Setting up my  hoop house

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I ended up converting it  into a trellis  garden as the winds here in Texas are  very  unforgiving.  Having  hurt my  wrists battling  the  winds on several occasions. I  thought  it wise to  pursue another course of action.  I  will post  up photos once I  get  my   spring  garden started or time allows  🙂

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White Squash –  Patty Pan
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Yellow Squash

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Pumpkin Blossom

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Pumpkin and  Squash  Patch

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Sunflowers and  Corn

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Roma Tomatoes

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Russett Potatoes

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Sweet Potatoes

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Yellow Squash and  Peppers

As you  can  see in  several of the photos I  use a variety  of mulches. My  favorite   and the most  inexpensive one is recycled cardboard. It  is  free,  it  is sturdy , it  keeps  the  weeds  at  bay keeping the  moisture in the  ground where it  belongs and it  is  biodegradable. It   helps to amend the soil along with other  additives like :

Compost  from my  compost  pit made with kitchen  scraps, garden  clippings  and  raked leaves

Waste  water  from my  aquariums  bi-weekly water  changes

Recycled non colored paper soaked and spread along the stems to discourage pests  from damaging the  young seedlings.

That’s all I  can  think of for right  now.If you  have  any  questions please ask and I  will answer to the  best  of my  abilities 🙂


©  Desert Rose