Tag Archive: Motueka

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Biological Hazard in New Zealand on December 11 2015 01:43 PM (UTC).

Base data

EDIS Number BH-20151211-51213-NZL
Event type Biological Hazard
Date/Time December 11 2015 01:43 PM (UTC)
Last update December 11 2015 01:46 PM (UTC)
Cause of event
Damage level Is not or not known Damage level

Geographic information

Continent Australia – New-Zealand
Country New Zealand
County / State South Island
Area Wellington, Motueka, Kaikoura and Christchurch
Coordinate 41° 7.443,173° 0.059

Number of affected people / Humanities loss

Dead person(s) 0
Injured person(s) 0
Missing person(s) 0
Evacuated person(s) 0
Affected person(s) 0
Foreign people 0

Biohazard information

Biohazard level
Disease, agent name Measles
Infected person(s) 0
Species Human
Status suspected


A measles warning has been issued in several areas after an infected tourist traveled the country. A 28-year-old European man carrying the virus traveled from Wellington, to Motueka, Kaikoura and Christchurch from December 3 to 11. The Canterbury District Health Board now is asking anyone who may have come in contact with him and is now presenting symptoms to call their doctor. He is believed to have contracted the highly-infectious virus while in Australia and is in private accommodation in Christchurch until the end of his infectious period. Canterbury medical officer Alistair Humphrey said it was a particularly risky time for the tourism industry. “Over the next few years there is a heightened risk of measles as a result of the decision by parents in the 1990s not to get their children immunized,” he said. Where He Stayed: December 3-5: Comfort Hotel, Cuba Street, Wellington,5 December 5: BlueBridge Ferry,December 5-7: Motueka Holiday Top 10,December 8-10: Lazy Shag Backpackers, Kaikoura,December 11: Travels to residence outside Christchurch



Sick tourist prompts measles warning

NZ Newswire
Measles is untreatable but easily preventagle through vaccinations© Getty Images Measles is untreatable but easily preventable through vaccinations A measles warning has been issued in several areas after an infected tourist traveled the country.


A 28-year-old European man carrying the virus traveled from Wellington, to Motueka, Kaikoura and Christchurch from December 3 to 11.The Canterbury District Health Board now is asking anyone who may have come in contact with him and is now presenting symptoms to call their doctor.

He is believed to have contracted the highly-infectious virus while in Australia and is in private accommodation in Christchurch until the end of his infectious period.


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