Tag Archive: Prozac

Lives ‘left in ruin’ by rising tide of depression drugs

More people are being put on the pills but some experts are now warning they do more harm than good. Julia Llewellyn Smith reports

Jo Thompson

Jo Thompson ended up in hospital on anti-anxiety pills, and wanted to die when she stopped them  Photo: Geoff Pugh/Telegraph

Twenty years ago, Henry was living a fulfilled life. A happily married father from the Home Counties, his sales career was going well, he had a wide social circle and played football and golf regularly. “I was a conservative, head-down, career-minded person who enjoyed my life,” he says.

But in 1995, a bout of flu left Henry, then 31, exhausted and lethargic. He visited his GP, who told him he was depressed, and prescribed the world’s most popular antidepressant, Prozac. “Everything appeared completely benign — he said depression was a common complaint, the drugs would fix it and then I’d stop taking them.”

More than a decade later, Henry was far from cured and still taking antidepressants. “None of the drugs I was prescribed made me feel better, and most made me considerably worse. But every time I stopped them, the symptoms of what I thought was depression — but now know were of withdrawal — returned even more strongly, so I went back to the pills.”

By 2009, he was so unwell that he had to give up work. Finally, suspecting the drugs were the cause of his problems, he quit them, only to enter a new hell.

“It was torture. I thought I was going to die, and I didn’t care. For two years, I was in severe physical pain and so weak I lay all day on the sofa. My cognition was severely affected, I was dizzy, with blurred vision, I couldn’t read a bedtime story to my son and couldn’t remember things that had happened just a few seconds previously.”

Henry — who does not want to reveal his last name because of pending legal action against the drugs manufacturers — is just one of an estimated four million people in Britain taking antidepressants, a number that is rising sharply.

Last year, 53 million prescriptions were issued for antidepressants in England alone, nearly double the number prescribed a decade ago, and a six per cent increase in the past year. According to recent research, one in three British women and one in 10 men now take the medication, including popular brands such as Prozac, Cipramil and Seroxat, at some point in their lives.

But a growing number of experts now believe depression is vastly overdiagnosed and the drugs can cause far more harm than good.

This week, a new organisation, the Council for Evidence-Based Psychiatry (CEP), whose members include psychiatrists, academics and withdrawal charities, is launching, to educate the public about the risks of antidepressants. A keynote speech will be given by Prof Peter Gøtzsche, co-founder of the Cochrane Collaboration, an international, non-profit organisation that examines vast amounts of medical data to help doctors and patients reach informed conclusions about health.


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Was the Sikh Temple Shooting Suspect Also Dosed Up on Legal Drugs?

Anthony Gucciardi
pillalone 235x147 Was the Sikh Temple Shooting Suspect Also Dosed Up on Legal Drugs?Was the suspect in the ‘Sikh temple shooting‘ case on a medley of pharmaceutical drugs like James Holmes, Columbine shooter Eric Harris, Ted Kaczinski the “Unabomber”, and virtually all others? The latest incident in which a minimum of seven innocents were killed at a Sikh temple in Milwaukee, now known as either the ‘Sikh shooting’ or the ‘Sikh temple shooting’, has shocked citizens both nationally and internationally.

Directly following the Batman shooting case involving James Holmes, who is now known to have been taking heavy painkillers and suspected of potentially taking anti-depressants/SSRIs, the new shooting will ultimately lead to even further media outrage and calls by politicians to enact questionable legislation. The difference with the Sikh temple shooting, however, is that the suspect (currently unnamed and unidentified) was shot dead by law enforcement.

The shooter reportedly took down the first officer to respond to the multiple calls received about the incident around 10:25 local time. While tending to a victim in the parking lot of the temple, the officer was ambushed by the now-deceased suspect according to the local Police Chief. After another officer arrived at the scene, shooting and ultimately killing the suspect before the first officer was rushed to Milwaukee’s Froedtert Hospital to receive surgery.

Sikh Temple Shooting Suspect Amped Up on Legal Drugs?

The violent and horrendous acts committed by mass shooters are beyond daunting and incomprehensible to the average person, and for good reason. It ultimately takes some degree of mind alteration to even consider such acts, whether it be through hardcore pharmaceutical ingestion or a serious state of mental illness brought upon by outside influences. While certainly there are many factors at play here, and I plan on covering this topic further in another article regarding just how much of a role the media, entertainment industry, and yes even the internet plays, the blatant pattern of pharmaceutical drug abuse simply cannot be ignored.

Beyond the simple fact that the shooters are taking the drugs, also, is the more important fact that the makers of these drugs have been covering up the true side effects associated with their use for decades.

Side effects that include the following for anti-depressants like Prozac alone:

  • Suicidal behavior
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Violent actions and reckless behavior

And once again, these were side effects that up until 2005, when Harvard psychiatrist Martin Teicher blew the whistle on the cover up, were completely hidden from the public. As detailed in the USA Today article on the subject, Teicher explains how Prozac manufacturer Eli Lilly & Co. lied for 15 years denying the very real link between Prozac and suicide. In his own words, Teicher said that the public was being treated like ”guinea pigs” in a mass experiment.

The BBC even reported back in 2000 that Prozac ‘led to suicide’, one of many reports on the subject. And it doesn’t end with Prozac. It was exposed that another leading anti-depressant drug Paxil was associated with violent behavior back in 2006. Mulitple lawsuits and voiced concerns later, the use of anti-depressants is actually growing exponentially each year. Meanwhile, virtually all massacre shooters are known to have been taking them, including:

  • Columbine shooter Eric Harris
  • Kip Kinkel
  • Ted Kaczinski the “Unabomber”
  • Michael McDermott
  • John Hinckley, Jr.
  • Byran Uyesugi
  • Mark David Chapman
  • Charles Carl Roberts IV, the Amish school killer

And this is not a complete list. It’s very easy to see that a trend is indeed present, and while many factors go into such a horrible incident, it’s important that we take a serious look at the link between these shootings and the abuse of ‘legal’ drugs.

Explore More:

  1. Is there Really a Difference Between Legal and Illegal Drugs?
  2. UK ‘Drug-Driving’ Law Ignores Far Deadlier Legal Drugs
  3. Arizona Shooter Jared Lee Loughner Most Likely on Psychotropic Drugs
  4. Health Officials: Antipsychotic Drugs Given to Millions of Children are Very Dangerous
  5. Follow the Trend: Batman Shooter James Holmes Was On Hardcore Pharmaceutical Drugs
  6. New Drugs Often Marketed Ahead of Crucial Data