Tag Archive: headaches

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So many people suffer from anxiety and headaches these days. I believe this to be a mixture of our lifestyles and many of the changes that are taking place in our world that are pushing people to question what we’ve been doing as a society repetitively for many years. You know what I mean… that feeling that there is something more than just going to work, making money, coming home, eating and repeating it all. It may sound cliche, but it’s evident.

Deep down we can feel it, that something isn’t quite “right” with our world anymore and there’s a certain sense of freedom from it all that is calling us from deep within ourselves. Not knowing what that feeling is exactly or what to do, we sometimes will feel anxiety or overwhelm as we look at our lives. How do we deal with these things? There are a number of actions we can take to address the core issue which you can explore here.

It’s important that we begin to explore this feeling inside. That knowing that things can be different, that our world doesn’t have to be the way it is. Whether it is people getting fed up with the 9 – 5, feeling disconnected from themselves and others or feeling the desire to do what we love and are passionate about, our patience with avoiding these things is continuously growing thin. It’s time, it’s time to explore it!

Other than inspiring people to begin that exploration and letting them know “you’re not crazy, many people are feeling this too,” I also wanted to share something simple that can aid us while we are making more long-term adjustments.


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Politics, Legislation and Economy News

Costs Of War    :  Collateral Damage & Human Rights

More Costs of War: Suicides and Mental Trauma of Military Family Members

by Ann Wright
 File:Military Health System.gif

Seven months ago, in December, 2011, Brian Arredondo, age 24, hanged himself in a shed in his mother’s backyard. Brian was the brother of US Marine Corps Lance Corporal Alexander Arredondo, who was killed in Iraq in 2004. For seven years Brian had had difficulties dealing with the death of his brother.

Brian, like so many military brothers, sisters, spouses, children and parents, fell into the depths of depression following the death of his brother.

These difficulties in coping with his brother’s death played out in Brian in his depression, dropping out of school, using alcohol and drugs, being in and out of drug rehab facilities, in continuing incidents with police for disorderly conduct and finally in suicide.

After the death of their son Alex in Iraq, Brian’s father Carlos Arredondo and his stepmother Melida travelled the country reminding the public of those dying in America’s wars on Iraq and Afghanistan-Americans, Iraqis and Afghans. Brian had joined them at Veterans for Peace events and at Occupy Boston. The Arredondos are now embarked on a mission to better understand the suicides that are occurring in military families.

At the national Veterans for Peace (VFP) conference in Miami, Florida, on August 9, 2012, Carlos told VFP members that virtually each time they have spoken at public events about Brian’s suicide, after the program, a member of the audience will tell them that they have had someone in their family who has attempted suicide or committed suicide. The Arredondos say that from their first speaking engagements following Brian’s suicide, that they have found an epidemic of suicides and mental trauma in military families.

We know from statistics kept by the US military, Veterans Affairs and local law enforcement officials, that 18 veterans a day commit suicide.

Brian’s death represents an unknown number of members of military families who have committed suicide and the United States military is not attempting to keep track of this aspect of the costs of war on families of military personnel

In 2010, Deborah Mullen, the wife of the former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said at the Military Health System annual conference, that she was shocked that military family member suicides are not being tracked by the military. She said “…we are still discovering, still revealing, fissures and cracks in the family support system.” http://www.jcs.mil/speech.aspx?id=1521

Mrs. Mullen said that “military families, not unlike our troops, experience the same depression, anxiety, sleeplessness, and headaches. They break into cold sweats … lose concentration … suffer panic attacks … and come to dread contact with the outside world. Some lapse into what is known as “anticipatory grief.”

As one spouse put it, “We’re grieving as if they’re already dead, and they’re not.”

Mrs. Mullen added, “As a result, many spouses are unable even to get out of bed – to get dressed, prepare meals, or leave the house. Some won’t even get their children off to school, leaving the care of little ones to the hands of older siblings. In 2009 alone, 300,000 prescriptions for psychiatric drugs were provided to military dependents under the age of 18. Some are no doubt warranted, but I worry that we don’t fully understand the long-term consequences of these medications.”

Presentations of Carlos and Melida Arredondo at the Veterans for Peace National Convention, August 8-12, 2012

Carlos Arredondo’s Presentation:

Thank you for inviting us to speak to the national convention of Veterans for Peace. As some might know, the South Florida chapter of Veterans for Peace is named after my eldest son, US Marine Lance Corporal Alexander Scott Arredondo who was killed in Iraq in 2004, seven and a half years ago.

Today, I am going to talk to you about both of my sons, both of whom are dead because of war.

Less than eight months ago, our youngest son, Brian Luis Arredondo, age 24, hanged himself in a shed in the backyard of his Mother’s property in Massachusetts.

Our family is actively grieving Brian’s suicide and trying to comprehend how both of our boys are dead at a young age, both by such violent methods.

Brian was never the same after the death of his elder brother Alexander.

Nor was I. The day Alex died I set myself on fire at our home in Hollywood, Florida, about twenty miles north of Miami where the VFP convention is. The day I set myself on fire in the US Marine van that came to advise me of Alex’s death, my Mother, tried to stop me when the Casualty Assistance Company did not. She pulled away the gas can from me. She pulled on me to get out of the van. Only by the grace of God did she not get burned since she was right next to me when the explosion occurred. She noticed the socks on my feet were on fire and pulled them off of me and still did not get burned.

Brian was visiting his Mother in Maine when Alex was killed and saw on television as breaking news my setting the US Marine van and myself on fire.

Brian and Alex had been very close as children. When Alex joined the military, Brian began to lose his way. He stopped going to school and stopped working.

A short time after Alex’s death, Brian confessed to me that he walked the streets waiting for a bus or a truck so he could jump in front of it. That would be the first of several suicide attempts that Brian would make.

At Brian’s funeral mass, I gave the eulogy and openly discussed how I had been struggling with mental health issues myself from Alex’s death and how I felt culpable for not aiding Brian more in getting the help he needed. I had recognized Brian’s pain – his anxiety and depression because I was experiencing the same. Yet, I seemed to be powerless to help him.

Since Alex’s death seven years ago, I have experienced problems with my physical health including a brain cyst and Bell’s Palsy.

Since Brian’s death eight months ago, I have been experiencing high blood pressure and have gained 20 pounds.

In speaking with medical doctors, I have been told that grieving can often show itself with both physical and mental health problems.

In the years after Alex’s death, I travelled around the United States talking about the effects of war. I found the work that I have done for peace and justice helped me cope with Alex’s death. I have felt useful and have been inspired and supported by so many people who I have met and worked with – Ann Wright, Medea Benjamin. Bruce Macdonald, VFP’s Smedley Butler chapter in Boston and many other people in this room and more.

I find it very important to meet with other Latinos and talk about my sons so that the Latino families are aware of the “side effects” to military service and how it impacts the whole family. It affects the family as soon as the decision is made for a loved one to join the military, through deployment and often beyond. We have met families who are often torn apart due to different opinions on military service. The consequences can be great.

Mélida and I have our good and our bad days. My Mom has been in the US four months this year, which has helped us both.

When Brian died, the Massachusetts peace community came together and had a peace vigil to remember him the following day where several hundred people showed up. Brian’s graveside service included many Vets with Veterans for Peace flags flying in the wind at Brian’s graveside. Mel and I are very grateful to have the Vets for peace honor Brian in this way.

Mel and I are focusing on suicide survivor and gold star family support groups. We have met many families who have experienced suicide with their families and military suicide.

Though not many, there are other families who have lost a loved one to combat and then their siblings to suicide. Meeting these families can be hard, but it can be healing. It makes realize that our family is not alone.

Mel and I are also working with activist writers to try to get our family’s story written to remember our sons and hopefully help others.

Thank you for your support and thank you to Veteran’s for Peace.

Melida Arredondo’s Presentation

When a family member joins the military, the family is also drafted.

In retrospect: I realize now that both our boys were targeted by military recruiters for being from low income, Latino and divorced families.

Over the years, Carlos and I wonder how this all happened to our family. Slowly, we came to realize that what affects us also impacts other families no matter race or color of skin – the connection between those families and ours is that we are low income. So I’m speaking on behalf of all the other families who are unaware of how the economics of recruitment in this country works.

According to the US Census, families and their children are experiencing the highest degree of poverty since the 1960s.

Much of the work Carlos and I do is to aid and support military families. Some of the efforts we have successfully worked on include speaking with the two Massachusetts Secretaries of Veterans Affairs to share the economic difficulties face by military families during deployments and if a loved one dies.

Most recently before Memorial Day, a new law, called the Valor Act, was passed in Massachusetts expanding state assistance to families who have someone who is deployed and families who have lost a loved one. (Let me clarify that due to divorce or if the service member is married, many parents receive do not receive any life insurance – which is the case in our family.)

Massachusetts is a special case, however, where services for Veterans and Military families are the best in the nation compared to other states. So I ask you to consider taking on the task of seeing what your VFP chapter can do with legislation in your state to better support services for your military families. The needs of these families are not recognized.

Peace and justice work should be combined with support for military families. These acts of kindness further the message of the peace and justice community.

In addition, education of parents who are likely to have their children recruited is an important place to target peace messages. A public awareness campaign can target neighborhoods combining the realities of warfare and the violence on the streets.

It is vital for peace and justice efforts to be targeted to the society-at-large and not continue simply preaching to the converted.

We must find venues to reach out to new people. For example, recently, two members of the Smedley Butler VFP chapter (Boston), my family and I went to the finish line for the Pan Mass Challenge, a bicycle race that raises funds for cancer.

We did this to support John Niles a 75 year old VFP member who had ridden 80 miles that day. We had several VFP flags, a peace and an American flag waving in the Cape Cod air at the finish line. Dozens of people who had raced or who were cheering on cyclists came up to us and thanked us for being there and had conversations with us.

Carlos has run to the finish line of the Boston marathon with the peace flag several years, and we’ve attended the 4th of July celebrations in Boston with the peace message and countless other public forums. We attend many events with a message of peace whether we are invited or not.

Finally, let me put a plug in for Military Families Speak Out. This organization is facing financial hardship and lost most of its staff. Carlos and I are members and we’ve worked with MFSO often on lobbying on the state and national level. Through MFSO we’ve met other families who are faced with similar situations or have lost their loved ones as a result of war. I am asking you to consider supporting MFSO by going to www.mfso.org and by make a donation.

We did not want Alex to join the Marine Corps. Coming from Costa Rica where no army exists, we simply feared. Alex joined, he died, Brian has died and Carlos and I are left. The remainder of our families is in Costa Rica where Mom lives.

Carlos and I appreciate all of the support that VFP has provided us over the years as well as the opportunities to work side-by-side for peace –in Crawford, Minneapolis at the RNC or in Washington DC.

I want to take this moment to honor our sons –

Alexander Arredondo, Presente!

Brian Arredondo – Presente!

Peace to you all. Muchas gracias. Thank you.

To support the work of Carlos and Melida Arredondo, please contact melida_arredondo@yahoo.com.

Ann Wright served 29 years in the US Army/Army Reserves and retired as a Colonel. She was a US diplomat for 16 years and served in Nicaragua, Grenada, Somalia, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Sierra Leone, Micronesia, Afghanistan and Mongolia. She resigned in 2003 in opposition to the Iraq War. She is a member of Veterans for Peace.

Global Research Articles by Ann Wright

Food Safety

FDA Warning Letters

By News Desk

From the U.S. and Food and Drug Administration warning letters posted since our March 20, 2012 update:- J.M. Smucker of Orrville, OH, was warned that a January 2012 inspection of the company’s Ripon, WI facility determined that the firm was…

FDA Warning Letters: March 27, 2012 Update

Alabama McDonald’s Customers Possibly Exposed to Hepatitis A

By News Desk

Customers who ate at a McDonald’s in Northport, AL between February 28 and March 14 may have been exposed to hepatitis A through an infected employee, according to the Alabama Department of Health. In a news alert, state health officials advised…

Alabama McDonald’s Customers Possibly Exposed to Hepatitis A

Governors and USDA Officials Join Together to Defend BPI

By James Andrews

In response to the dramatic public reaction to recent media stories on Beef Products Inc.’s lean finely textured beef (LFTB) — the ground beef supplement often referred to as “pink slime” — leaders in government are coming to the defense…

Governors and USDA Officials Join Together to Defend BPI

Food Safety Is Top Priority for London 2012 Games

By Dan Flynn

Transportation, terrorism and tickets have been among the top concerns for planners of London 2012, the summer Olympic Games that begin in just 120 days.But now they are turning their attention to a new problem—what to do about food safety..

Food Safety Is Top Priority for London 2012 Games

Advisory Committee Discusses New School Ground Beef Safety Criteria

By News Desk

The National Advisory Committee on Microbiological Criteria for Foods (NACMCF), an interagency committee with outside experts, held a meeting Wednesday (via conference call) to discuss ground beef purchasing requirements for federal food and nutrition assistance programs — and unanimously accepted…

Advisory Committee Discusses New School Ground Beef Safety Criteria

FSIS Issues New Trim Sampling Requirements

By News Desk

The USDA’s Food Safety & Inspection Service (FSIS) issued a notice last week that gives its inspection personnel specific instructions on how to randomly select the beef trimmings to be tested under the MT50 project code, which includes E. coli…

FSIS Issues New Trim Sampling Requirements



Bedrock of vaccination theory crumbles as science reveals antibodies not necessary to fight viruses

By Ethan A. Huff

(NaturalNews) While the medical, pharmaceutical, and vaccine industries are busy pushing new vaccines for practically every condition under the sun, a new study published in the journal Immunity completely deconstructs the entire vaccination theory. It turns out that the body’s natural immune systems, comprised of both innate and adaptive components, work together to ward off disease without the need for antibody-producing vaccines. The theory behind vaccines is that they mimic infection by spurring…


Unraveling the myth of ‘bad’ chloresterol

By J. D. Heyes,

(NaturalNews) Scratch what you think you know about the supposed ill effects of cholesterol. Turns out, it’s not the villain it’s been made out to be, says one notable expert. Writing for the online medical journal PreventDisease.com, Dr. Ron Rosedale, M.D., a noted international authority on nutrition and metabolic medicine, says that despite the common belief that cholesterol is the primary culprit behind cardiovascular disease and “despite dozens of studies, cholesterol has not been shown to…


More aspartame side effects revealed – headaches, blurred vision, neurological symptoms and more

By Aurora Geib,

(NaturalNews) For a great majority of Americans who consume processed food, food additives are an ever-present component of the menu and one with serious health effects. In the United States as well as in Canada, aspartame – an artificial low-calorie sweetener – has been used as a food additive as early as 1981 after it was approved for use in dry goods. It was approved again in the US in 1983 for carbonated drinks. This approval came in the face of much opposition which has not seen any respite…



Holistic Health

Eating This Fatty Snack Can Protect Your Heart and More

By Dr. Mercola

If you’re looking for a nutritious, quick snack, nuts (raw, organic and in moderation) are a near perfect option.

With healthy fats, fiber, plant sterols and many vitamins and minerals, nuts pack a powerful nutritional punch, all wrapped up in a tiny bite-sized package.

In fact, a recent epidemiologic study revealed that nuts offer many benefits for your health, even reducing your risk of serious chronic disease.

Nuts Support Heart Health, Lower Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome Risk

There have not been many epidemiologic studies undertaken to assess the effect of nut consumption on health risks, but a recent study involving more than 13,000 people, published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, set out to do just that.

Those who ate nuts gained numerous benefits compared to non-nut eaters, including:…..


Using your thoughts to better your reality

By Kim Evans,

(NaturalNews) There’s something to be said for focusing on the positive. Actually, metaphysicians and personal life coaches will tell you that focusing on the positive is everything. They’ll tell you that and they’ll tell you that your subconscious mind drives the reality around you. So if you’re subconsciously, or consciously, focused on the negative, your subconscious mind will steer you right there. Metaphysicians will also tell you that we create all, or most of the problems in our lives,…


Beets help prevent cancer and prevent cancer

By Paul Fassa,

(NaturalNews)It figures: one of the least tasty vegetables turns out to be among the healthiest – beets. Fortunately, raw beets work well for juicing. Beets mixed with juiced fresh carrots, some apple and some greens thrown in then topped off with a freshly squeezed lemon provides a tasty vegetable juice. Beets lose a lot of their nutritional value if cooked more than 15 minutes. This means the the most delicious beet entree offered, beet soup with a couple of dollops of sour cream, won’t support…



Pet Health

Enzyme Replacement Therapy for EPI

Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI) is a condition in which an animal’s body can’t produce enough digestive enzymes to properly break down food. Because the food isn’t broken down, the animal is unable to absorb the nutrients, and it passes through the body undigested. This is why the disease is sometimes called maldigestion syndrome.

The affected cat or dog is essentially starving to death, even though he or she is eating voraciously. The animal will pass foul-smelling, loose, light-colored stools and lose weight rapidly. The stool may sometimes contain blood in cats with EPI. The body deteriorates rapidly (atrophy) and the haircoat becomes dull and thin.

Cause and Diagnosis of EPI…..


Feeding Dogs with EPI

Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI), also known as maldigestion syndrome, causes an animal to be unable to break down the nutrients in food. This in turn causes the nutrients in the food to pass through the body undigested. Basically, a cat or dog with EPI is starving to death, even as it develops a voracious appetite.

EPI is due to a defect in the pancreas which prohibits the organ’s ability to produce the necessary digestive enzymes. The pancreas, though small, produces and stores the enzymes necessary for breaking down protein, starch, and fats in the food the animal eats. If the food is not broken down so that the body can absorb the nutrients, the animal cannot survive. Your pet will also have foul-smelling, loose, light-colored stools and become emaciated quickly…..


Exercising with Your Dog 101

Do you feel guilty that your pet doesn’t get enough time with you? It’s a trap that happens to most of us, but one that can be easily remedied. Here are some guidelines for enriching your pet’s life and health through exercise.

Why Exercising Your Dog Makes Sense

Big or small, young or old, dogs need to exercise daily. While some breeds have special needs that have to be taken into account, and dogs do slow down as they age, they still need to take part in some form of daily physical activity. Without activity, your dog will become bored, frustrated and unhealthy. Exercise tones the muscles, helps the body and metabolic system to function properly, and engages the mind. Anyone who has had a dog that suffers from lack of physical activity and mental stimulation will tell you that they will often turn to destructive behaviors — behaviors that magically disappear once the dog is getting out everyday.

Physically, dogs will also become obese if they are not allowed to burn off the calories they take in during the day. This is especially true if they are being given a lot of treats in compensation for lack of attention…..




Salsa Recalled Over Jalapeno Salmonella Concerns

By Julia Thomas

Club Chef is recalling certain salsas because they may be contaminated with Salmonella.The potential for contamination was noted after a random test by the Ohio Department of Agriculture in a store in Ohio revealed the presence of Salmonella in a…

Salsa Recalled Over Jalapeno Salmonella Concerns



Massive public protests spur France to ban plantings of Monsanto’s MON810 GMO corn

By Jonathan Benson,

(NaturalNews) On the heels of ongoing, massive protests against genetically-modified organisms (GMOs), French agricultural officials have announced that plantings of Monsanto’s MON810 GM corn, which contains built-in Bt toxin, will no longer be permitted within France. Reports explain that the moratorium is only temporary, but since there is no indication that opposition to the “Frankencorn” will cease anytime soon, the ban could last indefinitely. Last November, French authorities lifted a longtime…


EPA tramples personal property rights, orders couple to fork over $75,000 a day for phony ‘violations’

By Ethan A. Huff,

(NaturalNews) An Idaho couple that was ordered recently by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to stop building a house on their own property and pay fines of up to $75,000 a day until the property was returned back to its original condition, has been granted due process and a hearing by the U.S. Supreme Court. The ruling is a first as it now allows property owners to challenge the EPA’s violation allegations prior to, rather than after, enforcement actions are taken. In 2005, Mike and Chantell…
