Tag Archive: Lindsey Graham

Obamacare (c) Desert Rose Creations / Family Survival Protocol  2013 photo obamacarelogo_zps3de31909.jpg

Obamacare (c) Desert Rose Creations / Family Survival Protocol  2013


The Heritage Foundation

Justin Hadley logged on to HealthCare.gov to evaluate his insurance options after his health plan was canceled. What he discovered was an apparent security flaw that disclosed eligibility letters addressed to individuals from another state.

“I was in complete shock,” said Hadley, who contacted Heritage after becoming alarmed at the breach of privacy.

Hadley, a North Carolina father, buys his insurance on the individual market. His insurance company, Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina, directed him to HealthCare.gov in a cancellation letter he received in September.

After multiple attempts to access the problem-plagued website, Hadley finally made it past the registration page Thursday. That’s when he was greeted with a downloadable letter about eligibility — for two people in South Carolina. (Screenshot below.)

Capture 1

The letter, dated October 8, acknowledges receipt of an application to the Health Insurance Marketplace and the eligibility of family members to purchase health coverage. The letter was addressed to Thomas Dougall, a lawyer from Elgin, SC.

Hadley shared a screenshot and copy of the letter with redacted personal information.

Capture 2

Hadley wrote to Heritage on Thursday night and also contacted the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, which administers HealthCare.gov, as well as elected officials in his state. He has yet to hear back from HHS, even though HealthCare.gov still displays the personal information of the South Carolina residents on his account.

Hadley reached out to Dougall on Friday to notify him of the breach. Dougall, who spoke to Heritage this evening, said he was evaluating health care options in early October. Dougall said he was able to register on HealthCare.gov, but decided not to sign up for insurance.

“The plans they offered were grossly expensive and didn’t provide the level of care I have now,” he said.

Dougall said he never saw the October 8 letter until Hadley sent it to him Friday.

After learning of the privacy breach, Dougall spent Friday evening trying to contact representatives from HealthCare.gov to no avail; he spent an hour waiting on the telephone and an online chat session was unhelpful. He also wrote to Senators Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Tim Scott (R-SC), along with Representative Joe Wilson (R-SC).

“I want my personal information off of that website,” Dougall said.

Security Risk

Last week, the Associated Press disclosed a government memo revealing the “high” security risk for HealthCare.gov. Those concerns surfaced at Wednesday’s hearing with HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, who claimed the system was secure.

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The Washington Post

By , Published: October 31

In an explosive report on CBS’s “60 Minutes” on Sunday, the British supervisor of local security guards protecting the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya, on the night of Sept. 11, 2012, provided a harrowing account of the extremist attack that killed four Americans.The man whom CBS called Morgan Jones, a pseudonym, described racing to the Benghazi compound while the attack was underway, scaling a 12-foot wall and downing an extremist with the butt end of a rifle as he tried in vain to rescue the besieged Americans.

Full coverage of the revelations and debate surrounding National Security Agency surveillance programs.

The “60 Minutes” broadcast, in which Jones also recounted his clandestine visit that night to a Benghazi hospital to view the body of slain U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, helped propel a new round of partisan conflict this week over the attack.

Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (S.C.) and other Republican lawmakers referred to it repeatedly during a Wednesday news conference. Graham said he would block confirmation of all of President Obama’s nominees, including Jeh Johnson as homeland security secretary and Janet L. Yellen as head of the Federal Reserve, until the administration allowed government witnesses to the attack to appear before Congress.

But in a written account that Jones, whose real name was confirmed as Dylan Davies by several officials who worked with him in Benghazi, provided to his employer three days after the attack, he told a different story of his experiences that night.

In Davies’s 21 / 2-page incident report to Blue Mountain, the Britain-based contractor hired by the State Department to handle perimeter security at the compound, he wrote that he spent most of that night at his Benghazi beach-side villa. Although he attempted to get to the compound, he wrote in the report, “we could not get anywhere near . . . as roadblocks had been set up.”

He learned of Stevens’s death, Davies wrote, when a Libyan colleague who had been at the hospital came to the villa to show him a cellphone picture of the ambassador’s blackened corpse. Davies wrote that he visited the still-smoking compound the next day to view and photograph the destruction.

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 Tell me  again how  different the  Republicans are  from the  Democrats…….


The American Dream

Islamic Terror Groups Are Killing Christians All Over The World And Obama Wants Us To Ally With Them

2013 Westgate shopping mall terrorist incident in Nairobi, Kenya - Photo by Anne KnightOver the past couple of days, we have witnessed some absolutely horrific examples of Islamic terror groups specifically targeting Christians and those from other non-Muslim religions.  Sadly, this is not a new phenomenon.  Radical Islamic jihadists are constantly attacking churches and slaughtering Christians all over the planet.  The recent events in Pakistan, Kenya and Egypt may have taken this persecution to a new level, but this is just the continuation of a trend that has been building for years.  Unfortunately, Barack Obama does not seem too concerned about Islamic terrorism.  In fact, he specifically directed that “all references to Islam” be removed from terrorism training materials that the federal government uses.  If that wasn’t bad enough, now Obama is actually supplying weapons to the radical jihadist rebels that want to take over Syria, and he appears to be very ready to use the U.S. military to attack the Assad regime directly if “negotiations” with the Syrian government fail.  In essence, Obama wants the United States to be allies with psychotic jihadists that have the exact same radical philosophy that those who are killing Christians in Pakistan, Kenya and Egypt have.

Is Obama insane?

In Pakistan, the Taliban (a very close cousin of al-Qaeda) has already claimed responsibility for the worst church bombing in the history of that nation.  The attack left 85 dead and nearly twice that many wounded.  To say that this was a horrific attack would be a massive understatement…

The attack on All Saints Church, which also wounded 140 people, underlines the threat posed by the Pakistani Taliban at a time when the government is seeking a peace deal with the militants.

The attack occurred as hundreds of worshippers were coming out of the church in the city’s Kohati Gate district after services to get a free meal of rice.

‘There were blasts and there was hell for all of us,’ said Nazir John, who was at the church with at least 400 other worshippers.

‘When I got my senses back, I found nothing but smoke, dust, blood and screaming people. I saw severed body parts and blood all around.’

Who would do something like that?

In Kenya, a team of Al-Shabaab gunmen stormed a shopping mall in Nairobi and murdered at least 62 people.

What makes that attack even more disturbing is that the terrorists specifically targeted non-Muslims.

In fact, hostages were given a test by the terrorists to determine whether or not they were actually Muslims.  Those that failed the test were executed

The reason the Islamists targeted the Westgate shopping centre was clear from the moment they stormed inside brandishing AK-47s and grenades. Anyone who was not a Muslim, or could not prove that they were, was immediately targeted. Reports from separate floors of the building in the first hours of the assault told how the attackers, speaking rough Swahili and English, shouted at Muslims to identify themselves.

Many people came forward. They were ordered to speak in Arabic, or to recite a verse from the Koran, or to name the Prophet Mohammed’s mother. Those who passed this test were allowed to flee. Those that did not were executed, including children.

You can find some very graphic pictures of the attack right here.

Are you starting to understand why I use words such as “psychotic” to describe these terrorists?

And all over the world these radical jihadists seem to have a particular hatred for Christians.

Just consider what has happened in Egypt over the past few months.  After the Egyptian military removed the Muslim Brotherhood from power, radical Islamists responded by destroying more than 80 Christian churches

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McCain, Graham: Leak about al Qaeda intercept tips off the enemy

Photo by Astrid Riecken/Getty Images

U.S. intelligence analysts were able to intercept rare communications by al Qaeda leaders who were openly discussing possible terror plots, CBS News learned Monday. The public acknowledgement of the interception, however, could very well tip off terrorists and prompt them to refrain from engaging in such discussions again, two senators warned Tuesday from Cairo, in an interview with CBS News’ Clarrisa Ward.

“I’m very worried about leaks to the media of classified information because it warns the enemy,” Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., told Ward. “That’ll be the last intercept of that kind, of means of communication that we intercept.”

Added Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., “If we compromise our ability to find out what these guys are up to and stop them before they act, we’ll pay a heavy price. They’re not deterred by dying. They embrace dying. They just want to take me and you with ’em.”

McCain and Graham are currently in Egypt, where they have urged the military-backed government to release political prisoners and move toward an open democracy.

While the U.S. is aiming to help settle the unrest in Egypt, it’s also monitoring al Qaeda activity in Yemen, where al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) is based. Sources confirmed to CBS News that the intercepted electronic conversation occurred between the top leadership of core Al Qaeda in the tribal areas of Pakistan and the head of AQAP. The intercepted communications prompted the U.S. to close nearly two-dozen embassies and consulates around the world and order non-emergency staff of the U.S. Embassy in Yemen to leave the country.

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McCain Sneaks Across Syria Border, Joins Al-Qaeda

Sen. John McCain, chewing on the raw heart of a Syrian soldier

by Kevin Barrett

According to unconfirmed reports, former Republican presidential candidate and current Senator John McCain has joined al-Qaeda.

Informed sources report that McCain slipped across the Syrian border last night and joined the al-Nusra front, an Israeli-supported al-Qaeda affiliate that is waging war against Syria.

McCain issued the following statement explaining his actions: “In the name of Yahweh, the benevolent, the merciful, I hereby declare allegiance to Sheikh Ayman al-Zawahiri and to the Zionist entity he represents. I have always wanted to grow a beard, cut off some heads, and devour the raw internal organs of my victims, especially since I had a bad experience in a POW camp, so this represents the fulfillment of a lifelong dream. I am grateful to Sheikh al-Zawahiri, Prime Minister Netanyahu, Adam Gadahn, and the other heroic mujewhideen who have made this possible.”

According to terror expert Daniel Pipes, McCain is the highest-level American politician ever to have joined al-Qaeda: “This is a real coup for al-Qaeda. But it wasn’t  unexpected. Now that the State of Israel has openly merged with al-Qaeda, and is bombing Syria on behalf of al-Qaeda operations, I believe we will be seeing more well-known American statesmen follow in the footsteps of Senator McCain.”

Another leading terror expert, Steve Emerson, explained: “More and more US Senators are competing to see who can humiliate themselves the most obsequiously as they grovel at the feet of Israel and Netanyahu. What better way to show your devotion to Israel than by joining its favorite false-flag militia and blowing yourself up?”

Meanwhile, McCain’s colleague Sen. Lindsey Graham introduced a resolution (S. Res 65) supporting al-Qaeda’s right to self-defense, and committing the US to go to war to defend al-Qaeda if it should decide to attack any nation, including the US.

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“AL QAEDA NEEDS OUR HELP!” Senators McCain And Graham


Published on Jun 14, 2013

June 13, 2013 C-SPAN


Neocon John McCain Ripped on Syria at Town Hall

djgabrielpresents djgabrielpresents·

Published on Sep 6, 2013

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) faced a tense town hall on Thursday in Phoenix, with angry constituents opposing U.S. intervention in Syria.


The Al-Qaeda Executive President Obama.

laroucheyouth laroucheyouth·

Published on Dec 13, 2012

Jeff Steinberg of E.I.R. gives an interview to LPACTV where he details the Obama administration’s cover up of the British-Saudi Empire role in orchestrating the 9-11 attacks which are the same forces affiliated with the Al-Nusra militia fighting in Syria against Bashar Al-Assad’s army.


Barack Obama will strike al-Qaeda targets in Pakistan

AntiConformist911 AntiConfor


Uploaded on May 17, 2008

Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama said on Wednesday the United States must be willing to strike al Qaeda targets inside Pakistan, adopting a tough tone after a chief rival accused him of naivete in foreign policy. Obama’s stance comes amid debate in Washington over what to do about a resurgent al Qaeda and Taliban in areas of northwest Pakistan that President Pervez Musharraf has been unable to control, and concerns that new recruits are being trained there for a September 11-style attack against the United States. Obama said if elected in November 2008 he would be willing to attack inside Pakistan with or without approval from the Pakistani government, a move that would likely cause anxiety in the already troubled region. “If we have actionable intelligence about high-value terrorist targets and President Musharraf won’t act, we will,” Obama said. The Illinois Democrat is trying to convince Americans he has the foreign policy heft to be president after a rival candidate, New York Democratic Sen. Hillary Clinton, questioned his readiness to be commander in chief.


Media Admits Obama Now Openly Siding With Al-Qaeda In Syria

Anthony Gucciardi·

Published on Aug 28, 2013

Even mainstream reports now are confirming what was considered ‘conspiracy theories’ several months ago regarding Obama’s support for al-Qaeda and the Syrian rebels.

We see this in mainstream media pieces:



Does Obama know he’s fighting on al-Qa’ida’s side?

‘All for one and one for all’ should be the battle cry if the West goes to war against Assad’s Syrian regime

If Barack Obama decides to attack the Syrian regime, he has ensured – for the very first time in history – that the United States will be on the same side as al-Qa’ida.

Quite an alliance! Was it not the Three Musketeers who shouted “All for one and one for all” each time they sought combat? This really should be the new battle cry if – or when – the statesmen of the Western world go to war against Bashar al-Assad.

The men who destroyed so many thousands on 9/11 will then be fighting alongside the very nation whose innocents they so cruelly murdered almost exactly 12 years ago. Quite an achievement for Obama, Cameron, Hollande and the rest of the miniature warlords.

This, of course, will not be trumpeted by the Pentagon or the White House – nor, I suppose, by al-Qa’ida – though they are both trying to destroy Bashar. So are the Nusra front, one of al-Qa’ida’s affiliates. But it does raise some interesting possibilities.

Maybe the Americans should ask al-Qa’ida for intelligence help – after all, this is the group with “boots on the ground”, something the Americans have no interest in doing. And maybe al-Qa’ida could offer some target information facilities to the country which usually claims that the supporters of al-Qa’ida, rather than the Syrians, are the most wanted men in the world.

There will be some ironies, of course. While the Americans drone al-Qa’ida to death in Yemen and Pakistan – along, of course, with the usual flock of civilians – they will be giving them, with the help of Messrs Cameron, Hollande and the other Little General-politicians, material assistance in Syria by hitting al-Qa’ida’s enemies. Indeed, you can bet your bottom dollar that the one target the Americans will not strike in Syria will be al-Qa’ida or the Nusra front.

And our own Prime Minister will applaud whatever the Americans do, thus allying himself with al-Qa’ida, whose London bombings may have slipped his mind. Perhaps – since there is no institutional memory left among modern governments – Cameron has forgotten how similar are the sentiments being uttered by Obama and himself to those uttered by Bush  and Blair a decade ago, the same bland assurances, uttered with such self-confidence but without quite  enough evidence to make it stick.

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Syrian rebels pledge loyalty to al-Qaeda

Mona Alami, Special for USA TODAY 9:04 a.m. EDT June 14, 2013

BEIRUT — A Syrian rebel group’s April pledge of allegiance to al-Qaeda’s replacement for Osama bin Laden suggests that the terrorist group’s influence is not waning and that it may take a greater role in the Western-backed fight to topple Syrian President Bashar Assad.

The pledge of allegiance by Syrian Jabhat al Nusra Front chief Abou Mohamad al-Joulani to al-Qaeda leader Sheik Ayman al-Zawahri was coupled with an announcement by the al-Qaeda affiliate in Iraq, the Islamic State of Iraq, that it would work with al Nusra as well.

Lebanese Sheik Omar Bakri, a Salafist who says states must be governed by Muslim religious law, says al-Qaeda has assisted al Nusra for some time.

“They provided them early on with technical, military and financial support , especially when it came to setting up networks of foreign jihadis who were brought into Syria,” Bakri says. “There will certainly be greater coordination between the two groups.”

The United States, which supports the overthrow of Assad, designated al Nusra a terrorist entity in December. The Obama administration has said it wants to support only those insurgent groups that are not terrorist organizations.

Al Nusra and groups like it have seen some of the most significant victories against Syrian government forces in the course of the 2-year-old uprising in which Assad’s forces have killed about 80,000 people. Rebels not affiliated with al-Qaeda have pressed Washington for months to send weaponry that will allow them to match the heavy weapons of the Syrian army. They’ve urged the West to mount an air campaign against Assad’s mechanized forces.

President Obama refuses to provide any direct military aid. Foreign radical Islamists streaming into the fight from the Middle East and Europe are making headway with the Syrian population by providing services and gaining ground in battles.

Tamer Mouhieddine, spokesman for the Syrian Free Army, a force made up of Syrian soldiers who have defected, said the recent announcements would not change his group’s attitude toward al Nusra.

“The rebels in Syria have one common enemy — Bashar Assad — and they will collaborate with any faction allowing them to topple his regime,” he said.

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Obama authorizes secret support for Syrian rebels

Syrian rebel fighters pose for a picture in Hama July 20, 2012. REUTERS/Shaam News Network/Handout

By Mark Hosenball

WASHINGTON | Wed Aug 1, 2012 9:04pm EDT

(Reuters) – President Barack Obama has signed a secret order authorizing U.S. support for rebels seeking to depose Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and his government, sources familiar with the matter said.

Obama’s order, approved earlier this year and known as an intelligence “finding,” broadly permits the CIA and other U.S. agencies to provide support that could help the rebels oust Assad.

This and other developments signal a shift toward growing, albeit still circumscribed, support for Assad’s armed opponents – a shift that intensified following last month’s failure of the U.N. Security Council to agree on tougher sanctions against the Damascus government.

The White House is for now apparently stopping short of giving the rebels lethal weapons, even as some U.S. allies do just that.

But U.S. and European officials have said that there have been noticeable improvements in the coherence and effectiveness of Syrian rebel groups in the past few weeks. That represents a significant change in assessments of the rebels by Western officials, who previously characterized Assad’s opponents as a disorganized, almost chaotic, rabble.

Precisely when Obama signed the secret intelligence authorization, an action not previously reported, could not be determined.

The full extent of clandestine support that agencies like the CIA might be providing also is unclear.

White House spokesman Tommy Vietor declined comment.


A U.S. government source acknowledged that under provisions of the presidential finding, the United States was collaborating with a secret command center operated by Turkey and its allies.

Last week, Reuters reported that, along with Saudi Arabia and Qatar, Turkey had established a secret base near the Syrian border to help direct vital military and communications support to Assad’s opponents.

This “nerve center” is in Adana, a city in southern Turkey about 60 miles from the Syrian border, which is also home to Incirlik, a U.S. air base where U.S. military and intelligence agencies maintain a substantial presence.

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US and UK urge citizens to flee Yemen as closures used by some to legitimize NSA surveillance

image credit: drsno/Flickr

Madison Ruppert
Activist Post

As the United States and United Kingdom urge citizens and “nonemergency” employees to flee Yemen, some in Washington are using the closures to legitimize increasingly controversial National Security Agency (NSA) surveillance.

Meanwhile, critics have stated that there is no evidence indicating that the NSA’s dragnet surveillance of the phone records of Americans is actually providing unique value to US counterterrorism programs.

The moves came after officials in Washington, D.C. stated that the US intercepted electronic communications in which the current head of al Qaeda allegedly ordered al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) to carry out an attack, according to The New York Times.

The group was reportedly ordered to “carry out an attack as early as this past Sunday,” according to the Times, though no attack has occurred as of yet.

The Obama administration subsequently closed almost two dozen diplomatic missions, issued a worldwide travel alert and told US citizens living in Yemen to leave immediately.

Authorities in the United Kingdom and the United States would not specific how many employees would be affected by the move to withdraw personnel.

Politicians in Washington have been using this news to support the NSA’s surveillance, though most of those claiming this is evidence of the efficacy of spying have been supportive in the past.

“To the members of Congress who want to reform the NSA program, great. If you want to gut it, you make us much less safe, and you’re putting our nation at risk,” Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said on NBC’s “Meet the Press” on Sunday, according to the Guardian.

Graham has made similar claims in the past, saying in early June that he was “glad” the NSA collected Verizon phone records.

“We need to have policies in place that can deal with the threats that exist, and they are real, and they are growing,” he added.

Graham and others made the rounds recently claiming that this latest incident proves all of the critics wrong.

“The NSA program is proving its worth yet again,” Graham said on CNN.

While Graham was happy to claim the discovery of the plot proves the NSA surveillance is working, he also told CBS that the “public acknowledgement of the interception” actually hinder future efforts.

Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.) claimed that the threat serves as a “wake up call.”

“It’s absolutely crazy to say there’s any conspiracy here,” King said on ABC’s “This Week,” according to CBS.

On Monday, Glenn Greenwald suggested just that, in an interview Amy Goodman of Democracy Now.

While the US is “in the midst of one the most intense debates and sustain debates that we’ve had in a very long time” over NSA surveillance, the sudden claims seem to be quite conveniently timed, according to Greenwald.

“And within literally an amount of hours, the likes of Saxby Chambliss and Lindsey Graham join with the White House and Democrats in Congress — who, remember, are the leading defenders of the NSA at this point — to exploit that terrorist threat, and to insist that it shows that the NSA and these programs are necessary,” Greenwald said to Goodman.

Amie Stepanovich, a lawyer with the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC), disputes linking the latest round of terror alerts with the debate surrounding NSA spying.

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minnesotachris minnesotachris

Published on Jun 9, 2013


Government Spying: Should We Be Shocked?
by Ron Paul

Last week we saw dramatic new evidence of illegal government surveillance of our telephone calls, and of the National Security Agency’s deep penetration into American companies such as Facebook and Microsoft to spy on us. The media seemed shocked.

Many of us are not so surprised.

Some of us were arguing back in 2001 with the introduction of the so-called PATRIOT Act that it would pave the way for massive US government surveillance—not targeting terrorists but rather aimed against American citizens. We were told we must accept this temporary measure to provide government the tools to catch those responsible for 9/11. That was nearly twelve years and at least four wars ago.

We should know by now that when it comes to government power-grabs, we never go back to the status quo even when the “crisis” has passed. That part of our freedom and civil liberties once lost is never regained. How many times did the PATRIOT Act need renewed? How many times did FISA authority need expanded? Why did we have to pass a law to grant immunity to companies who hand over our personal information to the government?

It was all a build-up of the government’s capacity to monitor us.

The reaction of some in Congress and the Administration to last week’s leak was predictable. Knee-jerk defenders of the police state such as Senator Lindsey Graham declared that he was “glad” the government was collecting Verizon phone records—including his own—because the government needs to know what the enemy is up to. Those who take an oath to defend the Constitution from its enemies both foreign and domestic should worry about such statements.

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers tells us of the tremendous benefits of this Big Brother-like program. He promises us that domestic terrorism plots were thwarted, but he cannot tell us about them because they are classified. I am a bit skeptical, however. In April, the New York Times reported that most of these domestic plots were actually elaborate sting operations developed and pushed by the FBI. According to the Times report, “of the 22 most frightening plans for attacks since 9/11 on American soil, 14 were developed in sting operations.”

Even if Chairman Rogers is right, though, and the program caught someone up to no good, we have to ask ourselves whether even such a result justifies trashing the Constitution. Here is what I said on the floor of the House when the PATRIOT Act was up for renewal back in 2011: “If you want to be perfectly safe from child abuse and wife beating, the government could put a camera in every one of our houses and our bedrooms, and maybe there would be somebody made safer this way, but what would you be giving up? Perfect safety is not the purpose of government. What we want from government is to enforce the law to protect our liberties.”

What most undermines the claims of the Administration and its defenders about this surveillance program is the process itself. First the government listens in on all of our telephone calls without a warrant and then if it finds something it goes to a FISA court and get an illegal approval for what it has already done! This turns the rule of law and due process on its head.

The government does not need to know more about what we are doing. We need to know more about what the government is doing. We need to turn the cameras on the police and on the government, not the other way around. We should be thankful for writers like Glenn Greenwald, who broke last week’s story, for taking risks to let us know what the government is doing. There are calls for the persecution of Greenwald and the other whistle-blowers and reporters. They should be defended, as their work defends our freedom.


Ron Paul: The Fourth Amendment is Clear

By on June 6, 2013 in National Blog

SPRINGFIELD, Virginia– Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul condemned reports that the Obama Administration is secretly collecting data from the phone calls of millions of Americans:

“I wish I could say I was shocked at the reports the NSA is secretly spying on the private phone calls of millions of Verizon customers. However, this is a predictable result of a government that continues to erode our liberties while promising some glimmering hope of security.

“The Fourth Amendment is clear; it says we should be secure in our persons, houses, papers and effects, and that all warrants must have probable cause.

I opposed and continue to oppose the Patriot Act because I believe it throws the Fourth Amendment right out the window. It is certainly not patriotic to support warrantless wiretaps, blanket ‘metadata’ collection, and spying on innocent American citizens.

“Unfortunately, what is worse than the reports, is knowing that politicians of both parties will continue to defend this practice as necessary to supposedly keep us ‘safe’. We do not have to sacrifice our liberties for security. At times like this, the question must be asked, ‘if we are willing to change our way of life and our very definition of freedom while tolerating the invasive searches at our airports and now of our phone calls, have the terrorists already won?’”


The Huffington Post Canada

NSA Spying On Canadians, CSEC Capable Of Similar Surveillance: Experts

The Huffington Post Canada  |  By Posted: 06/08/2013 2:50 pm EDT

Nsa Spying Canada

Canadians’ private digital information is inevitably being caught up in the U.S.’s massive surveillance dragnet, and Canada’s government has both the capability and the legal loopholes needed to spy on its own citizens as well, experts say.

The Obama administration was rocked this week by revelations that the U.S. National Security Agency collects millions of phone records from Verizon daily, and another report that a secret program called PRISM monitors users’ communications on the networks of numerous tech giants, including Apple, Facebook and Google.

The NSA has obtained direct access to the systems of Google, Facebook, Apple and other US internet giants … which allows officials to collect material including search history, the content of emails, file transfers and live chats,” the Guardian reported.

That has raised concerns among privacy rights advocates that Canadians’ personal information may be getting caught up in the U.S.’s programs. Many experts say there is no “if” here; because of the integrated, international nature of online communication, it’s inevitable Canadians’ communications are being collected as part of the U.S. programs.

“There is no border,” Ronald Deibert, head of the University of Toronto’s Citizen Lab, told the Toronto Star. “The way telecommunication traffic is routed in North America, the fact of the matter is about 90 per cent of Canadian traffic — no one really knows the exact number — is routed through the United States.”

That data passes through “filters and checkpoints” and is “shared with third parties, with law enforcement and of course intelligence agencies that operate in the shadows,” he said.

But Canada may be carrying out its own versions of mass, warrantless surveillance; at the very least, experts say, treaties Canada has signed and clauses in national security laws give Canada’s government the legal leeway to do so.

Unbeknownst to most Canadians, Canada has laws on the books enabling monitoring that are very similar to the controversial provisions of the USA Patriot Act.

Michael Geist, a leading tech law expert, points out in a recent blog posting that section 21 of the Canadian Security Intelligence Act is “arguably similar” to a section of the Patriot Act.

Both do not require probable cause and both can be used to obtain any type of records or any other tangible thing. Moreover, the target of both warrants need not be the target of the national security investigation,” Geist wrote

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) said the court order for telephone records was part of a three-month renewal of an ongoing practice, the Associated Press reported.

“It’s called protecting America,” Feinstein said at a Capitol Hill news conference.

Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) said in a statement:

“This type of secret bulk data collection is an outrageous breach of Americans’ privacy.”

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said he was “glad” the NSA was collecting phone records.“I don’t mind Verizon turning over records to the government if the government is going to make sure that they try to match up a known terrorist phone with somebody in the United States, Graham said in an interview on “Fox and Friends.”

Read Full Article and  See  Additional Photos Here.


GCHQ is to give MPs full details of its links to controversial US internet spying programme

  • NSA’s Prism program launched in 2007 to mine personal data from 9 firms
  • Includes Apple, Facebook, Microsoft, Google, Yahoo, YouTube, Skype, AOL
  • GCHQ has secret deal with America’s NSA to share intelligence
  • Piles pressure on David Cameron as he attends top-secret Bilderberg meet
  • Anonymous leak US government documents, including various from Prism
  • Details of data collection were outlined in classified 41-slide PowerPoint presentation that was leaked by intelligence officer
  • GCHQ will provide a parliamentary committee full details of links with Prism
  • MPs from an intelligence watchdog will seek reassurances from Washington on a visit next week

By Jack Doyle and Steve Nolan


The Government’s eavesdropping agency GCHQ is to give a parliamentary committee full details of its links to a controversial US internet monitoring programme, it has been revealed.

The Intelligence and Security Committee (ISC) will receive a report on claims that it received material through the secret Prism scheme ‘very shortly’, according to chairman Sir Malcolm Rifkind.

He said: ‘The ISC is aware of the allegations surrounding data obtained by GCHQ via the US Prism programme.

‘The ISC will be receiving a full report from GCHQ very shortly and will decide what further action needs to be taken as soon as it receives that information.’

MPs from the ISC will also seek reassurances from Washington that US spies are not snooping on the emails of British webs users on a trip to the US next week.

Sinister powers: Britain's Government Communications Headquarters, based in Cheltenham, Gloucs., is largely responsible for monitoring the phone calls and emails of terror suspects

Sinister powers: Britain’s Government Communications Headquarters, based in Cheltenham, Gloucs., is largely responsible for monitoring the phone calls and emails of terror suspects

The ISC is going on a week long tour of the US and will meet senior figures from US intelligence agencies.

The development comes after it was claimed yesterday that British spies had access to the Prism system.

Secret documents published yesterday suggest the US National Security Agency (NSA) has direct access to data held by internet giants including Microsoft, Google, Yahoo, Facebook, YouTube, Skype and Apple.

The documents – which appear to be slides from a 41-page training presentation for intelligence agents – suggest the agency can access email, photographs, social network information, chat records and other ‘stored data’ held by the companies, as part of its ‘Prism’ project.

They also suggest the British government’s listening centre, GCHQ, has had access to the system since at least June 2010.

The project generated nearly 200 intelligence reports in the 12 months to May 2012, a 137 per cent increase on the previous year.

It is unclear whether other agencies, such as MI5 and MI6, were also involved, meaning the true extent of the snooping could be higher.

A GCHQ spokesman said ‘we do not comment on intelligence matters’, but added: ‘Our work is carried out in accordance with a strict legal and policy framework.’

Privacy campaigners warned that the revelations suggested the creation of a ‘Snooper’s Charter by the back door’.

They come after a proposed plan to pay internet companies to collate user data from UK computers was dropped only last month in the face of opposition from Tory backbenchers and Liberal Democrats.

Pressure: The disclosure will pile pressure on David Cameron to explain how much he knew about the intrusion

Pressure: The disclosure will pile pressure on David Cameron to explain how much he knew about the intrusion as he prepares to attend the secretive Bilderberg conference today, a closed-door meeting that conspiracy theorists already believe is where leaders plot world domination

I know what you're doing this summer: The Obama administration defended the order on Thursday, calling it 'a critical tool in protecting the nation from terrorist threats'

I know what you’re doing this summer: The Obama administration defended the order on Thursday, calling it ‘a critical tool in protecting the nation from terrorist threats’

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper warned of the serious security repercussions that the leak could have going forward

‘Reprehensible’: Director of National Intelligence James Clapper branded the program ‘reprehensible’ and said it risks Americans’ security

Last night Labour called on David Cameron to come clean to MPs on the extent of Britain’s role.

Shadow home secretary Yvette Cooper said: ‘It is important for the UK intelligence community to be able to gather information from abroad including from the United States, particularly in the vital counter-terror work they do.

‘However, there also have to be legal safeguards in place, including proper protection for British citizens’ privacy, proper oversight and checks and balances to make sure intelligence powers are not misused.

‘And the public need confidence that their privacy is being properly respected and protected.

‘That is why the Prime Minister, Home Secretary and Foreign Secretary, and all the intelligence agencies should provide full information to the Intelligence and Security Committee as swiftly as possible, and the ISC should have full support to pursue this and report.’

The Guardian said it obtained the slides from a whistleblowing intelligence officer worried about invasions of privacy.

According to the newspaper, the Prism programme appeared to allow GCHQ to circumvent the formal legal process required to obtain personal material, such as emails, photographs and videos, from internet companies based outside the UK.

Reports by the paper and The Washington Post suggested the FBI and the NSA can tap directly into the central servers of nine leading internet companies.

But a number of them, including Google, Apple, Yahoo and Facebook denied the government had ‘direct access’ to their servers.

Microsoft said it does not voluntarily participate in any government data collection and only complies ‘with orders for requests about specific accounts or identifiers’.

Yet one slide appears to be a timeline of when the companies began to participate in Prism, starting with Microsoft in September 2007 and ending with Apple in October 2012.

According to the reports, Prism was established under President Bush in 2007 and has grown ‘exponentially’ under President Obama.


Facebook and Google insist they did not know of Prism surveillance program

Larry Page and Mark Zuckerberg sharply deny knowledge of Prism until Thursday even as Obama confirms program’s existence

Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook

Mark Zuckerberg called the press reports about the existence of Prism ‘outrageous’. Photograph: Robert Galbraith/Reuters

America’s tech giants continued to deny any knowledge of a giant government surveillance programme called Prism, even as president Barack Obama confirmed the scheme’s existence Friday.

With their credibility about privacy issues in sharp focus, all the technology companies said to be involved in the program issued remarkably similar statements.

All said they did not allow the government “direct access” to their systems, all said they had never heard of the Prism program, and all called for greater transparency.

In a blogpost titled ‘What the…?’ Google co-founder Larry Page and chief legal officer David Drummond said the “level of secrecy” around US surveillance procedures was undermining “freedoms we all cherish.”

“First, we have not joined any program that would give the US government – or any other government – direct access to our servers. Indeed, the US government does not have direct access or a ‘back door’ to the information stored in our data centers. We had not heard of a program called Prism until yesterday,” they wrote.

“Second, we provide user data to governments only in accordance with the law. Our legal team reviews each and every request, and frequently pushes back when requests are overly broad or don’t follow the correct process.”

The Google executives said they were also “very surprised” to learn of the government order made to obtain data from Verizon, first disclosed by the Guardian. “Any suggestion that Google is disclosing information about our users’ internet activity on such a scale is completely false,” they wrote.

Mark Zuckerberg, the founder and CEO of Facebook, described the press reports about Prism as “outrageous”. He insisted that the Facebook was not part of any program to give the US government direct access to its servers.

He said: “Facebook is not and has never been part of any program to give the US or any other government direct access to our servers. We have never received a blanket request or court order from any government agency asking for information or metadata in bulk, like the one Verizon reportedly received. And if we did, we would fight it aggressively. We hadn’t even heard of Prism before yesterday.”

Read Full Article Here


Sen. John McCain, chewing on the raw heart of a Syrian soldier


by Kevin Barrett




According to unconfirmed reports, former Republican presidential candidate and current Senator John McCain has joined al-Qaeda.


Informed sources report that McCain slipped across the Syrian border last night and joined the al-Nusra front, an Israeli-supported al-Qaeda affiliate that is waging war against Syria.


McCain issued the following statement explaining his actions: “In the name of Yahweh, the benevolent, the merciful, I hereby declare allegiance to Sheikh Ayman al-Zawahiri and to the Zionist entity he represents. I have always wanted to grow a beard, cut off some heads, and devour the raw internal organs of my victims, especially since I had a bad experience in a POW camp, so this represents the fulfillment of a lifelong dream. I am grateful to Sheikh al-Zawahiri, Prime Minister Netanyahu, Adam Gadahn, and the other heroic mujewhideen who have made this possible.”


According to terror expert Daniel Pipes, McCain is the highest-level American politician ever to have joined al-Qaeda: “This is a real coup for al-Qaeda. But it wasn’t  unexpected. Now that the State of Israel has openly merged with al-Qaeda, and is bombing Syria on behalf of al-Qaeda operations, I believe we will be seeing more well-known American statesmen follow in the footsteps of Senator McCain.”


Another leading terror expert, Steve Emerson, explained: “More and more US Senators are competing to see who can humiliate themselves the most obsequiously as they grovel at the feet of Israel and Netanyahu. What better way to show your devotion to Israel than by joining its favorite false-flag militia and blowing yourself up?”


Meanwhile, McCain’s colleague Sen. Lindsey Graham introduced a resolution (S. Res 65) supporting al-Qaeda’s right to self-defense, and committing the US to go to war to defend al-Qaeda if it should decide to attack any nation, including the US.


Graham explained: “Al-Qaeda is a branch of Israel, and Israel has the right to attack anyone it wants, including us. That’s why McCain’s father covered up the Israeli massacre of the USS Liberty crew, and it’s why we all covered up Israel’s demolition of the World Trade Center on 9/11. If Israel and its al-Qaeda front group want to blow up any more American skyscrapers, the United States must stand behind them and offer our full support.”


Al-Qaeda spokesman Adam Gadahn welcomed the news of McCain’s decision to wage kosher jihad. “We both have a family tradition of service to Israel. My grandfather was a Director of the ADL, and Senator McCain’s father was the Navy’s highest-ranking Mossad infiltrator. Together, we will make a terrific team as we make Muslims look like homicidal lunatics, while waging kosher jihad against Israel’s enemies in Syria. It’s a win-win situation.”


Meanwhile, back at the White House, an executive branch “disposition matrix” death panel is considering targeting McCain in a drone strike. Polls showed that since McCain joined al-Qaeda, 68% of Americans now favor “taking him out” – a three-point jump since he joined the terrorist group.





File:Senate in session.jpg

Image Source

If  Bill Clinton’s lying about  an indiscretion that  took place in the  White House led  to  Impeachment   proceedings.  Then how can  anyone justify not taking the  same  course of  action  on a  lie and the  cover up of  the  death  of 4 American citizens???

The  consensus thus far had been that  Obama’s  failure to follow through on  campaign promises  was not an  impeachable offense.  The  reason  being that campaign  promises  are  meant to  be  broken  as  they are  just a  means  to an end.  In other words  they  will say  whatever the people  want  to  hear to   get  elected.  The comparison made  on  many  occasions is  that one  cannot compare   what  Clinton did  to  what Obama had  done because   Clinton  lied to  the  People directly  and  under  oath.  Well one wonders what the  excuses will be  now.  Since  Obama and his   administration have  lied at  every turn to   whitewash  the part they played in the death  of  4  Americans.  They  have lied to t he  people directly and they  have lied to   Congress.  I believe under oath is a definite factor to the  latter, is it  not ,  or am  I  mistaken ?

Now going a bit  further  we can couple the cover up  with the  slow and  nefarious enroachment  of the Federal government  upon the Constitutional rights of the  American People. Not only by proxy through pressure or self interest via the  Congress. But also personally via  Executive  orders.  Obama has slapped The People  in the  face  every time he  has sidestepped Congress and or signed  an  order infringing upon  our  rights.  Being a Constitutional  Attorney  apparently has   given him  the delusion that  he can   re-write  it as he  sees fit to mold the Nation to  a  more  acceptable America  than the Founding  Fathers envisioned. 

If the manner in  which  he  has blatantly  lied, forfeited ,calculatedly  twisted the truth and  the  opportunities to utilize  them for the unfolding of a very  personal agenda.  Is not enough, If the statistics of the vanishing middle class as we  watch the growing numbers of working poor and  wealthy  divide  this  Nation.  If  the   looming class  wars and economic devastation are  not enough  .  Then   I  would like someone to tell  me exactly   what  would be  enough to  bring  this man to  heel and remove him  from power!!

~ Desert Rose ~


Huckabee: Benghazi Scandal Will Cost Obama His Presidency


Image: Huckabee: Benghazi Scandal Will Cost Obama His Presidency


Tuesday, 07 May 2013 11:25 AM

By Sandy Fitzgerald and Kenneth Hanner





  • 3

Influential Republicans are setting their sights on toppling the Obama administration as evidence of a cover-up over the assault on the Benghazi consulate gets stronger.

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee is now openly talking about impeachment, saying he does not believe Barack Obama will survive the remaining 3½ years of his presidency.

Urgent: ObamaCare Is About to Strike — Are You Prepared?

“When a president lies to the American people and is part of a cover-up, he cannot continue to govern,” Huckabee said on his radio show Monday.

“As the facts come out, I think we’re going to see something startling. And before it’s over, I don’t think this president will finish his term unless somehow they can delay it in Congress past the next 3½ years.”

Huckabee isn’t alone in his belief that Obama could be toppled. The pressure is growing just as Congressional hearings on the Sept. 11, 2012 attacks that left four Americans dead are due to start on Wednesday.

Rep. Darrell Issa of California, who will chair those hearings as chairman of the House Oversight Committee, said he intends to make the president “come clean.”

“The administration has made a claim that for classified reasons they changed the story,” Issa told Fox News’ Sean Hannity. “We believe right now that may be the biggest lie of all, and we intend on making the president come clean as to, quote, ‘What the classified reasons are that would justify lying to the American people.'”

Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina added to the onslaught against the administration’s handling of the assault.

“Political manipulation is rampant here,” said Graham in an interview with Fox News’ Greta Van Susteren. “The dam’s about to break on Benghazi.”

And former United Nations Ambassador John Bolton told Newsmax’s Steve Malzberg on Monday that he too believes the growing scandal could lead to the “unraveling” of the Obama administration.

Read Full Article Here

Lindsey Graham: don’t read suspect Miranda rights if arrest is made

Republican senator from South Carolina suggests novel idea for how to handle Dzhokhar Tsarnaev if he’s apprehended

lindsey graham reid

Senator Lindsey Graham: ideas man. Photograph: Alex Wong/Getty Images

Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina has a novel idea for how to handle Dzhokhar Tsarnaev if he’s apprehended.

Most people take the supreme court decision in Miranda v Arizona (1966) to be the final word on whether arrestees must be informed of their right to an attorney and to remain silent. They must, the justices decided.

Graham seems to have little time for a mere Supreme Court decision backed by 47 years of law enforcement precedent.

Lindsey Graham @GrahamBlog

  • Verified account

The official Senate Twitter feed for United States Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina).


The last thing we may want to do is read Boston suspect Miranda Rights telling him to “remain silent.”


Graham also thinks that in this case the Obama administration should just punt the whole habeas corpus thing, saying in a tweet that Tsaraev should be “held as an enemy combatant.” This of course before any motive has been established.


Read Full Article Here


Published on Mar 18, 2013

At CPAC 2013, WeAreChange questioned Senator Lindsey Graham on Obama’s Disposition Matrix (kill list) and the ability to use drone strikes on American citizens.


Senator Graham Justifies Murdering Americans, Military Law, and Drone War with Eric Holder 3/6/13


Published on Mar 7, 2013

Read the information at the link below and join the Stop NDAA 2012 group:

NDAA 2012 (H.R. 1540) allows Americans to be classified as unlawful enemy combatants and indefinitely detained by the military, without access to an attorney or a trial by jury, on orders of the executive branch. Amendments to exclude American citizens were rejected by the Obama administration and senate vote (See numerous links below).

Our Congressmen have declared that America is part of the battlefield. As such, President Obama and congress believe the laws of war apply to us. The last time America was declared a military zone President Roosevelt authorized the internment of Americans with Executive Order 9066, issued February 19, 1942.

Sections 1021 and 1022 of the NDAA 2012 allow the indefinite military detention of Americans without due process. Congress needs to repeal sections 1021 and 1022. Call your congressmen today – contact and voting information below.

NDAA 2012 is unconstitutional. Sections 1021 and 1022 repeal the 1st,4th, 5th, 6th, 8th, and 14th amendments to the Constitution. The Constitution is the supreme law of the land and declares our right to due process. No law can supersede it. We have a right to our day in court with a jury of our peers.

U.S. Constitution Article III Section 2

The trial of all crimes, except in cases of impeachment, shall be by jury; and such trial shall be held in the state where the said crimes shall have been committed.

From Oath Keepers:

We will NOT obey any order to detain American citizens as “unlawful enemy combatants” or to subject them to trial by military tribunal.

One of the causes of the American Revolution was the denial of the right to jury trial, the use of admiralty courts (military tribunals) instead, and the application of the laws of war to the colonists. After that experience, and being well aware of the infamous Star Chamber in English history, the Founders ensured that the international laws of war would apply only to foreign enemies, not to the American people. Thus, the Article III Treason Clause establishes the only constitutional form of trial for an American, not serving in the military, who is accused of making war on his own nation. Such a trial for treason must be before a civilian jury, not a tribunal.

The international laws of war do not trump our Bill of Rights. We reject as illegitimate any such claimed power, as did the Supreme Court in Ex Parte Milligan (1865). Any attempt to apply the laws of war to American civilians, under any pretext, such as against domestic “militia” groups the government brands “domestic terrorists,” is an act of war and an act of treason.


Our Declaration of Independence also states our right to trial by jury.

Senator Graham said that America is part of the battlefield, and as such, Americans can be captured, interrogated, and killed with no due process. Senators Graham, Kyl, and McCain say the laws of war (military law) apply to us.

The senators argue the 2001 AUMF is in accordance with 1971 Non-Detention Act and allows Americans to be detained indefinitely without access to an attorney.

Non – Detention Act 1971:

No citizen shall be imprisoned or otherwise detained by the United States except pursuant to an Act of Congress

The senators say the act of congress that allows us to be detained indefinitely is the AUMF 2001. So, no, the paragraph below from NDAA 2012 Section 1021 (d) does not protect you. We are talking about the laws of war applied to American citizens, not criminal law, which includes due process. You can now be considered an unlawful enemy combatant.

(d) CONSTRUCTION.—Nothing in this section is in
tended to limit or expand the authority of the President
or the scope of the Authorization for Use of Military

Senator Kyl on the section D amendment:

Unfortunately, on December 1, when the defense bill was considered on the Senate floor, an amendment was approved that added language providing that the bill does not expand or contract “existing law or authorities.” I opposed this meaningless amendment.


Senator Graham: Under domestic criminal law, we can’t hold someone indefinitely.The only way to do that legally is under the law of war.


Senator Kyl – I ask unanimous consent to have printed in the Record a statement that makes very clear where military detention is necessary: to allow intelligence gathering that will prevent future terrorist attacks against the American people.


US senator says 4,700 killed in drone strikes

Revelation by Lindsey Graham marks the first time any US official has given a number

for drone fatalities.

Last Modified: 21 Feb 2013 12:06

Graham’s office insisted that the senator did not disclose any classified information [EPA]
A US senator has said that an estimated 4,700 people have been killed in America’s secretivedrone war, the first time a government official has offered a total number of fatalities caused

by nearly a decade of drone strikes, local media reported.Republican senator Lindsey Graham,

a staunch supporter of the drone raids, revealed the figure in a speech on Wednesday in his home

state of South Carolina.

“We’ve killed 4,700,” Graham was quoted as saying by the Easley Patch, a local website covering

the small town of Easley. “Sometimes you hit innocent people, and I hate that, but we’re at war,

and we’ve taken out some very senior members of al-Qaeda,” he told the local Rotary Club.

Graham’s office did not dispute his reported remarks, but said that he had not divulged any

classified information.

A spokesman told the AFP news agency that the senator “quoted the figure that has been


reported and disseminated on cable news.”

US officials have sometimes hinted at estimates of civilian casualties, but never referred to an


total body count.

“Now this is the first time a US official has put a total number on it,” said Micah Zenko, a fellow

at the Council on Foreign Relations.

‘Tactical weapon’

If there was an official death toll estimate, it would be classified as secret, he added, raising the

prospect that Graham could have broken secrecy laws.

Several organizations have tried to calculate how many militants and civilians may have been

killed in

drone strikes since 2004 but have arrived at a wide range of numbers.

The figure cited by Graham matches the high end of a tally by the London-based Bureau of

Investigative Journalism. It says the number killed in drone strikes in Pakistan, Yemen and

Somalia is between 3,072 and 4,756.

The Washington-based New America Foundation says there have been 350 US drone strikes

since 2004, most of them during Barack Obama’s presidency. And the foundation estimates the

death toll at between 1,963 and 3,293, with 261 to 305 civilians killed.

US intelligence agencies and the White House have refused to divulge details about the strikes,

which are officially termed classified, but officials have suggested that few if any civilians have

been killed inadvertently.

In confirmation hearings this month for John Brennan, Obama’s nominee to lead the CIA, senator

Dianne Feinstein said she understood that the number of civilians killed was in the “single digits.”

Despite criticism from lawmakers and rights advocates who have questioned the secrecy and the

legality of the drone attacks, Graham defended Obama’s reliance on the unmanned, robotic aircraft.

“It’s a weapon that needs to be used,” Graham said. “It’s a tactical weapon. A drone is an unmanned

aerial vehicle that is now armed.”

The Obama administration has insisted the “targeted killings” are “a last resort” against those plotting

to attack the United States but who cannot be captured.

Opponents, however, say drone strikes amount to extrajudicial assassinations that sow resentment

among local populations and lack oversight by Congress or courts.


Correct  me  if  I am  wrong  Mr Graham, however , I  believe that we  had only

ONE  Commander  in Chief  in 2001  as  well……


Cheney Admits that He Lied about 9/11

Created on Friday, 08 March 2013 18:45


What Else Did He Lie About?

The New York Times

In a documentary soon to appear on Showtime, “The World According to Dick Cheney,”

[Cheney said]  “I got on the telephone with the president, who was in Florida, and told him

not to be at one location where we could both be taken out.” Mr. Cheney kept W. flying

aimlessly in the air on 9/11 while he and Lynn left on a helicopter for a secure undisclosed

location, leaving Washington in a bleak, scared silence, with no one reassuring the nation in

those first terrifying hours.

“I gave the instructions that we’d authorize our pilots to take it out,” he says, referring to

the jet headed to Washington that crashed in a Pennsylvania field. He adds: “After I’d given

the order, it was pretty quiet. Everybody had heard it, and it was obviously a significant moment.”

When they testified together before the 9/11 Commission, W. and Mr. Cheney kept up a pretense

 that in a previous call, the president had authorized the vice president to give a shoot-down

order if needed. But the commission found “no documentary evidence for this call.”

In other words, Cheney pretended that Bush had authorized a shoot-down order, but Cheney

now admits that he never did … and Cheney acted as if he was the president on 9/11.

Cheney lied about numerous other facts related to 9/11 as well.  For example, Cheney:….

Read  Full Post  Here



USA Has A History Of Attacking Themselves To Go To War!


Uploaded on Feb 3, 2010

http://www.RevolutionNews.us — This film exposes how every major war in US history was based on a complete fraud with video of insiders themselves admitting it. Battleship Maine, Sinking of the Lusitania, Pearl Harbor, Gulf of Tonkin, USS Liberty (not covered in this clip), 911 … The film is “The New American Century”.

be sure to watch this video as well: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aepfsJ

This film goes in detail through the untold history of The Project for the New American Century with tons of archival footage and connects it right into the present.

This film exposes how every major war in US history was based on a complete fraud with video of insiders themselves admitting it. This film shows how the first film theaters in the US were used over a hundred years ago to broadcast propaganda to rile the American people into the Spanish-American War.

This film shows the white papers of the oil company Unocal which called for the creation of a pipeline through Afghanistan and how their exact needs were fulfilled through the US invasion of Afghanistan. This film shows how Halliburton under their “cost plus” exclusive contract with the US Government went on a mad dash spending spree akin to something out of the movie Brewster’s Millions, yet instead of blowing $30 million they blew through BILLIONS by literally burning millions of dollars worth of hundred thousand dollar cars and trucks if they had so much as a flat tire.

“A stunning film. It should be seen as widely as possible, in cinemas, bars, clubs, at meetings and, of course, through the internet. I’m sure the film will continue to be a source of debate and political education for many years.

Maybe until the war criminals have been brought to trial.” – Ken Loach

While Massimo Mazzuccos first political documentary, GLOBAL DECEIT (2006), focused on the long list of inconsistencies in the official version of the 9/11 attacks, THE NEW AMERICAN CENTURY explores the historical, philosophical and economic background that suggests a matrix for such events that is much closer to home than the so-called “Islamic terrorism”.

The film provides solid evidence for the true reasons behind the Afghanistan and Iraq wars, whose unfolding is described in chilling detail in a document called “Project for the New American Century”, published in the year 2,000, that seems to have served as the actual blueprint for such dramatic events.

Watch the entire film:



The Lusitania – Pretext for WW1
Pearl Harbour – Pretext for WW2
Gulf of Tonkin – Pretext for Vietnam War
USS Liberty – Israeli attack on USS Liberty – Pretext to bring the USA into Israel’s war with Egypt (Fail) resulting in 34 unnecessary US deaths and 141 casualties
9/11 Pretext for war with Iraq and Afghanistan
What’s next? USS Enterprise as a pretext for war? USA + Israel vs Iran + Russia + China? India vs Pakistan?
All the above with the exception of the USS Enterprise (as yet) have been false flag or attacks with foreknowledge used as pretexts for war with the exception of the USS Enterprise. This is how the USA gain public support for war with countries that have never posed a threat to America.

Iran haven’t acted as the aggressor with any country for over 200 years so why would they start now? But the USA and Israel’s war drums are beating.

When are America and Israel going to cease their endless aggression with the rest of the world? Even when they are not physically warmongering they are still quite happy bankrupting nations with their worthless fiat currency. Concerns about the soundness of U.S. credit and financial markets in 2008 led to tightening credit around the world and slowing economic growth in the U.S. and Europe.


Internment of Americans of Japanese Descent during WWII

Heather Wokusch

Uploaded on Nov 26, 2011

Over 100,000 Japanese Americans were put into “internment camps” during WWII, a crucial yet often overlooked part of US history. We are joined by Madeleine Sugimoto, whose family was sent to Camp Jerome; this segment also features the paintings of her father, Henry Y. Sugimoto, documenting life inside the camps. From “The Broader Implications of War,” a series directed and co-produced by Gloria Messer for the Manhattan Neighborhood Network. Host and co-producer: Heather Wokusch.


Third Reich Began Persecutions
Years Before Laws Enacted in 1935

The Nuremberg Laws made official the Nazi persecution of the Jews, but the “legal” attack on the Jews actually began two years earlier.

After the Nazis took power in Germany in 1933, they became increasingly engaged in activities involving the persecution of the Jewish and other minority populations. They did it under the color of law, using official decrees as a weapon against the Jews.

In 1933 Jews were denied the right to hold public office or civil service positions; Jewish immigrants were denaturalized; Jews were denied employment by the press and radio; and Jews were excluded from farming. The following year, Jews were excluded from stock exchanges and stock brokerage.

During these years, when the Nazi regime was still rather shaky and the Nazis feared opposition from within and resistance from without, they did nothing drastic, and the first measures appeared, in relative terms, rather mild.

After Germany publicly announced in May 1935 its rearmament in violation of the Versailles Treaty, Nazi party radicals began more forcibly demanding that Hitler, the party, and the government take more drastic measures against the Jews. They wanted to completely segregate them from the social, political, and economic life of Germany. These demands increased as the summer progressed.

On August 20, 1935, the U.S. embassy in Berlin reported to the secretary of state:

To sum up the Jewish situation at the moment, it may be said that the whole movement of the Party is one of preparing itself and the people for general drastic and so-called legal action to be announced in the near future probably following the Party Congress to be held in Nuremberg beginning on September 10th. One has only to review the statements made by important leaders since the end of the Party’s summer solstice to realize the trend of affairs.

Read Full Report  Here