Tag Archive: Hurricane Katrina

Sep. 17, 2013 at 3:52 PM ET

Video: According to the Centers for Disease Control, this is the first time the deadly parasite has ever been discovered in a treated water supply system. It could take weeks before the system is completely clear. NBC’s Katy Tur reports.

School officials in an area near New Orleans have shut off water fountains and stocked up on hand sanitizer this week after a brain-eating amoeba killed a 4-year-old boy and was found thriving in the local tap water system.

Water officials say they are “shocking” the St. Bernard Parish system with chlorine to try to kill off the parasite and get the water back up to a safe standard. And while health experts say the water is perfectly safe to drink, some school officials are taking no chances. They’ve shut off water fountains until they are certain.

Dr. Raoult Ratard, the Louisiana state epidemiologist, says the devastation wrought by Hurricane Katrina in August 2005 may ultimately be to blame. Low-lying St. Bernard Parish — where the boy Drake Smith Jr. from Mississippi was infected while playing on a Slip ‘N Slide in a backyard in the Parish — was badly hit by the flooding that Katrina caused.

“After Katrina, it almost completely depopulated,” Ratard told NBC News. “You have a lot of vacant lots and a lot of parts of the system where water is sitting there under the sun and not circulating.”

That, says Ratard, provided a perfect opportunity for the amoeba to multiply. Without enough chlorine to kill them, they can spread.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said on Monday that it had found Naegleria fowleri in St. Bernard’s water supply – the first time it’s ever been found in treated U.S. tap water. The amoeba likes hot water and thrives in hot springs, warm lakes and rivers.

4-year-old boy Drake Smith Jr died after a rare but deadly amoeba infected him while he was playing on a back yard Slid 'N Slide in Louisiana.

NBC News
4-year-old boy Drake Smith Jr died after a rare but deadly amoeba infected him while he was playing on a back yard Slid ‘N Slide in Louisiana.

Very, very rarely it can get up a person’s nose. If it gets in far enough – driven in, perhaps, when a child dives into a pond – it can attach itself to the olfactory nerve, which takes it into the brain. The multiplying amoebas eat blood cells and nerve cells and cause encephalitis. Only three out of the 130 people known to have been affected in the United States have ever survived, including a 12-year-old Arkansas girl, Kali Hardig, who is still recovering.

Chlorine kills it, but evidently some of the part of St. Bernard’s water system farthest away from the water treatment plan ran low on the chemical. CDC’s top water safety expert, Dr. Michael Beach, says that’s why it is important for officials to constantly monitor chlorine levels and make sure they are effective right to the end of the line of any water system.

Doris Voitier, superintendent of St. Bernard Parish Public School District, says the district shut down a second grade swim program briefly out of an abundance of caution to ensure that chlorine levels were sufficient. “The swim team is back in the pool. The swim program will be reinstituted within the next few days – hopefully by week’s end,” she told NBC News.

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Slabs of houses that were demolished in St. Bernard parish.

Traces of a brain-eating amoeba have been found in New Orleans’ St. Bernard Parish’s water supply.

Photograph by Tyrone Turner, National Geographic

Ker Than

National Geographic

Published September 20, 2013

The deadly brain-eating amoeba that recently killed a four-year-old Louisiana boy may be linked to unsafe water conditions created by Hurricane Katrina in 2005, experts say.

The boy, Drake Smith Jr., died from a rare but deadly swelling of the brain caused by Naegleria fowleri, a species of single-celled organism known as an amoeba. (Related: “What We Do—and Don’t—Know About Brain-Eating Amoebas.”)

The child was playing on a backyard Slip ‘n Slide in St. Bernard Parish, near New Orleans, and was apparently infected by amoebae present in the water in early August. About two days later, he was dead.

For N. fowleri to gain access to the brain, it must go up a person’s nose and climb the olfactory nerve. Simply drinking water that contains the amoeba is not enough to cause an infection, said Raoult Ratard, Louisiana’s state epidemiologist.

“[The boy] spent all day on the slide,” he said. “I wouldn’t be surprised if some water went up his nose.”

N. fowleri is commonly found in lakes and other freshwater systems, but is usually not considered a danger to swimming pools or municipal water systems because they are typically treated with chlorine or other types of disinfectants that kill the amoeba.

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Now  let’s be  honest.  We all know  that  unless  something  goes   extremely  wrong we will not  be seeing  any zombies  like the  ones in the Hollywood  Horror flicks B or  otherwise.  The  CDC claims they are  using  the  term  tongue in cheek to get younger  people interested  in preparedness.  Ok,  I  can  deal with  that.  However,  more than  just the  CDC  are  referring to  zombies.  So  what  exactly  are they  referring to  if they are  not  talking  about the   brain eating  , gnaw on your  entrails  kind of   zombie?

Well in most  instances  they are  referring to  those  who have laughed  when approached  with the  concept of preparing  for a   potential  disaster.  Neighbors, Co- workers, family  members, people  that   we  run into  in  our  everyday  lives  You  know  who they are ,  we  have  all run into them now  and  again.  Some  maybe  more than others.  Or  the  multitude that  will become  ill  from  lack of  medicine,  water,  hygiene as  well as  accidents.

Now  I   really  think  that  referring to these people as  zombies is  a  bit  over the  top.  However, I  think we  can  agree that  in a  disaster  scenario  where  despair  ,  hunger  or perhaps  injury  of themselves or a  loved  one will propel anyone of these  individuals  to an  act  of  violence in the grips of fear .

All one  need do  is  watch a  video of the Black  Friday  Madness, or  what  happens  during a  blackout to  understand what the potential  for  violence and lawlessness can be.  Think Hurricane Katrina and  the scenario in  New Orleans.  Think  Hurricane Sandy and the multitude of  people  who were  unprepared.  How  many  resorted to   dumpster  diving  because they  had  nothing to  eat in their  homes and there  was  nothing  available in the  surrounding  area.  If  Occupy  had not  taken it  upon themselves  to  start helping  when FEMA  and  the  government  failed to  do their  job, what   could have  developed?

Now  let’s  go a  bit  further  and imagine  with all the  people  affected  by  Hurricane  Sandy.  What  happens  if there  are  neighbors  that  they  are aware of  had  been   storing  food  and  water.  The  government  is  not helping.  FEMA is  not  helping.  Occupy  had  not been a factor.   Their  children are going  hungry, they  have  elderly  that  must  be cared  for   and they  neither  have  food  nor supplies.  Now  please  understand I am  an  eternal optimist  and  I  believe  there  are  a lot  of good  people  out  there.  However,  if there is  something life  has  taught  me  is  that  there are   not  so good  people  out there   as  well.  This  is what  you must  prepare  for.  The good  people,  the ones  that  understand  that violence is not the  answer will not  be  an  issue.

What  do you  do about the  ones  who are?

Have  you  considered it?

Have you  prepared?

Can  you tell me  aside  from  the fact that   zombies are  dead  and  out to  eat  you rather  than  your  supplies   what the  difference  would  be?  In  either  case they  would  threaten   the survival of  your loved  ones  and  yourself.  And , well there is  always  the  possibility that the development  of  mutant  and  killer  virus’  in   government  and military  research  labs should  be  a  concern  to everyone. 

As  we already  know  things  will be  difficult enough with the   sheer  amount  of  people  that  will  be sickened  and   dying in a  scenario  such  as  this lasting  an  extended  period  of  time  especially  in  a collapse , as  the  following  article details……


Why there will be WAY more zombies than you anticipated

Lizzie Bennett
Medically Speaking

via The Daily Sheeple
March 6th, 2013

Electricity hasn’t been around all that long. For most of our history mankind has managed very well without it. Large numbers of people around the world still live without an electricity supply. If the grid goes down does it really mean the end of the human race?

On June 3rd I did a post about pandemics. I said in the introduction, that in my opinion only two things could be serious enough to put an end to humans. Pandemic and grid failure. Looking at the figures for the 1918-1920 pandemic, and using those percentages with current population, it seems I may have been wrong in my assumptions about pandemics.

So, onto grid failure, which to cover all the things that would be affected, and the speed at which they would be affected would need a large book, it is way too big a subject for an article. This article is based the things we have all heard, that 99% of the population of the United States would be dead within a year and that the world population will plummet. Let’s see.

I have chosen 2010 as the year all of the figures relate to, as that is the closest year that has a full set of statistics available. Figures are taken from World Health Organization records, love them or hate them they are very good pen pushers and compile statistics about anything and everything.

Okay, we all know that if the grid goes down, so does everything else in short order. Food supply chain, large scale agriculture,hospitals, traffic lights, everything that we regard as part of the very fabric of our lives. We have come to rely on electricity to such an extent that should it vanish from our lives it really would mean the end of the world as we know it. The question is though, would it be an extinction level event?

In 2010 there were 133,000,000 million births and 57,000,000 deaths from all causes. The WHO records the following for 2010:

34,000,000 known type 1 diabetics world wide.
64,234,000 known COPD (chronic obstructive airways disease sufferers)world wide.
22,800,000 known cancer sufferers world wide.

These conditions are considered to be those that contribute most to the mean global death rates. Now I am not a statistician, and it is impossible to know the life expectancy of the people suffering from these conditions, so, for the purposes of the exercise I am going to assume they all die in the first year.

This would add 120,000,000 deaths to the 57,000,0000 ‘usual’ deaths giving us 177,000,000 deaths for the first year. On top of this there would be a rise in the murder rate, the death rate from heart attacks would soar, mainly due to unfit people having to engage in hard physical labor, and deaths from lack of medication and medical intervention would skyrocket, as would deaths from malnutrition and disease.

Read Full Article here


Then  we  have  those in the  Prepper  and non  Prepper  community usually  at  odds with the  way  one or the other chooses to  prepare .  As  well  as  their outlook.  Not to mention those  who  outright  ridicule  and  insult  those  who seriously prepare for a  future unseen disaster  scenario.  Anyone  who has  seriously  embarked on preparing  and  have  tried  to  explain to  family  and  friends  why they  should  as  well, have  experienced  this.  So  you are  well aware  of  what  I  mean when I  say  this…..


Why everyone hates preppers

Uploaded on Sep 10, 2011

Why is there such a chasm between preppers and non-preppers? It’s because of ignorance on BOTH sides.

1. Preppers look down on non-preppers.
Many seem to be thinking that non-preppers are silly, ignorant little children.
2. Non-preppers think that preppers are insane.
They think that preppers are focused on ridiculous problems and wasting money on solutions that they will never use.

Both are wrong.

Most people ARE preppers.

You might be a prepper if:
*you check your car’s spare tire
*you keep bandaids in your house
*you are saving money for a rainy day
*you keep a can of Fix-a-flat in your car

Those are preps!

There are more preppers than either side is willing to admit.

WE aren’t arguing apples and oranges. We are arguing about how many apples we need. It’s a matter of scale.

It isn’t a matter of intelligence. It’s a matter of having different priorities.

Edit: forgot the link for the Risk Assessment Chart: http://www.gotprep.com/downloads/?did=5


Why most Doomsday preppers will die (part 1)


And then  we  have  those  unprepared   neighbors  that  you   spoke  to  early on and  tried to get them  to  think  seriously  about  prepping.  All they  would  do   was  kid you  about  your  preparing for the  end of the  world.  Laugh a little  at you   , shake  their  heads  and  walk  away always turning your concerned advice into  jokes and an  opportunity  to  poke  fun at you.  If  not   just  outright  call you  nuts?

The  following is  an  episode  from the  Twilight Zone.  Yes it is  just  a  show  , it’s not  real.  However,  if you  watch it  , you  will see  in the   developing  drama that  everything that  happens  is indeed plausible.  If  you  watch  it   you  can  see how   a  scenario  like that  can  easily  develop  even   among  people   you thought  you  knew  well.  One  never  knows and  can  never be  sure  how   any  one  individual  will react   or  behave  in a  situation  such as  this.  Watch the  videos and think about it….. I  bet the  possibility of it taking place won’t  seem so  crazy  then…..


Economic Collapse and Unprepared Neighbors(1 0f 3) – Twighlight Zone Example

Uploaded on Jul 5, 2010

A Twilight Zone episode called “The Shelter” illustrates one scenario in being surrounded by people who are unprepared yet know you have been preparing and scoff at your efforts. I thought I would share this with everyone and thank DEMCAD for bringing it to my attention


Here  we  have a   situation that   is  growing  incrementally   with  every  passing  day   in the  US  alone.  We  have  seen the  devastating   circumstances in  Greece,  Spain and  throughout the  Middle East.  Austerity,  government corrupt  exorbitant  spending,  rising food and energy  prices,  loss of  jobs,  corrupt banks and  financial institutions, etc  , etc , etc. 
The  number  of   homeless  can no longer  be  ignored.  For  those  who deny  that there is a  problem and that  the  economy is  indeed recovering.  Those  who  choose to  believe  the  lies and  the  manipulated  numbers   for  unemployment  and  job creation wake  up  and   face  reality.  The  homeless of  today   are  working  middle  class that  have  lost  their  jobs,   their  homes .  They  live in tent  cities,  in their  cars, in  public  parks when they  can.  They  hide  their  homelessness and their  need  due to pride and  those  who refuse to  see the  truth  accept  the subterfuge  because it is  easier  to lie to  themselves  than  admit  that  it  could very  well happen  to them. 
Why  do  you lie to  yourselves? 
How  long  do you  believe  you  can keep those  blinkers on?
Do you  really  believe  that  ignoring   reality  will  change it  or make it  go  away?
The  longer it  is ignored the  longer  it  goes unchallenged   the  worse  it  will get.
How  many   children  have to  be  homeless for those of  you in  denial to  get  it ?
How  many  children  in the  US have to go  hungry before  you can  deal with the  truth  of  what is  going  on beneath your  very  nose?
I  don’t know  about  you , but  I  see  people  now  more than  ever  on the  street asking  for help because they  are  homeless and  unemployed.  Today a  man with a  sign stating that   they were  homeless and  he  had   3 children with him.  Everyone  looking the other  way. 
How  can you  live  with yourself?
I gave  what  I  had.  Granted  I  don’t have  much  but no matter  how bad  off I am I  have  a roof  over  my  head  and  even if it  is  peanut  butter  sandwiches  I  have food  to eat  even  on the  worst  day.  So many  just  passed  by  this   man and  his  children not  even  giving   them a  passing  glance.  How  sad ,  how  very  sad that  we  have  turned into this  kind  of  Nation.
Well I am  here to   disturb  your  little fantasy  world.  These  are videos  of the very real   homeless  situation  in  this   country.  If  you  know  of  anyone  in denial   please  bring it  to their  attention.  If  you  have  heard  but  are not  sure you  believe  ,  please take some  time  to  watch and   see the   suffering , the need and  the tragedy  that  has  befallen these  people.  Understand that  this  could  happen to anyone   and it is  not  reason to  look  down  nor  feel ashamed.
As  time  goes  by   one must  understand  that  this  situation  will continue  to  worsen, unless by  some  miracle  the   lunacy that  has  gripped  the   government  and the  financial  world is  dealt  with.  For those  who are  preppers I urge  you  to take this into  account.  I know things are  tight  for most, trust  me  I  know  this   very  well as  I  sometimes  find  it  difficult  to  purchase   staples  for  our  everyday  living  .  Much less   items  for  storage.  I think  about this  often and  every time I  buy an  item  for  my  storage  I think of  how  it  can be  used or prepared  to  maximize the  amount of  people  it  can feed .  Thereby ,  ensuring that  I will be  able to  feed  any additional people   that  may  show  up in need and  hungry. 
The  government  will not  be  helping, look at the   victims  of  Hurricane  Sandy.  What  kind of  help  did they  receive?  It will be up to us  to  take  care of  each other.  Which  means  preparing  to  extend a  hand  to those who  were  unable  or too poor  to prepare.

“Hidden Homeless” Homeless in Rural America

Uploaded on May 5, 2010

This MC-TV documentary tells the story of one homeless person in rural Western Illinois. Thru her story we see the special challenges that confront those individuals who find themselves homeless in area with limited services.


Homeless In America Families Living In Cars


homeless in america…….part 1


“Signs of The Time” a homeless documentary

Published on Jun 25, 2012

A feature documentary about homelessness in the Seattle and surrounding areas


I know there  are   quite a  few  people  who have  been preparing  for  quite  sometime.  Just  as  I know  there  are  people  who recently  started or  are  starting now to prepare.  Please, please  take this  to heart and  understand what the possibilities  are so that  you  can  properly prepare and  survive  whatever  may  occur.  Please know that  I am  not  trying to  belittle  anyone.  This  has  been on  my  mind   for  quite  sometime and  I  simply  did  not  know  how  to present  it .  Ready  or  not ,  presentable or  not  here it  is .  Please  accept it in the  spirit in which it  has  been   given.  A  heartfelt  wish that  all who read  this may prepare  , be  safe  and  help as  many  people as  they are  able.

Blessings  to you and  yours …….

Desert Rose

Crumbling levees threaten U.S. with new Katrina


© Chris Graythen/Getty Images/AFP

Across the US, hundreds of federal flood control systems are at risk of failing, endangering millions of people and property across 37 states.

When Hurricane Katrina passed over New Orleans in 2005, more than 50 deficient levees were breaches, killing 1,464 people who were in close proximity to the flood control systems. Another natural disaster could subject hundreds, thousands or even millions more Americans to the same fate if the government doesn’t address the issue.

Inspectors discovered 326 deficient levees across the US, whose likely failures could leave millions of people dead. A breach could demolish homes and cost local governments millions of dollars. By failing to repair the defective structures, the US is choosing to risk the lives of its citizens who are walking on eggshells with their proximity to the flood zones. In its first ever inventory of the nation’s flood control systems, inspectors raised the overdue alarm that hundreds of levees may be unable to regulate water levels and prove useless in face of heavy rains. Such populated cities as Washington DC, Sacramento, Dallas, Cleveland and many others might be flooded at any moment.

The US Army Corps of Engineers has only issued ratings for 58 percent of the 2,487 flood control systems, which means inspectors could still discover hundreds more deficient levees. Many of the earthen levees are crumbling under the effect of trees, shrubs and animal holes. Decaying pipes and pumping stations could also cause the flood control systems downfall, while some of the levees are dangerously close to houses or even have houses built on top of them.


Read Full Article Here

Published on Dec 3, 2012 by

December 1, 2012, Anthony Antonello and Danny Panzella went to where FEMA is holding and protecting over 70 trailers in what they call staging areas. Anthony covered this story about a month ago, a couple days after Hurricane Sandy devastated many parts of the North East, and is now doing an update. Panzella being from Staten Island was able to give some first hand information that not many people outside the effected areas know about, and the point is really made that it’s hard to see a reason on why these trailers haven’t moved in a month when people are suffering and looking for some temporary relief especially with the holidays quickly approaching.

Politics, Legislation and Economy News

Michael Brown, ex-FEMA head, has advice, criticism for Obama about Hurricane Sandy

Michael Brown thumb.jpg
Michael Brown.

Colorado is not facing any danger from Hurricane Sandy, but the effects of the storm can still be felt here, with the Obama and Romney camps canceling scheduled rallies. Today, we decided to check in with a local expert on natural disasters who also has a perspective on potential political ramifications of Sandy: Michael Brown, former director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, who’s now a local radio host. He feels Obama may have jumped the gun with his first announcement about the storm, which is expected to hit the East Coast tonight.

Brown, who faced a great deal of backlash for the Bush administration’s handling of Hurricane Katrina in 2005, eventually stepped down and returned to Colorado, where he now partners with David Sirota during KHOW’s afternoon-drive program.

President Obama FEMA.jpg
White House photo / Pete Souza
Obama receiving update at FEMA headquarters.

According to Brown, who famously dubbed “Brownie” by President Bush, it’s unlikely that Hurricane Sandy will dramatically impact the presidential race and news coverage in the final week of the election. However, he has some words of advice for the president and his reelection team.

Holding a press conference at FEMA yesterday might have been a bit premature, given that the most serious impacts of the storm are not expected until later today, he feels.

“Here’s my concern,” Brown says. “People in the northeast are already beginning to blow it off…. [New York City Mayor Michael] Bloomberg has shut down the subway…[launched] evacuations…. I don’t object…they should be doing all of that. But in the meantime, various news commentators…[and others] in New York are shrugging their shoulders, saying, ‘What’s this all about?’ It’s premature [when] the brunt of the storm won’t happen until later this afternoon.”

Brown says he understands why the president might have chosen to have a news conference earlier rather than later.

“My guess is, he wants to get ahead of it — he doesn’t want anybody to accuse him of not being on top of it or not paying attention or playing politics in the middle of it,” he says. “He probably figured Sunday was a good day to do a press conference.”

For a FEMA director, Brown says, timing is always an important question: When is it most effective for the president to make an announcement?

“He probably could’ve had a little more impact doing it today,” says Brown. (The president did hold another press conference today as well: He told reporters that he is not worried about the storm’s impact on the election).

Brown expects that in the coming days, there will also be comparisons between Obama’s quick response to Hurricane Sandy and his slower response to the attacks in Benghazi, which has become a challenging campaign issue for the president.

“One thing he’s gonna be asked is, why did he jump on this so quickly and go back to D.C. so quickly when in…Benghazi, he went to Las Vegas?” Brown says. “Why was this so quick?… At some point, somebody’s going to ask that question…. This is like the inverse of Benghazi.”

Michael Brown, ex-FEMA head, has advice, criticism for Obama about Hurricane Sandy

By Sam Levin Mon., Oct. 29 2012 at 2:56 PM

In general, Brown feels, it’s a challenge for both campaigns to respond to an issue like Hurricane Sandy, when it’s still unknown what kind of impact it will have once it really hits.

“The problem is — everybody, both campaigns, the public, the media, even the first responders, are in this awkward time period,” he says. “It’s either gonna be the worst thing…or not be nearly as bad as expected or fizzle out.

Michael Brown, Governor Hickenlooper, KHOW.jpeg
Courtesy of KHOW
Michael Brown interviewing Governor John Hickenlooper

“It’s the most awkward time…. You don’t want to send the wrong message politically…on how seriously you should take it…. The message should be, you need to take it seriously.”

And as someone who has experience in natural disasters, does Brown have any general advice for the president?

“My advice to him is that he needs to call the cabinet and tell the cabinet members that if [current FEMA head] Craig Fugate calls and asks for something, the expectation is he is going to get whatever he needs,” Brown replies. “The cabinet will fully cooperate and give him whatever he wants.”

And when it is appropriate for either side to resume campaign activities and travels?

“It’s really a tough question,” he concedes. “It depends on if there’s really minimal-to-no loss of life, if there’s minimal property damage. If it just boils down to subways and airports being shut down, if it’s a huge inconvenience, then I say go ahead…. But if it turns into a situation with a major blackout in the northeast…infrastructure problems, bridges and railroads out, then he needs to weigh that…. It might be 24 hours, 36 hours, might be three days.”

The president was scheduled to have a rally in Colorado Springs tomorrow, but that has since been canceled. At this writing, however, he has a scheduled rally in Boulder on Thursday.

Paul Ryan was also supposed to attend rallies throughout Colorado tomorrow, but at this time, all those events have been canceled as well.

“Right now,” Brown maintains, “both campaigns need to let the first responders and governors do what they need to do. Basically say, ‘If we can help in any way, let us know.'”

Since Hurricane Sandy has dominated headlines in recent days, 2011 comments from Romney saying that FEMA should be shut down and power should be given to the states have resurfaced. His campaign has clarified that Romney believes states should have more authority, but he does not think FEMA should be abolished.

Brown agrees. “It’s more of a statement of fact…. This has always been my theory. The stronger you make the federal government, the weaker you make local governments…. State and local responders need to be as robust as they possibly can…. What FEMA should be doing right now is coordinating, [telling governors and mayors], ‘What do you need? How can we help?'”

He adds, “Everything that really needs to be done is a state and local issue…. The feds are more about helping financially.”

Even though early voting has already begun in Colorado, could the canceled rallies have any sort of impact on either campaign in this key battleground state?

“The rallies drive…media, and that helps keep enthusiasm up to the extent that rallies can,” he says. “So if the enthusiasm is at a level five, a rally might take it up to a level six… They just need to make sure their ground games continue.”

Offering his take on the state of the race in Colorado, he adds, “I think the enthusiasm level is great in Colorado for Romney, and at the end of the day, that’ll carry Romney over the top.”

More from our Politics archive: “Immigration advocate, legal citizen gets Scott Gessler’s non-citizen letter

Follow Sam Levin on Twitter at @SamTLevin. E-mail the author at Sam.Levin@Westword.com.

Michael Brown is seen in a 2006 photo. (©AP Photo/Dennis Cook)

Michael Brown, aka “Brownie,” the former FEMA director who did a “heckuva” job seven years ago during Hurricane Katrina, thinks President Obama was premature to react to a looming Hurricane Sandy with a press conference on Sunday, a full day before the storm made landfall. Brown says that could’ve caused some residents to get complacent and “blow off” warnings. “[The president] wants to get ahead of it,” Brown speculated. Good guess! Brown then linked Obama’s Sandy response with that surrounding the attacks in Benghazi, and wondered why the response this time was so quick. “At some point, somebody’s going to ask that question,” he said. And it looks like a guy with a poor grasp of two different situations was the first to ask it. [Source]

Politics, Legislation and Economy News

Government :  Security – Disaster Management

English: Seal of the United States Department ...              Federal Emergency Management Agency

FEMA Ordered to Prepare For ‘Mass Fatality Planning’ in Bill Introduced Into Congress

October 6, 2012 by legitgov

Remember Homeland Security’s recent big ammo shopping spree? Well. FEMA Ordered to Prepare For ‘Mass Fatality Planning’ in Bill Introduced Into Congress 06 Oct 2012 H.R. 6566: To amend the Homeland Security Act of 2002 to require the Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency to provide guidance and coordination for mass fatality planning, and for other purposes. This Act may be cited as the “Mass Fatality Planning and Religious Considerations Act“. Section 504 of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (6 U.S.C. 314) is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: “(c) PREPAREDNESS FOR MASS FATALITIES. In carrying out this section, the Administrator shall provide guidance to and coordinate with appropriate individuals, including representatives from different communities, private sector businesses, non-profit organizations, and religious organizations, to prepare for and respond to a natural disaster, act of terrorism, or other man-made disaster [nuclear melt-downs, CIA false flags, and pharma-terrorists’ pandemics] that results in mass fatalities”. Accordig to GovTrack.us, ‘This bill was assigned to a congressional committee on September 28, 2012, which will consider it before possibly sending it on to the House or Senate as a whole.’ [Why are WE always the guinea pigs for the US government’s chemtrail spraying, biological weapons testing, false flags, pandemics, and scopolamine-fuelled shooting sprees? Why not bank on and plan for your OWN demise — for once — instead of OURS? –LRP]





Homeland Security finishing acquisition of millions of rounds of high-powered ammo

Published: 13 August, 2012, 20:17


Reuters / Jason Reed

Reuters / Jason Reed

The Department of Homeland Security is rushing to finish the acquisition of 750 million rounds of high-power ammunition that has already raised many eyebrows. In one week, the DHS should start expecting an arsenal that will make some armies jealous.

The DHS has updated a solicitation originally posted on the Federal Business Opportunities website earlier this year, now answering questions from prospective contractors about an inquiry the agency published back in April. All responses to the DHS’ request for hundreds of millions of rounds of high-power ammunition must still be sent in by August 20, but now the federal agency designated to thwart terrorism on the home front has answered some questions about what exactly they are looking for in terms of being able to blow stuff up.

In April, the DHS first published a solicitation “for commercial leaded training ammunition (CLTA) of various calibers for law enforcement officer firearms training courses” to be used at facilities in the states of Georgia, New Mexico, Maryland and South Carolina, as well as other unnamed DHS offices across the country. At the time the DHS demanded hundreds of thousands of test rounds for an array of ammunition types, including 209,000 rounds of #00 buckshot 8-pellet bullets for 12 gauge guns and more than 2 million shots for a .357 Sig Caliber. With their solicitation set to expire in less than a week, though, the DHS has taken it upon themselves to answer questions from contractors interested in their very pricey proposal.

In the latest amendment, published online over the weekend, the DHS answers such pressing questions as, say, “Would a 223 Rem 64Grain soft point round be acceptable?” in response to their initial request for 1.1 million rounds of .223 Rem Caliber 62.64 Grain JHP. (And, if you’re wondering, the official DHS-authored answer is, “Yes, that would be acceptable.”)

The DHS does not, however, answer why exactly they want to give its federal agents tasked with counterterrorism around 750 million rounds of ammo. On paper the proposal says their request is to fulfill training exercise requirements, but why is the DHS equipping their officers with the know-how to shoot a basketball-size hole in a human body?

And for those not keeping score, already this year the DHS has asked for upwards of 150 sets of full-body armor specifically to prepare law enforcement for any protests at the 2012 Democratic and Republican National Conventions, the 2013 Presidential Inauguration and other events of national significance. Oh, and DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano has admitted that she wants the agency to accumulate more surveillance drones to conduct domestic surveillance for the sake of “public safety.”

But don’t worry: millions of rounds of high-powered ammo, stealth surveillance craft and an army of heavily armored federal agents is all for your own security.

According to the 2001 Executive Order that established the DHS signed by then-President George W Bush, the agency “will coordinate the executive branch’s efforts to detect, prepare for, prevent, protect against, respond to and recover from terrorist attacks within the United States.”



FEMA To Mobilize For “Mass Fatality Planning”

Bill mandates federal agency to respond to “funeral homes, cemeteries, and mortuaries” being “overwhelmed”

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
October 5, 2012

The United States Congress has passed a bill which mandates the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to prepare for “mass fatality planning” and funeral homes, cemeteries and mortuaries being “overwhelmed” in the aftermath of a mass terror attack, natural disaster or other crisis.

FEMA To Mobilize For Mass Fatality Planning FEMA church

The bill, H. R. 6566 or the Mass Fatality Planning and Religious Considerations Act, was posted on the govtrack.us website this morning having been approved by the House on September 28.

The legislation amends the Homeland Security Act of 2002 to direct FEMA to “provide guidance and coordination for mass fatality planning, and for other purposes.”

Noting the necessity for emergency preparedness in relation to terror attacks, natural disasters and man-made disasters, the bill instructs FEMA to be sensitive to the fact that Jews and Muslims require bodies to be buried within 48 hours of death.

“Funeral homes, cemeteries, and mortuaries could be overwhelmed should mass fatalities arise from a natural disaster, act of terrorism, or other man-made disaster,” states the legislation.

Should the bill be given the green light by the Senate, the full amended text to the Homeland Security Act will state;

“Preparedness for Mass Fatalities- In carrying out this section, the Administrator shall provide guidance to and coordinate with appropriate individuals, including representatives from different communities, private sector businesses, non-profit organizations, and religious organizations, to prepare for and respond to a natural disaster, act of terrorism, or other man-made disaster that results in mass fatalities.”

“This is just one of those things that makes the stomach turn: the people who brought us the National Defense Authorization Act (authorizing the detention of US citizens on US soil) now deem it prudent to prepare for mass fatalities on US soil,” writes Simon Black.

“FEMA, as you may recall, is the same organization that couldn’t get bottles of water delivered to New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina… and held up hundreds of seasoned volunteer emergency service workers from entering the city for several days of mandatory sexual harassment training.”

The legislation will only serve to stoke more paranoia that the federal government is preparing for mass civil unrest that could lead to a declaration of martial law and require lethal force to be used, as it was during Hurricane Katrinawhen police were ordered to shoot looters.

The Department of Homeland Security has been arming itself to the teeth over the course of the last six months, purchasing ammunition in jaw-dropping quantities.

As we reported last month, following controversy over its purchase of around 1.2 billion bullets in the last six months alone, the DHS has put out a new solicitation for over 200 million more rounds of ammunition, some of which are designated to be used by snipers.


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison Planet.com. He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.

Earth Watch Report

Global Disasters :  Space – Disaster Management

Satellites to the rescue: Disaster monitoring network extends its services to all

by Staff Writers
London, UK (SPX)


Sendai Oil Refinery Fire, Japan. Credit: UK-DMC2 Image (C) DMCii, 2011.

Building on a decade of success in making satellite data available to users for disaster response, the International Charter ‘Space and Major Disasters’ has opened its doors even wider and is now providing universal access to the Charter during natural emergencies – a move that was initiated when the UK was leading the Charter in 2011.

Any country, regardless of whether they are a Charter member, is now able to draw upon the data provided by this international network of satellites.

This new principal of free universal access means the Charter will play an even bigger role in helping countries respond effectively to emergencies and will ultimately help save more lives.

Satellite images can make a tremendous difference in the immediate aftermath of an emergency, providing invaluable and immediate satellite images during times of crisis. Without the Charter it could be many days before a satellite is able to provide the images needed by civil protection authorities during a disaster.

By using the Charter they have access to a vast range of satellite resources and can assess the extent of damage or decide where to target their resources. Radar images can see through fire or smoke, and other sensors can even monitor the spread of pollution.

The Charter is a great example of the enormous benefits space can bring to our everyday lives. Since it was set up in 1999, it has helped in more than 300 disasters for more than 100 countries. Events where the constellation has played an important role during the past decade include the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina (2005), the Asian Tsunami (2004) and the UK floods of 2007, amongst others.

English: Activation cycle of International Cha...

English: Activation cycle of International Charter on Space and Major Disasters Polski: Cykl aktywacji Międzynarodowej Karty Przestrzeni Kosmicznej i Kataklizmów (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Uniquely, the UK is a member of the Charter on a public-private basis that makes best use of the available government and commercial expertise. The UK Space Agency holds a seat on the Charter’s Board, providing policy direction and examining ways to improve Charter performance in future.

The UK’s DMC International Imaging Ltd (DMCii) operates the Disaster Monitoring Constellation (DMC), a currently five-strong commercial satellite constellation specifically designed to respond to disasters. DMCii provides the UK operational contribution to the Charter as a member of the Charter’s Executive Secretariat.

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Disaster Preparation and Survival



Why The World Needs Survivalists

Urban Survival Site

How to Survive in the City When Disaster Strikes
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Although survivalists are usually Why The World Needs Survivalists portrayed as paranoid conspiracy theorists by the main stream media, during a crisis they are heroes.

Take a look at this poster. The U.S. Department of Agriculture printed and distributed it during the Great Depression. At that time the country was suffering terribly and soup kitchens were being stretched to the limit. There was a desperate need for regular people to pick up the slack, so the government actually encouraged them to raise chickens, grow gardens, and can food. Nowadays, local governments are actually trying to stop people from growing gardens on their own property or arresting them for harvesting rainwater from their own roofs.

There was a time when everyone was expected to be a “survivalist.” If there was a disaster or a long-term crisis, people were expected to take care of themselves and each other because it wasn’t possible for the government to take care of everyone. But now that we have things like welfare and Medicaid, few people bother to be self-reliant because they think if something terrible happens, someone else will help them. The problem with this attitude is that one day the government won’t be able to take care of everyone, and communities may rely on those “crazy preppers” for survival. The more preppers there are, the easier it will be on everyone.

Consider FEMA’s pathetic response after hurricane Katrina. Governments tend to be slow and inefficient, particularly in situations like that. But if average citizens all had a 72-hour kits with food and water purifiers, there wouldn’t have been near as much suffering. For every survivalist, there is one less person waiting in line for food or water, which makes life easier for everyone.

Consider a couple other areas of survivalism where everyone benefits. When more people have first aid kits and know how to use them, less people die because the hospitals aren’t as overwhelmed. Or when people have guns to defend their homes, looters and rapists are less of a problem because they fear for their lives.

The point of all this is to say that the world needs survivalists. There are certain to be more disasters, and I’m positive another economic crisis is coming. But if you’re able to take care of yourself, you won’t be a drain on others and society will recover more quickly. You might even say it’s your civic duty to be more self-reliant, as the Department of Agriculture once believed.