Food Safety


Aspartame: GMO Bacteria Poop Causing Blindness!



Uploaded by ExperimentalVaccines on Mar 14, 2012

Find out more at:
Natural News Article Trocho Study Barcelona 1998:
The Independent article Worlds Top Sweetener is made with GM Bacteria…
Betty Martini Website MPWHI:
FDA Website Statement on European Aspartame Study
National Eye Institute:
Blindness Statistics Ciba Vision:
Methonal Wikipedia:
Source Watch Website aspartame page:
Coca Cola CEO Muhtar Kent 21.2 Million Dollar Salary:
Monsanto Wikipedia page:
Coca Cola Wikipedia Page:


What Are Chicken Nuggets Made Of?


(*****The Other Pink Slime ******)



Illegal Geoduck Shipments Seized in Seattle


By News Desk

Washington State Fish & Wildlife officials are working were in overdrive this week trying to track down geoducks — large, long-necked clams — that may have been improperly or unsafely harvested, King5 News reported Thursday.”We are up to our necks…

Illegal Geoduck Shipments Seized in Seattle


Unacceptable Levels: New film about toxins in our food, cosmetics & environment

by geobear7

Food Freedom News

“Unacceptable Levels” is a feature length film, in conjunction with learned scientists, doctors, and experts in the field, who will reveal the truth about toxins in the environment, and in ourselves. Trailer:






Multiple Sclerosis: The Cause and Solution Uncovered

by geobear7

Food Freedom News

By Woodrow Monte

An exhaustive analysis of the medical and scientific literature, authored by a uniquely qualified food scientist, persuasively reveals the cause of MS and describes a path to recovery and prevention. The symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis are identical to those of an uncommon form of poisoning—methanol poisoning.

Individuals who have been exposed to this poison over a long period of time, in fact, develop MS. This poison—methanol–is a major component of cigarette smoke, which, until now, has been the only known cause of Multiple Sclerosis. Dr. Monte’s compelling work reveals that this poison is also contained in certain foods that are canned and smoked or have had the insidious sweetener, aspartame, added to them.

Unfortunately, the truth has been obscured due to the fact that methanol is a poisonous to humans and not to (laboratory) animals.



Holistic Health


Tell Your Doctor: If You Don’t Show Me This, You’re Breaking the Law


Posted By Dr. Mercola

The Colorado Board of Health has been holding hearings on whether or not to adopt a new rule that would mandate healthcare workers get an annual flu vaccine, with NO religious or conscientious/philosophical belief exemptions. A federal vaccine advisory committee has already voted to encourage hospitals and medical facilities to force health care workers to get an annual flu shot as a condition of employment
According to the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), there’s been an increase of reports of harassment in the past two years – not only from parents being coerced and “fired” by pediatricians if they decline one or more vaccines for their children – but also from health professionals. More health care workers are reporting being threatened and fired from their jobs for declining influenza vaccination, even in cases where they’ve suffered side effects from previous flu shots or other vaccinations or have health conditions that could get worse if they are forced to get vaccinated ….



Pet Health


Dem Sen. Brown urges FDA to better regulate Chinese-made dog food


By Josiah Ryan

Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) called on the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on Thursday to get more “aggressive” in regulating Chinese-made dog food that some owners suspect has sickened and killed their pets.



A Cleaner, Greener Home for You and Your Pet

Breathe Easier Knowing Your Home is Toxin Free


Out of all the toxic environments that your pet will be exposed to in its lifetime, it is the place where we feel safest that may be the most dangerous to your pet’s health.


The typical modern home has more chemicals, gases, and natural toxins than anything your pet is likely to come across while roaming the neighborhood, yet most pet owners are blithely unaware of the dangers being posed by such seemingly innocuous products like air fresheners and furniture polishes.


Just as humans can fall ill as the result of sensitivity to chemicals, animals suffer from physical reactions to chemicals that are used to manufacture furniture and textiles in the home, and cleaning products that leave residual films. Air fresheners, meanwhile, may give the appearance of leaving a clean, fresh scent, but are actually irritating to the breathing passages and mucus membranes. Even damp carpeting can pose a health risk to pets, especially since they are so close to the source.


To make matters worse, plants, which are often used to keep indoor air clean, can be toxic for your pet as well, should Kitty or Fido decide to take a bite out of one of them.


Fortunately, there are things you can do to protect your pet from “chemical overload.”….



Alternative Veterinary Treatments

Four therapeutic approaches when traditional animal medicine just doesn’t work


Pets, like people, can suffer from a variety of debilitating chronic, degenerative conditions. Treatment options, meanwhile, are sometimes limited and frustrating, focusing on alleviating symptoms through the use of narcotics and other means. There may be another solution, though. Your veterinarian may recommend an alternative therapeutic approach to your pet’s health.


Alternative therapies for pets have taken giant leaps in the success rate of post-operative recovery, as well as cases involving degenerative spine issues, neurologic disc problems, hip dysplasia and cruciate ligament injuries. The aim of alternative veterinary therapy is to heal your pet using a whole body approach. The horse and dog racing industry have known this for years; alternative therapy stems from their specialized animal health practices.


To find out more, petMD’s Yahaira Cespedes spoke with Dr. Gerald Johnson, a holistic veterinarian with many years’ experience on primarily dogs and horses. He utilizes a variety of alternative therapies on patients at his practice. Their advantage: alternative therapies treat your pet’s condition by addressing the cause of the disease, while keeping you actively involved in your pet’s treatment…..

Some of the more common alternative therapies include:….





Sysco Recalls Beef Patties From Canada After FSIS Alert


by Dan Flynn

…….The alert was for beef patties from Canada made by the same company that ceased operations in mid-February, went into receivership, and then was the subject of the discovery of possible E. coli O1457:H7 contamination that had led to numerous product recalls in Canada.

What happened to beef patties imported to Sysco Food Services in the American border town of Blaine, WA was for a time a mystery because FSIS was not able to find anyone at the company to talk to about it.

The Houston-based company, a Fortune 500 Company with $37.24 billion in revenue last year, is one of the largest food distributors in the U.S. It employs about 47,000 people and has food warehouses throughout the country.

When the public health alert was issued, Food Safety News learned it was likely to be turned into a recall, and that has now occurred.

The recalled beef patties were sent to the U.S. states from the same troubled plant responsible for numerous recalls in Canada comes more than a month after the problem began. The FSIS said the ground beef involved might be contaminated with O157:H7, a strain of E. coli that can cause serious human illness and in some cases death……

Sysco Recalls Beef Patties From Canada After FSIS Alert


Salmonella Causes A Recall Of Fresh Jalapenos


By News Desk

Newport, Kentucky-based Castellini Poduce has issued an unclassified recall on fresh jalapenos in packs of two, 10, and 40. The recalled jalapenos did reach five divisions of Rosemont,IL-based US Foods (formerly U.S. Foodservice) between March 9 and 24, according to the…

Salmonella Causes Recall of Fresh Jalapenos