Tag Archive: Welfare

900,000 Reasons Obamacare Is Bad: Moving Americans from Work to Welfare

Medicaid Food Stamps Waiting Room



A new study from the National Bureau of Economic Research by professors from Columbia University, Northwestern University, and the University of Chicago argues that, as a result of Obamacare, between half a million and 900,000 Americans may leave the workforce and receive welfare. The bill grants free or heavily subsidized public health insurance to hundreds of thousands of working Americans who are not currently eligible.

Americans who currently remain employed in order to receive health insurance may decide to leave the workforce when insurance is provided to them by Obamacare. According to the report, this would cause a decline in the aggregate employment rate of 0.3–0.6 percentage points, posing significant harm to a still-recovering economy.

This growth in the welfare state would represent just another step the Administration has taken toward encouraging dependence. As Heritage experts Robert Rector and Katherine Bradley note, “Government should encourage constructive behaviors leading to self-reliance and prosperity rather than rewarding counterproductive behaviors leading to costly dependence and poverty.”


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Bernie Marcus, Home Depot Co-Founder: Obamacare Will ‘Kill Off Small Business’ (VIDEO)

The Huffington Post  |  By Posted: 04/11/2013 7:40 pm EDT


Rather than serve as a cure-all for a broken health care system, Obamacare will be a harbinger of death, says Home Depot co-founder Bernie Marcus. The death of main street, that is.

Rising costs from providing expanded health care coverage under the Affordable Care Act will be too much to bear for mom and pop operations, Marcus told Newsmax TV Thursday at a summit for Job Creators Alliance, a group he established after retiring from and severing ties with Home Depot in 2002.

“Obamacare is going to kill off small business,” Marcus said, while simultanesouly criticizing other forms of government regulation, such as Dodd-Frank and the Environmental Protection Agency. Such programs, he argues, only stand in the way of small business growth.


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Patrick Wintour
The Guardian

© Photograph: Olivia Harris/REUTERS
The government says it is ‘investing in tackling the root causes of child poverty through making work pay’.

Government admits statistic that Labour says shows children are victims of Tory ‘games’ and ‘economic failure’.

The squeeze on tax credits and benefits will push a further 200,000 children into poverty, the government has admitted for the first time. It suggests a total of a million extra children will be in poverty as a result of government welfare measures.

Ministers have said they no longer regard the relative child poverty statistics as a useful or valid measure.

The extra 200,000 children in poverty figure stems from the government’s decision to lift most in-work and out-of-work benefits by only 1% over the next three years instead of increasing them in line with inflation.

Ministers had been reluctant to state what the impact would be on child poverty, an official government measure that looks at the number of households with incomes at 60% or below the national average household income.

But in an answer to a parliamentary question, work and pensions minister Esther McVey estimated that “the uprating measures in 2013-14, 2014-15 and 2015-16 will result in around an extra 200,000 children being deemed by this measure to be in relative income poverty compared to uprating benefits by CPI [consumer price index]”.

Ministers are trying to push through the benefit squeeze with just one day of debate for the committee stage and third reading of the welfare benefits uprating bill in the House of Commons next Monday.

Labour said the figures showed children were victims of Tory “political games”. Ed Balls, the shadow chancellor, said: “The true character of this Conservative-led government has now been exposed. While they give the richest 2% of earners a £3bn tax cut, 200,000 children will be pushed into poverty and millions of working families made worse off.


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