Tag Archive: MA

Food Safety


CDC: No Source Confirmed in Outbreak That Has Sickened 93

Sushi or sashimi suspected


by Mary Rothschild


Ninety-three illnesses linked to an outbreak of Salmonella Bareilly have been reported from 19 states and the District of Columbia, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention confirmed Wednesday, but CDC officials said a specific food has not been identified as the source of the infections.
However, many of those infected recalled eating sushi, sashimi or a raw dish such as ceviche, in the days before they became ill, according to the public health agency.

In an investigation report released Wednesday afternoon, the CDC revealed the states reporting illnesses: Alabama (2), Arkansas (1), Connecticut (4), District of Columbia (2), Georgia (4), Illinois (8), Louisiana (2), Maryland (8), Massachusetts (4), Mississippi (1), Missouri (1), New Jersey (6), New York (23), North Carolina (2), Pennsylvania (2), Rhode Island (4), South Carolina (3), Texas (3), Virginia (5) and Wisconsin (8).

The CDC’s message follows an internal U.S. Food and Drug Administration email on the outbreak investigation that was inadvertently circulated beyond the agency. That emailed summary did not list all the affected states.

And although the FDA email said investigators were looking at sushi as a possible source of the illnesses, and singled out spicy tuna roll sushi as “highly suspect,” the CDC said no food item has been conclusively identified.


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Iowa Leaders Seek Congressional Hearing on Pink Slime Critics


by Helena Bottemiller


Congressman Steve King (R-IA) and Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad are pushing for a congressional probe into what many in the meat industry are calling a “smear campaign” against Lean Finely Textured Beef (LFTB), a formerly obscure component commonly used in ground beef now known to the public as “pink slime.”

King has asked Frank Lucas (R-OK), chairman of the House Agriculture Committee to host a hearing that would bring in witnesses to testify on the media firestorm and consumer backlash over the product, which has led to three plant suspensions and sidelined 650 workers in Texas, Kansas, and Iowa — including some 200 workers in King’s district.

“Witnesses would be under oath and they’re of course obligated by law to tell the truth, those who have been the ones who have perpetrated this smear campaign against one of the stellar companies in the country,” King recently told an Iowa radio station. “I think they’ll have an obligation then to explain themselves why they could not base their allegations on facts and what they’ve done to damage an industry.”

The congressman said he believes the campaign is also an “assault” on meat. “I’d like to look at that further,” he said. “Right now, I’m focused on helping BPI get their brand back and their market share back.”


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BPA is FDA’s Latest Gift to Food Industry


By Michele Simon


In a long-awaited decision, last week the Food and Drug Administration disappointed health advocates once again by allowing Bisphenol A or BPA, a known endocrine disruptor, to remain approved as a chemical additive in food containers such as plastic bottles and metal cans.While the agency says it’s still studying the matter, a number of groups say the science is clear enough. Indeed, in the four years since the filing of a legal petition asking for a ban (a court order was needed to force FDA to respond), evidence of potential harm from BPA exposure has only increased. Of particular concern are young children, as the chemical often lines infant formula containers and baby bottles. Ironically, some of the more alarming research is funded by the federal government. The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences is spending $30 million to study BPA, with much of it published already and more to come. Not surprisingly, the chemical industry claims the additive is perfectly safe.

But with the scientific studies piling up to show how BPA increases the risk of everything from cancer to heart disease to fertility problems, and more recently, even obesity, this latest industry-friendly move by FDA is especially troubling. Meanwhile, without a hint of irony, FDA also maintains several web pages with helpful information for parents and others wishing to avoid BPA, such as: “What You Can Do to Minimize Your Infant’s Exposure to BPA.”

So if FDA admits the chemical is scary enough to avoid and previous independent scientific advisory panels have derided the agency for ignoring the mounting evidence, why did the agency back down yet again?…..


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Tomme d’Or Cheeses Recalled in British Columbia


By News Desk


The British Columbia Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC) is warning the public not to eat Tomme d’Or cheese made by Moonstruck Organic Cheese on Saltspring Island because it may be contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes.Currently there are no illnesses linked to…


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Articles of Interest


Lawsuit Claims Some Store ‘Honey’ Brands Are Deceptive


by Gretchen Goetz


A series of class action lawsuits has been filed in Florida against major food retailers who allegedly sell honey that may not be “honey” because it does not contain pollen.

Five Florida residents are bringing suits against four different grocery chains – Publix Super Markets, Inc., Target Corporation, Walgreen Co. and Aldi, Inc. – that all reportedly carry ultra-filtered honey under their own house brands.

Ultra-filtration is a special process by which honey is heated and then forced through tiny filters that don’t let pollen through. This process is different from traditional honey filtration, which uses bigger filters and is designed only to weed out visible contaminants such as bee parts, wax and debris.

In removing the pollen from honey, ultra-filtration essentially removes its footprint. The resulting product cannot be traced back to its source to determine whether it came from a legitimate supplier or one with a reputation for adulterated products.

When Food Safety News investigated ultra-filtration last year, it found that over 3/4 of honey sold in U.S. grocery stores lacks pollen.

Florida is one of a handful of states that has set a honey standard dictating what qualities a product needs in order to be called honey. Anything labeled as “honey” must contain pollen, says the standard. This rule gives legal clout to those who want to see pollen-free honey labeled as something other than honey.

The same clout does not exist at the federal level, because the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has yet to issue a set of standards for honey, despite demands from both industry and Congress that it do so.


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FDA Warning Letters: Update


by News Desk

From the U.S. Food and Drug Administration warning letters posted since our March 27, 2012 update:

– Prospect Enterprises of Los Angeles, CA was warned that a January/February 2012 inspection of the company’s seafood processing facility, American Fish & Seafood Company in Sacramento, CA revealed violations of the seafood Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) regulation so that its chilled, histamine-forming fish such as tuna, chilled, vacuum packaged Hamachi and tuna, as well as refrigerated ready-to-eat products such as vacuum packaged smoked salmon and trout, and pasteurized canned crabmeat, would be considered adulterated.

The FDA said the inspection also revealed deviations from the Current Good Manufacturing Practice regulation for foods, including inadequate monitoring of cooler storage to control pathogen growth and toxin formation including Clostridium botulinum toxin.

– Plenus Group of Lowell, MA was warned that a February/March 2012 inspection of the company’s seafood processing facility revealed violations of the seafood Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) regulation so that its refrigerated clam chowder in reduced oxygen packaged bags would be considered adulterated.

– Meherrin Agricultural & Chemical of Severn, NC was warned that a November/December 2011 inspection of the company’s Hampton Farms Industrial peanut butter processing plant revealed violations of the Current Good Manufacturing Practice regulation for foods, such as using a band saw to cut the bottoms off customer-returned 18 oz. plastic jars of peanut butter.


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Food Safety

The Hill: Dem presses USDA to ban ‘pink slime’ in school lunches

By Mike Lillis

A Maine Democrat is pressing the Obama administration to ban “pink slime” in school cafeterias.


Catering Service Focus of Ottawa Outbreak Probe

By Dan Flynn

Three of 16 children with laboratory-confirmed Salmonella infections are being treated in Ottawa hospitals in an outbreak that has also sickened four adults.Health officials in Canada’s capital city investigating the outbreak have focused on a catering company called The Lunch…

Catering Service Focus of Ottawa Outbreak Probe

FDA Warning Letters:

By News Desk

From U.S. Food and Drug Administration warning letters posted March 13, 2012:Staples, Incorporated of Framingham, MA warned that an October/November 2011 inspection of the company’s Stockton, CA facility documented serious violations of the Current Good Manufacturing Practice regulation for foods,…

FDA Warning Letters: March 13, 2012

CDC: Outbreaks Linked to Imported Foods Increasing

By Helena Bottemiller

Foodborne illness outbreaks linked to imported food appeared to rise between 2009 and 2010, according to a new analysis released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Wednesday.CDC reported that half of the foods implicated in outbreaks were imported…

CDC: Outbreaks Linked to Imported Foods Increasing


One US state is gagging doctors who want to tell you about the fracking chemicals in your blood

Pennsylvania, where the Declaration of Independence and U.S. Constitution were signed and where the U.S. coal, oil and nuclear industries began, has adopted what may be the most anti-democratic, anti-environmental law in the country, giving gas companies the right to drill anywhere, overturn local zoning laws, seize private property and muzzle physicians from disclosing specific health impacts from drilling fluids on patients.


Antibiotic May Reduce Time Patients Carry E. Coli

By Gretchen Goetz

Antibiotics are not usually recommended for treating E. coli infections; however one of these drugs showed promising results when given to victims of last year’s massive European outbreak linked to sprouts. Azithromycin, administered to patients to prevent the spread of meningitis,…

Antibiotic May Reduce Time Patients Carry E. Coli

Gastroenteritis Deaths Have Doubled

By Mary Rothschild

Most people erroneously call it “stomach flu” and think of it as an unpleasant nuisance, but the vomiting and diarrhea caused by inflammation of the stomach and intestines — gastroenteritis – can be lethal, and appears to be growing deadlier.The..

Gastroenteritis Deaths Have Doubled

O104:H4 Genome Sequencing Used to Kill the Bug

By Dan Flynn

The deadly pathogen known as E. coli O104:H4, which devastated northern Europe last year, can itself be killed, San Francisco-based AvidBiotics Corporation announced Wednesday.Dean Scholl, who leads a team of scientists from AvidBiotics and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, said…

O104:H4 Genome Sequencing Used to Kill the Bug

CBO: Health law could cause as many as 20 million to lose employer coverage

By Julian Pecquet

As many as 20 million Americans could lose their employer-provided coverage because of President Obama’s healthcare reform law, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said in a new report Thursday.

The figure represents the worst-case scenario, CBO says, and the law could just as well increase employer coverage by 3 million people in 2019.


Monsanto’s Roundup is Killing Human Kidney Cells

Anthony Gucciardi, News Report:

“Monsanto’s ‘biopesticide’ known as Bt is not only developing mutated insects and requiring excessive pesticide use, but new findings show that it is also killing human kidney cells — even in low doses. Amazingly, Monsanto’s superweed-breeding Roundup also has the same effect. Scientists have demonstrated in new research that the Bt pesticide, in addition to Monsanto’s best-selling herbicide Roundup, exhibit direct toxicity to human cells.”


Plan to Cut Benefits for Injured Federal Workers Stirs Concern

Jim Morris, News Analysis:

“The measure, championed by Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, is included in a postal reform bill that may come up for a vote this month. Collins said it would stamp out abuses while saving money. Officials with federal employees’ unions say the legislation would unfairly punish victims of workplace violence and other traumatic injuries — and their families. Under the proposal, compensation would be capped at 50 percent of pre-injury pay for FECA recipients at age 65.”


Holistic Health

Honey, I killed the superbug

by: John Stapleton

Australian researchers have been astonished to discover a cure-all right under their noses — a honey sold in health food shops as a natural medicine. Far from being an obscure health food with dubious healing qualities…


FDA petition to label GMOs nears one million signatures – sign it today!

By Jonathan Benson,

(NaturalNews) Only a few more weeks remain before the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) stops accepting public comments about a petition filed by the Center for Food Safety (CFS) seeking the FDA’s compliance with requiring mandatory labeling of genetically-modified organisms (GMOs). And with more than 850,000 comments already submitted, according to Just Label It!, truth in labeling advocates everywhere are hopeful that the petition will reach its target of at least 1,000,000 signatures by…


Gluten attacks the brain and damages the nervous system

By Sarka-Jonae Miller,

(NaturalNews) Some people are literally stumbling through life thinking they are a klutz when really gluten is to blame. Before gastrointestinal symptoms like upset stomach appear, neurological damage may already be done, according to the Center for Peripheral Neuropathy. The Gluten Free Society calls gluten a “potential neurotoxin.” Gluten damage may cause everything from unexplained dizziness to numbness in the hands and feet. Gluten ataxiaApproximately 10 percent of people with Celiac disease…


World renowned heart surgeon renounces mainstream heart health practice

By Paul Fassa,

(NaturalNews) It is very encouraging to see a mainstream medicine insider with impressive credentials come out and confirm what some of us outsiders have known for a while. Dr. Dwight Lundell has been a heart specialist MD and surgeon for 25 years, having performed 5,000 open heart surgeries. He was Chief Surgeon at the Banner Heart Hospital in Mesa, AZ, and he ran a successful private practice. This is how he begins his personal testimony: “We physicians with all our training, knowledge and…


Bye-bye allergy head – Six tips for easy breathing this allergy season

By Kelly Pepper, D.C.,

(NaturalNews) Spring – what a beautiful time of the year, unless this means suffering with hay fever, itchy eyes, itchy skin, runny nose or asthma. Fortunately there are some simple, natural strategies to use instead of antihistamines or steroids (which actually worsen the underlying problems that are causing the allergies). 1. Boost the immune systemWhen we talk about allergies, boosting the immune system is integral to relief. Eliminate things that can weaken the immune system such as high sugar…


FDA admits mercury in cosmetic products is extremely toxic – so how is it safe in dental fillings, vaccines?

By Ethan A. Huff,

(NaturalNews) The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued an updated warning about skin care products that may contain mercury, including many anti-aging, smoothing, skin-lightening, and beauty lotions and creams sold at ethnic beauty shops and online. Some of the tainted personal care products, most of which are imported, have been found to contain mercury levels far higher than acceptable limits, including one product that reportedly contained 131,000 times the acceptable limit of mercury…


New Jersey children nearly poisoned to death with pharmacy fluoride pills

By Ethan A. Huff,

(NaturalNews) More than a dozen families in New Jersey were shocked to learn recently that some of the supposed fluoride pills they had received from a CVS/pharmacy in Chatham were actually tamoxifen pills, a chemotherapy drug used to treat breast cancer. ABC News reports that an unknown error resulted in some of these families administering this chemotherapy medication to their children rather than the fluoride pills, a monumental error that could have life-threatening consequences. The Chatham…


Nutrition Alert for Patriots – urgent infographic released by NaturalNews

By Mike Adams,

(NaturalNews) We’ve just published a new infographic with an urgent health message for patriots — and by “patriots” I mean anyone who believes in America as a nation of free people… Constitutional America, with its Bill of Rights intact and respected. This infographic reveals a recipe for greatly improved health, vitality and longevity by following a few simple guidelines. It covers toxic foods and products to avoid, nutritional sources that boost courage and energy, and even tips on surviving…


Whey protein and lactose intolerance

By Derrell Jones,

(NaturalNews) Many people are interested in shedding fat and building lean muscle essentially sculpting their bodies into works of art or maybe looking for a slimmed down version of their current selves. The benefits of being a little leaner these days help with many conditions such has diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular health and cholesterol to name a few. After all, sculpting lean muscle is the surest way to sustained, long term weight loss with the added benefit of increased health. One of the…


Vitamin D found to shrink fibroid tumors

By Jonathan Benson,

(NaturalNews) Each year, roughly 200,000 women undergo a surgical procedure that involves the removal of their uteruses due to the growth of non-cancerous tumors known as uterine fibroids, which commonly develop in and around the walls of the uterus. But a new study published online in the journal Biology of Reproduction has found that vitamin D may effectively reduce the size of existing uterine fibroids, and may even help prevent them from forming in the first place. For their study, Sunil K…



California Farming Communities Threatened by Nitrate Pollution

By James Andrews

A quarter-million residents of California’s Tulare Lake Basin and Salinas Valley may be drinking water contaminated with nitrate from fertilizer and animal manure, according to a study released Tuesday by a researchers at the University of California, Davis. As a result,…

California Farming Communities Threatened by Nitrate Pollution

How the FBI MonitoredOrganic Farmers’ Market Under the Guise of Combating Terrorism:

The FBI conducted a three-year investigation, of activists for no apparent reason aside from the fact that they were anarchists, or protested the war in Iraq, or were “militant feminists.” Here’s the file.


Pet Health

Three Main Brands Tied to Illnesses from Chicken Dog Treats

By Mary Rothschild

Nestle Purina PetCare Co.’s Waggin’ Train and Canyon Creek Ranch jerky treats or tenders, and the Del Monte Corp.’s Milo’s Kitchen Home-style Dog Treats were the brand names most often cited by pet owners and veterinarians in complaints to the…

Three Main Brands Tied to Chicken Dog Treat Illnesses