Tag Archive: Bloomberg

Threatening letters referencing gun control efforts were sent to the president and the mayor

By Jonathan Dienst and Pete Williams
|  Friday, May 31, 2013  |  Updated 11:29 AM EDT
A person of interest is being questioned in connection with threatening letters sent to President Barack Obama, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and his anti-gun group, according to law enforcement officials. Jonathan Dienst reports.

NBC 4 New York

A person of interest is being questioned in connection with threatening letters sent to President Barack Obama, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and his anti-gun group, according to law enforcement officials. Jonathan Dienst reports.


A person of interest is being questioned in connection with threatening letters sent to President Barack Obama, Mayor Bloomberg and the mayor’s anti-gun group, according to law enforcement officials.

Authorities were questioning the Texas man to see if he had information related to the threatening letters, which were similar in content and bore the same postmark on the envelopes. Two of them, sent to Bloomberg and Mark Glaze, the director of the anti-gun group, have tested positive for poisonous ricin. Officials were testing the letter addressed to Obama to see if it contained ricin as well.

The man is described as an Army veteran who is a contractor with the Department of Defense. He has connections to Shreveport, La., where the letters were postmarked, but is not considered a suspect at this time, several officials said.

The interview with the man is just one possible lead in the case, and officials emphasize the development is still part of the early stages of their investigation.

The threatening letter mailed to Obama was received Wednesday at an off-site facility and did not reach the White House, according to the Secret Service.

“This letter has been turned over to the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force for testing and investigation,” said Brian Leary, a Secret Service spokesman.

The text of the mailings threatened: “what’s in this letter is nothing compared to what I’ve got planned for you,” police and law enforcement sources said. A photo of the letter sent to Bloomberg, obtained by NBC 4 New York, is pictured below.

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Wed, 06 Feb 2013 11:56 CST

© Reuters / Kevin Lamarque

Graduate student borrowers are defaulting on almost US$1 billion in federal loans that were given out to the poor. US colleges such as Yale, Penn State and George Washington are coming after them in the courts, suing for nonpayment.

All three colleges have pursued lawsuits against students who defaulted on their Perkins loans. The exact number of lawsuits is not known, but just last year alone the University of Pennsylvania filed at least a dozen lawsuits over the Federal Perkins Loan, Bloomberg reported.

Colleges are suing to collect unpaid Perkins Loans, given out by individual colleges to students who demonstrate extreme financial hardship.

Colleges depend on repayment of money to finance the new Perkins loans and so when graduates fail to pay back the borrowed sum, the current students are put at risk of not receiving new loans.

Between June 2010 and 2011 students defaulted on $964 million in Perkins loans, 20 per cent more than five years ago, Bloomberg reports.

The result is that the colleges go after the students in courts to collect the money.

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Ben Bernake

Trea-son [tree-zuhn]: The betrayal of one’s own country by waging war against it or by consciously or purposely acting to aid its enemies. Source

Daisy Luther, Contributor
Activist Post

If Patriots had a “most wanted” list, these people would be at the top of it.

The alleged crimes of this Dirty Dozen? Betraying the American people from within by wantonly dismantling the Constitution, collapsing the economy, and creating an encroaching police state that rewards the few and restricts the many. Each and every person on this list could rightfully be investigated for Treason against the United States of America.

This Gallery of Dishonor is by no means inclusive. It contains, in alphabetical order, some of the most despicable but certainly not all.

Meet the Patriot’s Most Wanted:

Ben Bernanke

Ben Bernanke, collapsing the economy since 2006. He became the Chairman of the Federal Reserve under Bush and has maintained his appointment under Obama (unusual in that a Republican appointment continued to serve under a Democrat president). Mr. QE-to-Infinity has recently received a license to print money indefinitely to institute the most recent round of Quantitative Easing, which Senator Ron Paul referred to as a “full-time counterfeiting operation”. Unfortunately the only ones eased by this are the members of the Big Banking Cartel –everyday folks need not apply. Under Bernanke’s leadership, the “too-big-to-fail” banks were financially bailed out, while the average American was left to flounder as housing values plummeted, mortgages were defaulted on and personal bankruptcies skyrocketed.

Michael Bloomberg

New York City’s very own soda pop Nazi, Mayor Michael Bloomberg has made a career out of micromanaging the lives of the citizens of the city. Bloomberg has decided that he must take control of the health of New York City residents and has done so by disallowing the sale of sugary beverages over 16 ounces. He also had NYC hospitals lock up baby formula and track when formula is dispensed in an effort to coerce new mothers to exclusively breastfeed. And speaking of new mothers, there have been numerous quiet sexual harassment lawsuits filed against Bloomberg by women under his employ, dating back to 1997, when a female employ described telling Bloomberg of an unplanned pregnancy, to which he allegedly responded “Kill it!” and “Great, number 16!” (Not treason, but saying that type of thing would certainly be indicative of a man’s character.) Back to treason, last summer, Bloomberg stated the NYPD officers should go on strike until the citizens voluntarily disarmed themselves. Under his “leadership” New York City has the strictest gun laws in the state, requiring permits, licensing and registration. This left the citizenry largely disarmed and unable to protect themselves in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. Never one to let a good crisis go to waste, Bloomberg rounded up celebrities to put together a propaganda video calling out for even more gun control just days after the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

George W. Bush

It was under the watch of erstwhile President Bush that the largest terrorist act in American history took place in our own airspace on September 11, 2001. This inside job was rapidly followed by the “Patriot Act” – in truth the most unpatriotic legislation that had existed up to that point and the first serious blow suffered by the Constitution. The Patriot Act was rolled out to save America from terrorists, allowing surveillance and invasions of privacy without the hassle of pesky little inconveniences like probable cause and search warrants. Bush and 7 of his cohorts (Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and their legal advisers Alberto Gonzales, David Addington, William Haynes, Jay Bybee and John Yoo) were find guilty in absentia last year in Malaysia, convicted of war crimes, including torture and cruel, inhumane and degrading treatment in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Hillary Clinton

Long-suffering wife of former President Bill Clinton, former Senator from New York and current Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton has had a varied political career. Recently on the hook for the Benghazi massacre, in which 4 Americans lost their lives due to negligence, she has been in the hotseat numerous other times. A noted warmonger, she has been accused of lying to Congress about the Iraq War and Saddam Hussein, she has consistently expressed her belief that Iran is a nuclear threat to the United States and has been fingered by Wikileaks for ordering spying on UN Officials. Other possible lapses in integrity include allegations of lying to the FEC about contributions, the hiring of unsavory advisor Sandy Berger (a convicted felon) and substantial financial involvement with pharmaceutical companies, whose causes she champions.

Jon Corzine

Neck deep in government and banking, Jon Corzine was accused of using 1.6 billion dollars of customer money to cover his company’s shortfalls. Yes, 1.6 BILLION. Shortly thereafter, the company, MF Global filed for bankruptcy and that money has completely vaporized. A House Congressional hearing found the former New Jersey senator and governor at fault for the failure of the company, but he has managed to evade criminal charges. (Could that be related to the fact that Eric Holder’s former law firm represented Corzine’s now-defunct company?)


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