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Mayan Calendar Guatamala Pyramid and End of Baktun13

By Harold Saive –


(3/27/2013) – The Mayan’s didn’t use their calendar to predict doom in 2012 but their 394 year Baktun cycle may predict a long period of low solar activity and years of extreme global cooling starting now.

Marking the end of the thirteenth Baktun on Dec 21, 2012 places the onset of solar events that led to the Maunder Minimum – also referred to as the “Little Ice Age”.


Are we ready yet for potentially disastrous impacts of space weather?

“Comparing a future solar event to the 1859 Carrington event: “Directly or indirectly, a comparable geomagnetic storm today (and foreseeable future) would likely include widespread and long-term disruptions on transportation and commerce, agriculture and food stocks, medical facilities, satellite-based communication and navigation systems, national security, etc.” — By Steve Trackton – The Capital Weather Gang – A review of the 2012 Space Weather Enterprise Forum presented by The National Space Weather Program Council.


Are we ready yet for potentially disastrous impacts of space weather?

“Comparing a future solar event to the 1859 Carrington event: “Directly or indirectly, a comparable geomagnetic storm today (and foreseeable future) would likely include widespread and long-term disruptions on transportation and commerce, agriculture and food stocks, medical facilities, satellite-based communication and navigation systems, national security, etc.” — By Steve Trackton – The Capital Weather Gang – A review of the 2012 Space Weather Enterprise Forum presented by The National Space Weather Program Council.

Our Sun is Losing Energy: The typical peak-to-peak solar cycle have long been established to be about 11 years. The last solar minimum began in 2001 following an unremarkable maximum. But in April 2009 the solar minimum was officially recognized as having lasted far longer than normal. It was not until the middle of 2010 when sunspot numbers began to increase, signalling an overdue, but very weak return to a solar maximum. Relative to Earth, the maximum would be even weaker than forecast due a mysterious absence of earth-directed solar flares – a persistent event that continues to defy the label of “coincidence.”

The health of Earth’s atmosphere – extending out to the magnetosphere – relies on the energy of solar flares to maintain what we have come to expect as a “normal” electrical balance between Earth, Sun and the solar system. For unknown reasons, what little solar flare activity is taking place has been mostly directed away from Earth – causing our atmosphere to experience conditions not much different than an extended “minimum” – as if the solar maximum had not yet returned. If flares continues to miss earth for much longer, the return of the next solar minimum could delay a replenishing solar charge of our magnetosphere for years.

Changes in our Solar System:

  • Along with a decline in solar energy NASA has detected increased seismic activity on Mars
  • The rotation of Venus and possibly Saturn has measurably slowed.
  • Jupiter has exhibited significant weather changes including loss of a characteristic “stripe” as it gained a new red spot.
  • During 2012 telescopes recorded a giant flash on Jupiter that was larger than Earth. NASA called it a comet or asteroid but didn’t explain the telltale concentric rings and the absence of evidence that anything penetrated Jupiter’s atmosphere.
  • The 30 year cycle of Saturn Storms has broken stride to appear ten years earlier than predicted.
  • Hubble has been scanning space for years but only recently has been able to “see” auroras on Uranus.
  • In 2005 data from NASA’s Mars Global Surveyor and Odyssey missions revealed that the carbon dioxide “ice caps” near Mars’s south pole had been diminishing for three summers in a row.
  • Habibullo Abdussamatov, head of space research at St. Petersburg’s Pulkovo Astronomical Observatory in Russia, says the Mars melting ice caps data is evidence that the current global warming on Earth is being caused by changes in the sun.
  • Earthquakes are on the rise within our own moon.


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