Tag Archive: Coalition

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US President Barack Obama (R) listens to Russian President Vladimir Putin

US Politicians Increasingly Realize Need for Coalition With Russia

© AFP 2015/ Jewel Samad


21:59 10.11.2015(updated 22:00 10.11.2015)

Russia and the US should work together to fight ISIL, head of the US State Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Dianne Feinstein said. According to political analyst Vladimir Shapovalov, US politicians are starting to realize that the problem of terrorism cannot be resolved without Russia.

Russia and the US should join their efforts to fight the terrorist group Islamic State, Feinstein told NBC News.

According to the US politician, the current situation would be convenient for the start of such cooperation as the United States started sharing intelligence data with Russia, something which  had not happened previously.

“I think the time has come for us also to begin to develop a joint strategy with Russia,” Feinstein said during the broadcast.

Russian political scientist Vladimir Shapovalov believes that such statements are a signal symbolizing the reestablishment of constructive relations between the two countries.



The Pentagon has stationed a new fleet of fighter jets in Turkey.

US Fighter Jets Sent to Turkey to Guard Against ‘Russian Aggression’

© Flickr/ darinm16

Middle East

03:29 11.11.2015(updated 03:32 11.11.2015) 

The Pentagon has stationed a new fleet of fighter jets in Turkey. While ostensibly aimed at protecting US bombers targeting the self-proclaimed Islamic State terrorist group, top defense officials also say the jets are meant to deter “Russian aggression.”

The US-led bombing campaign in Syria has been conducting airstrikes against IS targets for over one year, now. These strikes have been carried out by B-1 bombers, A-10 and AC-130 attack planes, and while they haven’t been terribly successful, these bombers have never faced any real danger in the field.

Yet, the Pentagon has suddenly decided that these planes need to be escorted by a fleet of six F-15Cs.

“At the request of the government of Turkey, the US Air Force F-15Cs that arrived last week will conduct combat air patrols to assist in defense of the Turkish airspace,” Pentagon spokeswoman Laura Seal said in a statement.

But according to a defense official speaking to USA Today on condition of anonymity, the F-16Cs are largely present to defend against hypothetical attacks from Russian and Syrian fighters.

While both the Russian and Syrian military campaigns are focused on combating IS, the Pentagon has cited month-old claims of Russian jets violating Turkish airspace as justification.

“Turkey faces increased instability along its border with Syria and Iraq and irresponsible behavior from actions in the region,” Seal said. “This includes the incursions Russia made into Turkey’s – and thereby NATO’s – airspace in October.”

Published on Mar 7, 2013

Secret courts where secret evidence could be heard against defendants who don’t even have the right to appoint their own legal representatives could become a more common feature of British justice system if the government pushes through the controversial new Justice and Security bill. In heated debates in the House of Commons, a parliamentary majority ensured it took a step closer to becoming law despite passionate opposition. The government claims it is necessary on national security grounds but opponents of the bill say if passed, this signals real hypocrisy from the government. Despite a cross-party movement to try and block the passing of the bill, the Coalition has been accused of ‘railroading the plans through’ and stamping on centuries of tradition where the accused has the right to face the evidence against them.

Amina Taylor , Press TV, London


Hitting out: Ken Clarke accused Labour of trying to sabotage the Bill with its amendments

04 March 2013

Ken Clarke fought back against opposition to his plans for “secret courts” ahead of a series of Commons votes today.

Mr Clarke has won support from David Blunkett, the former home secretary, and Lord Woolf, the former head of the judiciary, but there were signs that Liberal Democrat opponents could join Labour MPs to push through safeguards that the Government claims would make the Bill unworkable.

The Justice and Security Bill would allow judges in civil cases to take evidence from spy agencies which would not be shown to other parties on national security grounds. Critics say it would lead to judgments being influenced without anyone knowing why.  But in a letter to The Times, Lord Woolf said: “The Bill now ensures that we will retain our standards of general justice, while also putting an end to the blindfolding of judges in this small number of cases.”

Mr Clarke, the minister without portfolio, said: “Lord Woolf, the former Lord Chief Justice, has made clear that the Bill now gives the judge ‘complete control’ over the whole process.

“Labour’s amendments are therefore simply opportunistic vandalism which if passed would prevent the courts from hearing these cases properly.”

More than 100 prominent Liberal Democrats have written to MPs urging them to oppose the Bill on civil rights grounds and Labour insisted that their safeguards would ensure secret hearings were used only as a last resort.

Sadiq Khan, the shadow justice secretary, said: “The House of Lords vote to put in safeguards. This Government, secretly upstairs in the committee corridors of the House of Commons, removes the safeguards put in.”

It emerged yesterday that more than £30 million has been spent on settling claims out of court and tens of millions more could be awarded in 20 other cases to avoid sensitive information being made public.