Tag Archive: volcano

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Indonesia: Mount Bromo erupts, spews ash high into the sky

Tengger Caldera. Mt Bromo crater is smoking at left, Batok cone in centre.
Semeru volcano is in the distance (right).

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Main vent of Whakaari/White Island in 2000  Wikipedia.org



Volcano Activity New Zealand Bay of Plenty, [White Island Volcano] Damage level Details



Volcano Activity in New Zealand on Wednesday, 14 October, 2015 at 03:45 (03:45 AM) UTC.

Recent monitoring of White Island in the Bay of Plenty suggests a slight increase in volcanic unrest, GNS Science says. Scientists measured an increase of carbon dioxide in the gas emitted at the largest accessible steam vent on October 1. These subtle changes also coincided with the presence of volcanic tremor and more elevated amounts of sulphur dioxide gas being emitted from the volcano, a statement from GNS said this morning. This indicated that unrest at White Island might have increased slightly in recent weeks. GNS geochemists sampled the largest accessible steam vent on October 1, which indicated a small increase in the temperature to 170C and an increase in the amount of carbon dioxide gas. These are consistent with the other gas measurements made at White Island. Volcanic tremor is a common type of volcanic earthquake activity recorded on the island. Since October 8, this has been increasing in strength and become “banded”. Banded tremor is common at White Island and many active volcanoes worldwide. It has been recorded during increasing unrest and a variety of eruptive periods in the past. “During visits to the island in October, GeoNet staff also sampled and measured the lake temperature (54C) and it remains similar to other recent measurements,” GNS said. “However, the lake level has risen about two metres since June. Since the lake re-established in late 2013 we have measured a rise of about 6m.” The Volcanic Alert Level remains at Level 1 (minor volcanic unrest). “The changes we are seeing presently are common for the island,” GNS said. “Activity may continue to increase or die away. Typical volcanic unrest hazards like hot ground and gas remain. A range of activity can occur under these conditions with little or no useful warning.” GNS Science is continuing to closely monitor the activity at White Island and other New Zealand volcanoes through the GeoNet project.


Aerial view of the crater lake in 2005  Wikipedia.org



Otago Daily Times

Slight rise in volcano’s activity


White Island off the Bay of Plenty. Photo: Wikimedia Commons

White Island off the Bay of Plenty. Photo: Wikimedia Commons

Recent monitoring of White Island in the Bay of Plenty suggests a slight increase in volcanic unrest, GNS Science says.Scientists measured an increase of carbon dioxide in the gas emitted at the largest accessible steam vent on October 1.

These subtle changes also coincided with the presence of volcanic tremor and more elevated amounts of sulphur dioxide gas being emitted from the volcano, a statement from GNS said this morning.

This indicated that unrest at White Island might have increased slightly in recent weeks.

GNS geochemists sampled the largest accessible steam vent on October 1, which indicated a small increase in the temperature to 170C and an increase in the amount of carbon dioxide gas. These are consistent with the other gas measurements made at White Island.



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Could Dangerous Underwater Volcano in Caribbean Cause a US Tsunami?

PHOTO: View from "Hercules," a 5,000-pound submersible used by Robert Ballard and his team.
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A team of scientists is exploring the darkest corners of a huge underwater volcano in the Caribbean in hopes of better understanding the mysteries of earthquakes and tsunamis, ultimately saving lives.

Kick’em Jenny is a dangerous and active volcano sitting roughly 6,000 feet below the surface of the Caribbean Sea, and located off the coast of the island of Grenada, south of St. Lucia.

Robert Ballard, famous for discovering the Titanic 12,000 feet below the surface of the icy North Atlantic in 1985, set his sights on exploring the Kick’em Jenny to study its eruption history and learn more about how underwater volcanoes can pose a threat.

Ballard, the president of The Ocean Exploration Trust and the director of the Center for Ocean Exploration at the University of Rhode Island’s Graduate School of Oceanography, said the Kick’em Jenny volcano has a history of explosive eruptions, which could have the potential to trigger tsunamis, the effects from which could be felt as far away as the northeastern United States.


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Earth Watch Report  –  Volcanic Activity

Evacuations ordered as Peru volcano spews ash 4 km high

Evacuations ordered as Peru volcano spews ash 4 km high

Volcano Eruption Peru Moquegua Region, [Ubinas Volcano] Damage level Details




Volcano Eruption in Peru on Thursday, 17 April, 2014 at 03:28 (03:28 AM) UTC.

The Scientific Permanent Monitoring Committee and the Peruvian have declared Ubinas volcano on orange alert, meaning that local communities have to be evacuated. The volcano, which has been active again since September last year, erupted March 31, giving off ash for one thousand meters. The 20 families living in Querapi were temporarily evacuated shortly after the eruption, but are yet to be permanently relocated to Pampas de Hawái. As well as residents of Querapi, people living in Tonohaya, also in Moquegua, and San Juan de Tarucani, Arequipa, also need to be evacuated. Civil Defense chief, Miguel Alayza said that they were waiting for the alert to go from yellow to the more serious orange before they could proceed. Regional president of Moquegua, Martín Vizcarra said that the volcanic activity would affect five thousand people in that area, while in San Juan de Tarucani, Arequipa, 637 families would be affected, according to El Comercio. Ubinas volcano is considered to be the most active volcano of Peru. Eruptions have been reported since 1550.




Volcano Eruption in Peru on Thursday, 17 April, 2014 at 03:28 (03:28 AM) UTC.


Updated: Friday, 18 April, 2014 at 04:04 UTC
Peruvian authorities have ordered the preventative evacuation of 4,000 people living near the Ubinas volcano, which has been spouting ash clouds up to 4 kilometres high. The Andina state news agency quotes Agriculture Minister Juan Benites as saying it will take three days beginning today to move the residents of two southern districts and their 30,000 sheep, cows, horses, burros and other animals. Peru’s health ministry says about 40 people have complained of eye inflammation and stomach problems from ash that has been falling from Ubinas since March 29. The 5,672-metre volcano is Peru’s most active. It most recent strong eruption period occurred from 2006-2009.



Evacuations ordered as Peru volcano spews ash 4 km high

Evacuations ordered as Peru volcano spews ash 4 km high

PanARMENIAN.Net – Peruvian authorities have ordered the preventative evacuation of 4,000 people living near the Ubinas volcano, which has been spouting ash clouds up to 2 miles (nearly 4 kilometers) high.

The Andina state news agency quotes Agriculture Minister Juan Benites as saying it will take three days beginning Thursday, April 17, to move the residents of two southern districts and their 30,000 sheep, cows, horses, burros and other animals.


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Peru evacuates Ubinas volcano area after ash cloud

Footage shows huge clouds of ash escaping from Ubinas

Officials said it would take three days to move 4,000 residents and their livestock to safer grounds.

Ubinas, Peru’s most active volcano, recently began spewing ash clouds up to 4km (two miles) high.

An eruption of cinder and toxic gases in 2006 killed livestock and forced a similar evacuation.


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Earth Watch Report  –  Volcanic Activity



Volcano Eruption Japan Pacific Ocean, [Nishino-Shima volcano, Izu Islands] Damage level Details



Volcano Eruption in Japan on Monday, 07 April, 2014 at 05:25 (05:25 AM) UTC.

The ongoing eruption continues to add new land to the island with what seems a relatively steady effusion of lava flows. A new overflight by the Japanese Coast Guard shows that at least the second vent that appeared in late January is still active, feeding lava flows that continue to spread and currently have active fronts all along the eastern coast. The first original vent (cone 1, right in the picture) that build the new island and grew to a nice, symmetrical cone, seems to be inactive at present. The other vent is still active and has grown a bit since the previous overflight, with a crater that emits an ash and steam plume, presumably from mild explosive activity caused by infiltrating sea water that becomes in contact with the magma. Bluish gas on the pictures shows areas where active lava flows near their vents.
Landsat 8 infrared images from 30 March show that there are active flow fronts all along the eastern coast, while only 2 lobes are active towards the west.



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Nishino-Shima volcano (Izu Islands, Japan): lava flows continue to enlarge island

Monday Apr 07, 2014 06:24 AM | BY: T


Aerial view of Nishinoshima on  24 March 2014 (Japan Coast Guard)

Aerial view of Nishinoshima on 24 March 2014 (Japan Coast Guard)


The ongoing eruption continues to add new land to the island with what seems a relatively steady effusion of lava flows. A new overflight by the Japanese Coast Guard shows that at least the second vent that appeared in late January is still active, feeding lava flows that continue to spread and currently have active fronts all along the eastern coast.



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Nishino-shima volcano (Volcano Islands, Japan) activity update

Part of Nishino-shima island with active flows on the southern shore, forming new bays and a small lake that once was a bay (Japan Coast guard)
Tuesday, Mar 04, 2014
The island continues to grow as lava flows slowly spread into several directions. This is shown nicely by the latest aerial survey pictures the Japanese Coast guard took on 28 Feb. The most active flow fronts are currently at the southern shore while advance on the northern and eastern margins of the flow field has slowed down. … [more]



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Earth Watch Report  –  Volcanic Activity




Volcano Eruption Ecuador Andes, [Reventador volcano] Damage level Details



Volcano Eruption in Ecuador on Thursday, 27 March, 2014 at 04:08 (04:08 AM) UTC.

The volcano has entered a new eruptive phase since yesterday, Ecuador’s Institute of Geophysics (IGP) reported. Starting from 15:00 local time yesterday, increasing tremor was registered and steady ash emissions were observed. At night, incandescent blocks could be seen and heard rolling down from the crater where probably a new lava dome has started to appear. Small pyroclastic flows descended on the eastern, southeastern and southern flanks of the volcano, probably as a result of re-mobilization of fresh lava and tephra deposits. These so-called secondary pyroclastic flows reached lengths of 500 m below the summit. IGP assumes the most likely scenario for the evolution of the new eruptive episode is that activity continues at similar levels for a while. So far, lava avalanches and pyroclastic flows have been confined within the caldera, near the flanks of the main cone. So far, no reports of ash falls became available from communities in the nearby areas, suggesting that the eruption is still small. An important hazard remains in the form of lahars (mud flows), which can be generated by re-mobilization of loose material during heavy rainfall and would most likely threaten the bed and banks of the Quijo river.



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Reventador volcano, Ecuador: news & activity updates

Reventador volcano (Ecuador): new eruption

Wednesday Mar 26, 2014 16:36 PM | BY: T

Continuous ash emission and incandescent avalanches on Reventador's eastern flank (image: G. Taipe / IGP)

Continuous ash emission and incandescent avalanches on Reventador’s eastern flank (image: G. Taipe / IGP)

… IGP assumes the most likely scenario for the evolution of the new eruptive episode is that activity continues at similar levels for a while. So far, lava avalanches and pyroclastic flows have been confined within the caldera, near the flanks of the main cone. So far, no reports of ash falls became available from communities in the nearby areas, suggesting that the eruption is still small. An important hazard remains in the form of lahars (mud flows), which can be generated by re-mobilization of loose material during heavy rainfall and would most likely threaten the bed and banks of the Quijo river.


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Iceland’s Hekla Volcano Close to Erupting, Scientist Claims


Earth from Space Iceland 1000
This Envisat image shows us a very rare, cloud-free view of Iceland. This image was acquired on July 21, 2010.
Credit: ESA

Hekla volcano, one of Iceland’s most active volcanoes, could be close to erupting, a University of Iceland geoscientist claims.

The most prominent sign of an impending eruption is bulging ground on the northern side of the volcano. This surface swelling indicates magma (molten rock) is rising under the volcano, pushing up the ground as it fills fractures and pipes beneath Hekla. According to GPS monitoring of the expanding surface, there is now more magma underneath Hekla than before the volcano’s last eruption in 2000, University of Iceland geophysicist Páll Einarsson said in a report published in the Icelandic newspaper Morgunblaðið on Monday (March 17). Hekla volcano “could erupt soon,” Einarsson said.


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Earth Watch Report   –  Volcanic Actuivity

Copahue volcano, quiet at the surface, today (SERNAGEOMIN webcam)


Volcano Activity MultiCountries Argentina and Chile (Andes), [Copahue Volcano] Damage level Details



Volcano Activity in MultiCountries on Saturday, 22 March, 2014 at 05:22 (05:22 AM) UTC.

SERNAGEOMIN raised the alert level of the volcano to orange yesterday after an increase in seismic activity. A pulse of volcanic tremor was detected that could indicate magma moving into the volcano’s plumbing system. On the surface, no unusual activity has been seen at the volcano so far, except that an increase in SO2 emissions (approx 2,300 tons / day) was measured. This supports the idea that magma has risen under the edifice. Whether this activity is followed by new eruptive activity remains to be seen. In most cases, intrusions of magma under volcanoes do never reach the surface, i.e. produce eruptions. ONEMI (Civil Defense) published a bulletin stating that civil alert remains at yellow for the highest risk areas, in particular the most proximal areas around the volcano itself, but also include the city of Alto Biobío located 40 km west of the volcano, because it is at the mouth of a valley that drains Copahue on the north side and therefore, a potential pathway for mud flows that could occur during an eruption.


Volcano Discovery

Copahue volcano

stratovolcano 2997 m / 9,833 ft
Chile/Argentina, -37.85°S / -71.17°W

Copahue webcams / live data
Copahue volcano videos
Copahue volcano eruptions:
2013, 2012, 2001(?), 2000, 1992, 1961, 1937, 1867(?), 1759(?), 1750
Typical eruption style:
Last earthquakes nearby


Wednesday, Mar 12, 2014
The volcano continues to show signs of unrest. A swarm of volcanic-tectonic earthquakes occurred the day before yesterday. SERNAGEOMIN keeps the alert level of the volcano at Yellow. [more]


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The overnight eruption of Java island’s Mount Kelud has triggered the evacuation of 100,000 people, but just what causes such volatile activity?

Indonesia has experienced yet more volcanic activity as Mount Kelud erupted on Thursday, causing 100,000 to flee their homes and covering Java – the country’s most heavily populated island – in ash. But why is the region such a hotbed of volcanic activity?

Indonesia has approximately 130 active volcanoes. Due to its population density and the fertile soils that volcanic slopes provide, hundreds of thousands of Indonesians live close to active volcanos. They have learnt to live with the rumblings and frequently ignore orders to leave.

The huge archipelago sits between the most active seismic region in the world, the Pacific Ring of Fire, an area where a large number of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur, and the Alpide Belt.

The United States Geological Survey has described the region as among the most seismically active zones in the world. The Ring of Fire, or the circum-Pacific belt, is the world’s greatest earthquake belt, according to Live Science, because of fault lines running from Chile to Japan and Southeast Asia.

These fault lines are breaks in the plates of the Earth’s crust and are where earthquakes are likely to occur.

The Pacific Ring of Fire is also home to 453 volcanoes and more than half of the world’s active and dormant volcanoes are found here.

Indonesia is located between the Pacific, Eurasian, and Australian tectonic plates. When one of the plates moves, it causes earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and even tsunamis in Indonesia and the surrounding areas.

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Indonesian Volcano Causes Chaos, 3 Deaths



Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has declared a state of emergency on the main island of Java because of a major volcanic eruption.

Mount Kelud erupted late Thursday, sending a cloud of ash 30 kilometers into the sky.

The eruption killed three people and forced 100,000 to evacuate their homes.

The volcano has coated towns as far as 500 kilometers away with ash and rocks. Schools and businesses were closed and flights grounded at seven airports.

Hadi Rudyatmo, mayor of Surakarta in Central Java, tells VOA that his city was paralyzed Friday with all stores and schools shut down.

Scientists think the worst of the eruptions are over.

Indonesia has around 130 active volcanoes.


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Mass evacuation in Indonesia as Java volcano erupts

Three people have been killed after their home collapsed from the weight of volcanic ash, as Alice Budisatrijo reports

Tens of thousands of Indonesians have fled their homes after a volcano erupted in east Java.

Mount Kelud spewed ash and debris over a large area, including the city of Surabaya, about 130km (80 miles) away.

Officials said three people died after their houses collapsed under the weight of ash.

Airports in Surabaya, Yogyakarta and Solo shut down because of low visibility. There are also fears that debris could damage aircraft engines.

Yogyakarta airport manager Andi Wirson said the runway was covered in a 5cm-thick layer of ash.

A man wears a mask as he rides a rickshaw on a road covered with ash from Mount Kelud, in Yogyakarta, 14 February 2014 Residents wore masks to protect themselves from the dust and ash in the air
A woman gestures during the evacuation in Malang, East Java province, Indonesia, on 14 February 2014 Thousands of people were ordered to evacuate their homes and seek temporary shelter


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By The Washington Times    News

MOUNT SINABUNG, Indonesia — An Indonesian volcano that has been rumbling for months unleased a major eruption Saturday, killing 14 people just a day after authorities allowed thousands of villagers who had been evacuated to return to its slopes, saying that activity was decreasing, officials said.

Among the dead on Mount Sinabung were a local television journalist and four high-school students and their teacher who were visiting the mountain to see the eruptions up close, said National Disaster Mitigation Agency spokesman Sutopo Purwo Nugroho. At least three other people were injured, and authorities feared the death toll would rise.

Sinabung in western Sumatra has been erupting for four months, sending lava and searing gas and rocks rolling down its southern slopes. Authorities had evacuated more than 30,000 people, housing them in cramped tents, schools and public buildings. Many have been desperate to return to check on homes and farms, presenting a dilemma for the government.

On Friday, authorities allowed nearly 14,000 people living outside a five-kilometer (three-mile) danger zone to return home after volcanic activity decreased. Others living close to the peak have been returning to their homes over the past four months despite the dangers.

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Indonesia’s Mount Sinabung volcano erupts, leaving up to 14 dead

The volcano has become increasingly active in the last few months, sending columns of ash several kilometres into the air

A woman flees as Mount Sinabung erupts
A woman flees as Mount Sinabung erupts

Indonesia’s Mount Sinabung volcano has erupted on the island of Sumatra, killing at least 14 people today and sending others fleeing from its falling ash.

The volcano has become increasingly active in recent months.

The last few weeks have seen the mountain regularly spewing columns of ash several kilometres into the air, and the government had already evacuated tens of thousands of people from the area.

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