Tag Archive: NDAA

“I’m Just a Mom!” Daphne Lee Gives Powerful Speech Against NDAA in Clark County, Nevada



Published on Nov 24, 2013

After making her wait 8 hours, the Clark County Commission decided to hear Daphne Lee speak against the NDAA in Clark County, NV. What followed was one of the most powerful public comments in history.

Join the movement: http://www.pandaunite.org/takeback

PANDA NV’s Anti-NDAA Resolution, step one, will be on the Agenda Dec. 3rd at the Clark County Commission Meeting @ 9AM. If you’re in the area, please attend and give her support!

The PANDA (People Against the NDAA Mission Statement:

Our Mission is to nonviolently defeat, strike down, repeal, stop, void and fight the indefinite detention provisions, Sections 1021 and 1022, of the National Defense Authorization Act for the Fiscal Year of 2012, to fight for American civil liberties, to combat laws restricting liberty in the interest of National Security, to support current government officials that are doing so and to engage a younger generation in the politics of the United States so this cannot happen again.

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‘Stop Watching Us’: Snowden Reaches Out to Endorse DC Rally

‘Stop Watching Us’ coalition rally, planned for Saturday, receives endorsement from NSA whistleblower

– Jon Queally, staff writer

‘Stop Watching Us’ coalition rally, planned for Saturday, receives endorsement from NSA whistleblowerAmid yet another round of explosive revelations about the activities of the National Security Agency and ahead of a large rally organized by a large coalition of social justice and privacy advocates planned for Saturday, whistleblower Edward Snowden urged his fellow U.S. citizens to speak out against NSA surveillance by telling Congress and the Obama administration: ‘Stop Watching Us.’

In a rare public statement, released through the ACLU, Snowden said:

In the last four months, we’ve learned a lot about our government.

We’ve learned that the U.S. intelligence community secretly built a system of pervasive surveillance. Today, no telephone in America makes a call without leaving a record with the NSA. Today, no internet transaction enters or leaves America without passing through the NSA’s hands. Our representatives in Congress tell us this is not surveillance. They’re wrong.

Now it’s time for the government to learn from us. On Saturday, the ACLU, EFF, and the rest of the StopWatching.Us coalition are going to D.C. Join us in sending the message: Stop Watching Us.

A large rally is planned for Washington, DC on Saturday with satellite events taking place in cities across the country.

The protests, which coincide with the 12th anniversary of the signing of the Patriot Act into law, are designed to bring together diverse groups from across the political spectrum to demand surveillance law reform.

“The NSA is spying on everyone’s personal communications,” says the coalition, and argues the massive agency is “operating without any meaningful oversight” from Congress, the courts, or the public at large.

The groups—which include the Electronic Frontier Foundation, ACLU, Public Citizen, Restore the Fourth, Free Press, Demand Progress and nearly a hundred others—released this video to promote the event:

And updates and information on the day of action against NSA spying were being listed under #StopWatchingUs on Twitter:

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  1. Photos · View all
  2. Stop Watching Us‘: Snowden Reaches Out to Endorse DC Rally | Common Dreams

  3. Tomorrow, over 100 groups, companies, speakers descend on D.C. to tell the gov’t: . See you there:

  4. Video: sustainableprosperity: Stop Watching US: Largest anti-NSA rally scheduled for Saturday in DC…

  5. DETAILS: site offline on the eve of massive anti-surveillance rally “Stop Watching Us



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America In Distress photo AmericanFlaginDistresswframe_zps682a6b91.jpg
By Cheryl Nelson


I, Cheryl Nelson, a citizen of the United States of America, repudiate the unconstitutional laws and illegal debts forced upon the American people by the Obama Administration, an administration which does not, and never did, represent the will of the People.

I hereby further give notice that I am not, nor is any other American, “collateral” in any way, shape or form for the debts of the United States under the Obama Administration, or any prior administrations.  Each American is a sovereign being and is not in any way, shape or form owned by any other being(s) or government(s).

I further state that I, along with the American people, were unaware our national parks were being sold and, thus, have never agreed to their sale.  Americans are also generally unaware that American lands and businesses are being sold by the U.S. Government to foreign interests, which is against our laws.

I, along with most other Americans, do not support profligate spending and erosion of our Constitution and rights.


There are many more grievances against the Obama Administration, such as the scandals involving Benghazi, the IRS, Fast & Furious, the birth certificate issue, the using of terrorist language against political enemies, the Patriot Act, the NDAA, the NSA spying scandal, drones, Obamacare, funding the Muslim Brotherhood and other terrorist organizations, controlling mass media to influence our thoughts and beliefs, tampering with the justice system and obstructing justice, among other things.  Conduct unbecoming all, and should be listed in a bill of impeachment.

I declare the United States Government to be in the state of a coup d’etat and high treason against the People of the United States.  As a citizen, and along with all other citizens who agree with these statements, I petition the Provost Marshall to arrest the usurper, Barack Hussein Obama a/k/a Barry Soetero, now illegally occupying the office of the President of the United States and remove all members of Congress who have voted against the conscience and will of the American people and the U.S. Constitution.  The damage to this country is great and only immediate removal gives us a fighting chance to recover.

I declare a counter-coup is now in progress and call upon every able-bodied being to resist any unconstitutional laws to the best of your abilities and position to do so.  Let this be non-violent and bloodless, and conducted in accordance with the true Constitutional laws of the United States.


Cheryl Nelson

Descendant of Thomas Nelson Jr,
Virginia Wartime Governor and
Signer of the Declaration of Independence

(c) Cheryl Nelson 2013.  Permission granted to republish, as long as a link to the original is given:

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File:Airport Frankfurt - Fraport - Flughafen Frankfurt - barbed wire and fence - Stacheldraht und Zaun - 05.jpgImage Source  :  Wikimedia . orgBy  Norbert Nagel, Mörfelden-Walldorf, Germany


As reported by Nick Hankoff at the California Tenth Amendment Center today, AB351, the California Liberty Preservation Act has been signed into law by Governor Jerry Brown:

Assembly Bill 351, commonly called the California Liberty Preservation Act, has been signed into law by Governor Jerry Brown making it statewide policy to refuse compliance with federal attempts to enforce “indefinite detention” made famous by the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012 (NDAA). What began as a marginal issue with little legislative support has unified Californians of all persuasions and brought attention to the proper role the people and their states play in a constitutional republic.

AB351 now makes it state policy to reject “indefinite detention” powers from the federal government.   It reads, in part:

It is the policy of this state to refuse to provide material support for or to participate in any way with the implementation within this state of any federal law that purports to authorize indefinite detention of a person within California. [emphasis added]

This language of AB351 goes far beyond what has been considered in most other states, which focus solely on indefinite detention powers under the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), and nothing else.  Donnelly’s legislation broadened the scope by recognizing that indefinite detention should not be complied with no matter what federal law is used to justify it.  Donnelly confirmed this broad scope, “AB351 will prevent California from implementing indefinite detention for any reason.”

This can make a HUGE dent in any federal effort to detain without due process in California.  As Judge Andrew Napolitano has said recently, such widespread noncompliance can make a federal law “nearly impossible to enforce” (video here). Quite simply, the federal government is going to have an extremely difficult time – at best – carrying out indefinite detention in California without the assistance of California.


Hankoff noted the broad coalition which brought the bill from zero support to law in California:

Assemblyman Tim Donnelly first introduced AB-351 in February after various grassroots coalitions won their efforts to condemn “indefinite detention” (government kidnapping) in the form of resolutions in San Francisco, Berkeley, Fairfax, and Santa Cruz, while still more organized in Los Angeles and elsewhere. These coalitions included 99%ers, the CA Libertarian Party, Bill of Rights Defense Committee, CA Republican Liberty Caucus, ACLU, Oath Keepers, and more. Despite this organic, spontaneous cooperation Donnelly couldn’t find a single ally in the California legislature for the bill. That was, until members of the mentioned organizations showed up to testify at AB-351′s first committee hearing.

At the Assembly Public Safety Committee, Chairman Tom Ammiano, widely considered the most progressive Democratic CA Assemblyman told Donnelly, the most conservative Republican that “you have found a zone we are all in.” AB-351 passed out of committee unanimously.

Acting as floor manager for the bill in the Senate, San Francisco liberal Democrat Mark Leno, and his colleagues had a brief laugh he was the one presenting a bill introduced by ultra-conservative Assemblymember Tim Donnelly.   Leno noted that this was the result of the serious nature of the matter at hand.  He said, “It doesn’t matter where one finds oneself on the political spectrum, these two sections of this national defense act are wrong, unconstitutional and never should have been included.”


Some opponents of the legislation claimed that the US Constitution’s “supremacy clause” prevents the state from taking this action.  But this is a complete misunderstanding, not only of the supremacy clause, but of AB351 as well.  There is absolutely ZERO serious dispute about the fact that the federal government cannot “commandeer” the states to carry out its laws.  None. Even the Supreme Court has affirmed this multiple times.

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By on September 4, 2013

by TAC

Today, the California State Senate voted to approve a bill that will help render toothless the federal “indefinite detention” powers under the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).  The bill, by Assemblymember Tim Donnelly, was previously passed by the state assembly by a vote of 71-1 (roll call here)

California residents are strongly encouraged to contact Governor Jerry Brown, urging him to sign AB351.

If passed into law, AB351 would make it state policy to reject “indefinite detention” powers from the federal government.   It reads, in part:

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By Desert Rose

Here we  have  evidence  of the  ruthless  and depraved deeds of a  government  driven  by  greed and  power.  The  psychological process  used  to  turn the  citizens of  a  country against fellow  countrymen/women.  To demonize and criminalize innocents  for their  own  ends.  The  rationalization behind the process is  twofold. 

First it is  an  efficient and effective  way  to  eliminate  a group of  people  that  pose a  threat  to  your  ultimate  plans  of  control .  By  ensuring that  the  citizenry  at  large  are indoctrinated to  believe  that  these  Falun Gong  practitioners posed  a threat  to the nation and it’s people.  Labeling them  as  extremists,  suicidal ,  dangerous  and  deranged.  Thereby  enlisting the   uninformed citizenry to participate  in the persecution and  ultimately  the execution of a people  who meant  harm to  no one, save  those who  could not  afford independent  thought……The Government.

Top Officials Implicated in Organ Harvesting in China

Police chief’s research exemplifies regime’s guilt

Before he kicked off the biggest political storm in recent Chinese communist history last February after attempting to defect at a U.S. Consulate in southwestern China, police chief Wang Lijun supervised the cutting of thousands of organs from the bodies of prisoners of conscience—while they were still alive.

Wang was merely a mid-ranking officer in a dark conspiracy that reached to the top of the Chinese Communist Party.

In Jinzhou City in Liaoning Province in northeastern China, Wang Lijun ran a research laboratory in the same building as the security bureau he headed. His research focused on live, human organ extraction and transplantation.

He was working under the watch of Bo Xilai, the recently disgraced official who was head of Liaoning Province when Wang began his research.

The facts about Wang were revealed in 2006 when, three years after becoming director of the public security bureau, he was given an award—but not one for fighting crime. Wang’s team had done pioneering research on how best to transplant organs taken from prisoners—who were possibly still alive when their organs were removed—and surgeons acting at his direction had honed new techniques over “thousands” of on-site trials.

“As we all know, the so-called ‘on the scene research’ is the result of several thousand intensive on-site transplants,” he said in his acceptance speech for the award.

He talked up his research: “For a veteran policeman, to see someone being executed and to see this person’s organs being transplanted to several other persons’ bodies, it was profoundly stirring.”

Read Full Article Here

Secondly,  this  process being used to  indoctrinate  the  masses to  view those  who are  different  as  evil and  dangerous.  Thereby  providing  not only  a successful cover  for the governments evil purposes but  acceptance even encouragement to  punish these people.  For the  greater  good  of  course.

A Regime Makes War Against the Peaceful Falun Gong Practice

The Chinese Communist Party began its campaign to crush Falun Gong with an avalanche of propaganda depicting people who often meditate in parks as suicidal revolutionaries bent on destroying China.

Few Chinese believed the narrative, despite it being repeated hundreds of times. Up to 400 articles were published by each of the major newspapers within the first 30 days of the campaign.

Falun Gong was well-established, with over 28,000 practice sites across China. It was comfortably familiar to many, and public sympathy was with the group.

Then-Party chief Jiang Zemin began efforts to suppress Falun Gong in 1996, but the regime’s efforts met with sit-ins and peaceful acts of civil disobedience that Chinese people hadn’t seen since the Tiananmen Square massacre.

Jiang, who rose to power through supporting the crackdown on the student democracy movement, was both jealous and threatened by the fact that Falun Gong had attracted more adherents than the CCP had members. There were roughly 60 million Party members and up to 100 million Falun Gong practitioners.

He also wanted to wipe out the resurgence of Chinese traditional belief that Falun Gong represented, and in the persecution—which would demand that everyone in China take sides—he saw an opportunity to solidify his power.

As he said in a letter that made the case for persecution, he could not tolerate that Falun Gong adherents believed in something beyond the materialism and atheism of Chinese communism.

For three years, the security forces had harassed Falun Gong practitioners. Following the publication in the city of Tianjin, just down the road from Beijing, of an article attacking the practice, adherents gathered asking the article be withdrawn. Police arrested 45 of them, and in response to pleas for their release, told the practitioners to ask Beijing.

Ten thousand Falun Gong adherents gathered at the appeals office in Beijing on April 25, 1999. It was a crowd so large police arranged them on the sidewalks around Zhongnanhai, the communist leadership compound.

That night Jiang wrote to members of the Politburo Standing Committee that “behind the scenes” Falun Gong masterminds were making a move against the regime. He called it “the most serious incident since the political turbulence in 1989.”

Practitioners had merely gone to appeal against mistreatment, asking the central government to uphold its own laws.

Jiang wrote that Falun Gong was competing with the Party for the masses. “We must understand this issue as a political one, as one that involves the very existence of the Party and the nation. We must thoroughly investigate it and show zero tolerance!”

Read Full Article Here

One  would  ponder the use of  this process in  another  country,  say  one that  is  not   communist or  at  least  not  yet.  Comparing the process of the  criminalization of  Falun Gong practitioners to  oh  let’s  say Americans  who  question the  status  quo.  People  who  question  government  and  their  motives.  People  who have questioned  the  loss  of  liberties, the  more and  more  prevalent terror  attacks on  American  soil.  Those  who so  distrust  the  motives  of the  government   that they question everything including the  incessant  need   to  nullify the  Constitution and the Bill of   Rights.  Unlawful wars,  lies  to the  American People,  subterfuge at every turn.  All to  undermine and  demoralize the people.  Labeled  as  conspiracy  nuts,  non  conformists, anti-government radicals, Christians, Conservatives, Struggling  Middle Class, Constitutionalists, Libertarians, veterans and  gun  owners have  all been lumped  together  to  be labeled in this manner.  Listed  as possible terrorists we  are  placed on   watch  lists  and  no  fly  lists by the   Department  of Homeland Security. 

Terrorist watch listDHS’s new terrorist database rankles privacy groups

Published 15 August 2011

A new DHS plan to create its own version of the FBI’s terrorist watch list that is exempt from the Privacy Act has privacy groups concerned; under the proposed plan, DHS would create the Watchlist Service which would bring the FBI’s suspected terrorist list in-house and expand on it

DHS plans a Privacy Act-exempt watch list // Source: dariknews.bg

A new DHS plan to create its own version of the FBI’s terrorist watch list that is exempt from the Privacy Act has privacy groups concerned.

Under the proposed plan, DHS would create the Watchlist Service which would bring the FBI’s suspected terrorist list in-house and expand on it. The list would contain names, dates of birth, biometric data, photos, passport information, driver’s licenses, and other critical information. The goal, according to DHS’s 6 July proposal, is to increase employee access to the FBI and Justice Department’s list “in order to automate and simplify the current method for transmitting” the data to DHS component agencies including the Transportation Security Administration (TSA).”

TSA currently uses the watch list for its Secure Flight program, which is aimed at preventing suspected terrorists from boarding planes by allowing the agency to instantly check ticketed airline passengers’ names against the database.

Testifying before the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee in July, David Heyman, the assistant Homeland Security secretary for policy, explained that DHS had identified screening gaps in its review of the suspected terrorist database.

To address these security gaps, DHS “has transitioned the Secure Flight program to use all terrorist watch list records containing a full name and a full date of birth and designates matches to those records as selectees subject to enhanced physical screening prior to boarding a flight,” he said.

What concerns privacy advocates though, is a particular provision in DHS’s proposal that states the department will “exempt portions of the system of records from one or more provisions of the Privacy Act because of criminal, civil and administrative enforcement requirements.”

The proposed provision has led privacy advocates like the Electronic Privacy Information Center, the American Library Association’s Washington office, the Bill of Rights Defense Committee, and the Center for Financial Privacy and Human Rights to issue a joint letter to DHS demanding that the department reconsider its proposal.

The groups’ main concern is that these exemptions would remove critical safe guards put in place to protect the rights of citizens. Their letter stated, “secretive government lists without any meaningful safeguards present a very real risk of ‘mission creep,’ in which a system is pressed into unintended or unauthorized uses. Under this proposal, the agency would have the right to maintain and rely upon information it does not know to be accurate, relevant, timely, or complete without recourse — the right to subject citizens to arbitrary decisions.”

Read Full Article Here

Anyone  who criticizes, anyone  who complains  of the  abuse of  power  that  is  taking place  is  labeled.  The indoctrinated   and  conditioned  masses follow  suit  and   play their   roles  to the   T- baggers, Conspiracy  nuts, wingnuts, racists,zombies, lymbic  brained, tin foil  brigade……so many more   epitaphs   used to  describe  those  who  question and  do  not  follow   quietly  the  disturbing path that  is  being  set  before  this  nation.  You  say    Pffffft  that  can’t  happen  here this is  not   China, this is  not Russia, this is  not the  Middle  East.  We  have  freedom ,  we  have  rights,  we  are American!! 

Janeane Garofalo calls teabaggers “racist rednecks”

Tea Party Racism??

Ann Coulter: Occupy Wall Street Protesters Are Getting in Touch With Demonic Side

MSNBC on NYPD Police Brutality during Occupy Wall Street Lawrence O’donnell with “The Last Word”

Severe police action as thousands of Occupy protesters fill Times Square

Look around  folks  and  take a  real hard  look  at  what  is  happening  around  you.  How  many  of  you are  questioning the  rationalization  behind   the  events  that are  taking  place and  how  they are  being  utilized to  fulfill an  agenda?
  What  agenda you  may  ask?  Well let’s  take a  look  shall  we?  The constant and  common  denominator  between  all these  events  and  the  agenda  that  they will ultimately   fulfill can  all be pinpointed  to one event   in the  history  of  this Nation.  On  September  11th  2001  there  became  evident to  anyone  who  wanted to see  a deadly  agenda that  marked  the  decent of this  once  great  nation.  The  mentality  that  has  gone  on to become the  battle  cry  of  not only  the  administration but of   State  and local   governments as  well.  “Never let a  good  crisis go to waste”, a statement  made  infamous   by  Rahm Emmanuel  and parroted  many  times over  by   different  figures  within the  government  apparatus. 

  Dianne Feinstein Not letting a good crisis go to waste.

Obama Gun Control Press Conference afte Sandy Hook Shooting

Incredible Speech on Gun Violence

Never Let A Good Crisis Go To Waste : Nanny Bloomberg Brings Us Protection Not Only From Our Bad Choices and Lack Of Control in Food Choices, But In Our Ownership Of Guns and Now In Our Freedoms and Constitution….For Our Own Good Of Course !

The   WTC  attack was  used  not only  to  usher in  an  illegal war ( which  we  now  have proof of having  been  planned years before  they were  able to  implement it) , it  was  the  beginning  of the  end of the   Constitution and  the  American  way  of  life.  How was it the  end?  Very  simply  it  helped to  usher in the  implementation of  the  Patriot  Act. 

Sept. 20, 2001 – Bush Declares War on Terror

Bill Cooper predicts 9/11 attack on the twin towers

  Judge Andrew Napolitano Natural Rights and The Patriot Act part 1 of 3

So many, so  very many called  for the  government to  do  something  and  protect  us from the   big  bad  terrorists and they  complied.  The Patriot  act  was  enacted  and  those   cowards who could only think of  being  protected  not  caring  how,  convinced themselves  that  more  government  was  better  and that the  government  knew  best.  Did they  once  stop to think  what they  were  asking  for ?  Did  they  stop  to think  what  the  end  result  would  be? Did they  once  stop and   remember   all this  government and  others  like it  had  done  when afforded unchecked  power?   The  answer  to all these  questions , unfortunately   is  NO…….All they  could  think  about  was  their  fear  and  their  need  to be protected  at  all costs.  Their  response to those  who  did  think and  remember was quite amusing and devastatingly  sad…….”If you have  nothing to hide, then you have  nothing to  fear”.  This  has  become  the  cry of the  conformists and  apologists.  They have  opted for the head in the  sand  approach.  If  the government  says it is  for  my  own  good then  it  must  be true.  Anyone denying  me and mine the  safety being  offered  by the  government is wrong and therefore  dangerous.  The  demoralization and alienation  campaign  had  begun.  George  Bush  gave a  speech and  in it  I can  remember the  use of  the   word  terrorist over  and over  again ,  culminating in this one  statement  that  said  it  all and  frankly labeled everyone in one  way  or  another……”If you are  not  with us  , the you are  with the  terrorists!”  That is  how  we  as  Americans  have  lived our  lives  everyday  since whether  we  are aware of it  or  not.  We are blackmailed and threatened  on a  daily  basis.  Oh not  in a  confrontational in  your  face  kind of  way  ,  no of  course  not .  It is  more subtle than  that .  A  quite   sophisticated  mind  game that   is  molding  the  majority  of  Americans  into the  hive mind citizens they  strive  for .  The useful  idiots  that Yuri  Bezmenov  the   Ex- KGB  Officer  that  explains the steps  necessary  to  undermine a nation. 

Ideological Subversion of Western Society

  Soviet Subversion of the Free World Press, 1984 – Complete

For those of  you  who  are   beginning to have  doubts  and  are   opening  your  eyes  to the  possibility  of  something   not  being   quite  right I say this……The  devil is  in the details and in  order  for you to see the  truth   you  must look at the  whole  picture not  just the  frame that  is before  you at  any one  given  moment  in time.  You  must pull back and  look at  it  as  a  whole.  See History  as  it  has  unfolded  before  your  eyes not in  the  way  they  have  chosen to  present it  to you.  Understand that  the orchestration of this  play has  been a  very  long time in the making  ,but  who is  behind it is  not  as  important  as  where we  will be  as a  nation   if they  accomplish what  they  have  set  out to do. 

US-Canada Claim Iran-Al Qaeda Ties Despite US Funding Al Qaeda in Iran for Years

April 23, 2013 (LD) – As the FBI reels from what now appears to be revelations it was directly involved in the Boston Marathon bombings, a deluge of FBI “success” stories have been “serendipitously” splashed across Western headlines. Among them was an allegedly “foiled” terror attack in Canada, reported to be the work of terrorists supported by “Al-Qaeda operatives in Iran.” The Globe and Mail, in its report, “Canada joins U.S. in alleging al-Qaeda has operatives based in Iran,” states:

“To many, it came as a surprise that the RCMP is alleging that two terror suspects arrested in Canada on Monday were supported by al-Qaeda operatives in Iran.

The Sunni-based al-Qaeda and Shia Iran belong to different branches of Islam that have been at odds historically. But in recent years U.S. officials have formally alleged that Iran has allowed al-Qaeda members to operate out of its territory.”

Both at face value and upon deeper examination, this assertion is utterly absurd, divorced from reality, and indicative of the absolute contempt within which the Western establishment holds the global public. In reality, the West, the US, Saudi Arabia, and Israel in particular, have propped up and perpetuated Al Qaeda for the very purpose of either undermining or overthrowing the governments of Iran, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Algeria, Libya,  Russia, Malaysia, Indonesia, and beyond. Regarding Iran in particular, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh in his 2007 New Yorker piece titled, “The Redirection: Is the Administration’s new policy benefiting our enemies in the war on terrorism?” would state:

To undermine Iran, which is predominantly Shiite, the Bush Administration has decided, in effect, to reconfigure its priorities in the Middle East. In Lebanon, the Administration has coöperated with Saudi Arabia’s government, which is Sunni, in clandestine operations that are intended to weaken Hezbollah, the Shiite organization that is backed by Iran. The U.S. has also taken part in clandestine operations aimed at Iran and its ally Syria. A by-product of these activities has been the bolstering of Sunni extremist groups that espouse a militant vision of Islam and are hostile to America and sympathetic to Al Qaeda.

In a follow up, Hersh in his 2008 New Yorker piece titled, “Preparing the Battlefield: The Bush Administration steps up its secret moves against Iran,” spelled out a damning indictment of US involvement in bolstering, arming, and funding terror organizations, not linked to, but described as actually being Al Qaeda.Read Full Article Here

To conform and  go with the  flow  at this point  in time is  tantamount to  suicide as  a nation.  You  must  open  your  eyes  and  view the  events  as  a puzzle  that  must  be  deciphered.  It’s  true intent exposed so that  you may  see how  it   has  developed  and  what it’s ultimate  intent entails.  To do  so  requires discipline,  time  and  courage.  There  are  many  who  would  sooner  shoot  you  down and label  you  crazy  than allow  you  to  go  down this  road.  Which you  choose is  entirely up to you ,  however,  if you are  reading this  and  you  choose to  do  nothing, to  say  nothing then you are  as  responsible  as  the  criminals  perpetrating these crimes  against  our  people.  Your  silence and  lack of  resolve  making you  complicit  in the  crimes  that  will be  heaped  upon  the  American   people when the  time to   unveil the final  agenda arrives.  Truly  look at  what  is  presented  and  try to  understand  where it is  going and  what   the  ultimate  result   could be.  That is  all anyone  can  ask  of  you  That is  all  any of  us  would require.  We  need  you to  wake  up  and understand  what  is  being  done…….

Former diplomat wistleblower talks about US government secrets and corruption

  FBI Fake Terror Plot History: Judge Napolitano

Patriot  Act  NDAA, Indefinite  Detention  Of  American Citizens,  Presidential Kill List, Fusion Centers, CISPA, SOPA, PIPA, Gun Control, Executive Orders, Unamanned  Drones, TSA, Lockdowns,  Door to Door Illegal Searches, Warantless  Surveillance, Personal Data Sharing, Militarization of  local  police, Legitimization of  Police  Brutality, Veterans – Christians-Constitutionalists-Libertarians-Gun Owners- Activists being  labeled  as  potential  terrorists and the list   goes on and  on

FBI knew of PLOT TO KILL Occupy Wall Street activists; stayed silent, potential SNIPER ASSASINATIONS

FBI & DHS Under Obama Declared Occupy Wall Street Protesters TERRORIST To Protect Big Business

Occupy Wall Street

  FOX News Attacks Occupy Wall Street Protests

On Fox News, Tea Party Good, Occupy Wall Street Bad



Occupy tries to help Columbine survivor keep his home

“THIS Is Where Occupy Is Going” – MOC #188


Ron Paul: What if the People Wake Up?


Saturday, March 23, 2013

On Fire for Liberty: Las Vegas Passes Anti-NDAA Resolution

Activist Post

PANDA Nevada (People Against the National Defense Authorization Act) has announced the passage of a Las Vegas City Council Resolution defeating the indefinite detention provisions of the 2012 NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act).

Just before noon on Wednesday, the honorable Las Vegas City Council passed a resolution rebuking the indefinite detention provisions of the 2012 NDAA, 5-2. The resolution may be read here at: http://tinyurl.com/cyu5bue. The Resolution will now head to the Clark County Commission; if passed, it would be the first Joint City/County Resolution passed in response to the NDAA.

The 2012 National Defense Authorization Act was overwhelmingly passed by Congress and signed into law by President Barack Obama on December 31, 2011. The 2012 NDAA declares the United States to be a battlefield in the war on terror and Section 1021 & 1022 authorize the indefinite military detention, without charge or trial, of persons on US soil.


Read Full Article  Here

Published on Feb 28, 2013

The full interview with Phil Restino of Veterans for Peace. Phil calls out the phony, hypocritical “antiwar left”, including Veterans for Peace, Code Pink and Chris Hedges on the issues of impeachment and the NDAA.

Traces of Reality Radio hosted by Guillermo Jimenez.
This is a clip from TOR Radio – Feb. 23, 2013
Full show will be uploaded soon.

Montana NDAA Nullification Bill Passes House Committee, 20-0

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By a unanimous voice voice today, the Montana House Judiciary Committee voted to approved House Bill 522 (HB522) and move it to the full state house.

A modified version of the Liberty Preservation Act released by the Tenth Amendment Center, Montana joins a growing choir of states and localities who’ve decided that waiting for federal politicians to repeal their own power is something they’re not willing to risk.

The bill was sponsored by State Representative Nicholas Schwaderer who worked hard behind the scenes to get a bipartisan group of legislators to cosponsor – 18 republicans and 6 democrats.

After yesterday’s committee hearing on HB522, Montana Tenth Amendment Center coordinator Tim Ravndal expressed his belief that the bill would pass, and the fact that a wide coalition across the political aisle was in support:

“HB 522 FLEW through the House Judiciary Committee Hearing. I was asked at the conclusion of the hearing how it felt to be on the same side with ACLU. “Politics make strange bedfellows” We had no opposition to the bill, and only one question from the committee seeking clarification. This bill is on the freight train heading for the Governor!”

If signed into law, HB522 would make it illegal for Montana to participate in NDAA indefinite detention: “The state of Montana may not provide material support or participate with the implementation of sections 1021 and 1022 of the federal National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012, Public Law 112-81, within the boundaries of this state”

Noncompliance with federal law is 100% noncontroversial both legally and constitutionally. There’s absolutely ZERO serious thought that supports the idea that the federal government has the constitutional authority to require state agents to enforce federal laws. Even the Supreme Court has affirmed this more than once in recent history. Statements to the contrary are absurd.

Such noncompliance on a wide scale is very effective in rendering an unconstitutional federal act null, void or just unenforceable. Learn how this method plays out and works HERE.

ACTION STEPS for Montana….


Read Full Article Here




rizona NDAA Nullification Bill Passes Committee, 6-2

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By a vote of 6-2 the Arizona State House Judiciary Committee approved House Bill 2573 (HB2573), bringing it one step away from a full House vote.

A modified version of the Liberty Preservation Act released by the Tenth Amendment Center, Arizona joins a growing choir of states and localities who’ve decided that waiting for federal politicians to repeal their own power is something they’re not willing to risk.

Tenth Amendment Center member Bryan Berkland said as much in his public testimony in support of the bill:

“It would be nice if the federal government would check their own power, but that’s not happening.” Berkland began his testimony by pointing out the most important issue at hand, the federal government has no legitimate authority to indefinitely detain, that is, arrest without end and without access to courts or lawyers. He said, “When I read the Constitution, I don’t find any authorization for this.”

The bill was sponsored by State Representatives Carl Seel and Brenda Barton along with State Senator Judy Burgess. If signed into law, HB2573 would ban the state from providing “material support” or participating “in any way” with sections 1021 and 1022 of the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), the sections which purport to authorize indefinite detention and are in effect today. (read more HERE and HERE).

At the beginning of testimony, the Committee chair noted that since so many people from the public were in attendance and had sign up to speak in favor of the bill – and no one has signed up to speak against it – they would allow a limited number of people to make the case. After Representative Seel and Berkland spoke, Mr Clark, a known local progressive activist, also urged the committee to vote in favor. In his testimony he spoke of something that’s happening across the country in opposition to indefinite detention – setting aside differences for common cause. “I stand strangely-enough with the republicans in support of this bill.”

Only one person spoke against the bill during the entire hearing – one of the two committee members who voted against it. (awaiting confirmation of the name of the member)

“A bill in contravention to the federal government is troubling to me. If someone is opposed to federal policy, the place to take it up is in the courts, not here in the state house.”

The problem with this statement is that the member is possibly not understanding the bill he just voted against. HB2573 doesn’t do anything to federal law. It says that the State of Arizona will not assist the federal government in carrying out their unconstitutional law. There’s absolutely ZERO serious thought that supports the idea that the federal government has the constitutional authority to require state agents to enforce federal laws. Even the Supreme Court has affirmed this more than once in recent history. Statements to the contrary are absurd.

Noncompliance with federal law – 100% noncontroversial both legally and constitutionally – is quite effective. Learn how this method plays out and works HERE.

Also, supporters of the bill might want to consider asking the representative if he would have been opposed to those states who passed laws in the 1850s in contravention to federal slave-catching laws, or if his rejection of such actions is simply limited to indefinite detention.



Read Full Article Here

Published on Jan 27, 2013

The NDAA and indefinite detention.


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Congressional Records

HR1540 Statement by the President

HR1540 (2012 NDAA signed into Law)

HR4310 (2013 NDAA signed into Law)