
Ethical Issues in Agriculture: Genetically Modified Crops and the Organic Movement

Published on Apr 4, 2012 by

Egenis Workshop by Professor Paul Thompson, Professor of Philosophy and of Zoology at the University of Toronto on 10 February 2012


There has been considerable public debate about food during the past two decades. Advocates for organic agriculture, eating locally grown food and rejecting genetic modification abound. Although many of the claims made in support of positions on these topics allude to health, environmental and economic issues, the core of the debates is ethical and philosophical and for some theological (benefits, harms, risks and human hubris and usurping of nature, for example). These ethical and philosophical issues are the focus of this lecture although the empirical claims made about health, the environment and the economy will form an essential backdrop.

Prof Paul Thompson holds appointments at the University of Toronto as Professor in the Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology, the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, and the Department of Philosophy. He has published extensively on evolutionary theory, population genetics, mathematical modelling in biology, theory structure in biology, philosophy of medicine, and ethics. He is the author of three books (The Moral Question, The Structure of Biological Theories, and Agro-Technology) and he edited Issues in Evolutionary Ethics. He has held numerous consulting positions with governments and industry. Currently he is a member of the Research Integrity Committee and the Standing Committee on Ethics of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, and was recently a member of The Expert Panel on Biodiversity sponsored by Council of Canadian Academies. He is Past President, and a director, of the Green Door Alliance Inc. (a registered charity, dedicated to preserving agricultural land). He has worked for many years on agricultural capacity and poverty relief in Kenya through Rural Outreach Program (http://www.ropkenya.org/)



Survival / Sustainability

Wild Edibles with Sergei & Valya Boutenko – Purple thistle or prickly lettuce

The Bug Out Bag

What if you had only three minutes to grab whatever you could take from your home, and the rest of your belongings would be lost forever?

What would you take?

As the compound disaster in Japan switches from the short term devastation of the earthquakes and tsunami to the long term and complicated damage of nuclear radiation, many people that have been forced from their homes are facing the fact that they may not be able to return for a long time, if ever.

With this in mind, let’s discuss the value of a Bug Out Bag. This bag (B.O.B. for short) is a collection of goods that you would need to survive if you had to flee your home with no guarantee of shelter, food or water during the emergency. Think of the B.O.B. as your survival insurance policy for any disaster or mayhem.

Most people use either a backpack or a duffle bag as the container for their goods, which should include basic survival essentials and a few irreplaceable items. Any good B.O.B. should include a minimum of the following—with most things sealed in zip-top bags to prevent water damage:….

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Articles of Interest

Another hidden secret in Obamacare “RFID Chip Implants”

And now we come to it. On Sunday March 21, 2010 the Senate Healthcare bill HR3200 was passed and signed into law the following Tuesday. Like I said before, there are a legion of horrible and just plain evil aspects to this bill and I’m sure you’ve heard a lot them by now. I don’t want to discount them but what cannot be missed here is this new law now opens a prophetic door on a magnitude not seen since the reformation of Israel.

This new law requires an RFID chip implanted in all of us. This chip will not only contain your personal information with tracking capability but it will also be linked to your bank account. And get this, Page 1004 of the new law (dictating the timing of this chip), reads, and I quote: “Not later than 36 months after the date of the enactment”. It is now the law of the land that by March 23rd 2013 we will all be required to have an RFID chip underneath our skin and this chip will be link to our bank accounts as well as have our personal records and tracking capability built into it.

In just a minute I’m going to show you the black and white of the law itself and you can see it with your own eyes and wonder why an event of this magnitude which is nothing less than seismic in nature is met with little more than silence in the Christian community.

Is it now starting to dawn on you just where exactly we are in prophecy? I’ll ask that question again in a minute and follow up on it, but now I want to show you the law itself. I’ve downloaded a PDF copy of HR3200 from the government’s website so what I’m about to show you is from the bill itself its nothing that I’ve written. You can access it all and see it all for yourself straight from the source itself.

H.R. 3200 section 2521, Pg. 1001, paragraph 1.
The Secretary shall establish a national medical device registry (in this subsection referred to as the ‘registry’) to facilitate analysis of postmarket safety and outcomes data on each device that— ‘‘is or has been used in or on a patient; ‘‘and is— ‘‘a class III device; or ‘‘a class II device that is implantable, life-supporting, or life-sustaining.”

What exactly is a class II device that is implantable? As you saw earlier, it is the device approved by the FDA in 2004…..

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Intel Hub News Brief: Navy Tests Drones on Pirates & Tech with Jason Bermas

Published on Apr 10, 2012 by

Jason Bermas talks the Military hacking game consoles and Beta Testing Drone technology on Pirates. He also discusses the DHS purchase of 450 Million rounds of hollow point ammunition and more in this latest Intel Hub News Brief.

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