Hello,  I have  noticed  that there  are  many  survivalist sites out there.  However, by the  same  token  I  have also  noticed that  many  people  are  put off by  them  because there is a  stigma  to  the   word  Prepper or  Survivalist.  I  think that  preparing  for  disasters, natural or  man  made is  of the  essence.  So I  would  like to  present  my ideas  in a  more  appealing  manner  for the  comfort of  those  who shy  away  from the  labels..

I  will be  presenting  a series of blogs  with  information  and  planning advice  that  could  very  well appeal to you.  Thereby, allowing  you  to see the  bigger  picture  about  what  could  very  well  be  coming down the pike, so  to  speak.

I  welcome all  constructive  feedback and  questions.  After all,  this is  about  our helping  each  other to  discover what  we  can  do to keep  ourselves  and our  loved  ones  safe.  Please  feel free to  ask .  All  legitimate  inquiries  will be  addressed to the  best  of my  abilities.

IF there  were a disaster in  your  area  tomorrow  would you  be  prepared  to  take care of  yourself and your family with the  skills and   supplies  you  presently  have in  your  home?

I do  not  by  any stretch of  the imagination  consider myself  an  alarmist , a doomsday-er, an  end of the  world-er or  any  other labels  there  may  exist  out  there  and I am  sure there  are  plenty.  What  I am  is a  single  mom  who lived  in Florida  for  25  years  and  am well acquainted  with  what  happens to  people   when they are  not  prepared  for a  disaster.  Now  you  would  think  that  in a  state that is  known for  hurricanes people  would understand that it is not  silly  to prepare before  hurricane  season is  upon  them.  We  were  without  electricity for  3  weeks  after  hurricane  Andrew, 2  weeks  after  hurricane  Katrina and  another 3 weeks after hurricane  Wilma.  On a limited  income ,  how well  do you think I  would have  been  able  to  feed  my family if I  had not prepared and had to  depend  on buying our food from restaurants kept running with  generators?

Another thing people fail  to understand is this: Hurricanes can be  predicted to a  certain  degree.  They  follow   tropical  storms until it  shows  signs of  strengthening, as  they  are  slow  moving time  is on our  side.  Even  their trajectory  can  be  planned  out  to a  certain  degree.  Their  estimated  arrival  can  also  be tracked.  Do you  really  believe a  tsunami, monster  tornado  or an  earthquake can  be tracked and  predicted  to  that  extent?  So  without  warning how much  time do you have  to prepare?  Do  you  believe these natural  disasters  can’t  disrupt  our  utilities and  transport  for longer than  3  weeks?  The  reality  of the  matter is  quite the contrary.  The  single  most  intelligent  thing that anyone  can do is  to  prepare.  When that  hurricane is  announced  and  it’s  arrival  date  is  made  public  then the  panic  sets  in;  When that  earthquake  hits or that  tornado has  passed.   People  rush  to the  supermarkets.  Those  who get there first will be able to  find  all they need.  However,  the ones  who  came a  bit  later or those  who did  not  prepare in advance will find  empty  shelves.  How much  advance  notice  does the public  receive  for an  earthquake, tornado or  tsunami?  You  see  where  I am  going  with this?  Did  you  know  that  all  supermarkets  across the  US   have about  of  3 to 4  days worth of  supplies on  location?  Without  transport  from  regional warehouses they  have only  what is  on the  shelves and in their  backroom storage.  Now  without water,  bread, batteries, canned  goods, etc. in the  supermarket what  will  you do?

No one  can  deny  that  we  are  headed  for  hard  times with the  economy the  way  it is.  It’s  not like  I  am  presenting  an unheard of  scenario.  How  many  have  lost  their  jobs and  ended  up  homeless?  How  many people  are  one paycheck away  from  ending  up on the  streets?  We  have all  read  about the  great  depression and I dare  say  we  all understand that  it  occurred  right  here  at  home and  not  some  far  off  land.  The  hardships, the  hunger, and the total despair of those  who lived  that  era of our  Nation’s  history.

As  our  society continues  on  the  road  of  development and  modernization technology progresses and the chains of interdependency become more ingrained  within us.  Our food,  our clothing all the  comforts  we use on a daily  basis  require transport   either  from  other  states  far  away  or  other  countries.   Through the  web  of globalization  we  have  gone  from a  country  of  production and  manufacture  to  one  of  consumption.  The  truth  is that  very  little  is now  made  here in the  US. Therefore it  stands  to reason  that if  something  happens  and  these modes  of  transport  are interrupted  for any  reason  so will the  availability  of  these  products.  This is  not  me  being  an  alarmist.  Quite the  contrary it  is  necessary  for  us  to be  realists and  see things  logically.  Think  about it .  Where  do  your  fruit ,  your  vegetables, your clothing ,  etc. come  from?  I   encourage  you  to  start  taking a  good  look at the  labels and  you  will see the  truth  of  my   words.  All it  would  take to  disrupt  the  transport  that  connects  us  to  our daily  essential  products  is an interruption in the  availability  of  fuel or the destruction of main  highways  and  streets.  Impossible you  say?  Look  around  you.  How many  freak  storms  and  weather  phenomenon  have  you  read  about  in the  newspaper  or  seen on the  news?  Hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, nuclear plant accidents, tsunamis not to mention  freak  waves.  Granted  many of these  monster  storms   and  earthquakes  have  occurred in other  countries.  Is  it  so  crazy  to  consider that it  could  also happen  here in the  US?  Starting to get the  picture?

Dealing  With Reality

Human Nature – What  are people capable of:  In  Florida during  the onset of  a hurricane  it could very  easily  be  seen  who the  dangerous people  would be  just  by the  way  they  would push  people  aside and  fight  with  someone for the last bottle  of  water on the shelf.  I know the  answer to this  question  but  I  would like to ask  you.  Do you  know  what  your  neighbor  is  capable of  when a devastating  panic  comes into play and there  is  no food  to be  had?  Just  take a look at  what happens  during a  Black Friday  Sale.  We have all seen the  videos, the  news paper  articles  or the tv/radio broadcasts of  people hurting  each  other  and  fighting  over  products  that  are  on sale and  they  just  have to  have.  Imagine what these people would be like in a  life  or  death  situation where there is no food  or  water  available.  Big  cities will be  worse due to the  high  concentration  of  people and the lack of  resources  once transport  is interrupted  for any  reason.

Be  Practical:  Understand the  risks  you  take  by  not  preparing  properly.  Take  measures  to  protect  yourself and  your  family.  Stock  up on  food  and supplies to make  sure  that  all are assured of food  water  and  first  aid when they need them.  Think  about  family  members  who have  not  prepared.  What  will happen  when  they have  no  food  or  water?  Will  you  be able to  share  what  you  have   to insure that they  too are taken  care of?  What  about  your neighbor  or that  little  old  lady  across the  street  who has  no one?  What  about if you  or  your significant  other  lose  your  job.  Do  you realize that having a  back up food  supply  could  help  tide  you  over  until  things  get  better?

Will you be  ready  to  defend  yourself  and your family?  Just  look  at  what  happens  during  a  black  out in  NYC  or a  riot  in  LA.  Learn  that  in  moments of  great  turmoil  some people  resort  to  violence.  It is a  proven  fact not my  own   wild imaginings.  Think about it.  Not  everyone is  willing to  go  out  and buy a  gun.  However,  safety and the protection of  your  family  is of  the  utmost  importance.  What  will you  do  in a  moment  such  as  this and  how  will you  protect them?  I  leave the  details  to  your  imagination  and  your  conscience.  As the  saying   goes, ”An ounce of  prevention is worth a  pound  of  cure.”   No  truer  words  have  ever been spoken.

Alone vs. a  group:  The  old  adage  says  clearly  that  there  is strength  in  numbers.   Effective security means having at least two families to provide security at all times.  This  can  include close  neighbors, family  and  friends.  However, one must  take into account that  for every individual added there  will be  another mouth to feed.  Effectively  adding  people  to  ones  group  calls  for adequate supplies and  resources.  The amounts having a  direct bearing on the  amount  of  people the  group can sustain.

The  enormity  of  getting a  family  prepared  can  be  overwhelming.  Take  a moment to ponder  the  fact  that  most  people  are not  even considering  the  need to prepare .  That already  puts  you  ahead  of the  curve.  Financial issues are  another  worry.  My recommendation is start out  slow.  Whenever you  go  shopping  buy a few  extra  items that  will be  designated  to the  food  supply. A  few cans  here  a  couple  of  bags  there  and  in a  few  weeks  you  will start  to see  your supply  grow.  One step at a  time  is  the  best  way  to  insure success.

Take  a good long  look at  your  pantry , be  totally  honest  with  yourself .  Will  you and  your family  survive  with  what  you  have  there if  you  are without a working infrastructure for  3  weeks or  more,  like  we  did  in  Florida  after hurricane Andrew?

Let’s  start by making  a practical list of the  essentials  we  will be needing in  case of an emergency such as  the ones  I  have  mentioned.  On my  next blog  I  will  be starting the  lists and the pertinent information I  have to  give  on  each   subject.

See you  next  time………     🙂