Tag Archive: Old Navy

When thigh gaps attack: Target’s Photoshop fail goes viral

March 11, 2014 at 3:26 PM ET

thigh gap


Attack of the thigh gap! Yesterday, an observant blogger called out some pretty egregious Photoshop shenanigans on Target’s website; we fear the thigh gap on this particular swimsuit model will not rest until it consumes her entire body.

By Tuesday morning, other, bigger sites like Jezebel and the New York Daily News had piled on. (We reached out to Target for a comment but did not immediately hear back.) And by Tuesday afternoon, the retailer had removed the images from its website. Speedy work, Internet.

“I love how quickly it got called out,” says Pamela Rutledge, a psychologist and director of the Media Psychology Research Center. “Social norms are enforced by community, and that’s true in a club, in a church, or society wide; and now society, because of the Internet, is very broad. And there’s a lot of sensitivity for stuff like this.”

In our TODAY/AOL Body Image survey, released last month, we found that the majority of the teen girls we surveyed said they wished that Photoshopping would stop entirely. Because those images that girls see in the media have a real impact on the way they feel about themselves; 80 percent of the teenage girls we surveyed said they compare themselves to the images they see of celebrities, and many of those girls said those images made them feel worse about their own appearances. On Jezebel, writer Rebecca Rose took particular issue with the fact that this is an item in the juniors’ department:….


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Old Navy Photoshops Thigh Gaps Onto Plus-Size Denim

March 17, 2014 at 6:19PM by Anna Breslaw

Oh! Cool. So, uh, thigh gap is still a thing that’s happening. Old Navy is the most recent retailer caught Photoshopping thigh gaps — specifically, onto the plus-size jeans displayed in their online store, reports Jezebel.

At first glance, it looks like the jeans simply could have been pinned on the display mannequin, but if you look closer, you can see it’s a (shoddy) Photoshop job.


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Land’s End Catalog Cover Photoshops Perfect Dorito-Shaped Thigh Gap

Land's End Catalog Cover Photoshops Perfect Dorito-Shaped Thigh GapExpand

It pains me to be the bearer of tragic news, but it appears that another brutal catalog swimsuit model thigh gapping has occurred. This one’s on the cover of the latest Land’s End catalog.

A reader alerted us (and a staffer who still gets catalogs in the mail* confirmed) that this month’s LE did some creative limb-chopping with the the woman in the one piece bathing suit on its cover. Note the oddly angular thigh gap, and the disparity in the size of her thighs; her left thigh is oddly oranger and slimmer than her right one. Also human legs don’t look like that.



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 Animal Advocacy


Animal Shelters



Now You Can Help Homeless Pets While You’re Shopping Online


By Dr. Becker

If you’re interested in helping shelter pets and you also shop online, I’ve discovered a way for you to do both things simultaneously.

There’s a website I just found out about that donates to the shelter(s) of your choice each time you buy something from any of nearly 500 participating merchants.

Check Out AdoptAShelter.com

The home page asks you to select a shelter either by location or shelter name. As soon as you do, you’re ready to shop.

Shopping categories include:

Books & Magazines Diet & Fitness Pet & Vet
Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry Electronics Sports & Outdoors
Computer & Office Health & Beauty Tools & Auto
Dating & Entertainment Home & Garden Travel
Department Stores Music, Games & Movies Web & Online Tools


The list of some of the most popular online shopping sites and donation amounts includes:

Amazon.com 0.5 – 7.5%
Petsmart 4%
Walmart 0.5 – 2%
Old Navy 0.5 – 2%
Target.com 1.5 – 2.5%
eBay $0.03 – 0.11
Overstock.com 0.5 – 3.5%
zazzle 1%

The Way It Works

The AdoptAShelter.com service is free to shelters, animal-related causes, and everyone who shops online through the service. According to their FAQ, AdoptAShelter™ is simply tapping into the existing Internet economy and redirecting some of the revenue generated to help animals.

When you shop through AdoptAShelter.com at one of their retail merchants, Adopt-A-Shelter™ is paid a commission. Adopt-A-Shelter™ directs 100 percent of the donation displayed on AdoptAShelter.com directly to the shelter or organization of your choice.

And it is no more expensive to shop through the AdoptAShelter.com site than if you shopped at the online merchant’s site directly. The prices, customer service and discounts are exactly the same.

2012 Donations to Date

If you’d like to see how much money has been donated to shelters this year, you can visit AdoptAShelter.com’s donation page.

The donation amounts aren’t large … but every little bit counts for homeless pets. And the more people who shop through AdoptAShelter.com, the faster the donations will grow.

Since the AdoptAShelter.com launch August 2011, over 700 animal charities in 48 states have registered with the site.


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