
Anti-Erdogan protesters in Germany. File photo.

Ordinary Turks React to Su-24 Shoot Down: ‘A Lot of Us Are on Your Side’



19:36 25.11.2015(updated 20:06 25.11.20


As expected, the F-16 attack on a Russian Su-24 bomber over Syria has become a hot topic for discussion on Turkish social media. Taking a peak at both the Turkish and English-language corners of the Twitterverse, Sputnik discovered that not only are many Turks upset over the incident, some are downright outraged over their government’s actions.

With the Turkish Air Force attack on the Russian plane in Syria instantly provoking a swelling response of debate and condolences from both Russian and foreign social media users, Turkish social media users naturally joined in. But in a surprising twist, many offered apologies to their northern neighbor, emphasizing that it is the Recep Erdogan government, not the Turkish people, who should be blamed for the attack.

Some users appealed directly to their Russian friends, using the Russian-language hashtag #StabInTheBack.


As a Turk I apologize for Turkish gov. action today for shooting down the ‘s fighter jet, a lot of Turks on your side

ISIL supporters are our common enemies. Especially Turkish gov’t. Sorry for your lost. Loves from Turkey.