Tag Archive: Water


Relief Efforts Underway in Devastated Philippine Areas

  • Philippine and U.S. military personnel prepare to load relief goods on a U.S. C-130 plane for victims of Typhoon Haiyan, Villamor Air Base, Nov. 11, 2013.
Simone Orendain

At the Villamor Air Force Base in Manila, C130 planes filled with relief goods are headed to one of the hardest hit cities, Tacloban in Leyte Province.

Some relief organizations say their provisions are taking three times longer to get there because so many land routes have been blocked by massive piles of debris from fallen houses and trees.

On the other side of the air field, around 400 people are waiting for a chance to catch a ride on one of the planes headed toward the devastation zone.

Among them is Tito Lucinareo, a father of two boys from a small town 25 kilometers outside Tacloban. He says he did manage to get a call through to one of his brothers who said the children survived the storm. But Lucinareo is not sure if they have food.

He says, “You think about whether your child is eating. Is he hungry? He likes to eat, especially biscuits.”

Lucinareo, his brother and cousins packed bags full of food that they plan to take to their hometown on foot.

Some in Tacloban have resorted to looting with reports of grocery stores and shopping malls being ransacked by people in search of food and clean water. The government said Sunday it would send additional military and police personnel to try to restore order.


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Cleanup begins on Skagit River Bridge collapse

Vehicles removed from Skagit River Bridge collapse

I-5 Skagit River bridge cleanup

Credit: KING

A crane pulls a car out of the Skagit River in Mount Vernon, Wash., May 27, 2013. The car was one of three vehicles that ended up in the water after a section of the Interstate 5 bridge collapsed.




by KING 5 News

Posted on May 27, 2013 at 9:09 AM

Updated today at 10:00 AM

A crane on a barge pulled a trailer out of the water early Monday morning and it was expected to remove a car and pickup truck later in the day.
The Washington State Department of Transportation said the operation will be done carefully due to uncertainty over the stability of the wreckage.

An excavator will start cutting into the mangled steel Monday. It acts like a giant pair of scissors, but WSDOT says there is still a lot of pressure on the steel, so the right pieces need to be cut for safety.

Drivers have started getting used to the new detours around the I-5 closure, but WSDOT is advising that anyone going through the area should plan to add at least an extra hour to their trip.

A temporary replacement bridge is expected to be installed as early as mid-June. The four lanes will be narrower and the speed limit will be reduced. No oversized vehicles like the one that triggered the collapse will be allowed on the temporary bridge.



Earth Watch Report  –  Flooding

Soldiers use boats to rescue thousands from submerged villages in Pakistan.


Published on Feb 28, 2013

Soldiers use boats to rescue thousands from submerged villages in Pakistan.

28.02.2013 Flash Flood Pakistan MultiStates, [States of Punjab and Capital City region] Damage level Details

Flash Flood in Pakistan on Thursday, 28 February, 2013 at 06:23 (06:23 AM) UTC.

The torrential rain and hailstorm accompanied by gusty wind created troubles for citizens, inundated roads, streets and low-lying areas, causing power outages and massive traffic jams in the city here on Wednesday. Similarly, the water level at seasonal nullahs as well as Nullah Leh rose, sending shockwaves to those residing at the banks. Reportedly two people drowned into Nullah at Kalma Chowk, however, the Rescue 1122 divers fished out both the victims alive and shifted them to nearby hospital for medical treatment. The rainwater also entered the hospitals damaging the machinery and other instruments. The business activities in various parts of the city remained low while the sale of chicken soup, pakoras, samosas, dry fruits and tea and coffee was high as huge rush of customers could be witnessed outside the outlets. According to Met Officer officials, the rain and wind brought down temperatures from 15 degrees Celsius minimum to 9 degrees Celsius minimum. In Rawalpindi 36mm rain was recorded, the Met Office officials told TheNation. The under construction Pirwadhai Flyover, Mareer Chowk Tunnel and the incomplete service roads of 6 th Road Flyover were also filled with rain water. This also blocked traffic for hours.It was a bad day for motorists as they had to steer through hailstorm making driving a nightmare and causing thick traffic jams at several places. The wind also blew water tanks, Satellite Dishes, tin rooftops on mud houses in Faizabad, Dhoke Ratta, Dhoke Hassu, Fauji Colony, Pirwadhai, Dhoke Chiraghdin, Nadeem Colony and areas along Nullah Leh away. The heavy rain raised the water level at Leh Nullah. The nullah rose to 12 feet at Gowalmandi and 13 feet at Katarian Bridge at IJ Principal Road. As a result, the low-lying areas along flooded with rainwater. The mostly people spent restless day in fear of flood in nullah but the water receded in evening. However, in inner parts of the city, the people through out busy in draining rainwater from their houses especially at Iqbal Road, College Road, Gowalmandi, Mohanpura, Ratta, Ghazni Road and others. The rainwater also entered the basement of Holy Family Hospital (HFH) and newly constructed Rawalpindi Institute of Cardiology (RIC). The sewerage water at HFH and RIC entered in the buildings and created problem for the patients and staff.

At Holy Family Hospital (HFH), the basement, which housed X-Ray department, laboratory, burn unit and mortuary, flooded with sewerage water. The administration searched the main hurdle and found that main cause of water accumulation was the mesh installed at main drain which discharged in Leh Nullah to stop entering rats and rodents. It took eight hours to hospital staff to clear the sewerage water from the basement. As a result, the staff stopped conducting X-rays and laboratory tests for one day and referred the patients to outside the hospital to private laboratories. At Rawalpindi Institute of Cardiology (RIC) opted to close down the main gates of the hospital and did not allow the patients to Outdoor Patients as the knee deep water. “The Water and Sanitation Agency (WASA) is working on construction of Nullah to drain sewerage from the hospital but it is on slow pace,” said an official of the hospital.

Natural Antibiotics as Close as Your Pantry

Independent Living News


Food network star Alton Brown often says the only single-task tool you should have in your kitchen is a fire extinguisher. I wholeheartedly agree.

Of course, he’s talking about cooking. What I’m talking about is being prepared in case an emergency cuts you off from essential services like medical care, transportation, power, or water. And the good news here is that a lot of kitchen items you keep in your pantry for food prep or under the sink for cleanup can actually help you cope in times of emergency.

In today’s Ready-for-Anything Report, I share 5 items you should always keep in or near your kitchen. They’re useful for everyday tasks, but in an emergency they do double-duty.

Vinegar: Vinegar is excellent for making tasty salad dressings and sauces for everything from pasta to pork roast. But vinegar’s usefulness goes way beyond that.
You can use vinegar to keep your home clean and sanitary. In any sort of a breakdown, hygiene and a clean home become more important than ever – it’s the first line of defense against disease, which often follows in the wake of a disaster or social breakdown.You can use vinegar to clean sink drains, to clear away mildew, and to deodorize just about anything.

You can make sure produce is safe to eat by washing it in a mix of vinegar and water. Adding four tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to a gallon of water makes a sanitizing wash that’s good for fruits and vegetables – it will remove pesticides and nasty germs.

You can also use vinegar to treat mild ailments. Dabbing a cotton ball soaked in vinegar on minor burns or insect bites relieves pain and itching. Mix equal parts vinegar and honey and take a tablespoon every four hours to relieve a sore throat and cough. Vinegar is cheap and lasts a long time in storage. Stock up!

Honey: Honey’s good for adding to tea or for sweetening a bowl of oatmeal, but you can do a lot more with it than that. This sweet, golden substance can be a real lifesaver when it comes to health issues. During any sort of social breakdown that makes it more difficult to get medical care, infection becomes an important concern.

Honey can help. It works as a natural antiseptic. You can apply honey to cuts and abrasions to prevent infection.

You can also use honey to treat the symptoms of many mild illnesses. For example, mix honey with lemon juice to help soothe a sore throat.

It’s an unpleasant topic, but during times of unrest, you’re also more at risk of picking up parasites. Drinking honey mixed with vinegar and water can clear most parasites out of your system.


cooking on a fire

cooking on a fire (Photo credit: rubber bullets)

English: My own file, freely available

English: My own file, freely available (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The  Survivalist  Blog .net

by M.D. Creekmore on 03/21/2011 ·

Has anyone tried canning over an open fire? How did you set it up and are there any recommendations or thing to avoid?


My grandmother used to can over an open fire in a metal 55 gallon drum that had been cut in half down the center with supporting legs welded underneath. She would build a fire under it and bring the water to a boil, I can still remember the rumbling of those Mason jars as the water churned around them.

Today, I use an old metal wash tub (not galvanized) that I found at a dump. I raise it off the ground with concrete blocks and build a fire under it to boil the water.

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The Survivalist Blog.net

by Guest Blogger on 11/02/2012 ·

This guest post is by I’m A Prep Kat and entry in our non-fiction writing contest .

I know we have a lot of seasoned canners in the Pack. This article is aimed at the few who are afraid to jump in or are just starting out. Home canning is such a wonderful way to store food for later. Anyone can do it – you just need to learn to do it safely.

We grow and can food for many reasons; to keep our abundant harvest, to save money, to ensure healthy food for our families by avoiding additives or chemicals in packaging, and many more reasons. As we think about canning as a means to preserve food, a reminder about safe canning and storing of food is never out-of-order.

How does canning preserve food?

Home canning, when done correctly, preserves food by removing oxygen, killing bacteria and microorganisms and preventing the growth of yeasts and molds. It is one of the best methods to keep your harvest.

Following safe canning methods and recipes is the only way to lessen the incidences of food poisoning. One of the most dangerous forms of food poisoning is caused by Clostridium botulinum. These bacteria can exist dormant in the soil for many years, and when the conditions are right can multiply rapidly and produce a deadly toxin.

It likes to grow in moist, low acid foods with low levels of oxygen. Improperly handled and processed food jars are the perfect environment for botulinum spores to grow. Washing food before canning can reduce, but not eliminate the spores on the surface of food.

Since botulinum spores can survive boiling water, pressure canning, where tempratures reache at least 240 degrees F and pressures reach 10 to 15 pounds per square inch, needs to be used when canning low some foods. There is no safe method for water bath canning meat and vegetables. Grandma may have done it, but we know now that you must use a pressure canner for low acid foods.

A few simple guidelines to remember are:

1. Make sure you are using up-to-date methods and recipes

The decision to use a water bath canner or a pressure canner depends on the acidity of the food to be canned. Acid foods contain enough acid to prevent the growth of unwanted bacteria. These foods include most fruits and tomatoes (although some tomato varieties need to have acid added). Low acid foods, such as meat, seafood and most vegetables do not have enough acid to safely water bath can them.

The method of packing the jars with food is also dependent on the acidity of foods. Most acid foods that will be water bath canned need to be hot packed. That is, the food needs to be hot, and it needs to be placed into jars that are still hot from being sterilized in boiling water. Most low acid foods can be packed either hot or raw.


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Published on Oct 14, 2012 by

A small but affordable rain catchment system that anyone can make, This video is to motivate you to come up with a water plan even if its very small and not very complicated. Figure your plan out now. DO NOT PUT IT OFF.

Crossroads News : Changes In The World Around Us And Our Place In It

Mysterious Phenomena

 Hundreds of residents in Yekaterinburg, Russia reported that the small river named Olkhovka, suddenly turned to steam.

into a stream of hot water.

“The water is really hot. The shore of the river is littered with dead fish,” a professor from a local university stated.

The local urban traffic control service reported the problem. According to them, most likely, somewhere there was a gust of hot water supply line.  Then the water flowed into the river, and then into the pond. But a solution to this problem is difficult.

“There are specialists. The problem is that when the river connects to the pond, the water flows through a tunnel, and no one knows exactly where there was a rush,“ said Russian urban traffic control dispatchers.

Possible sources for the hot stream could belong to the “Sverdlovsk Heat Supply Company” (TGC unit number 9), MUP “Ekaterinburgenergo” or the SvRW. All three organizations have to follow the course of the river, which originates in the 7 keys, its backbone. But all three organizations have denied any involvement to the problem.

If it is indeed proven that the extremely hot stream has a man made explanation and they find out who is responsible, the situation may be subject to the criminal proceedings with the environmental prosecutor’s office.


Published on Sep 8, 2012 by

Witness the almost unbelievable phenomenon Hundreds of residents of the center of Yekaterinburg – Olkhovka small river flowing near USURT urban pond (area of ​​streets and Kolmogorov operator), suddenly turned into a stream of hot water.

“Water is really hot. All shore littered with dead fish “- describes what he saw on our portal E1 user” professor. ”

In urban traffic control service «URA.Ru» reported that in the course of this problem. According to them, most likely, somewhere there was a gust of hot water supply line, and now the water flows into the river, and then into the pond. But how to eliminate the cause of PE is not present. “Yesterday and today, there are specialists. The problem is that the river to the confluence of the pond flows through the tunnel, and no one knows exactly where there was a rush “, – the dispatchers.

Formal source of the hot stream can serve as a network “Sverdlovsk Heat Supply Company” (TGC unit number 9), MUP “Ekaterinburgenergo” and SvRW. All three organizations have to follow the course of the river, which originates in the 7 keys, its backbone. But as long as 100% say that “it is not their impulse” could only STK.

If it is indeed proven that hot stream has communal nature and find out who is to blame, the situation may be subject to the proceedings with the environmental prosecutor’s office.

 Health And Wellness Report

Medical Research  :  Water

(ANI): The common belief that people should drink eight glasses or two litres of water a day is a myththat needs debunking, a Melbourne academic says.

The new Australian recommendations suggest an adequate daily fluid intake is about 2.8 litres for women and 3.4 litres for men.

However, this includes fluid found in food and beverages.

La Trobe University lecturer Spero Tsindos said that people could get their daily fluid intake from fruit, vegetables, juices and even tea and coffee.

If you’re feeling thirsty then drink by all means a beverage. It doesn’t have to be water, News.com.au quoted Tsindos as writing in the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health.

I’m not saying you shouldn’t drink water. I’m saying the need to drink two litres of water on a regular basis is a complete myth.

We should be telling people that beverages like tea and coffee contribute to a persons fluid needs and despite their caffeine content, do not lead to dehydration, Tsindos said.

He said that drinking a large quantity of water in one sitting to reach the daily intake level was pointless because it would not be distributed where it was needed. It would just dilute the urine.

Drinking large amounts of water to lose weight would not work either without a low-calorie diet, he emphasized.

There is further evidence that water and a well-balanced diet does far more than water alone, Tsindos wrote.

Water is important for health, however, the recommendation of eight glasses of pure water a day appears an overestimation of requirements, he said.

The eight glasses a day notion may have stemmed from guidelines published in the US in 1945, Tsindos wrote.

The National Academy of Sciences had recommended that about 2.5 litres of water should be consumed daily. (ANI)

Water: Sacred And Mysterious Life Substance 

MessageToEagle.com – Water covers about 70% of the earth’s surface. From oceans, lakes and rivers, to snow packed mountains and valleys, it moves around the earth in a cycle. During which time, it has not only remained the same amount of water for over two billion years, it is still the same water.

This means that the water you are drinking now could contain the same molecules that dinosaurs drank.

During a 100 year period, a molecule spends around 98 years in the ocean, 20 months as ice, about two weeks in rivers and lakes, and less than a week in the atmosphere.

Water is the only natural substance on earth found in three forms: liquid, solid and gas.

Unlike other liquids, water expands when frozen. Yet, while frozen, weighs around 9% less than water which is why ice floats.

Of all the water on our planet, around 97% is salt water and only around 3% is fresh. Two-thirds of that is ice. Approximately 1.6% of water is locked up in polar ice caps and glaciers, 0.36% in underground aquifers and wells while 0.036% is in lakes and rivers.

The rest is either floating in air as clouds or water vapour, or locked up in plants and animals. Our bodies are 65%-70% water. Besides that, there is several billion gallons of water sitting on a shelf at any one time.


Without water, life could not exist.So it is no wonder that through out history it has been revered in every culture in one way or another.

Not just because without it life couldn’t exist. But because somehow we all know it has many more mysteries to reveal.

There were ancient cultures that understood water as the blood running through the veins of Mother Earth.

Holy texts speak with great meaning of blessings and baptisms by water.

Artists have been so struck by it’s magnificence and beauty, they have reproduced it’s many facets onto canvas.


They have photographed it, wrote poems and stories about it. From the elixir of life, to the power of thrashing waves against rocks during a storm; Water has proved just as beautifully versatile in art as it is in Nature.

This magical natural substance known in science as H20.

In small amounts, water appears colourless, but has in fact, the faintest tint of blue that only becomes apparent in greater quantities.

The chemical and mineral compositions of our blood, and saline fluids have an amazing similarity to seawater, and despite needing fresh water, we do still need salt. Where fresh water is sparse. Nature has evolved to solve, and penguins are one of the few marine birds which can convert salt water into freshwater by means of a gland which removes sodium chloride from their bloodstream.

In small amounts we ingest water to live. In vast amounts, it is home to some of Nature’s amazing creations, some still waiting to be discovered.

Whether we are reading about water in a science paper, taking in it’s chemical properties and it’s place in the scheme of things, or gazing in awe at the sea reaching out across the miles to meet the horizon, none of us could fail to see the wonder and magic of this amazing life giving substance.

Don’t forget that none has revealed as many of it’s secrets as Masaru Emoto who has shown the world that water is not only alive, it has a memory and many more mysteries to reveal.

It is a living, breathing entity that is just as aware of us, as we are of it, and it has a message for us…

Written by Jedda Challenger – MessageToEagle.com Contributor

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World’s First High-Tech Underwater “Wonder” Alien-Like SeaOrbiter!