Tag Archive: Water fluoridation


The Courant

Dentists insist substance is natural, helps teeth

Saying the practice takes away the right of consumers to make medical choices and possibly inflicts serious harm on children, opponents of adding fluoride to public water argued Wednesday that a glass of water should contain water — and nothing else.

At an informal hearing at the state Capitol called by state Sen. Joe Markley, chemist Paul Connett called on state lawmakers to abolish the state’s flouridation law and forbid communities from putting additives in water supplies to improve public health.

“We should never use the public water supply to deliver medicine,” said Connett, a retired Dartmouth professor and leading fluoridation critic. “No doctor could do to us what the state of Connecticut is doing.”

Since the early 1960s, the federal government has recommended that municipal water supplies contain a certain amount of flouride to help prevent tooth decay and cavities among those who drink from it, especially low-income families who might not be able to afford regular dental care.
Connecticut passed a law in 1965 mandating that public water supplies serving more than 20,000 people have a fluoride concentration of at least 8 milligrams per liter. This tiny concentration has virtually no effect on the smell, taste or appearance of tap water.

But Markley, a Republican from Southington, put forth legislation this year to abolish Connecticut’s policy, saying that it unfairly adds an extra expense to cash-strapped town budgets. The bill failed, but Markley said he’ll bring it back next year. On Wednesday, he said he wanted both sides of the fluoridation debate to make their case.

“As a principle, politically, I try to listen to everybody as much as possible,” Markley said. “I like to hear people who know what they’re talking about differ on a topic.”

Speaking for more than an hour, Connett presented several studies that he said prove fluoridation is actually harmful, that it can have adverse effects on tooth enamel, as well as damaging impacts on bones and brains of young children.

Even if fluoride were medically beneficial, he said, it shouldn’t be put in the water by government. Instead, people should choose whether they want to buy and use fluoride themselves, as they would any other medication.

But absent from Wednesday’s discussion were dentists, who widely support the fluoridation policy.

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How many types of fluoride are there?

A lot. A whole lot. When the element of fluoride is combined with something else, it becomes a fluoride compound. There is a vast range of fluorine-containing compounds because fluorine has the capability of forming compounds with nearly all the elements. Here are some common forms:

……………Calcium Fluoride (CaF2) is compound of calcium and fluorine which occurs naturally as the mineral fluorite – also called fluorspar. Most of the world’s fluorine comes from calcium fluoride. Fluorides in general are toxic to humans, however CaF2 is considered the least toxic, and even relatively harmless due to its extreme insolubility. Moreover, calcium is a well-known antidote for fluoride poisoning. When an antidote exists in combination with a poison, it makes the poison far less toxic to the body. Calcium fluoride is the form of fluoride commonly found in natural, untreated waters.

Fluorosilicic acid (H2SiF6) is commonly used for water fluoridation.  This form of fluoride is a toxic liquid by-product, acquired by scrubbing the chimney stacks of phosphate fertilizer manufacture. Other names for it are hexafluorosilicic, hexafluosilicic, hydrofluosilicic, and silicofluoric acid.  The CDC approximates that 95% of our water is fluoridated with fluorosilicic acid. (http://www.cdc.gov/fluoridation/fact_sheets/engineering/wfadditives.htm#1)

Sodium Fluorosilicate (Na2SiF6) is primarily added to public drinking water as a fluoridation agent. This same compound is also used as an insecticide and a wood preservative.  It is a classified hazardous waste by-product of phosphate fertilizer manufacture which, if not put into our drinking water, must be disposed of at hazardous waste facilities.  Other names for it are Sodium Fluosilicate and Sodium Silica Fluoride……………

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Bizarre USA Fluoride History – Full Documentary – The Flouride Deception



Dr. Paul Connett on the Dangers of Fluoride in the Water


Published on Sep 14, 2012

Excellent power point presentation by Dr. Paul Connett, Director of Fluoride Action Network. With a brief introduction by Kim Kaminski of Clean Water Portland and final words by Frances Quaempts-Miller.
Dr. Connett details the dangers of adding fluoride to water systems, as the Portland City Council just voted unanimously to do this week. Believing that adding medicine to the water should be up to the vote of the people, Clean Water Portland is mounting a Referendum campaign as well as a possible Initiative for the May 2012 primary.


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Reblogged from: Blavatar  Here and Now

Apparently there are not enough chemicals already added to our drinking water, as there is now a call by “experts” to further poison our water supplies by adding Lithium. Their main reason is to decrease suicide and violent crime rates.
So is this how we wish to function as a society? Instead of dealing with our issues at hand, let’s drug ourselves so that we don’t have to deal with personal subjects that may be perceived as hard, negative or scary. This is not a time for putting our heads in the sand and pretending or even hoping that an issue will just resolve itself. Where is the personal growth in that? Don’t you feel elated when you resolve a personal issue that no longer hangs over your head or weights on your mind? It is more important than ever to clear ourselves of past issues that we have held onto and allow more room for the new energies coming to earth to take its place within our being.
What is Lithium usually prescribed for?
Bi polar disorder
Agitation not associated with bipolar disorder
Depression and to boost the effect of antidepressants
As a mood stabiliser
Sever Migraine Headaches
“Much like fluoride, lithium alters the brain’s normal production of serotonin and norepinephrine, which in turn artificially alters the way an individual thinks and how he or she feels about a given situation. Lithium is literally a mind-altering, antidepressant chemical substance that those promoting it openly admit modifies brain function. And yet they purport that forcibly inducing these chemical changes on the unwitting populations of the world is a good and acceptable idea.” Source
So what are “experts” saying?
“Lithium has been heralded by some experts as the next potential flouride, after scientists found suicide rates were lower in areas where the drinking water had higher concentrations of the element, reports the Daily Mail” .
“Time to supplement? Some scientists believe lithium could reduce suicide rates if traces were added to drinking water. The study, published in the British Journal of Psychiatry, analysed a sample of 6,460 lithium measurements and then compared suicide rates across 99 districts.” Source
If anyone still believes that adding fluoride into our drinking water is a good idea. Please read our article on this subject here.
What are some side effects of Lithium?
extreme thirst, urinating more or less than usual;
weakness, fever, feeling restless or confused, eye pain and vision problems;
restless muscle movements in your eyes, tongue, jaw, or neck;
pain, cold feeling, or discolorations in your fingers or toes;
feeling light-headed, fainting, slow heart rate;
hallucinations, seizure (blackout or convulsions);
fever with muscle stiffness, sweating, fast or uneven heartbeats; or

Fish Skeleton, by Erica Hargreave (Filter applied) 

by Heidi Stevenson

Health Impact Daily News

“I’ve never seen scientific evidence discounted and refused to be looked at the way they’re doing with fluoride.” We’re facing a bottom-line reality. There can be no question that the US government’s policy is that water will be fluoridated no matter how much harm is done to the people. 

In this age of repression on genuine scientific research, we need to take note that scientists free to do open and honest research, and report on it, have often taken stands that dispute their agencies’ officials stances. Nowhere has that been more true than in the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on the issue of fluoride. Rank and file EPA scientists have strongly opposed water fluoridation.

EPA scientists protected by the National Treasury Employees Union were approached by an employee in 1985. His concern was that he was:

… being forced to write into the regulation a statement to the effect that EPA thought it was alright for children to have “funky” teeth. It was OK, EPA said, because it considered that condition to be only a cosmetic effect, not an adverse health effect. The reason for this EPA position was that it was under political pressure to set its health-based standard for fluoride at 4 mg/liter. At that level, EPA knew that a significant number of children develop moderate to severe dental fluorosis, but since it had deemed the effect as only cosmetic, EPA didn’t have to set its health-based standard at a lower level to prevent it.[1]

A statement issued by EPA scientists stated that they tried to “settle this ethics issue quietly, within the family, but EPA was unable or unwilling to resist external political pressure.” Therefore, they went public with it and filed an amicus curiae brief supporting a public interest group’s suit against the EPA. In their statement, from which the above quote was extracted, the scientists avered that their opposition to fluoridation only grew stronger after that incident.

Studies Showing Fluoride Lowers Intelligence

That article goes on to document research by Phyllis Mullenix, PhD, who had established the Department of Toxicology at the Forsyth Dental Research Institute. She was also involved with a research program at Harvard’s Department of Neuropathology and Psychiatry. That research documented significant neurotoxic effects of fluoride.

Dr. Mullenix described going to a conference of the National Institute of Dental Research, a division of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), to present her findings and realizing, on walking in, that she was in hostile territory. The entry areas were filled with propaganda declaring “The Miracle of Fluoride”. Of her experience at that conference, she stated:

The fluoride pattern of behavioral problems matches up with the same results of administering radiation and chemotherapy [to cancer patients]. All of these really nasty treatments that are used clinically in cancer therapy are well known to cause I.Q. deficits in children. That’s one of the best studied effects they know of. The behavioral pattern that results from the use of fluoride matches that produced by cancer treatment that causes a reduction in intelligence.[2]

On meeting with dental industry representatives afterwards, she was asked if she’d been saying that fluoride lowers children’s IQ. She says, “And I told them, ‘basically, yes.’”[2]

That was the end of her career. She was fired from Forsyth Dental Center and has gotten no related grants since then. Shortly after her firing, Forsyth received a quarter million dollar grant from Colgate, the toothpaste manufacturer. She has since stated:

I got into science because it was fun, and I would like to go back and do further studies, but I no longer have any faith in the integrity of the system. I find research is utterly controlled.

EPA scientists also noted a Chinese study documenting that children between ages 8 and 13 consistently score 5-10 IQ points lower than children subjected to less fluoride.


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Health And Wellness Report

How to Detox Fluorides from Your Body

by: Paul Fassa
(NaturalNews) You can rid you body of most fluorides with some easy natural remedies. Fluorides have been linked to a variety of severe chronic, even acute health issues. First a quick review summary of fluoride.

Fluoride Toxicity

Fluoride is a soluble salt, not a heavy metal. There are two basic types of fluoride. Calcium fluoride appears naturally in underground water sources and even seawater. Enough of it can cause skeletal or dental fluorosis, which weakens bone and dental matter. But it is not nearly as toxic, nor does it negatively affect so many other health issues as sodium fluoride, which is added to many water supplies.

Sodium Fluoride is a synthetic waste product of the nuclear, aluminum, and phosphate fertilizer industries. This fluoride has an amazing capacity to combine and increase the potency of other toxic materials. The sodium fluoride obtained from industrial waste and added to water supplies is also already contaminated with lead, aluminum, and cadmium.

It damages the liver and kidneys, weakens the immune system, possibly leading to cancer, creates symptoms that mimic fibromyalgia, and performs as a Trojan Horse to carry aluminum across the blood brain barrier. The latter is recognized as a source of the notorious “dumbing down” with lower IQ’s and Alzheimer’s effects of fluoride.

Another not commonly known organ victim of fluorosis is the pineal gland, located in the middle of the brain. The pineal gland can become calcified from fluorides, inhibiting it’s function as a melatonin producer. Melatonin is needed for sound, deep sleep, and the lack of it also contributes to thyroid problems that affect the entire endocrine system. The pineal gland is also considered the physical link to the upper chakras or third eye for spiritual and intuitive openings.

Various permutations of Sodium Fluoride are also in many insecticides for homes and pesticides for crops. Sometimes it is even added to baby foods and bottled waters. If you live in a water fluoridated area, purchase commercially grown fruits, especially grapes, and vegetables that are chemically sprayed and grown areas irrigated by fluoridated water, you are getting a triple whammy! Better skip that fluoridated toothpaste!

Avoiding Fluoride Contamination

As always, the first step in detoxifying is to curb taking in toxins. Purifying water by reverse osmosis or distillation in fluoridated water communities is a good start to slowing down your fluoride contamination. Distillation comes with a bit of controversy, as all the minerals are removed. A great mineral supplement such as Fulvic Acid (not folic acid) or unsulfured blackstrap molasses is recommended if you distill your water.

Avoiding sprayed, commercially grown foods while consuming organic or locally grown foods is another big step. Watch out for processed foods such as instant tea, grape juice products, and soy milk for babies. They all contain high concentrations of sodium fluoride. So do many pharmaceutical “medicines”. By minimizing your sodium fluoride intake, your body can begin eliminating the fluorides in your system slowly.

Magnesium is a very important mineral that many are lacking. Besides being so important in the metabolism and synthesis of nutrients within your cells, it also inhibits the absorption of fluoride into your cells! Along with magnesium, calcium seems to help attract the fluorides away from your bones and teeth, allowing your body to eliminate those toxins. So during any detox efforts with fluoride, it is essential that you include a healthy supplemental dose of absorbable calcium/magnesium as part of the protocol.

So Now Let’s Speed Up the Fluoride Detox

This author received a comment stating that an earlier article’s source reference to sunlight for decalcifying the pineal gland was inaccurate. He said that darkness, not light, is needed to stimulate the pineal gland into melatonin production, which should lead to breaking up the calcification of that gland. Besides being logical, further source research indicates the critic is correct!

Day time exercise, a healthful diet, not over eating, and meditation all contribute to higher melatonin production from the pineal gland. Though very helpful to many for getting a full night’s deep sleep, it appears inconclusive whether melatonin supplements will help decalcify the pineal gland. But it does seem logical that it might.

Iodine supplementation has been clinically demonstrated to increase the urine irrigation of sodium fluoride from the body as calcium fluoride. The calcium is robbed from your body, so make sure you are taking effective calcium and magnesium supplements. Lecithin is recommended as an adjunct to using iodine for excreting fluorides.

Iodine is another nutrient lacking in most diets and causing hypothyroid symptoms of lethargy or metabolic imbalances. Eating lots of seafood for iodine has it’s constantly rising mercury hazards. Seaweed foods and iodine supplements that combine iodine and potassium iodide are highly recommended over sea food by most.

Tamarind, originally indigenous to Africa but migrated into India and southeast Asia, has been used medicinally in Ayurvedic Medicine. The pulp, bark, and leaves from the tree can be converted to teas and strong tinctures, which have also shown the ability to eliminate fluorides through the urine.

Liver Cleanses are considered effective for eliminating fluorides and other toxins. There are two types of liver cleansing, both of which can be performed easily at home over a week or two of time. One of the protocols focuses on the liver itself , and the other cleanses the gall bladder, which is directly connected with liver functions. Simple instructions for both can be found on line with search engine inquiries.

Boron was studied in other parts of the world with pronounced success for fluoride detoxification. Borox, which contains boron, has a history of anecdotal success for detoxifying sodium fluoride. Yes, this is the borox you can find in the laundry aisles of some supermarkets. It needs to be taken in with pure water in small quantities.

As little as 1/32 of a teaspoon to 1/4 of a teaspoon in one liter of water consumed in small quantities throughout the day is what has been demonstrated as safe and effective. Around 1/8 of a teaspoon with a pinch of pure sea salt in a liter consumed in small quantities daily has been reported to have dramatic results. There is the possibility of a food grade version with sodium borate, if you can find it.

Dry Saunas combined with exercise releases sodium fluoride stored in fatty tissues. It can be intense enough to cause side effects or an occasional healing crisis. So keep the pure water intake high and drink some chickweed tea to protect the kidneys while using a highly absorbable cal/mag supplement. Lecithin is another useful adjunct to this protocol for fluoride detoxification.

Those Adjuncts to the Listed Remedies

Vitamin C in abundance was not mentioned as a helpful adjunct. It is now. But do not use ascorbic acid as your vitamin C source for an adjunct to any of the fluoride detox methods. Do take in as much other types of vitamin C as you can tolerate, along with a couple of tablespoons of lecithin daily. Add those to your absorbable calcium and magnesium supplements with plenty of pure water, get good sleep and rest, and the detox should be relatively smooth.

Chelation therapies are recommended primarily for heavy metal removals. Though fluorides are salts, the synthetic waste product variety, sodium fluoride, comes with a cargo of toxic heavy metals. And these pernicious salts have a way of combining more heavy metals. So including any one of several chelation therapies may be beneficial for overall health improvements while applying your chosen fluoride remedy or remedies.

Those include bentonite clay internally or externally, fulvic acid (NOT folic acid), cilantro pesto with chlorella, and even DMSA or any other chellation therapy with which you are familiar.


Boron Testing

List of foods with fluoride contamination

Website that offers a bibliography of other sources

suana remedy http://www.tldp.com/issue/202/Notes_Fluorine.htm

Earth Clinic Folk Remedies

Great comprehensive overview of fluoride

About the author

Paul Fassa is dedicated to warning others about the current corruption of food and medicine and guiding others toward a direction for better health with no restrictions on health freedom. You can visit his blog at http://healthmaven.blogspot.com

Health And Wellness Report



Health Ranger interviews Laura Pressley about water fluoridation

by: NaturalNews

(NaturalNews) Health Ranger: Welcome, this is Mike Adams, the Health Ranger. This is the Health Ranger report at NaturalNews.com. As you can see, I’m wearing a shirt today, ‘Water is Life.’ This is a truism about human biology, isn’t it? In fact, life on the whole planet. And here today is a special guest, well, joining us by phone actually, who has a special interest in keeping our water safe and clean. She’s running for city council in Austin, Texas, where I’m located. Her name is Laura Pressley, and she’s been one of the most outspoken opponents against the chemical fluoridation of the water supply. She’s hosting a money bomb right now to raise campaign funds to help her win the election and get a seat on the city council in Austin, where she can then help lead the fight against water fluoridation and contamination of the Austin water supply with synthetic, dangerous chemicals. Laura, thanks for joining me today.

Laura Pressley: Hey Mike, thank you for having us. I love being on your show. We’ve been on it a couple times and thank you for having us again.

Health Ranger: It’s great to have you on. I hear you’re making a lot of waves in Austin right now with your run for city council. People are, I heard they’re accusing you of being a Ron Paul supporter. That sounds like a compliment to me. What’s the deal?

Laura Pressley: I know, it is hilarious. My opponent, whom I’m running against, I’m running for Austin city council place two, and our opponent, he cannot stand on his own policies or his own voting record or his own experience, so the only thing he can do to attack us is say that you know what, in Austin it’s mostly a Democrat-type community, and I’ll tell you what, the left-right paradigm is alive and well here in Austin. And , totally, if you’re not a Democrat, people don’t think you can be elected to a city council place. Well we’re, we’re, I’m basically an Independent, and all he can say is ‘she’s got a Ron Paul sticker on the back of her car and we can’t have one of those in the city council.’ And that is a direct quote from him.

Health Ranger: Well that’s extraordinary because first of all, the progressive, let’s say Democrat, liberal community, they believe in the legalization of medical marijuana, or the decriminalization-

Laura Pressley: Yes, yes.

Health Ranger: -they believe in clean water.

Laura Pressley: They’re strong environmentalists-

Health Ranger: They don’t believe in any wars.

Laura Pressley: Yes, they’re strong environmentalists, they’re anti-war, and they don’t like giving, you know, their money, taxpayer money to a bunch of rich people.

Health Ranger: Yeah but my point is that Ron Paul supports all of these positions that the liberals support, so why are they, why are they against Ron Paul? I don’t get that.

Laura Pressley: Exactly. Well, of course we know that the mainstream media demonizes Ron Paul for his policies and puts out a lot of disinformation and misinformation because you know, he’s a threat to the establishment.

Health Ranger: True.

Laura Pressley: So the good parts of him that are consistent with the Democratic party, which are the no wars, no bail-outs, no NDAA, they don’t really look at that. They just look at the part, oh, he’s anti-woman, ok, he’s anti-abortion, he’s anti, you know, environment, anti-regulations. So they skew all these components of his candidacy, and I have had to answer for a lot of this during our run for city council and explaining his positions, and it falls on deaf ears because they’ve been told so much by the mainstream media. And my opponent, yeah, go ahead.

Health Ranger: Well, I didn’t mean to make this conversation about Ron Paul, I want to make this conversation about you, Laura Pressley-

Laura Pressley: I know.

Health Ranger: Now, clearly you are pro-woman because you are a woman. And you want clean drinking water for all the women and mothers out there, too.

Laura Pressley: That’s right, we want to protect our babies and our children and our women who are so sensitive to hyperthyroidism. And fluoridation, you know, affects women disproportionately, and it affects minorities disproportionately. Hispanics and African-Americans with fluorosis two to three x higher than it does Anglos. So yes, all of our, all of the things that we’re standing for in the city council are consistent with Democratic party values, and of course we cannot focus on that because his voting record for subsidies and against the environment and against our families with fluoridation, he can’t stand on that. So he has to pick something that’s inflammatory, and it seems to be working to some extent. The other part is, like you said, he is doing a lot of advertising for me here in Austin because there are a lot of Ron Paul supporters here in Austin.

Health Ranger: Well, but let me explain to our viewers why this is really a national issue. It’s, Austin has become the battleground for the fluoride debate. Dr. Paul Connett, for example, came here and testified I believe, was that in front of the city council, or-

Laura Pressley: Yes, many times, he’s been multiple times.

Health Ranger: Yeah, and you’ve been on the issue, InfoWars team, Alex Jones and the whole crew there, they’ve been investigating. In fact, they ran a video that exposed the chemicals that are fluoride is being dumped into the Austin water supply.

Laura Pressley: Yes.

Health Ranger: And, so, if we can get fluoride chemicals, the poison, removed from the water supply in Austin, that really helps set a national precedent. And that’s why electing you, getting you into a city council seat is crucial for having that domino effect across the country. How can people support your campaign, Laura?

Laura Pressley: Well we are, and thank you Mike, we are having a money bomb this week to raise funds for our campaign. And we don’t have the what they call bundlers here in Austin, where these people go out and get money for the candidates and bundle money as it comes in. And typically those bundlers are real estate developers, or you know industry that’s getting subsidies from our city council currently. So we are doing grassroots. We need everybody’s support as much as possible. There’s a $350 limit for individuals and $700 limit, contribution limit for couples. So we have at PressleyForAustin.com, we have a contribute page, and we’re doing the money bomb this week and we need support, we really do. There’s a big push, we have about a month before the election and we’ve got a whole strategy of getting our message out and getting how we’re different from this candidate and how we will not be giving a bunch of our tax dollars to these rich corporations like Apple. Austin city council just gave Apple corporation, the $110 billion cash rich company, the richest company in the world outside of the banking and financial institutions, we just gave them $8.6 million to come and bring 3,600 jobs over the next ten years. And it’s an outrage. Apple was going to come here anyway, and there’s a lot of ways we can generate 300 jobs per year over the next ten years by investing in small businesses and keeping that money in Austin and keeping that money locally. So that’s, we need people’s help with donations if they can do that.

Health Ranger: I want to ask you about Apple in a separate segment with you here, but-

Laura Pressley: Ok.

Health Ranger: First, to wrap this up, I want to also inform people of a little bit about your background and ask you to comment on that, too. You have a PhD in chemistry, you’re from the high-tech industry. You’re also in the natural products industry. You have a rainwater company that sells bottled rainwater. What else do people need to know about you and sort of your background?

Laura Pressley: Well, I’m also a survivor of domestic violence. You know, one of the things that I can provide on the city council is a perspective of how really our city funds can support and help people out of poverty. I have been in a shelter myself with my daughter when she was two years old. She’s now 27. But I have seen the benefit of investing in our community, investing in people. And so not only do I have the tech side background, I was in the semi-conductor industry here in Austin for 17 years and I was an engineer and I was a business manager. I managed a $1 billion business, networking business and I was a cost-reduction manager, so I really have a lot of the expertise to get in the city council and start cutting waste, cutting expenses, but also having the side of seeing how if we could really fund critical and effective programs to get people out of poverty. I’m an example of that.

Health Ranger: But that’s, see, you talk about cutting waste, this is part of the reason why they don’t want you there because a lot of that so-called waste is actually graft and corrupt money going into somebody’s pocket, from what I hear about the city council. It’s very, very corrupt and they want to keep it that way. So you would shake that up, it sounds like.

Laura Pressley: Absolutely, and that’s why they’re pressing so hard on this Ron Paul issue, you know, trying to demonize us. We’re just trying to get in there and do what’s right for the citizens. There is a ton of waste, Mike. I met with one of the, well the CEO of Austin Energy. It’s a $1 billion entity here in our community, and they provide our electricity but there’s some profit they make and that goes into funding these major programs. And I asked him and I said, why are we not doing cost reduction and efficiency and waste reduction programs before you start raising rates to citizens? And he told me, the CEO said, of Austin Energy, he said, we don’t have the bandwidth to go cut costs. I’m like, well you have the bandwidth to go raise rates for all of us. Why can’t you look in your own backyard? So, I pretty much told him what-for and exposed that there’s nothing they’re doing, that the city council setting expectation for them to be less wasteful. And you’re right, it’s going into the pocket of somebody, and that somebody’s not going to be happy. But we are there to shake it up, use our voice, expose what’s going on and make a difference.

Health Ranger: And the people of Austin are never going to benefit from this corruption. I always find it interesting that these people who worship big government, they never benefit from it. The government keeps them in poverty, and somehow they think the government is their savior when they’re getting screwed. It’s like, come on.

Laura Pressley: Well, I think what happens, I agree with you, I think what happens is the middle class and then the upper classes, the upper-middle class in all communities, they have disposable income, so you’re really not affecting their pocket book yet when you’re raising electric rates and raising water rates and what happens is those lower income classes and those people that are already in poverty absolutely are destroyed financially when these things happen. And what happens is they develop these people out and they go in and buy their property and they put mixed-use large commercial developments on that cheap land, and I’ll tell you what, that’s what’s going on in Austin. That’s the cycle.

Health Ranger: Some under the table property deals and the city seizing property from people, using imminent domain and then later selling it a few years later to their friends and connected insiders, things like that.

Laura Pressley: Yes, and then giving these subsidies. You know, the council member that I’m going up against, he actually made the statement two nights ago in a candidate forum that the city needs to balance the risk for these companies coming in and spending millions of dollars in investment and the city needs to help them with that risk and mitigate that risk and I was in shock.

Health Ranger: That sounds just like the banker bail-out justification.

Laura Pressley: It is no different. It’s exactly that. And I say, you know what, I will not give our tax dollars to a bunch of rich corporations, and that’s what I stand for. And the people in Austin are very frustrated by this. And I know they’re frustrated with it across the country because this is a model that’s being translated across all cities: Dallas, Arlington, Houston, all across the country, this is a model that’s happening now where councils are being approached, we’ll come and bring these jobs if you give us this money. And they feel kind of, there’s a fear factor. And that’s one thing that I do not operate off of. I don’t have the fear chip in my head. I missed it somehow when I was born and I just don’t have it, so I don’t operate off of that. So they can’t make those arguments with me and I’ll just give them back the business cases of why we don’t need as citizens to be subsidizing them.

Health Ranger: Yeah, well alright I want to talk to you about that in another segment, but for wrapping this one up, the website folks is PressleyForAustin.com. That’s where you can help contribute to her money bomb, her fundraising effort to actually get a seat on the Austin city council and when that happens, that’ll be a real game changer for the fluoride debate across the country.

Laura Pressley: It will be.

Health Ranger: Laura, I hope that once you’re there in that seat, you’ll still find time to talk with us.

Laura Pressley: I would love to keep doing that, that’s wonderful. And again, what I can provide on the council because I have a chemistry background is I can provide education. And that’s kind of the first step in this whole fluoridation thing. The council’s being educated by the city staff that doesn’t have the most recent data, and really doesn’t have the expertise to analyze and present that data in a way that is cohesive and understandable, and that’s the piece I can bring.

Health Ranger: Sure. Yeah, well, they should be in favor of education, but it’s funny how it’s very selective, where issues like fluoride, they don’t want to know. Don’t tell us, you know. Or economics, basically, it sounds like.

Laura Pressley: Yes.

Health Ranger: With the company subsidies. Anyway, we’ll talk about that in another segment. Thanks for watching, folks, and thank you Laura for joining me today here on the Health Ranger Report.

Watch the full video interview at:




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Dr. Russell Blaylock M.D. is a retired neurosurgeon and author whose trailblazing research has tirelessly documented the fact that there is an epidemic of neurological disorders in the western world which are directly connected to toxins in our environment, and how this relates to the larger global eugenics program behind population reduction. In this fascinating interview, Blaylock reveals how depopulation programs forged by the Rockefeller foundation in association with the Nazis were the basis of modern day incarnations of eugenics like fluoride poisoning and vaccinations.

Blaylock explains how the eugenics movement began in America through Rockefeller, Ford and Carnegie funding and what originated as The Science of Man project, which was an effort to socially engineer humanity to weed out those deemed “undesirable” to the elite. Rockefeller funding via major universities then bankrolled eugenics programs for the next several years, information about which was gleaned and exchanged with the Nazis in Hitler’s Germany. Once eugenics had attracted the negative connotations of racial superiority and genocide, the pseudo-science was reborn under the umbrella of molecular biology and DNA.

The goal is to alter behavior by chemically changing the way in which the brain functions. One of the primary methods through which this is achieved is by fluoridating water and food supplies. Blaylock explains how fluoride opportunists seized upon falls in dental cavities, which were occurring naturally as a result of increased calcium intake and better diets in the west, to claim that mass fluoridation was the answer, while burying a plethora of studies that proved adding fluoride to water did not reduce cavities at all and in fact in several instances increased dental cavities.
Blaylock highlights how independent study after study has shown that fluoride increases cancer rates, increases bone disorders, which as Blaylock points out is a good way of increasing mortality rates amongst the elderly, and also leads to profound neurological disorders. Blaylock highlights the research of Phyllis Mullenix, Ph.D, who during her tenure at Harvard University conducted one of the largest studies into fluoride’s effects on the brain in animals. Mullenix found that offspring of animals who had been fed fluoride became hyperactive (ADHD) and that if you gave an animal fluoride after birth they became very lethargic and apathetic. Mullenix discovered that fluoride tends to accumulate in the part of the brain that controls behavior. After revealing the truth about fluoride, Mullenix was later shunned and attacked by the medical establishment that she had once been a part of.

Blaylock delves into the dangers of vaccines and how they are part of the eugenics assault, pointing out that America’s infant mortality rates are impossibly high for a nation that is supposed to be a global leader in health care. Blaylock puts the number down to the fact that American babies are now being shot up with more vaccines than ever before, the rising number of which correlates exactly with levels of infant mortality. “When you over-vaccinate, it interferes with the development of the brain and then the child has difficulty learning, they have behavioral problems, and their brain cannot develop normally,” states Blaylock.

This is a key interview to watch if you want to get a firm grasp of how we are under attack from modern day eugenics. Blaylock frames the information in clear and easily understood verbiage so everyone can obtain a coherent understanding of how we are being targeted and what we can do to defend ourselves against this chemical and behavioral assault on humanity.



If you are  like me  and have been  looking  for a way  to  eliminate the  fluorides that  we have  been fed surreptitiously in  our  food and water. Then you  know  how  difficult  it is  to find a  comprehensive and doable regimen to  accomplish that  feat.  I  have  come  across this information and  felt  that  it is one of the  most logical and easily integrated into daily  routines.  I hope this helps others who want  to  rid their  bodies of this poison  dispensed  without  our permission.

I am  grateful to Paul Fassa  for having made this available  and  I  encourage all who  read this to  visit his  site Waking Times and take advantage  of  his many wonderful articles there.


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How to Detox Fluorides from Your Body

Paul Fassa
Natural News 

You can rid you body of most fluorides with some easy natural remedies. Fluorides have been linked to a variety of severe chronic, even acute health issues. First a quick review summary of fluoride.

Fluoride Toxicity

Fluoride is a soluble salt, not a heavy metal. There are two basic types of fluoride. Calcium fluoride appears naturally in underground water sources and even seawater. Enough of it can cause skeletal or dental fluorosis, which weakens bone and dental matter. But it is not nearly as toxic, nor does it negatively affect so many other health issues as sodium fluoride, which is added to many water supplies.

Sodium Fluoride is a synthetic waste product of the nuclear, aluminum, and phosphate fertilizer industries. This fluoride has an amazing capacity to combine and increase the potency of other toxic materials. The sodium fluoride obtained from industrial waste and added to water supplies is also already contaminated with lead, aluminum, and cadmium.

It damages the liver and kidneys, weakens the immune system, possibly leading to cancer, creates symptoms that mimic fibromyalgia, and performs as a Trojan Horse to carry aluminum across the blood brain barrier. The latter is recognized as a source of the notorious “dumbing down” with lower IQ’s and Alzheimer’s effects of fluoride.

Another not commonly known organ victim of fluorosis is the pineal gland, located in the middle of the brain. The pineal gland can become calcified from fluorides, inhibiting it’s function as a melatonin producer. Melatonin is needed for sound, deep sleep, and the lack of it also contributes to thyroid problems that affect the entire endocrine system. The pineal gland is also considered the physical link to the upper chakras or third eye for spiritual and intuitive openings.

Various permutations of Sodium Fluoride are also in many insecticides for homes and pesticides for crops. Sometimes it is even added to baby foods and bottled waters. If you live in a water fluoridated area, purchase commercially grown fruits, especially grapes, and vegetables that are chemically sprayed and grown areas irrigated by fluoridated water, you are getting a triple whammy! Better skip that fluoridated toothpaste!

Avoiding Fluoride Contamination

As always, the first step in detoxifying is to curb taking in toxins. Purifying water by reverse osmosis or distillation in fluoridated water communities is a good start to slowing down your fluoride contamination. Distillation comes with a bit of controversy, as all the minerals are removed. A great mineral supplement such as Fulvic Acid (not folic acid) or unsulfured blackstrap molasses is recommended if you distill your water.

Avoiding sprayed, commercially grown foods while consuming organic or locally grown foods is another big step. Watch out for processed foods such as instant tea, grape juice products, and soy milk for babies. They all contain high concentrations of sodium fluoride. So do many pharmaceutical “medicines”. By minimizing your sodium fluoride intake, your body can begin eliminating the fluorides in your system slowly.

Magnesium is a very important mineral that many are lacking. Besides being so important in the metabolism and synthesis of nutrients within your cells, it also inhibits the absorption of fluoride into your cells! Along with magnesium, calcium seems to help attract the fluorides away from your bones and teeth, allowing your body to eliminate those toxins. So during any detox efforts with fluoride, it is essential that you include a healthy supplemental dose of absorbable calcium/magnesium as part of the protocol.

So Now Let’s Speed Up the Fluoride Detox

This author received a comment stating that an earlier article’s source reference to sunlight for decalcifying the pineal gland was inaccurate. He said that darkness, not light, is needed to stimulate the pineal gland into melatonin production, which should lead to breaking up the calcification of that gland. Besides being logical, further source research indicates the critic is correct!

Day time exercise, a healthful diet, not over eating, and meditation all contribute to higher melatonin production from the pineal gland. Though very helpful to many for getting a full night’s deep sleep, it appears inconclusive whether melatonin supplements will help decalcify the pineal gland. But it does seem logical that it might.

Iodine supplementation has been clinically demonstrated to increase the urine irrigation of sodium fluoride from the body as calcium fluoride. The calcium is robbed from your body, so make sure you are taking effective calcium and magnesium supplements. Lecithin is recommended as an adjunct to using iodine for excreting fluorides.

Iodine is another nutrient lacking in most diets and causing hypothyroid symptoms of lethargy or metabolic imbalances. Eating lots of seafood for iodine has it’s constantly rising mercury hazards. Seaweed foods and iodine supplements that combine iodine and potassium iodide are highly recommended over sea food by most.

Tamarind, originally indigenous to Africa but migrated into India and southeast Asia, has been used medicinally in Ayurvedic Medicine. The pulp, bark, and leaves from the tree can be converted to teas and strong tinctures, which have also shown the ability to eliminate fluorides through the urine.

Liver Cleanses are considered effective for eliminating fluorides and other toxins. There are two types of liver cleansing, both of which can be performed easily at home over a week or two of time. One of the protocols focuses on the liver itself , and the other cleanses the gall bladder, which is directly connected with liver functions. Simple instructions for both can be found on line with search engine inquiries.

Boron was studied in other parts of the world with pronounced success for fluoride detoxification. Borox, which contains boron, has a history of anecdotal success for detoxifying sodium fluoride. Yes, this is the borox you can find in the laundry aisles of some supermarkets. It needs to be taken in with pure water in small quantities.

As little as 1/32 of a teaspoon to 1/4 of a teaspoon in one liter of water consumed in small quantities throughout the day is what has been demonstrated as safe and effective. Around 1/8 of a teaspoon with a pinch of pure sea salt in a liter consumed in small quantities daily has been reported to have dramatic results. There is the possibility of a food grade version with sodium borate, if you can find it.

Dry Saunas combined with exercise releases sodium fluoride stored in fatty tissues. It can be intense enough to cause side effects or an occasional healing crisis. So keep the pure water intake high and drink some chickweed tea to protect the kidneys while using a highly absorbable cal/mag supplement. Lecithin is another useful adjunct to this protocol for fluoride detoxification.

Those Adjuncts to the Listed Remedies

Vitamin C in abundance was not mentioned as a helpful adjunct. It is now. But do not use ascorbic acid as your vitamin C source for an adjunct to any of the fluoride detox methods. Do take in as much other types of vitamin C as you can tolerate, along with a couple of tablespoons of lecithin daily. Add those to your absorbable calcium and magnesium supplements with plenty of pure water, get good sleep and rest, and the detox should be relatively smooth.

Chelation therapies are recommended primarily for heavy metal removals. Though fluorides are salts, the synthetic waste product variety, sodium fluoride, comes with a cargo of toxic heavy metals. And these pernicious salts have a way of combining more heavy metals. So including any one of several chelation therapies may be beneficial for overall health improvements while applying your chosen fluoride remedy or remedies.

Those include bentonite clay internally or externally, fulvic acid (NOT folic acid), cilantro pesto with chlorella, and even DMSA or any other chellation therapy with which you are familiar.