Tag Archive: Eckhart Tolle


We knew this day would come – Deadly strain of MRSA now resistant to last-line antibiotics for infections

By J. D. Heyes, 
(NaturalNews) As more and more bacteria and organisms in the world become resistant to the things that used to kill them, which in turn has kept humanity relatively safe and healthy, there is new evidence that a deadly strain of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is now becoming resistant to last-ditch antibiotics. Scientists say this new hospital-borne superbug has not spread thus far, but anyone who follows such developments knows that can’t be far away. In fact, doctors aware…

Hidden history of organized medicine revealed in NaturalNews investigative report

By Mike Adams, 
(NaturalNews) Most people who undergo chemotherapy do not realize the origin of common chemotherapy agents is found in the mustard gas chemical weapons used in World Wars I and II. That’s just one of 25 stunning — but historically accurate — revelations found in an investigative report issued by NaturalNews.com, one of the most visited news websites in the world. The report, available as a FREE downloadable PDF, is available at: http://www.NaturalNews.com/HiddenHistory The report reveals a well…

Researchers sharpen the focus on medical understanding of omega-3 fatty acids

By Raw Michelle, 
(NaturalNews) As early as the 1950s, physicians have been advertising the many benefits that omega-3 fatty acids add to one’s health, but details of the exact mechanism by which it benefits the human body have largely been guesswork. The cause and effect relationship between levels of consumed omega-3s and conditions like arthritis, eczema, and coronary heart disease is clearly visible, but at a cellular level, understanding of how these processes defend against inflammation has been poorly understood…

Eat a gluten-free diet for type 2 diabetes and celiac disease

By Sarka-Jonae Miller, June 1 2012
(NaturalNews) New research finds that almost one in four adolescents in the United States have diabetes or pre-diabetes, according to The New York Times. These are not children with juvenile diabetes but full-on type 2 diabetes. More than 25 million adults already have diabetes and 79 million may have prediabetes, yet few people consider a diabetes diet. There is a definite correlation between diet and diabetes symptoms. Studies suggest that eating a gluten-free diet without dairy could be good for…

PSA prostate cancer test should be abandoned, warns government task force

By Ethan A. Huff, 
(NaturalNews) The verdict is in — PSA tests for prostate cancer are unreliable, and do not offer men any tangible benefit in lifespan or quality of life. These are the conclusions of the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (PSTF), which found that many more men are injured by PSA tests than are helped by it. PSA, also known as prostate specific antigen, is a biological marker that doctors and healthcare practitioners often use to detect the presence of a potential prostate tumor. Since PSA levels…

Bisphosphonate drug treatment for osteoporosis causes MORE bone fractures, not less

By J. D. Heyes, 
(NaturalNews) Natural medicine is, of course, much better for your overall health, but when you have to take something Big Pharma manufactures, you should at least be able to expect that it will do what it’s supposed to do. Not so with bisphosphonates, drugs that are supposed to improve bone strength in patients at risk of or saddled with osteoporosis. They, instead, seem to worsen it. According to new clinical research by Raphael P.H. Meier, MD, from University Hospitals of Geneva, and colleagues…


Holistic Health

Hemp seed oil: The new healthy oil

By John McKiernan, 
(NaturalNews) Hemp seed oil, pressed from the seeds of the Cannabis sativa plant, has been named nature’s perfect food due to its balanced concentrations of omega fatty acids. Hemp used to be consumed worldwide, as it was one of the first cultivated and consumed crops. There is a misconception that hemp contains THC, the principal psychoactive constituent of the cannabis plant. Needless to say, this is false. Although relativity new to the Western Hemisphere, hemp seed oil is now widely available…

Beware of ‘natural’ food fraud

By J. D. Heyes, 
(NaturalNews) These days, what with so-called pomegranate drink products containing less than 1 percent actual pomegranate juice and so on, it has become more than necessary to scrutinize the packaging and labeling of so-called “natural” foods and beverages because often they contain misleading information about the actual product. It could be as simple as muffins in supermarkets that are supposed to contain blueberries, but only actually contain “blue dots” of processed corn syrup with artificial…

Homeopathic remedies and Herbal medicines may stop the spread of parasites causing Chagas disease – the new AIDS of the Americas

By JB Bardot, 
(NaturalNews) The latest health horror known as Chagas disease, or the AIDS of the Americas has appeared in both Latin and Central America, infecting over 8 million individuals. Those individuals affected seem to have certain traits in common with early AIDS patients in that many live in poverty with little access to health care treatment. The disease is transmitted to humans through bites from blood-sucking insects bearing a parasite that is deposited under the skin. Known as the “kissing bug…


Pet Health

Morning Dog Breakfast Routine: Noreen’s Kitchen

Published on May 16, 2012 by

Greetings! Here we are sharing how we feed the dogs their daily breakfast. This is the homemade dog food that we recently made for them and we discuss the supplements that we add to it.

We hope this inspires you to provide a homemade or better pet food for your pet made from whole nutritious ingredients.

Gone to the Dogs Again! Beef and Liver Dog Food: Noreen’s Kitchen

Published on May 29, 2012 by

Greetings! During this past weekend, it was time to replenish our supply of homemade dog food. This time I have done a variation on my last recipe. I have used organic brown rice, ground beef, peas and carrots a dozen beaten eggs with their shells an 2 pounds of good quality liverwurst broken up in the mix. I got 6 foil pans out of this batch which will be enough for about 1 month of morning feedings.

Next time I plan on making a different variation using ground turkey, canned salmon, oats and sweet potatoes. The dogs love fish and sweet potatoes, I think the turkey will round that out nicely.

I hope you give this a try for your dogs and I hope they love it!


Positivity Mind and Body

Eckhart Tolle The Deepest Truth of Human


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Healthy Weight Loss May Cut Your Cancer Risk

New study found decrease in inflammation warning signals.

May 1, 2012

By Denise Mann
HealthDay Reporter

TUESDAY, May 1 (HealthDay News) — Moderate weight loss reduces levels of inflammation that have been tied to certain cancers, at least in postmenopausal women, a new study suggests.

According to the findings, older women who lost at least 5 percent of their body weight through diet alone or diet plus exercise showed significant reductions in key inflammatory blood markers such as C-reactive protein and interleukin-6.

In addition to risk for heart disease, elevated levels of these markers have also been associated with increased risk for several cancers, including breast, colon, lung and endometrial cancer.

The findings appear May 1 in the journal Cancer Research.

“Our findings support weight loss through calorie reduction and increased exercise as a means for reducing inflammatory biomarkers and thereby potentially reducing cancer risk in overweight and obese postmenopausal women,” said researchers led by Dr. Anne McTiernan, director of the Prevention Center at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, in Seattle.

Aiming to lose 10 percent of their body weight, the women were either placed on a calorie-restricted diet, asked to participate in moderate-to vigorous-aerobic exercise for 45 minutes a day for five days a week, or told to do both.

During the one-year study, C-reactive protein levels went down by about 36 percent in the diet-alone group and by 42 percent in the diet and exercise group. Interleukin-6 levels decreased by about 23 percent in the diet group and 24 percent in the diet and exercise group, the study showed. There were greater reductions in these levels seen among women who lost at least 5 percent of their body weight. Exercise alone did not affect levels of inflammation markers.

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Tasers Can Trigger Fatal Heart Trouble

Study looked at eight healthy men who became unconscious after receiving shock.

May 1, 2012

Taser guns may cause major heart problems according to a new study.

Taser guns may cause major heart problems according to a new study.

TUESDAY, May 1 (HealthDay News) — Taser guns used by law enforcement can cause heart rhythm problems, sudden cardiac arrest and death, according to a new study.

Tasers, which are widely used by police forces in the United States and other countries, are designed to stun suspects by delivering a 50,000-volt shock.

Indiana University Health cardiologist Dr. Douglas Zipes analyzed the cases of eight healthy men, ages 16 to 48, who were tasered between 2006 and 2009 and lost consciousness. All but one of the men died.

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Exercise Plus Computer Time May Boost Seniors’ Brains

Combination seems to help reduce odds of age-related memory loss, study finds

May 1, 2012

TUESDAY, May 1 (HealthDay News) — A combination of moderate exercise and mental stimulation through computer use may help reduce the risk of age-related memory loss more than computer use or exercise alone, according to new research.

The study, published in the May issue of Mayo Clinic Proceedings, included more than 920 people in Olmsted County, Minn., aged 70 to 93, who completed questionnaires about their computer use and physical activity over the previous year.

The Mayo Clinic researchers found signs of mild cognitive impairment in nearly 38 percent of participants who did not exercise and did not use a computer, compared with just over 18 percent of those who did moderate exercise and also used a computer. Mild cognitive impairment is the stage between normal age-related memory loss and early Alzheimer’s disease.

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Holistic Health

USDA to issue new guidelines limiting amount of sugar, salt, and fat in foods sold at public schools

By Jonathan Benson, May 1 2012
(NaturalNews) Pressure from consumer and non-profit groups to eliminate all forms of “junk” food from public school lunch rooms across America has led the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to pursue drastic new food restriction measures that are set to be enacted this summer. According to Reuters, the USDA is poised to ban chips, soda pop, candy bars, and many other sugary, salty, high-fat foods from not only school cafeterias, but also from campus vending machines. The plan is designed to…

Avocado oil is a key component in the fight against free-radical aging and cancer proliferation

By John Phillip, May 1 2012
(NaturalNews) Oxygen has been a critical component in the evolution of life on earth, and humans are no exception as the gas has enabled nutrients to be used more efficiently, in turn allowing for the essential generation of energy required for development and growth. While oxygen is a crucial part of life, it is also implicated in the generation of free radicals that promote abnormal cellular destruction, cancer proliferation and advanced aging in humans. Many environmental factors such as pollution…


Pet Health

Cat Grooming 101

Scrub-a-Dub-Dub, Kitty in the Tub

If you have a cat, then you’ll know a cat’s grooming habits put even the most glamorous Hollywood star to shame. Skip grooming school and learn how to properly groom your cat from us.

Cats spend a good deal of their waking hours grooming themselves. Of course, even with their natural skills, cats can benefit from a little human help every now and then.

Regardless whether you have a fancy cat like a Persian or a regular ol’ Shorthair, cats require hair brushing, not only to remove tangles, burs and dander, but to remove that extra hair your cat keeps leaving you in the form of hairballs. To be effective, brushing should be a daily routine for you and your cat. There are plenty of different tools on the market — brushes, combs, gloves, etc. — so choose wisely and ask your friends what works best with their cats.

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Acute Vomiting in Cats

Sudden Onset of Vomiting in Cats

Cats will commonly vomit from time to time, often because they might have eaten something that upset their stomachs, or simply because they have sensitive digestive systems. However, the condition becomes acute when the vomiting does not stop and when there is nothing left in the cat’s stomach to throw up except bile. It is important you take your pet to a veterinarian in these cases.

While vomiting may have a simple, straightforward cause, it may be an indicator of something far more serious. It is also problematic because it can have a wide range of causes, and determining the correct one may be complicated.

The condition described in this medical article can affect both dogs and cats. If you would like to learn more about how this condition affects dogs, please visit this page in the petMD health library.


Some of the more common symptoms include:

  • Weakness
  • Non-stop vomiting
  • Pain and distress
  • Bright blood in the stool or vomit (hematemesis)
  • Evidence of dark blood in the vomit or stool (melena)

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Positivity Mind and Body

Eckhart Tolle – Bringing Stillness Into Everyday Life


Rescue Stories

Ziva the Diva

Ziva the Diva

Zeva (formerly named Theva) was almost 9 years old when her owner died last New Years’ Eve while under the care of Hospice of the Valley. Her owner had rescued her from the Maricopa County Humane Society 7 years earlier and was so devoted to her that he asked his daughters to be sure she would be given a good home. The daughters were unable to keep her due to conflicts with their own animals, and turned to the bereavement counselors at Hospice for help. We learned of her plight through Hospice and decided that we could offer a good home to her. After a short adjustment period, she decided that her new home was a very good place to be. She spends her days watching the birds from her favorite window sill, sipping filtered ice water from her glass on the coffee table, and napping in the sun. She lets us know when it’s bedtime and when everyone is settle into bed, she takes her spot next to me on my pillow. She has earned her nickname, Ziva the Diva.

Tani LeClair
Sun City West, AZ

Your Actions Here Fund Food And Care For Rescued Animals.


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How Sleep Directly Affects Your Metabolism

Patrick Gallagher
sleepless3 220x137 How Sleep Directly Affects Your Metabolism

Have you ever wondered why there are so many cases of obesity, high blood pressure, and heart disease among the people you work with and live around? In many cases, there are multiple reasons for this, including dietary issues, work stress, and a number of other factors, but there is a very high likelihood that those people may be suffering from such ailments because of one key reason: sleeplessness.

Indeed, the lack of sleep experienced by American citizens is one of the key debilitating factors squandering a great deal of the human resources that we need to function as a society. It is a consistent uphill battle under the veil of sleeplessness for each one of us whether we realize it or not; unfortunately, many people don’t realize they are lacking sleep. The greatest thanks for our mass sleeplessness can go to the concerted efforts of the industries offering sugary beverages, and the more recent energy drink frenzy that a high percentage of the populace consumes. The great, diverse variety of sugared drinks that the populace has the power to choose over natural, healthy alternatives is one of the greatest faults of the industry.


Holistic Health

Avocados Naturally Conquer Aging and Disease

Anthony Gucciardi
avocados 220x137 Avocados Naturally Conquer Aging and DiseaseContrary to many anti-aging pills and creams, avocados are extremely inexpensive and also quite a delicious addition to any seasonal meal. The best part, however, is that they are actually effective in fighting both again and bolstering your immune system to fight off disease — no expensive medical interventions required. The powerful yet 100% natural effect has to do with how the oil from the fruit can combat free radicals, which have been linked to countless conditions including cancer and heart disease (as well as aging, and in many cases accelerated aging).

What’s most amazing about the antioxidants found in avocados is their ability to ‘deeply’ penetrate inside the body and actually enter the mitochondria, a tiny ‘powerhouse’ which actually turns food into energy inside your body. Your mitochondria are actually teeming with free radicals, which are assaulting the tiny energy assimilators on a daily basis. While other fruits and vegetables — powerful in many ways as well — offer beneficial antioxidants, avocados possess the unique ability to actually make their way inside mitochondria. This is an effect that has scientists raving over the usage of avocados in the prevention of disease and aging.

Naomi Woods
foodonion 220x137 Health Benefits of OnionsIf you habitually separate the onions in your food because you do not want to eat them, then it’s time for you to change your ways. There are simply too many health benefits that onions have to offer, and not eating them would be such a waste. Many foods act as overall health boosters simply from consumption – onions are in this healthy food group.

Health Benefits of Onions

Here are some of the common health benefits of onions.

  • Better oral health — This may seem weird for some people since onions negatively affect the smell of their breath, but chewing raw onion is known to improve the strength of the teeth and fight off bacteria which can cause tooth decay.
  • Anti-bacterial and anti-microbial ingredients — Since onions often evoke unwanted tears, it can be quite annoying to slice up an onion. This effect is caused by the sulphides and thiosulfinates. Because of these two components, it is easier to prevent illnesses such as E. coli, bacillus subtilis and salmonella.

Naomi Woods
gingerroot 220x137 Benefits of GingerGinger tops the list of effective natural home remedies. The potency of ginger has been proven for a host of ailments. That is because it is packed with essential nutrients and rejuvenating compounds. Aside from the interesting flavour that ginger adds to your dishes, it also can spice up your overall wellness. Amazingly, the benefits of ginger also include combating cancer more effectively than pharmaceutical cancer drugs.

Originally, ginger was mostly used in China. These days, there are many plantations across the globe — particularly in East Africa and the Caribbean. That is why a lot of branches of natural health care like herbal therapy, aroma therapy, ayurveda and naturopathy depend on the multiple benefits that can be obtained from ginger.


Pet Health

How Nutritious is the Pet Food You Buy for Your Dog or Cat?

By Dr. Becker

There’s a reason most pet food companies cook the life out of the products they sell.

Extreme processing provides a number of benefits to manufacturers, including convenience, consistency from one product batch to the next, pathogen containment, decreased spoilage, and the opportunity to artificially enhance flavor and texture.

Of course, excessive processing also destroys essential nutrients in the ingredients and creates noxious by-products.

According to PetfoodIndustry.com:

“Petfood is unique.

Unlike with human foods, many of the starting ingredients used in commercial petfoods have already been extensively processed (e.g., meat and bone meal, tallow, rice bran, etc.), all of the ingredients in the diet are mixed together and then processed under fairly harsh conditions (e.g., extrusion) and the finished product is expected to be shelf-stable for more than a year under ambient conditions.

Human foods are typically singular ingredients or dietary components, only a portion of which are processed, they are eaten a la carte in multiple meals throughout the day and most are refrigerated, frozen or consumed within weeks of production.

Livestock feeds use a similar all-in ration approach like petfoods, but the final diet is seldom heat-processed and is commonly fed the same day it’s produced, so shelf life is of little concern.

These differences have profound implications on the nutritional value of the final product.”

Let’s take a closer look at how extreme processing of pet foods depletes their nutritional value.

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New Study Reveals Negative Impact of Fiber-Rich Diets on Cats


By Dr. Becker

In a study published recently in the Journal of Animal Science, researchers investigated the effects of three different types of fiber on overweight cats.

(Right off the bat, one has to wonder about the real purpose behind testing biologically inappropriate food on animals who already have a weight problem.)

Twenty-four overweight cats were fed one of four dry food diets:

  • A control diet with 11.5 percent fiber
  • Diet containing beet pulp with 26 percent fiber
  • Diet with wheat bran and 24 percent fiber
  • Diet with sugarcane and 28 percent fiber

The purpose of the study was to measure the effects of fiber on energy and macronutrient digestibility, fermentation product formation, postprandial metabolite responses, and colon histology.

In other words, the researchers wanted to know how well the cats’ bodies were able to digest and assimilate the nutrition provided by the various fiber diets, and what changes occurred in the colon as a result of eating significant amounts of dietary fiber.

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Positivity Mind and Body

Eckhart Tolle The Dao De Ching אקהרט טולה הטאו דה צ’ינג



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Cola habit behind death of 30-year-old New Zealand woman?

New Zealand Herald via AP

Natasha Harris, stay-at-home mother of eight, died of a heart attack in February 2010. Experts say the New Zealand woman’s two-gallon-a-day Coca-Cola habit probably contributed to her death, a conclusion that led the soft-drink giant to note that even water can be deadly in excessive amounts.

By The Associated Press

WELLINGTON, New Zealand — Experts say a New Zealand woman’s 2-gallon-a-day Coca-Cola habit probably contributed to her death, a conclusion that led the soft-drink giant to note that even water can be deadly in excessive amounts.

Natasha Harris, a 30-year-old, stay-at-home mother of eight from Invercargill, died of a heart attack in February 2010. Fairfax Media reported that a pathologist, Dr. Dan Mornin, testified at an inquest Thursday that she probably suffered from hypokalemia, or low potassium, which he thinks was caused by her excessive consumption of Coke and overall poor nutrition.

Symptoms of hypokalemia can include abnormal heart rhythms, according to the U.S. National Institutes of Health.

Mornin said that toxic levels of caffeine, a stimulant found in Coke, also may have contributed to her death, according to Fairfax.

Harris’ partner, Chris Hodgkinson, testified that Harris drank between 8 and 10 liters (2.1 and 2.6 gallons) of regular Coke every day.

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Doctors develop life-saving drugs from coral reefs


The chemicals that help corals and sponges survive are also helping people. Halaven, a drug derived from a sea sponge compound came on the market in Nov. 2010, and has improved survival among women who have metastatic breast cancer. NBC’s Anne Thompson reports.

By Christina Caron
NBC News

KEY WEST — The kaleidoscope of life in the coral reefs under the turquoise waters of the Florida Keys is a magnet for tourists, but it’s not just a pretty view.

The same chemistry that helps corals and sponges survive is also helping people fight cancer.

“What we’re doing is taking advantage of that chemistry and turning those chemicals into drugs to save lives,” said Stephanie Wear, director of coral reef conservation at the Nature Conservancy.

Wear describes the reefs as the “New York City” of the oceans, “where everything is happening,” because it is 400 to 600 times more likely to find a source for a drug in the ocean than on land — and the densely packed coral reefs are an even more plentiful source.

But climate change and waterway pollution threaten the sea life that house these healing properties.

“The [coral reef] population is diminished by about 90 percent across the Caribbean,” said James Byrne, the marine science program manager at the Nature Conservancy.

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Cell phone radiation and cancer: Just how much more proof do you need?

By Lloyd Burrell, 
(NaturalNews) Cell phones emit a dangerous non-ionizing form of electromagnetic radiation; radiation which can be absorbed by the tissues and cells which come into close contact with the phone, e.g., the head and neck. Scientific studies in the past have produced conflicting results; however, more recent studies working with long term exposure, (ten years or more), have clearly established that a link between cell phone use and certain forms of cancer exists. Scientific proof Drs. Lai and Singh…
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Methanol toxicity from aspartame may cause autism, spina bifida, preterm delivery and more

By Jonathan Benson,
(NaturalNews) The issue hardly gets as much attention as it deserves, but the extreme toxicity of the artificial sweetener aspartame is wrecking human health on a massive scale. And in a comprehensive study on methanol, the major alcohol component of aspartame, retired food scientist and Professor Emeritus of Food Science and Nutrition at Arizona State University (ASU) Dr. Woodrow C. Monte explains how methanol toxicity from aspartame and other sources appears responsible for causing autism, spina…


Holistic Health

Pharmaceutical company spends millions studying how to steal black cohosh component as potential treatment for Alzheimer’s

By Jonathan Benson, 
(NaturalNews) In the push to develop new drugs to treat Alzheimer’s disease, drug company Satori Pharmaceuticals has successfully raised $37 million in venture capital to continue studying a key compound that it believes will eventually lead to a major breakthrough in disease treatment. And according to Xconomy.com, this compound comes from natural black cohosh, a perennial plant whose extract is often used to treat menopause symptoms. Unbeknownst to many people today is the fact that pharmaceutical…

The amazing healing powers of cayenne pepper (capsicum)

By PF Louis, 
(NaturalNews) When the famous master herbalist Dr. John Christopher was bothered by stomach ulcer problems as a student, one of his herbal instructors recommended young John drink a solution of cayenne pepper powder in water daily. At first, Dr. Christopher thought this was a contradiction. How could something so hot help his ulcers? But he bravely took the advice and to his surprise, it did cure his ulcers. Following that experience, Dr. Christopher become a zealous advocate of cayenne for both…


Pet Health

Arsenic Poisoning in Cats

Arsenic Intoxication in Cats

Arsenic is a heavy metal mineral that is commonly included in chemical compounds for consumer products, such as herbicides (chemicals to kill unwanted plants), insecticides (chemicals to kill insects), and as wood preservatives. Most cases of toxicity occur in homes where such compounds are placed carelessly with open excess. Cats typically ingest such compounds accidentally. Toxicity can also occur over a long term, such as when cats are exposed to arsenic by eating grass that is regularly treated with herbicides.

Symptoms and Types

In case of acute exposure to arsenic, the following symptoms may be present in an affected cat:

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Abdominal pain
  • Lethargy
  • Fresh bright red blood in feces
  • Lying down with extreme exhaustion
  • Staggering
  • Body may feel unusually cold, especially at the extremities, such as the ears and limbs
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Death
  • In long-term (chronic) exposure symptoms may be subtle, such as poor appetite and weight loss

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Ever wonder why cats behave like they do? Bust the myths and find out why.

Did you know cats played a large role in ancient Egyptian society? They even became deities — Mafdet (goddess of justice) and Bast (goddess of war). And while these creatures aren’t held in such high esteem today, there is still an aura of mystery and a particular presence a cat has. Even their behavior is quite dissimilar to that other favorite domestic pet: the dog. With a little understanding of the feline “way,” you’ll discover their behavior isn’t so strange after all.

For instance, you might not have known that feral (wild) cats have their own territories and are responsible for their own food, water and safety. This autonomy and feeling of self-preservation is also seen in domesticated cats to a certain degree. Some people may even call cats aloof or unfriendly because of this.

However, for all the times you find your cat alone doing “cat things” (perhaps plotting to kill that evil dust bunny lurking in the corner), there are plenty of occasions your cat is quite social.

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Positivity Mind and Body

Eckhart Tolle – Finding Your Life’s Purpose – EckhartTolle.com


Articles of Interest

Bayer Advanced Insect Killer Plays on Consumer’s Fear of Germs


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Bayer’s GERM KILLER Insect spray preys on consumer’s fanatical fear of germs! Absolutely IDIOTIC!

I love to show the public how ridiculously stupid they are.

I was in Lowe’s yesterday.  I happened to notice a display of Bayer insect spray that made me (involuntarily!)  shout…, “WHAT?”  It wasn’t the Bayer name that got me; it was the fact that I saw GERM KILLER on the same label with the words “insect”.  Incredibly, the label says…

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