Tag Archive: Cold War

Starting a New Cold War With Russia a Big Mistake – Sarkozy

Nicolas Sarkozy

Sputnik International

© RIA Novosti. Ekaterina Chesnokova
09:05 10.09.2015(updated 09:09 10.09.2015) 

The world needs Russia to end the civil war in Syria and flush out the Islamic State, French ex-President Nicolas Sarkozy said in an interview Wednesday. He also urged the West not to start a new Cold War with Russia.


Could the West ACCIDENTALLY start a war with Russia? Warning over aggressive military exercises – as U.S. fears build-up of Putin’s forces in Syria could spark conflict

  • Diplomatic and military leaders call on Russia and the West to ‘urgently’ begin talks to prevent conflicts being accidentally triggered
  • Comes as Russia holds an increasing number of military exercises
  • US asked Greece to deny Russia the use of its airspace for flights to Syria
  • Washington concerned by reports of Russian military build up in country
The European Leadership Network, a group made up of members from both Russia and Europe, has warned that relations are heading towards Cold War levels of hostility following events in Ukraine

The European Leadership Network, a group made up of members from both Russia and Europe, has warned that relations are heading towards Cold War levels of hostility following events in Ukraine

Diplomatic and military leaders are calling on Russia and the West to ‘urgently’ begin talks to prevent conflicts being accidentally triggered by an increasing number of military exercises and encounters

The European Leadership Network, a group made up of members from both Russia and Europe, has warned that relations are heading towards Cold War levels of hostility following events in Ukraine.

Meanwhile, the United States has asked Greece to deny Russia the use of its airspace for supply flights to Syria, a Greek official said on Monday, after Washington told Moscow it was deeply concerned by reports of a Russian military build up in Syria.


US Wary, Not Surprised, by Russia’s Syria Efforts

FILE - Russian President Vladimir Putin's spokesman Dmitry Peskov, left, speaks during a meeting in Moscow, Russia.

FILE – Russian President Vladimir Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov, left, speaks during a meeting in Moscow, Russia.

Top U.S. intelligence and security officials say Russia’s ramped up presence in Syria should come as little surprise though they remain concerned about Moscow’s increasingly aggressive posture.

“Russia has been very candid. There is some additional people and stuff that is on its way to Syria,” CIA Director John Brennan told a meeting Thursday of intelligence and security professionals in Washington.

“They are stating it is a dual purpose,” he said.

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File:Bank of China Centre.jpg

Bank of China Centre


Author Baycrest

Attribution Share Alike 2.5 Generic


BERLIN Thu Mar 13, 2014 6:35am EDT

(Reuters) – China’s top envoy to Germany has warned the West against punishing Russia with sanctions for its intervention in Ukraine, saying such measures could lead to a dangerous chain reaction that would be difficult to control.

In an interview with Reuters days before the European Union is threatening to impose its first sanctions on Russia since the Cold War, ambassador Shi Mingde issued the strongest warning against such measures by any top Chinese official to date.

“We don’t see any point in sanctions,” Shi said. “Sanctions could lead to retaliatory action, and that would trigger a spiral with unforeseeable consequences. We don’t want this.”

The interview was conducted on Wednesday, the same day that the EU agreed a framework for sanctions that would slap travel bans and asset freezes on people and companies accused by Brussels of violating the territorial integrity of Ukraine.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who has taken the lead in trying to mediate in the crisis, has said the measures, which mirror steps announced by the United States, will be imposed on Monday unless Russia accepts the idea of a “contact group” to resolve the crisis diplomatically.

Using her toughest rhetoric since the crisis began, she warned in a speech in parliament on Thursday that Russia risked “massive” political and economic damage if it did not change course in the coming days.

Russia’s Deputy Economy Minister Alexei Likhachev responded by promising “symmetrical” sanctions by Moscow.

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Edward Snowden, who worked as a contract employee at the National Security Agency, in Hong Kong, June 9, 2013.

Former NSA contractor Edward Snowden leaked documents providing the most detail yet about how the vast U.S. intelligence community uses its nearly $53 billion so-called “black budget,” according to a report by The Washington Post.

Today the Post published several stories and statistics based on the U.S. intelligence agencies’ 2013 Congressional Budget Justification, a classified document that breaks down how much money goes to which agency and, to a certain extent, what those agencies do with the funds. The newspaper reported Snowden was the source of the document. Prior to the leak, only the total budget was public knowledge.

Though the newspaper published graphs and pie charts tracking the spending of each of the intelligence community’s 16 agencies, it said withheld “some information after consultation with U.S. officials who expressed concerns about the risk to intelligence sources and methods.”

READ: U.S. Spy Network’s Successes, Failures and Objectives Detailed in ‘Black Budget’ Summary (WaPo)

According to the Post, the budget document reveals that the CIA receives the most funding of any intelligence agency with a proposed $14.7 billion for 2013 — $11.5 billion on data collection expenses, $1.8 billion on management, facilities and support, $1.1 billion on data analysis and $387.3 million on data processing and exploitation.

Next up is the National Security Agency, for whom Snowden worked as a contractor, which spends almost as much on management, facilities and support — $5.2 billion — as it does on collecting, processing and analyzing data — $5.6 billion.

Together the documents reportedly reveal NSA and CIA have launched aggressive “offensive cyber operations” to steal information from foreign computer networks or disrupt enemy systems.

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U.S. Intelligence Spending Now Higher Than During the Cold War

| Thu Aug. 29, 2013 11:07 AM PDT

Barton Gellman and Greg Miller have just released yet another document from the Snowden cache: a classified breakdown of U.S. intelligence spending.

The $52.6 billion “black budget” for fiscal 2013, obtained by The Washington Post from former intelligence contractor Edward Snowden, maps a bureaucratic and operational landscape that has never been subject to public scrutiny. Although the government has annually released its overall level of intelligence spending since 2007, it has not divulged how it uses those funds or how it performs against the goals set by the president and Congress.

Huh. I wonder how long the Post has been holding onto this? In any case, here’s the basic breakdown of the $52 billion we’re spending this year:

Unsurprisingly, the CIA, NSA, and reconnaissance satellites collectively account for nearly 80 percent of our total civilian-ish intelligence spending. Another $23 billion goes to “intelligence programs that more directly support the U.S. military.” That’s a total of $75 billion. Adjusted for inflation, Gellman and Miller say this exceeds our peak spending during the Cold War. Here are a few of their main takeaways:

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The Wall Street Journal

Obama Cancels Meeting With Putin Amid Tension Over Snowden

Relations Strained Over Russia’s Decision to Grant Asylum to NSA Leaker


[image] Reuters

U.S. President Barack Obama meets with Russian President Vladimir Putin during the Group of Eight Summit in Northern Ireland on June 17.

WASHINGTON—President Barack Obama canceled a bilateral meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin set to be held in Moscow next month, following Russia’s decision to grant asylum to former U.S. contractor Edward Snowden, the White House said Wednesday.

President Obama canceled a bilateral meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin next month. WSJ’s Jerry Seib explains the move follows Russia’s decision to grant asylum to former U.S. contractor Edward Snowden. Photo: AP.

Russia-U.S. relations face more strain after Barack Obama canceled his meeting with Vladimir Putin ahead of the G-20 summit next month. Will world leaders be able to achieve anything with the two parties sitting at opposite ends of the room? Dr. Donald Jensen of Johns Hopkins University joins Lunch Break. Photo: AP.

U.S.-Russian relations have been strained over Moscow’s handling of Mr. Snowden, the National Security Agency leaker who was granted asylum in Russia last week. The White House had previously signaled Mr. Obama was unlikely to attend a planned one-on-one meeting with Mr. Putin next month in Moscow ahead of the Group of 20 summit in St. Petersburg.

“There are times when they slip back into Cold War thinking and Cold War mentality,” Mr. Obama said of Russia in an interview on “The Tonight Show With Jay Leno” on Tuesday night. “What I continually say to them and to President Putin, that’s the past.”

Mr. Obama still plans to attend the G-20 summit scheduled for early September, which Russia is hosting.

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Cloak, dagger and a blond wig? FSB says CIA agent nabbed in Moscow


Published time: May 14, 2013 10:41
Edited time: May 14, 2013 17:04


Promises of millions, a new face and detailed instructions on a double-agent conspiracy in Moscow. Bearing the hallmarks of a Cold War spy thriller, Russia’s counterintelligence agency says it caught a CIA officer trying to flip a Russian operative.

The Federal Security Service (FSB) Public Relations Center announced that detained individual was Ryan Christopher Fogle, a career diplomat working as the third secretary of the Political Section of the American embassy in Moscow.

The agency stressed that Christopher had “special technical equipment” in his possession, including an additional wig, a microphone, multiple pairs of dark sunglasses and a lot of cash in euro – along with a Moscow atlas, a compass, two knives, and an American Bic lighter.

The detainee, who was sporting a blond wig at the time of his interception, was delivered to the FSB receiving office for questioning. Following all of the necessary procedures, he was handed over to representatives of the US embassy in Moscow.

Ryan C Fogle, 3d secretary of US embassy, was detained in Moscow by the Russian counterintelligence agency (FSB)

Ryan C Fogle, 3d secretary of US embassy, was detained in Moscow by the Russian counterintelligence agency (FSB)
Disguise allegedly used by Ryan Fogle (FSB)

Ryan Fogle inside FSB office (FSB)

Ryan Fogle inside FSB office (FSB)

The one-page letter to “a dear friend” found in Christopher’s possession was to be clandestinely delivered to the would-be recruit.

The correspondence proposed a US$100,000 payment for an interview with the prospective double agent, as well as $1 million per annum if the candidate chose to accept the mission and supply the American side with information.

Proving its technological prowess in the digital era, the alleged spy further offered step-by-step instructions on how to create a new Gmail account to be used for future contacts.

Ever-so-savvy, the document stressed the importance of not divulging any real contact information like phone numbers, email or home addresses when creating an email account for the purposes of spying on one’s own country.

It further discouraged the use of personal handheld mobile devices and laptops when registering the account, proposing a more anonymous setting like an internet café would be more judicious. If that didn’t pan out, the prospective recruit was told to buy a new mobile device or computer with the express purpose to be used for the express purpose of establishing contact. The new device was to be paid for in cash, and all expenses would be reimbursed.

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May 14, 2013 09:02

Money, knife, and passport. iStockphoto/Thinkstock.

Money, knife, and passport. iStockphoto/Thinkstock.

MOSCOW (RIA Novosti) – Russian counterintelligence officials briefly detained a US diplomat suspected of being an undercover CIA officer and trying to recruit a Russian agent, the Federal Security Service (FSB) said Tuesday.

A US Embassy press officer in Moscow said by telephone that she could not comment on the report.

According to an FSB statement, the diplomat, identified as Ryan Christopher Fogle, a third secretary in the political department, was detained the night of May 13 as he attempted to recruit an officer from one of Russia’s special services.

The diplomat was found to be in possession of “special technical devices, written instructions for the Russian citizen being recruited, a large sum of cash and means of changing his appearance,” the statement said.

He was taken to the FSB and, after “necessary procedures” were completed, handed over to US Embassy officials, the FSB said.

Russia’s Foreign Ministry has summoned US Ambassador Michael McFaul to come in Wednesday to discuss the incident.

News of the detention broke just as McFaul started a live Q&A session on Twitter. He declined to comment on the incident, but the timing of the FSB statement led some bloggers to speculate that its release had deliberately been timed to coincide with the session.

Relations between Moscow and Washington have been strained during McFaul’s tenure as ambassador, with bones of contention including US criticism of Russia’s human rights record and disagreement over the international response to the bloodshed in Syria.

The FSB concluded its statement on the latest incident by saying it had recently registered multiple attempts by US intelligence to recruit agents from among Russian law enforcement and special services.

The FSB released photographs of the detention, including pictures of the man identified as Fogle, his IDs, two floppy wigs, three pairs of glasses, a map of Moscow and a folding knife.




‘Aliens’ Messed with US, Soviet Nukes – US Airmen

UFO story on the front page of the Minot Daily News on December 6, 1966
22:14 01/05/2013


WASHINGTON, May 1 (RIA Novosti) – In the midst of the Cold War on several occasions, nuclear missiles at US Air Force bases were mysteriously shut down, according to US servicemen who said they witnessed the failure of the heavily guarded missile systems.


But they don’t blame America’s Cold War enemy, the Soviet Union; they say aliens from space did it.


“This was something Russia could have developed, but it turns out they didn’t develop this and we don’t have it either – to be able to shut down nuclear weapons with a beam of light,” David Scott, a former sergeant in the US Air Force, told RIA Novosti at a conference in Washington on encounters with extraterrestrials.


Scott and three retired Air Force officers told a panel of six former members of the US Congress at the conference about their experiences with extraterrestrial “visitors” who meddled with US nuclear weapons systems.


The five-day conference, called the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure, is sponsored by the UFO truth organization Paradigm Research Group and is being held in the style of Congressional hearings, with time limits for witness testimony, question and answer sessions with former members of Congress, and statements entered into the record.


About 40 international researchers, military and scientific witnesses are scheduled to testify during the conference, with some providing what they say is evidence of an alien presence on Earth. The former lawmakers listening to the testimony are each being paid $20,000 to attend the five days of hearings.


© Karin Zeitvogel


Speaking for the first time ever about his experiences some 50 years ago with extra-terrestrials, retired Air Force Capt. David Schindele told how, in the 1960s, what he is convinced were aliens knocked “all missiles” at Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota “off-alert,” making them “unlaunchable.”


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Are Americans Asleep?

by Ed Mattson


2012 is almost ready for the scrap heap of history. 2013 is just around the corner. Will America wake up or will it continue down the road to LaLa land? Will America stand up and take care of those who fight to keep it free, or will it succumb to the temptation to lavish benefits on those who just won’t take care of themselves in exchange for the votes to keep themselves in power?

If we step back and look around, anyone with a modicum of common sense would have to see things just aren’t right in the land of the free and home of the brave. The once greatest economic power in the world that defeated the communist Soviet Union in the Cold War, not by guns and bombs, but by overwhelming economic production and freedom, is now on the pathway to extinction as the world leader.

What triggered this article was an email I received over Christmas from a friend and mentor who came up with a great analogy that demonstrates the economic situation in the United States by comparing The Administration’s view of the country’s financial situation to his family budget in figures most logically thinking Americans will understand.

In April 2009 President Obama ordered the cabinet to cut $100,000,000.00 ($100 million) from the $3,500,000,000,000.00 ($3.5 trillion) federal budget over a 90-days period, as an intended signal of the president’s determination to cut spending and reform government.

I was so impressed by his sacrifice that I have decided to do the same thing with my personal budget…

I spend about $2,000 a month on groceries, household expenses, medicine, utilities, etc., but it’s time to get out the ‘ol budget cutting axe, go through my expenses, and cut back. I’m going to cut spending of my total budget at exactly the same ratio that the Federal Government is planning – 1/35,000, to show I too, can share in the suffering the rest of the nation will undergo in the process.  

After doing the math, it looks like instead of spending $2,000 a month, I’m going to have to cut that number by six cents. Yes, I’m going to have to get by with only $1999.94, but hey, that’s what sacrifice is all about. Like other Americans I’ll just have to do without some things, that are frankly, luxuries – six cents worth.

When Congress and the President talk about cutting the budget, it’s all smoke and mirrors if you understand the concept of base-line budgeting, and if we all understood the concept, we would have already gotten out a rope and found a tall tree somewhere on Capitol Hill.

“Baseline budgeting” is one of those Washington terms that sounds very dry and boring. In reality, baseline budgeting is one of the most sinister ways that politicians claim to cut spending when they are actually increasing spending. The Congressional Budget Office defines the baseline as the current budgetary policies or current services are continued without change. The baseline includes automatic adjustments for inflation and anticipated increases in program participation. Baseline budgeting (f or current services), therefore builds automatic, future spending increases into Congress’s budgetary forecasts.

Baseline budgeting tilts the budget process in favor of increased spending and taxes. For example, if an agency’s budget is projected to grow by $100 million, but only grows by $75 million, according to baseline budgeting, that agency sustained a $25 million cut. That is analogous to a person who expects to gain 100 pounds only gaining 75 pounds, and taking credit for losing 25 pounds. The federal government is the only place this absurd logic is employed.

Perhaps if the country had and education system in place that would teach how this concept is destroying the country, then maybe, just maybe, we would see some heads roll inside the Beltway.  From the mighty pulpit of the Rose Garden at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue where President Obama speaks eloquently to a subservient press corps and the mind-numb voters waiting breathlessly on every syllable; and from the mighty pulpit of the Congressional Chambers where rhetoric more often than substance, seems to flow like sewage to a city reclamation processing facility, we soak it all up faster than Sham Wow mops up a spill.

With the federal government spending at a rate of more than $4 billion/day (The federal government borrowed 46 cents of every dollar it has spent so far this fiscal year, which began Oct. 1, according to the latest data the Congressional Budget Office released Friday), the numbers are so large, people become ambivalent to the financial calamity that awaits us in the near future. Looking it at from a different prospective…That tax revenue is up by $30 billion compared with last year, or about 10 percent, but spending is up even more — a staggering $87 billion, or 14 percent.

“A billion here, a billion there, pretty soon it adds up to real money.” — the late Senator Everett M. Dirksen

America is broken. Don’t believe me? Look at the facts and then you decide:

We just had an election where in we re-elected 85% of the Congressional and Senate representatives. The figures would have been if more astonishing had it not been for re-districting. The estimated number who would have been re-elected was thought to be closer to 90%, according to Bloomberg.  Imagine how unlikely these numbers are when Congress has only an 18% approval rating according to Gallup. We have certainly crossed the gap into the land of insanity, but then again, who would have thought the majority of the people would have voted for four more year of economic pain and 20+ million people out of work?

According a report from State Budget Solutions, the state of California is teetering on the edge of bankruptcy staring at $617 billion dollars in debt. The state’s debt burden comes out to roughly $16,400 per California resident. Most of the outstanding debt is related to unfunded pension liabilities. The report also looked at the fiscal year 2013 budget gap, unemployment trust fund loans and unfunded retiree health benefits. As an example of the waste the taxpayers of California have endured with no end in sight, is…

California Highway Patrol division chief Jeff Talbott retired last year as the best-paid officer in the 12 most-populous U.S. states, collecting $483,581 in salary, pension and other compensation. Talbott, age 53, received $280,259 for accrued leave and vacation time and took a new job running the public-safety department at a private university in Southern California. He also began collecting an annual pension of $174,888 from the state.

Union-negotiated benefits, coupled with overtime that can exceed regular pay and lax enforcement of limits on accumulating unused vacation, allow some troopers to double their annual earnings and retire as young as age 50. The payments they get are unmatched by those elsewhere, according to data compiled by Bloomberg on 1.4 million employees of the 12 states. Some, like Talbott, go on to second careers.

The chaos doesn’t just end with public-sector, union-negotiated wage and benefit packages our legislators so easily agree to currying favor with and securing the vote of Big Labor, we also see a never-ending cycle of waste and lack of oversight. According to the San Diego Union Times: More than 200 state employees were overpaid more than $500,000 by managers who deliberately broke state rules at the troubled California Department of Parks and Recreation, according to a report by the state controller.

The report is the latest blow to a department where employees were found last summer to have kept $54 million hidden in two special funds for more than a decade, even as dozens of parks faced closure. Results from additional investigations by the Department of Finance and state attorney general are expected in coming weeks.

The controller’s office found that managers broke rules and regulations to pay 203 employees about $520,000 in extra pay over three years. Several dozen other employees were also overpaid more than $63,000 because they worked more hours or in higher-paying positions than allowed.

Speaking of taxpayer money and a federal Santa Claus government waiting breathlessly to give taxpayer money away to countries, many of which do not like the US and in fact vote against us at every opportunity in the forum of the United Nations:

FY2010 Top 5 Recipients by Region of U.S. Economic Assistance (in millions)


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The most dangerous drug in the world: ‘Devil’s Breath’ chemical from Colombia can block free will, wipe memory and even kill

  • Scopolamine often blown into faces of victims or added to drinks
  • Within minutes, victims are like ‘zombies’ – coherent, but with no free will
  • Some victims report emptying bank accounts to robbers or helping them pillage own house
  • Drug is made from borrachero tree, which is common in Colombia

By Beth Stebner


A hazardous drug that eliminates free will and can wipe the memory of its victims is currently being dealt on the streets of Colombia.

The drug is called scopolamine, but is colloquially known as ‘The Devil’s Breath,’ and is derived from a particular type of tree common to South America.

Stories surrounding the drug are the stuff of urban legends, with some telling horror stories of how people were raped, forced to empty their bank accounts, and even coerced into giving up an organ.

Danger: ‘The Devil’s Breath’ is such a powerful drug that it can remove the capacity for free will

Deadly drug: Scopolamine is made from the Borrachero tree, which blooms with deceptively beautiful white and yellow flowersDeadly drug: Scopolamine is made from the Borrachero tree, which blooms with deceptively beautiful white and yellow flowers

VICE’s Ryan Duffy travelled to the country to find out more about the powerful drug. In two segments, he revealed the shocking culture of another Colombian drug world, interviewing those who deal the drug and those who have fallen victim to it.

Demencia Black, a drug dealer in the capital of Bogota, said the drug is frightening for the simplicity in which it can be administered.

He told Vice that Scopolamine can be blown in the face of a passer-by on the street, and within minutes, that person is under the drug’s effect – scopolamine is odourless and tasteless.

‘You can guide them wherever you want,’ he explained. ‘It’s like they’re a child.’

Black said that one gram of Scopolamine is similar to a gram of cocaine, but later called it ‘worse than anthrax.’

In high doses, it is lethal.

It only takes a moment: One drug dealer in Bogota explained how victims are drugged within minutes of exposureIt only takes a moment: One drug dealer in Bogota explained how victims are drugged within minutes of exposure


Victims: One Colombian woman said that under the influence of scopolamine, she led a man to her house and helped him ransack itVictims: One Colombian woman said that under the influence of scopolamine, she led a man to her house and helped him ransack it

The drug, he said, turns people into complete zombies and blocks memories from forming. So even after the drug wears off, victims have no recollection as to what happened.

One victim told Vice that a man approached her on the street asking her for directions. Since it was close by, she helped take the man to his destination, and they drank juice together.

‘You can guide them wherever you want. It’s like they’re a child.’

She took the man to her house and helped him gather all of her belongings, including her boyfriend’s cameras and savings.

‘It is painful to have lost money,’ the woman said,’ but I was actually quite lucky.’

According to the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, the drug – also known as hyoscine – causes the same level of memory loss as diazepam.

In ancient times, the drug was given to the mistresses of dead Colombian leaders – they were told to enter their master’s grave, where they were buried alive.

Devil’s Breath: The drug is odourless and tasteless and can simply be blown in the face of someone on the street; their free will vanishes after being exposed to it

Dangerous: Vice’s Ryan Duffy traveled to the capital of Bogota to find out more about the drug

In modern times, the CIA used the drug as part of Cold War interrogations, with the hope of using it like a truth serum.

However, because of the drug’s chemical makeup, it also induces powerful hallucinations.

The tree common around Colombia, and is called the ‘borrachero’ tree – loosely translated as the ‘get-you-drunk’ tree.

It is said that Colombian mothers warn their children not to fall asleep under the tree, though the leafy green canopies and large yellow and white flowers seem appealing.

Experts are baffled as to why Colombia is riddled with scopolamine-related crimes, but wager much of it has to do with the country’s torn drug-culture past, and on-going civil war.

Uploaded by on May 22, 2011

I will take requests to upload any partial selections for focused discussion if any wishes to. I am trying to teach facts and build consensus, not control how anyone thinks. If I can learn too, this is one of my life missions, to not overlook any learning opportunities. Thank you for any participation. — I will do the same thing for any documentaries not already available if there are requests that can be legally met, I will do so. — don’t forget to subscribe and check daily.

President Clinton, Yasser Arafat, the Israeli Prime Ministers, their generals and advisers and those behind the suicide bombs and assassinations tell what happened behind closed doors as peace talks gave way to the violent struggle of the Palestinian intifada.

Uploaded under the fair use doctrine of US copyright law, this is yet another PBS documentary that is using moral equivalence to be “balanced” by showing both sides equally at fault, regardless of the actual evidence. If you decide in advance that no group can ever be taking a morally superior position, then you end up “correcting” the evidence to show “balance” and in this way, the fight will never end because the Palestinian leadership can’t accept sovereignty from non-Muslims. No matter how just the Israeli position is, since the British Empire defeated the Turks, the unspoken expectation was that no matter how many other non-Muslims once lived in the region, none of them can ever have sovereignty over Muslims, or this will be declared as “unjust” in the eyes of Sharia law.

By caving in decades ago and failing to examine the whole body of evidence, the West took their collective eye off the truth while contending with the Cold War, and then certain delusional presidents come along and want to sweep the facts under the rug by enforcing a purely political compromise, when the Jewish State spent decades already caving in to their absolute lowest bottom-dollar position. Yet no matter where they start, the new negotiators come in and ask as much compromise again from each, not noticing that the Arab Muslims have NEVER acquiesced at all! The Jews make promises that they keep, and the Arab Muslims are not expected to. This is racism. Characters like Chomsky start the “evidence” from June 5 as if the whole region fell out of the sky that morning.

Anyone who forms an opinion without starting their research in the 1930s, or earlier, is allowing themselves to be deceived out of laziness and narcissism.

Once enough viewers have started by becoming familiar with these 9 segments from PBS, the 6 segments of ‘The 50 Years War’ and the 3 segments here in, “Elusive Peace” can we begin to take concrete steps to a constructive reconciliation based on truth,

There will never be peace until the majority of constituents stops falling back on the sound bites of their favorite politician, and finds out the truth, and discovers the lies used to mis-characterize the West (those that support the democratic nation of Israel) and Israel itself.