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UC Davis Home Page

September 24, 2015


Man holding a big fish to the camera in a fish market with baskets of fish in the background

UC Davis researchers found plastic and fibrous debris in 25 percent of the fish sold in Indonesian and California markets. (Dale Trockel/photo)

Roughly a quarter of the fish sampled from fish markets in California and Indonesia contained human-made debris — plastic or fibrous material — in their guts, according to a study from the University of California, Davis, and Hasanuddin University in Indonesia.

The study, published today in the journal Scientific Reports, is one of the first to directly link plastic and human-made debris to the fish on consumers’ dinner plates.

“It’s interesting that there isn’t a big difference in the amount of debris in the fish from each location, but in the type — plastic or fiber,” said lead author Chelsea Rochman, a David H. Smith postdoctoral fellow in the Aquatic Health Program at the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine. “We think the type of debris in the fish is driven by differences in local waste management.”

‘Waiter, there’s some plastic in my fish’

The researchers sampled 76 fish from markets in Makassar, Indonesia, and 64 from Half Moon Bay and Princeton in California. All of the fragments recovered from fish in Indonesia were plastic. In contrast, 80 percent of the debris found in California fish was fibers, whereas not a single strand of fiber was found in Indonesian fish.



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DHS Whistleblower: War On Terror a Charade

 Veterans Today

by Tim Brown

Julia Davis, a former Customs and Border Protections Officer, was falsely declared a domestic terrorist and subjected to retaliatory efforts against her by theDepartment of Homeland Security. Her home was raided by a 27 man “special response team.” She was twice falsely arrested and imprisoned, but later exonerated.

She is now anational security expert and has put out a historical documentary titled, Top Priority: The Terror Within.  She claims that the “War On Terror” by the Department of Homeland Security is a charade and that the agency seems to be targeting concerned American patriots.  

Davis says her documentary is about her time with DHS in dealing with applicants from countries with ties to terrorism, who are seeking to come into the United States. [Editor’s note: Of course, the whole “War on Terror” is a fraud, but what she is exposing is that NOT EVEN DHS BELIEVES THAT IT’S REAL!]

She says that they had “very specific alerts” that on July 4, 2004, members of Al-Qaeda [Editor’s note: which is itself a creation of the CIA] would be attempting to cross the border from Mexico into the US. The land port where Ms. Davis worked is the largest and busiest land port in the world, San Ysidro Port. She says that Islamic clerics say this is the best place to breech the US border because of the large number of people coming through.


She says that she began to input the information into the DHS database, which she was required to do as a supervisor, and she noticed that she had a high number of people from terrorist countries set to come through her port on July 4. She says there were 23 people from terrorist countries who were to be admitted into the US on that day. She said the average number of people coming from terrorist countries would normally be 5-10 per month. So to have 23 in a ten hour span was “alarming.”

But it goes further. Davis says that none of these people were subjected to routine checks that were in place for applicants from terrorist countries. According to Davis, “They were supposed to be fingerprinted. They were supposed to be asked why they left the US, why they were coming back, where they were living… all these different procedures that would have taken approximately an hour for each person. None of it was done.”

In fact, in some of the cases, the individuals didn’t fill out the paperwork or provide the documents they were supposed to in order to come into the United States.

No one would listen

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Crossroads News : Changes In The World Around Us And Our Place In It

Activism : Human Rights – Freedom – Excessive Use Of Force – Police Brutality

UC Davis Protestors Pepper Sprayed

$1 million settlement: Pepper-sprayed students, alumni pleased

UC Davis students and alumni who were pepper-sprayed by campus police during a protest 10 months ago were pleased with the nearly $1-million settlement the university system has agreed to pay.

Each of the 21 students and alumni will receive $30,000, the University of California announced Wednesday.

The agreement, which must still be approved in federal court, also calls for UC to pay a total of $250,000 to the plaintiffs’ attorneys and set aside a maximum of $100,000 to pay up to $20,000 to any other individuals who join the class-action lawsuit by proving they were either arrested or directly pepper-sprayed, a university statement said.

PHOTOS: UC Davis pepper spray incident

The settlement also calls for UC Davis Chancellor Linda Katehi to write a formal apology to each of the students and alumni who were pepper-sprayed or arrested.

Fatima Sbeih, a plaintiff in the lawsuit who was pepper-sprayed, said in a statement the incident created a divide between students and campus police.

“Since Nov. 18, students have been afraid of the police. The university still needs to work to rebuild students’ trust and this settlement is a step in the right direction,” said Sbeih, who recently graduated with a degree in international studies.Another protester, Ian Lee, who is entering his sophomore year at the school, said in a statement that he participated in the demonstrations because of the “privatization of the university” and rising tuition costs.“I felt like the university silenced me,” he said in the statement.

A video released online, showing an officer spraying seated students directly in their faces at close range during an Occupy rally, had triggered outrage.

And UC’s own investigations and a shake-up at the UC Davis police force put the university in a weak position to argue against the students’ lawsuit.

The preliminary settlement, which was approved by the UC regents in a closed-door meeting earlier this month, will be paid through the UC’s self-insurance program, which officials said has about $600 million in reserves.

In April, a UC task force headed by former state Supreme Court Justice Cruz Reynoso found that UC Davis police had violated policy and that campus administrators mishandled the November 2011 campus protest.

In May, a separate draft report about campus responses to civil disobedience across UC urged administrators to use mediation instead of confrontation in most cases, although it said pepper spray might remain a necessary tool of last resort. A final version was released this month with no major policy changes.


UC to pay nearly $1 million in UC Davis pepper-spray settlement

For first time, Boy Scouts to review files on suspected predators

Detectives interview more than 70 in La Puente soccer hazing case

— Stephen Ceasar

Food Safety


2012 Election: Where Do GOP Candidates Stand on Food Safety?


By Helena Bottemiller

Though food regulatory issues tend to fall behind top-of-mind policy concerns — such as the overall health of the economy, unemployment, ongoing war in the Middle East, and the price of gas — on the campaign trail, the GOP presidential…

2012 Election: Where Do GOP Candidates Stand on Food Safety?


Salmonella from Mail-Order Hatcheries an Ongoing Concern


By Gretchen Goetz

Please sign here for your order of … Salmonella? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 35 Salmonella outbreaks have been linked to contact with live poultry from mail-order hatcheries since 1990. Just last summer, two clusters of…

Salmonella from Mail-Order Hatcheries an Ongoing Concern

Utah Joins Iowa in Protecting Factory Farms From Cameras


By Dan Flynn

Utah this week became the second state to impose criminal sanctions against anyone taking photos or making videos inside factory farms without permission.Coming less than a month after Iowa became the first state to adopt a so-called “ag-gag” law, the…

Utah Joins Iowa in Protecting Factory Farms From Cameras


Drug-Resistant Microbes Prevalent in Some Soils: Study

By Gretchen Goetz

Mounting scientific evidence shows that animal antibiotics are contributing to a rise in drug-resistant bacterial diseases among humans. But a new study out of Poland has found high levels of these antibiotic-proof pathogens in the natural environment as well. And…

Drug-Resistant Microbes Prevalent in Some Soils


Why Do Beef Trimmings Need to be Sanitized?


By John Munsell

A central focus in the controversy over the use of ammoniated hydroxide to sanitize beef trimmings are the claims that the source meat may be highly pathogenic, otherwise destined for dog food or laced with dangerous bacteria.So why would the…

Why Do Beef Trimmings Need to be Sanitized?




Farming communities facing crisis over nitrate pollution, study says


By Stett Holbrook
Food & Environment Reporting Network

Nitrate contamination in groundwater from fertilizer and animal manure is severe and getting worse for hundreds of thousands of residents in California’s Central Valley farming communities, according to a study released Tuesday by researchers at the University of California, Davis.

Nearly 10 percent of the 2.6 million people living in the Tulare Lake Basin and Salinas Valley might be drinking nitrate-contaminated water, researchers found. And if nothing is done to stem the problem, the report warns, nearly 80 percent of residents could be at risk of health and financial problems by 2050.

High nitrate levels in drinking water have been linked to thyroid cancer, skin rashes, hair loss, birth defects and “blue baby syndrome,” a potentially fatal blood disorder in infants…..



Holistic Health


Boost Your Metabolism, Burn Pounds – With This “DNA Changer”


By Dr. Mercola

New research published in the journal Cell Metabolism shows that when healthy but inactive men and women exercise even briefly, it produces an immediate change in their DNA.

Although the underlying genetic code in human muscle doesn’t change, exercise causes important structural and chemical changes to the DNA molecules within those muscles.

This contraction-induced gene activation, which modifies DNA at precise locations, appears to be early events leading to the genetic reprogramming of muscle for strength, and to the structural and metabolic benefits of exercise.

According to Science Daily:

“The DNA changes in question are known as epigenetic modifications and involve the gain or loss of chemical marks on DNA over and above the familiar sequence of As, Gs, Ts, and Cs.

The new study shows that the DNA within skeletal muscle taken from people after a burst of exercise bears fewer chemical marks (specifically methyl groups) than it did before exercise.

Those changes take place in stretches of DNA that are involved in turning “on” genes important for muscles’ adaptation to exercise…

Broadly speaking, the findings offer more evidence that our genomes are much more dynamic than they are often given credit for.”

Exercise Changes Your Biochemistry……




Man Refuses Surgery and Loses Nearly 300 Pounds


By Dr. Mercola

Bryan Ganey weighed 577 pounds when he collapsed, struggling to breathe due to a pulmonary embolism (blood clot) blocking oxygen flow to his lungs.

In about 25 percent of patients, the first “symptom” of pulmonary embolism is sudden death, but Ganey was lucky – he recovered.

While in the hospital, doctors suggested he consider weight-loss surgery to shed pounds, but Ganey refused, as he knew several people who had gotten the surgery and suffered complications.

That, and he knew he could lose weight on his own once he put his mind to it …

130 Pounds Gone in the First 6 Months…..




Pet Health


Feline Aggression: When Fluffy Attacks


By Dr. Becker

A few years ago a retrospective study was conducted at the Animal Behavior Clinic at the Barcelona School of Veterinary Medicine to investigate behavior problems in cats

The study covered the time period 1998 to 2006 and included 336 cats with behavior problems.

Of the 336 cats, 178 were female (65 percent spayed) and 158 were male (77 percent neutered).

The mean age for problem presentation was 4.5 years.

The kitties came to their owners from a variety of sources.

Some were strays living on the street, some came from breeders, some from pet stores and a few were adopted from shelters.

Most Prevalent Feline Behavior Problem: Aggression…….



This Month’s Real Story: Tate


By Dr. Becker

This month’s real story is about Tate, a female Norwegian elkhound.

Believe it or not, this good-looking gal is 14 years young.

Tate on December 3, 2011

When Tate’s dad took her for routine bloodwork on December 3rd of last year, her ALT (Alanine transaminase) liver enzyme was 1237.

The normal range for this enzyme is 12 – 118, so obviously Tate’s was extremely elevated.

ALT is found primarily in the liver, but it’s also found in smaller amounts in the pancreas, kidneys, heart and muscles.

ALT levels are a very important measure of liver health.

Low levels of ALT are seen in the blood when the liver is healthy.

But when the liver is diseased or damaged, it releases ALT into the bloodstream, which increases the levels. …….








March 22, 2012 KONG TV News




They call him “Mr Gibbs”


A sick little girl and her dog
