Tag Archive: spina bifida

Grand Island Girl Needs Our Help!

A four-year old Grand Island, NE girl needs our help, Food Safety News Publisher Bill Marler says.


Rory Thorpe, born with spina bifida four years ago, contracted E. coli last October from an unknown source.   The child is currently being treated for kidney complications at the University of Iowa Children’s Hospital in Iowa City.
A Rory Thorpe Benefit Fund has been set up at Centris Federal Credit Union, 3406 W. State Street, Grand Island, NE 68803.  The phone number is (308) 382-3060.  A community carnival to raise money for Rory’s medical bills is being held from 1 to 4 p.m., Saturday, June 23 at the United Congregational Church, 405 E. Bismarck, Grand Island NE.
Marler has issued a challenge to Food Safety News readers to contribute to the Rory Thorpe Benefit Fund with a match up to a total of $2,500 against those contributions.   The Grand Island Independent has more information on Rory and the fundraising efforts that are underway.


Cola habit behind death of 30-year-old New Zealand woman?

New Zealand Herald via AP

Natasha Harris, stay-at-home mother of eight, died of a heart attack in February 2010. Experts say the New Zealand woman’s two-gallon-a-day Coca-Cola habit probably contributed to her death, a conclusion that led the soft-drink giant to note that even water can be deadly in excessive amounts.

By The Associated Press

WELLINGTON, New Zealand — Experts say a New Zealand woman’s 2-gallon-a-day Coca-Cola habit probably contributed to her death, a conclusion that led the soft-drink giant to note that even water can be deadly in excessive amounts.

Natasha Harris, a 30-year-old, stay-at-home mother of eight from Invercargill, died of a heart attack in February 2010. Fairfax Media reported that a pathologist, Dr. Dan Mornin, testified at an inquest Thursday that she probably suffered from hypokalemia, or low potassium, which he thinks was caused by her excessive consumption of Coke and overall poor nutrition.

Symptoms of hypokalemia can include abnormal heart rhythms, according to the U.S. National Institutes of Health.

Mornin said that toxic levels of caffeine, a stimulant found in Coke, also may have contributed to her death, according to Fairfax.

Harris’ partner, Chris Hodgkinson, testified that Harris drank between 8 and 10 liters (2.1 and 2.6 gallons) of regular Coke every day.

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Doctors develop life-saving drugs from coral reefs


The chemicals that help corals and sponges survive are also helping people. Halaven, a drug derived from a sea sponge compound came on the market in Nov. 2010, and has improved survival among women who have metastatic breast cancer. NBC’s Anne Thompson reports.

By Christina Caron
NBC News

KEY WEST — The kaleidoscope of life in the coral reefs under the turquoise waters of the Florida Keys is a magnet for tourists, but it’s not just a pretty view.

The same chemistry that helps corals and sponges survive is also helping people fight cancer.

“What we’re doing is taking advantage of that chemistry and turning those chemicals into drugs to save lives,” said Stephanie Wear, director of coral reef conservation at the Nature Conservancy.

Wear describes the reefs as the “New York City” of the oceans, “where everything is happening,” because it is 400 to 600 times more likely to find a source for a drug in the ocean than on land — and the densely packed coral reefs are an even more plentiful source.

But climate change and waterway pollution threaten the sea life that house these healing properties.

“The [coral reef] population is diminished by about 90 percent across the Caribbean,” said James Byrne, the marine science program manager at the Nature Conservancy.

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Cell phone radiation and cancer: Just how much more proof do you need?

By Lloyd Burrell, 
(NaturalNews) Cell phones emit a dangerous non-ionizing form of electromagnetic radiation; radiation which can be absorbed by the tissues and cells which come into close contact with the phone, e.g., the head and neck. Scientific studies in the past have produced conflicting results; however, more recent studies working with long term exposure, (ten years or more), have clearly established that a link between cell phone use and certain forms of cancer exists. Scientific proof Drs. Lai and Singh…
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Methanol toxicity from aspartame may cause autism, spina bifida, preterm delivery and more

By Jonathan Benson,
(NaturalNews) The issue hardly gets as much attention as it deserves, but the extreme toxicity of the artificial sweetener aspartame is wrecking human health on a massive scale. And in a comprehensive study on methanol, the major alcohol component of aspartame, retired food scientist and Professor Emeritus of Food Science and Nutrition at Arizona State University (ASU) Dr. Woodrow C. Monte explains how methanol toxicity from aspartame and other sources appears responsible for causing autism, spina…


Holistic Health

Pharmaceutical company spends millions studying how to steal black cohosh component as potential treatment for Alzheimer’s

By Jonathan Benson, 
(NaturalNews) In the push to develop new drugs to treat Alzheimer’s disease, drug company Satori Pharmaceuticals has successfully raised $37 million in venture capital to continue studying a key compound that it believes will eventually lead to a major breakthrough in disease treatment. And according to Xconomy.com, this compound comes from natural black cohosh, a perennial plant whose extract is often used to treat menopause symptoms. Unbeknownst to many people today is the fact that pharmaceutical…

The amazing healing powers of cayenne pepper (capsicum)

By PF Louis, 
(NaturalNews) When the famous master herbalist Dr. John Christopher was bothered by stomach ulcer problems as a student, one of his herbal instructors recommended young John drink a solution of cayenne pepper powder in water daily. At first, Dr. Christopher thought this was a contradiction. How could something so hot help his ulcers? But he bravely took the advice and to his surprise, it did cure his ulcers. Following that experience, Dr. Christopher become a zealous advocate of cayenne for both…


Pet Health

Arsenic Poisoning in Cats

Arsenic Intoxication in Cats

Arsenic is a heavy metal mineral that is commonly included in chemical compounds for consumer products, such as herbicides (chemicals to kill unwanted plants), insecticides (chemicals to kill insects), and as wood preservatives. Most cases of toxicity occur in homes where such compounds are placed carelessly with open excess. Cats typically ingest such compounds accidentally. Toxicity can also occur over a long term, such as when cats are exposed to arsenic by eating grass that is regularly treated with herbicides.

Symptoms and Types

In case of acute exposure to arsenic, the following symptoms may be present in an affected cat:

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Abdominal pain
  • Lethargy
  • Fresh bright red blood in feces
  • Lying down with extreme exhaustion
  • Staggering
  • Body may feel unusually cold, especially at the extremities, such as the ears and limbs
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Death
  • In long-term (chronic) exposure symptoms may be subtle, such as poor appetite and weight loss

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Ever wonder why cats behave like they do? Bust the myths and find out why.

Did you know cats played a large role in ancient Egyptian society? They even became deities — Mafdet (goddess of justice) and Bast (goddess of war). And while these creatures aren’t held in such high esteem today, there is still an aura of mystery and a particular presence a cat has. Even their behavior is quite dissimilar to that other favorite domestic pet: the dog. With a little understanding of the feline “way,” you’ll discover their behavior isn’t so strange after all.

For instance, you might not have known that feral (wild) cats have their own territories and are responsible for their own food, water and safety. This autonomy and feeling of self-preservation is also seen in domesticated cats to a certain degree. Some people may even call cats aloof or unfriendly because of this.

However, for all the times you find your cat alone doing “cat things” (perhaps plotting to kill that evil dust bunny lurking in the corner), there are plenty of occasions your cat is quite social.

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Positivity Mind and Body

Eckhart Tolle – Finding Your Life’s Purpose – EckhartTolle.com


Articles of Interest

Bayer Advanced Insect Killer Plays on Consumer’s Fear of Germs


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Bayer’s GERM KILLER Insect spray preys on consumer’s fanatical fear of germs! Absolutely IDIOTIC!

I love to show the public how ridiculously stupid they are.

I was in Lowe’s yesterday.  I happened to notice a display of Bayer insect spray that made me (involuntarily!)  shout…, “WHAT?”  It wasn’t the Bayer name that got me; it was the fact that I saw GERM KILLER on the same label with the words “insect”.  Incredibly, the label says…

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