Tag Archive: Sharia

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National Report

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City in Michigan First to Fully Implement Sharia Law

Posted about 2 years ago | 816 comments shariah-law-picture

<NationalReport>In a surprise weekend vote, the city council of Dearborn, Michigan voted 4-3 to became the first US city to officially implement all aspects of Sharia Law.  The tough new law, slated to go into effect January 1st, addresses secular law including crime, politics and economics as well as personal matters such as sexual intercourse, fasting, prayer, diet and hygiene.

The new law could see citizens stoned for adultery or having a limb amputated for theft. Lesser offenses, such as drinking alcohol or abortion, could result in flogging and/or caning. In addition, the law imposes harsh laws with regards to women and allows for child marriage.

Some in town seem to welcome the new legislation while others have denounced the move as “abhorrent”, a threat to freedom and incompatible with the Constitution.  When asked by National Report about the need for such a law, local resident Jeremy Ahmed stated:

Maldives President Rejects Law Banning Husbands from Raping Divorced Wives to Infect them with AIDS as “UnIslamic”

marital rape

“Run, run for it now.”

I’m not sure if Islamic law is the worst thing ever… but it’s probably the worst thing ever for women.

I keep hearing that Mohammed was the original feminist and that Islamic law protects women. Also the State Department praised the moderate Muslim president of moderate Muslim Maldives for being elected through democratic values.

Nothing says democratic values like rape, Islamic law and being the brother of a tyrant.

The US has congratulated Abdulla Yameen on him being elected as the new President of the Maldives, and called the association between the two countries as “a long history of cordial relations”.

“The extraordinarily high turnout on November 16th was a tribute to the Maldivian people’s commitment to the democratic process and democratic values,” State Department spokesperson Jen Psaki told reporters yesterday.

Yameen is the half-brother of former autocratic ruler Maumoon Abdul Gayoom.

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Maldivian president rejects ‘un-Islamic’ ban on some forms of marital rape

By: News Desk

Maldivian President Abdulla Yameen, center, was sworn into the presidency on Nov. 17, 2013. Photo by Maldivian government (press release).

Maldivian President Abdulla Yameen refused to sign a bill Thursday that criminalizes some forms of marital rape, Religion News Service reported. Though the bill passed parliament with 67-2 vote, Yameen rejected the legislation, which limits a husband’s right to demand sex from his wife, because it was “un-Islamic.

The bill did not criminalize all marital rape, but banned it under the following circumstances:

  • if a case for dissolution of a marriage is in court
  • while a divorce, filed by the husband or wife, is pending a court hearing
  • if the intent of intercourse is to transmit a sexually transmitted disease
  • if the couple agrees to a mutual separation

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Eretz Zen Eretz Zen

Published on Sep 29, 2013

As fighting continues in Syria, 43 Islamist groups have united to form a joint “Army of Islam.” The groups have agreed to act under the joint leadership of Sheikh Muhammad Zahran Alloush. The Army of Islam’s creation was officially announced in a ceremony on Sunday, September 29, 2013.

Al-Qaeda’s Jabhat al-Nusra, along with ideologically similar groups such as ‘Ahrar al-Sham’ (Free [Men] of the Levant), did not join the “Army of Islam”, despite sharing its goal of toppling President Bashar Assad and instituting Sharia (Islamic law) in Syria.

At the same time, the “Free Syrian Army” (FSA) is working to reunite its leadership after several commanders disassociated themselves last week from its leadership.

Thirteen militant brigades announced that they reject the Syrian National Coalition (SNC) and the FSA under the leadership of Salim Idriss. The groups’ commanders called to unite under an Islamist umbrella group.


The Long War Journal

Free Syrian Army units ally with al Qaeda, reject Syrian National Coalition, and call for sharia

Some of the largest Free Syrian Army brigades teamed up with an al Qaeda affiliate and other large Islamist groups to reject the Western-backed Syrian National Coalition and call for the establishment of sharia, or Islamic Law, throughout Syria. The move is a major blow to the US-backed Syrian National Coalition and Free Syrian Army, which the West has held up as the moderate faction of the Syrian rebellion.

Abd al Aziz Salamah, the leader of Liwa al Tawhid, announced that 11 rebel groups, including al Qaeda’s Al Nusrah Front for the People of the Levant, signed a statement that called for sharia, denounced the Syrian National Coalition, and urged all groups to unite. Salamah’s video announcing the development was posted on Sept. 24 on YouTube. A translation of his statement was obtained by The Long War Journal.

“The mujahideen militant factions and forces that have signed this statement convened, consulted with each other, and concluded the following,” Salamah said, listing four points of agreement.

“These forces and factions call on all military and civilian organizations to unite under a clear Islamic framework, set forth by the magnanimity of Islam, operating on the basis that Sharia is the arbiter of governance and making it the sole source of legislation,” he said.

He said that only those serving on the front lines are able to represent the Syrian people, and that “all formations established outside the country without consulting those inside do not represent them and are not recognized by them ….”

“[T]he Coalition and the would-be government under the presidency of Ahmad Tu’mah [the leader of the Syrian National Coalition] do not represent the factions and are not recognized by them,” Salamah continued.

Additionally he called on “all militant and civilian organizations to unify their ranks and words, eschew division and discord, and put the interests of the Ummah [the global Muslim community] over that of any single group.”

Salamah then named the 11 groups that signed the agreement. The groups include the Al Nusrah Front, one of two official al Qaeda affiliates operating in Syria; three large Islamist groups that fight alongside al Qaeda — Ahrar al Sham, Liwa al Islam, and Al Fajr Islamic Movement; and two large Free Syrian Army formations — Liwa al Tawhid and Suqur al Sham Brigades – which also fight alongside al Qaeda [see a list of the groups below]. The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, al Qaeda’s other affiliate that operates in Syria, did not sign the statement.

Syria’s insurgency becomes more radicalized

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Syrian opposition splits after Islamists push for sharia state

Western hopes of building a moderate Syrian opposition to President Bashar al-Assad have been set back after the Islamist militias which dominate the rebel movement said they were “going it alone” and intended to establish a sharia state.

Children make their way to school in Aleppo as Western hopes of building a moderate opposition to Bashar al-Assad suffer a set back Photo: JM LOPEZ/EPA

Western hopes of building a moderate Syrian opposition to President Bashar al-Assad have been set back after the Islamist militias that dominate the rebel movement said they were “going it alone” and intended to establish a sharia state.

The new Islamist alliance includes Jabhat al-Nusra, a jihadist group that has sworn loyalty to Ayman al-Zawahiri, the head of al-Qaeda, Ahrar al-Sham, a hardline militant group, and a string of other brigades from across the country.

Representatives of secular forces in the opposition blamed President Barack Obama’s decision to hold off from air strikes against the Assad regime following the chemical weapons attack on east Damascus last month, and the West’s wider failure to arm the pro-democracy opposition.

“If there is no international intervention in Syria it will become a second Afghanistan, a second Somalia,” said Fahad al-Masri, a spokesman for the Free Syrian Army, the broadly secular movement founded largely by army defectors.

The Islamists are funded and supplied by donors in the Gulf, many linked to militant causes.

The breakaway coalition includes major groups such as the Liwa Tawhid, the strongest opposition group in Aleppo. It had previously been loyal to the Syrian National Coalition, the “exiled leadership” backed by the West.

A statement agreed on Tuesday night said that the rebel leaders in question would no longer have anything to do with the SNC.

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Are Sharia councils failing vulnerable women?

By Jane Corbin BBC Panorama

Secret filming at Sharia council shows women at risk

BBC Panorama has uncovered fresh evidence of how some Sharia councils in Britain may be putting Muslim women “at risk” by pressuring them to stay in abusive marriages.

In a small terraced house in east London a woman and her husband argue before an Islamic scholar who sits on a dais above them in a room that looks and feels like a court.

This is Leyton Islamic Sharia Council and Dr Suhaib Hasan will decide if the woman can have a divorce. Her husband is refusing to grant her one and the couple have been coming here for a year.

She accuses him of refusing to work, ignoring the children and verbally abusing her. He vehemently denies it. When Dr Hasan orders the husband to leave the room, the woman breaks down in tears.

“I hate him, I can’t even bear to look at him, he has ruined my life,” she sobbed.

Dr Hasan sends the couple away for another month to try and save their marriage, with the help of Allah.

Fearful women

Leyton Islamic Sharia Council is Britain’s oldest and one of the most active Islamic councils, hearing about 50 cases a month, mainly marital disputes. Nine out of 10 are brought by Muslim women from all over the country.

Jane Corbin hears from Ayesha

With an Islamic marriage it is far easier for a man to divorce. The only way for women is through these councils.

“We are not here just to issue divorces,” said Dr Hasan.

“We want to mediate first. We try to save marriages so when people come to us we try to reconcile them,” he added.

But Islamic rulings given here are not always in the interests of the women concerned and can run counter to British law.


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March 15, 2013


womenEgyptian women protest in Tahrir Square in Cairo in 2011 against violence against women. (AP Photo/Amr Nabil)

(CNSNews.com) – As the U.N. Commission on the Status of Women tries to finalize a document on violence against women by the end of its two-week session Friday, Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood is leading a pushback by governments that accuse it of trying to undermine religious or cultural values.

Egypt’s ruling Islamist party called on all Muslim countries to “reject and condemn” the draft document under discussion at the CSW session in New York, warning that it would undermine the family, subvert society, and “drag it to pre-Islamic ignorance.”

“This declaration, if ratified, would lead to complete disintegration of society, and would certainly be the final step in the intellectual and cultural invasion of Muslim countries, eliminating the moral specificity that helps preserve cohesion of Islamic societies,” it said in a statement.

The declaration would in fact be non-binding, although U.N. documents are typically cited in future negotiations as having set norms to be built upon.

Earlier, Libya’s grand mufti issued a fatwa (religious ruling) against the draft document.

Among elements in the CSW draft opposed by the Brotherhood are some that would resonate with many Western conservatives – including a reference to “safe abortion” where permitted by law and an allusion to same-sex relationships (couched as the right to decide without coercion on “matters related to their sexuality.”)

Others, however, touch on norms Westerners would generally not dispute but which the Brotherhood says are contrary to shari’a, such as those relating to early marriage, polygamy, and inheritance equality.

Where the CSW document calls for women to enjoy equality in “participation and decision-making in all spheres of life,” for instance, the Brotherhood sees a threat against the right of Muslim men to give or withhold consent for wives to travel or work.

Full equality in marriage, it said in the statement, would allow Muslim women to marry non-Muslim men, abolish polygamy, and remove the authority of divorce from husbands.


womenEgyptian women take part in demonstrations against the Mubarak regime in Cairo on Jan. 30, 2011. (AP Photo/Khalil Hamra)

The Brotherhood was also unhappy that the document sought to promote “full sharing of roles within the family between men and women such as: spending, child care and home chores.”

Egypt wants the draft amended to allow countries to sidestep those recommendations they view as clashing with religious or cultural values.

The document itself urges against such a provision, calling on states “to refrain from invoking any custom, tradition or religious consideration to avoid their obligations” with respect to eliminating violence against women and girls.


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NCW responds to Muslim Brotherhood statement

  /   March 14, 2013

National Council for Women denies the UN declaration on violence against women breaches Islamic Shari’a

 Egyptian women demand their rights on the occasion of the International Women's Day, (Photo by Mohamed Omar/DNE)

Egyptian women demand their rights on the occasion of the International Women’s Day, (Photo by Mohamed Omar/DNE)

The National Council for Women (NCW) denied in a statement released on Thursday that a declaration regarding violence against women currently being drafted in the 57th United Nations’ Commission on the Status of Women breaches Islamic Shari’a.

The Muslim Brotherhood released a statement on Wednesday denouncing the declaration for “contradicting principles of Islam and destroying family life and the entire society”.

“The Brotherhood’s statement is completely unfounded,” the NCW said in its statement. The council added that the final draft of the declaration is yet to be released and voted on.

The council denied that the declaration goes against the principles of Islam, eliminates Islamic manner or destroys families. “This misleading allegation abuses religion to taint the UN and stall women’s rights,” the statement read. It added that the “accusations” referred to in the Brotherhood’s statement are all non-existent in the draft declaration.

“The points mentioned in the Brotherhood’s statement cannot be found in the declaration; neither literally nor metaphorically,” said Abeer Abul Ella, head of the NCW’s media office.

In its statement, the Muslim Brotherhood listed ten points allegedly present within the declaration which represent “the final step in the intellectual and cultural invasion of Muslim countries”.

The points include: granting girls sexual freedom as well as the freedom to decide their gender, providing contraceptives for adolescent girls and legalising abortion “in the name of reproductive rights”, granting adulterous wives and illegitimate children equal rights, granting equal rights to homosexuals and protecting and respecting prostitutes, allowing wives to legally accuse their husbands of rape or sexual harassment, allowing equal inheritance rights among men and women, replacing husbands’ guardianship with partnership, full equality in marriage legislation (which would allow Muslim women to marry non-Muslim men), removing the divorce authority from husbands and giving it to legal courts, and abolishing the need for husbands’ consent on matters such as their wives’ work, travel or going out.

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February 4, 2013

Rape Squads and Saudi Dollars

By James Lewis

 American Thinker

Forget Springtime for Hitler. In the Era of Obama we have official Arab Springtime for Morsi, complete with Muslim Brotherhood rape squads going out for the very moral purpose of teaching Egyptian girls and women never to escape their sacred house arrest without a male escort. This is Shari’a law as enforced in Saudi Arabia as well as in the city of London.

StrategyPage, an excellent military website, gives us this information about who is paying for the worldwide jihad. On the Sunni side of the street it turns out to be our friends the Saudis:

“Where exactly did the current crop of Islamic terrorists come from? Basically, they came from Saudi Arabia… Saudi Arabia was also exporting billions of dollars, and thousands of Wahhabi preachers… Because of international media networks, Islamic terrorism was no longer a bunch of separate problems…”

And there we are today. The Saudis are using their billions to export 7th century Arabian barbarism to the rest of the world, and the Iranian mullahs across the Gulf are exporting their version to Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Gaza, and Syria. But basically it’s two flavors of the same criminal ideology, which sanctifies rape and killing for the sake of Allah.

As any Muslim theocrat will tell you, women are responsible for being raped. If they cover their bodies properly and are always escorted by their fathers or brothers, they would not be raped. On the other hand, if they escape their home jails and shame the family honor they deserve death.

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Photo Gallery: Ex-Partner of Germany Now Leads Malian Islamists


The man at the center of the fight against Islamists in northern Mali has an unexpected history with Germany. In 2003 he was crucial in facilitating a ransom payment to secure the release of German tourists held hostage in Algeria.

The Tuareg is a brawny man with a jet-black beard, and on the few occasions when he smiles, he seems almost gentle. He was once merely the leader of the Ifora tribe, who live in sandstone mountains in the Sahara Desert. But now the French government views Iyad Ag Ghaly as one of the greatest enemies of the West.



Today Ag Ghaly heads the largest Islamist group in Mali, Ansar Dine, and its roughly 1,500 fighters. His men now control about 60 percent of the country. Since last week, the French army has been fighting the Islamists with bombers, helicopters and ground troops. Berlin is assisting the French by providing transport aircraft.

The Germans are familiar with Ag Ghaly from his days as a partner to the Berlin government. In 2003, he helped negotiate the payment of ransom money to secure the release of a group of kidnapped tourists in the Sahara, 10 of them Germans.

A Brutal Brand of Sharia Law

Ag Ghaly was not an Islamist at the time, nor did he have the reputation of being particularly religious. But under pressure from two competing groups, Al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) and the break-off Movement for Unity and Jihad in West Africa (MUJAO), each of which has up to 500 fighters, Ag Ghaly also turned to religion about a year ago. He has introduced a brutal brand of Sharia law in the regions held by Ansar Dine, and he now gives fiery speeches against infidels.


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Uploaded by on May 22, 2011

I will take requests to upload any partial selections for focused discussion if any wishes to. I am trying to teach facts and build consensus, not control how anyone thinks. If I can learn too, this is one of my life missions, to not overlook any learning opportunities. Thank you for any participation. — I will do the same thing for any documentaries not already available if there are requests that can be legally met, I will do so. — don’t forget to subscribe and check daily.

President Clinton, Yasser Arafat, the Israeli Prime Ministers, their generals and advisers and those behind the suicide bombs and assassinations tell what happened behind closed doors as peace talks gave way to the violent struggle of the Palestinian intifada.

Uploaded under the fair use doctrine of US copyright law, this is yet another PBS documentary that is using moral equivalence to be “balanced” by showing both sides equally at fault, regardless of the actual evidence. If you decide in advance that no group can ever be taking a morally superior position, then you end up “correcting” the evidence to show “balance” and in this way, the fight will never end because the Palestinian leadership can’t accept sovereignty from non-Muslims. No matter how just the Israeli position is, since the British Empire defeated the Turks, the unspoken expectation was that no matter how many other non-Muslims once lived in the region, none of them can ever have sovereignty over Muslims, or this will be declared as “unjust” in the eyes of Sharia law.

By caving in decades ago and failing to examine the whole body of evidence, the West took their collective eye off the truth while contending with the Cold War, and then certain delusional presidents come along and want to sweep the facts under the rug by enforcing a purely political compromise, when the Jewish State spent decades already caving in to their absolute lowest bottom-dollar position. Yet no matter where they start, the new negotiators come in and ask as much compromise again from each, not noticing that the Arab Muslims have NEVER acquiesced at all! The Jews make promises that they keep, and the Arab Muslims are not expected to. This is racism. Characters like Chomsky start the “evidence” from June 5 as if the whole region fell out of the sky that morning.

Anyone who forms an opinion without starting their research in the 1930s, or earlier, is allowing themselves to be deceived out of laziness and narcissism.

Once enough viewers have started by becoming familiar with these 9 segments from PBS, the 6 segments of ‘The 50 Years War’ and the 3 segments here in, “Elusive Peace” can we begin to take concrete steps to a constructive reconciliation based on truth,

There will never be peace until the majority of constituents stops falling back on the sound bites of their favorite politician, and finds out the truth, and discovers the lies used to mis-characterize the West (those that support the democratic nation of Israel) and Israel itself.