellphone Radiation Detector App Banned by Apple

Mike Barrett

cellphonetouch1 220x137 Cellphone Radiation Detector App Banned by AppleAlthough many individuals think nothing of radiation emitted by cell phones, or even believe it to be true, there is a large amount of evidence showing how damaging cell phone use can actually be. In response to the released information and growing fear of cell phone radiation, a company has ironically released a mobile app which reportedly measures radiation levels emitted by smart phones.

Company Creates Radiation Detector App, Apple Bans it from App Store

The app was created by an Israeli company named Tawkon, and while not necessarily brand new, is relatively unknown. The lack of popularity probably has much to do with Apple’s banning of the app from their online app store since Apple rules the smartphone market. The company instituted the ban because it felt the app would be confusing to customers, though the ban was likely due to the fact that the app could only decrease sales for Apple’s iPhone. Whether Apple’s decision was driven by profit or not, there are some valid questions and concerns regarding the app’s accuracy.

Cyber expert on SMART GRID: massive vulnerability, who’s accountable?

Published on Apr 12, 2012 by

Cyber security expert David Chalk weighs in on the smart grid and its outright lack of security.



Survival / Sustainability

Storing food -vs- being prepared

by M.D. Creekmore on April 13, 2012

This is a guest post and entry in our non-fiction writing contest by Sioux0624

I have noticed that a lot of people storing food are setting themselves up for problems down the road because they won’t be able to prepare and eat what they stored.  One neighbor proudly stated that she had 400 pounds of wheat stored. I asked what she would do with it if she had to get it out and use it tonight. She had no idea. She had no clue how to grind, pop or sprout wheat. She knows how to make bread but admitted she has not stored yeast, salt, honey or other items to make bread. She doesn’t even have a grinder to make flour, so is ill prepared to make bread even if she did have all the ingredients.  Hopefully she can smash wheat with a hammer and whip up some rough tortillas (assuming she has shortening and salt).

People who store rice must cook it in water, but have they stored water or can they purify water found locally? How about having bouillon, herbs, soups, spices, and other things to mix with the rice? How many bowls of unflavored white rice will family members want to eat every week?

For preppers, the “basic foods” are wheat, rice, beans, dried milk and honey/sugar, but a lot more is needed to make those things pleasantly edible. If you’re stuck on storing just the basics and then calling yourself “prepared,” you are falling way short of actually being prepared.  Here are some steps to nudge you up a level:

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Earth defenders destroy GM trees in New Zealand

By Global Justice Ecology Project

Police are investigating the attack over Easter weekend when 375 radiata pines at Scion’s forestry research institute were either cut or pulled out, reports NZ Newswire.

A colleague from Aotearoa, New Zealand writes, “…a bulletin on a break-in at the Scion site where people cut through the outer perimeter fence and dug under the inner security barrier to destroy the young [GM pine] saplings…GE Free NZ stopped short of condemning the action… I expect that the next few weeks will see raids on the homes and offices of known political activists over the Scion action. It will be sold to the public as an attempt to stop political insurrection. Wish us all luck. ” [Image: 375 genetically modified radiata pine trees at a research site have been destroyed by vandals. Photo / APNZ]

Read Full Article  Here

Spain Proposes ‘Draconian’ Anti-Protest Measures

– Common Dreams staff

Spain announced yesterday proposed changes to the country’s penal code that many see as an attempt to clamp down on protests, silence dissent and dismantle democracy.Sign reads: Article 21 of the Constitution: The right to peaceful meeting without arms is recognized. The exercising of this right does not require prior authorization. (photo: Adolfo Indignado Cuartero)

The changes, Spanish interior minister Jorge Fernandez Diaz said, were needed to toughen up punishment against street vandalism that “disturb public peace” and would include criminalizing intent to organize violent demonstrations through “any means including the Internet.”

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Day 210: Live Coverage of the Occupy Movement

Josh Harkinson, Special Coverage:

As we enter Day 210 of the Occupy movements the protests have spread not only across the country but all over the globe. Thousands of activists have descended on Wall Street these past weeks as part of the #OccupyWallStreet protest organized by several action groups. What follows is a live video stream and live Twitter feed of this event.

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 Articles of Interest


Fluoride Toothpaste Poison for your Brain Reducing Kids IQ’s!

Published on Apr 11, 2012 by

[In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit, for research and/or educational purposes. This constitutes ‘FAIR USE’ of any such copyrighted material.]

Food Safety


McDonald’s Apologizes to Chinese Consumers for Food Safety Violations


By Helena Bottemiller

Just weeks after launching an advertising campaign focused on food and quality safety in China, McDonalds is under fire for local food safety violations. State-run China Central Television accused the company of selling chicken wings more than an hour and…

McDonald’s Apologizes to Chinese Consumers for Food Safety Violations


Obama agency rules Pepsi’s use of aborted fetal cells in soft drinks

constitutes ‘ordinary business operations’


By Ethan A. Huff,
(NaturalNews) The Obama Administration has given its blessing to PepsiCo to continue utilizing the services of a company that produces flavor chemicals for the beverage giant using aborted human fetal tissue. LifeSiteNews.com reports that the Obama Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) has decided that PepsiCo’s arrangement with San Diego, CalSEC.-based Senomyx, which produces flavor enhancing chemicals for Pepsi using human embryonic kidney tissue, simply constitutes “ordinary business operations…



Yale researchers link cell phone use during pregnancy to behavioral problems in children


These behaviors bear a resemblance to what is found in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, known as ADHD, according to Taylor.

Researchers found that greater exposure to cell phone radiation led to more pronounced behavioral effects. “We did show clearly that this is dose responsive,” Taylor says.

He is also is quick to say the findings don’t mean people should give up their cell phones.

“I wouldn’t want to scare people, that’s very important,” Taylor says. “There are probably some levels of exposure that are safe. But it bears further study.”



Heart attacks without chest pain more common than thought, especially among women


By PF Louis,
(NaturalNews) The CDC reports that approximately 800,000 first time heart attacks occur annually. Ignoring iatrogenic deaths (death by medicine), heart disease is still the number one killer for both men and women. However, the common perception of chest pain or discomfort as a signal that a heart attack is occurring are less than one normally thinks, especially among younger women under 45. A study led by Dr. John Canto at the Watson Clinic in Lakeland, Florida, used medical records in a national…

Sweetened drinks increase risk of heart disease in men by twenty percent


By John Phillip,
(NaturalNews) Researchers publishing the results of a study in the prestigious American Heart Association journal Circulation have found that men who drank a 12-ounce sugar-sweetened beverage a day had a 20 percent higher risk of heart disease compared to men who didn’t drink any sugar-sweetened drinks. This should come as no surprise as sweetened (and calorie-free) beverages have come under scrutiny for contributing to increased risk of potentially fatal conditions such as diabetes, dementia, stroke…

High manganese levels making air breathing hazardous in some residential areas


By J. D. Heyes,
(NaturalNews) A new study has found there are higher levels of potentially toxic manganese in a number of residential neighborhoods that are located near industrial or manufacturing sites at various locations around the country. The study, conducted by researchers from Kansas State University (KSU), Columbia University and Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and Department of Environmental Health Sciences, found varying levels of manganese in analyzed samples of airborne particulate…

Holistic Health


How juicing can improve your health


By Kim Evans,
(NaturalNews) Adding fresh juices to your diet can be one of the best everyday things you can do for your health. This is the case because with juicing you can take in far more nutrients from fresh fruits and vegetables than you ever could just by eating them straight. And these nutrients both protect us from disease and boost our health and vitality. For example, it’s easy to consume the nutrients of a couple of pounds of carrots in a day if you juice them. And while carrots are well known to.

Colloidail silver the perfect mouthwash? Scientists find rinsing mouth with silver treats infections


By Jonathan Benson,

(NaturalNews) The amazing infection-treating properties of silver seem to be flooding the pages of scientific journals these days, as researchers, scientists, and medical experts are finally fessing up to the fact that this unique element possesses healing properties far superior to pharmaceutical antibiotics and drugs. And a new study published in the Society for Applied Microbiology journal Letters in Applied Microbiology reveals that silver is fully capable of killing yeast-based mouth infections…

How vitamin D helps prevent lung cancer


By Aurora Geib,
(NaturalNews) Increasing vitamin D may now be a matter of life or death, as recent studies have shown that it may play a vital role in the fight against lung cancer. To date, lung cancer is one of the three most common cancers that kill men and women in developed countries with a statistic of one million deaths every year. Researchers from the University of California at San Diego discovered a correlative relationship between higher rates of lung cancer and less exposure to the sun. Cancer…

Pet Health


Could Your Pet Be Harboring This Miserable Little Parasite?


Uploaded by MercolaHealthyPets

Dr. Karen Becker, a proactive and integrative wellness veterinarian discusses giardia parasite in pets.





Canada Recalls Seven Months Worth of Frozen Ground Beef


By News Desk

After a series of earlier recalls, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has now recalled all ground beef from New Food Classics ( Establishment 761) that was processed between July 1, 2011 and Feb. 15, 2012 because it may be…

Canada Recalls Seven Months Worth of Frozen Ground Beef


Glass Fragments in Fruit Beverages


By Julia Thomas

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and AllJuice International are advising customers not to consume certain AllJuice products because they may contain harmful glass fragments.There have been no injuries reported. The recalled juices, in 73 mL glass bottles, were distributed in…

Glass Fragments in Fruit Beverages


Allergen Alert


Allergen Alert: Flavored Peanuts With Milk


By Julia Thomas

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) expanded its warning issued on March 15, 2012 to include the Koh-Kae brand snack products listed below because the products contain milk not declared on the label. There have been no reported illnesses associated…

Allergen Alert: Flavored Peanuts With Milk