Tag Archive: Trade


Shanghai stops poultry trade on bird flu fears

by Staff Writers
Shanghai (AFP) April 6, 2013


The commercial hub has had six of the country’s 16 confirmed cases of the H7N9 strain, found in humans for the first time, with four deaths. The other two fatalities have been in the neighbouring province of Zhejiang.

Shanghai had culled more than 20,500 birds at an agricultural market in a western suburb by Friday, after the virus was found in pigeons, and the government announced a ban on live poultry trading and markets.

A uniformed worker sprayed disinfectant from a tank on his back at one local market in central Shanghai Saturday, where two booths selling live poultry were dark, and cages empty.

“All trading has stopped because of bird flu. The seller has gone home because he has nothing to do,” said a seafood vendor.


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Crossroads News : Changes In The World Around Us And Our Place In It

Sustainability / Disaster Preparation and Survival  :   Supplies & Bartering

Published on Apr 9, 2012 by

In this video we show some very important items that can be used in times when Bartering will be the medium of exchange.

R&D: Money / Barter Items (Building a Bug Out Bag)

Uploaded by on May 19, 2011

BUILDING A BUG OUT BAG: Money Compartment
(Research & Development Video)

This video shows the Money / Barter Items Compartment for my bug out bag redesign project. In an emergency, I won’t be able to rely on debit/credit cards for purchasing goods and services. I will need to have cash, and plenty of it. However, there may be an emergency scenario where the US dollar collapses, in which I will want to have a few items on me that have value in a currency free society.

Please feel free to offer any constructive comments to help me refine my system. It would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!