Tag Archive: Vernon Hershberger

Farmer Faces Over 2 Years Jail, $10K Fines for Feeding Community

Activist Post

Things are heating up in Baraboo, Wisconsin as a long awaited food rights trial approaches.

Raw milk drinkers are outraged that Wisconsin DATCP is bringing criminal charges against a farmer who serves a private buying club. Do citizens have a right to contract with a producer and grow food to their own standards? That is what is at stake in this case. – Kimberly Hartke, Publicist Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund

Customers and Other Supporters to Attend Court with Farmer

Food rights activists from around North America will meet at the Sauk County Courthouse in this tiny town on May 20 to support Wisconsin dairy farmer Vernon Hershberger and food sovereignty. Hershberger, whose trial begins that day, is charged with four criminal misdemeanors that could land this husband and father in county jail for up to 30 months with fines of over $10,000…

The Wisconsin Department of Agricultural Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) targeted Hershberger for supplying a private buying club with fresh milk and other farm products.

DATCP has charged Hershberger with, among other things, operating a retail food establishment without a license. Hershberger repeatedly rejects this, citing that he provides foods only to paid members in a private buying club and is not subject to state food regulations.

Hershberger says:

There is more at stake here than just a farmer and his few customers — this is about the fundamental right of farmers and consumers to engage in peaceful, private, mutually consenting agreements for food, without additional oversight.

Read Full Article and Watch Video Here


Study links heavy diesel exhaust to lung cancer


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India’s Lupin gets U.S. nod for schizophrenia capsules


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Your Health: New lung cancer therapy

Holistic Health

Bill Gates: One of the World’s Most Destructive Do-Gooders?

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Nori is a high-protein plant source of vitamin B-12

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Natural compounds in oranges may reduce risk of stroke in women

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Food Safety

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Judge Naomi Buchwald’s dismissal of lawsuit against Monsanto spurs protests, blockade by food freedom advocates

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Rawesome Foods’ James Stewart arrested in $1 million warrant (UPDATE 2)

Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide found to destroy testosterone, male fertility

Saturday, March 03, 2012 by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer


Declaration of Food Independence unveiled today in Wisconsin; signed by Vernon Hershberger and others

Friday, March 02, 2012
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of NaturalNews.com


Inspector in Wisconsin raw milk prosecution against Vernon Hershberger exposed as having no sworn oath, no legal standing (update 1)

Friday, March 02, 2012
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of NaturalNews.com

Federal government gains permanent injunction against raw milk producer

Farmer enjoined from distributing raw milk products across state lines



Spanish town decides to grow marijuana to generate much-needed revenue

Saturday, March 03, 2012 by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
