Tag Archive: water consevation

Uploaded by on Sep 26, 2011

Richard Heinberg- whose latest book describes The End of Growth- isn’t looking for when the recession will end and we’ll get back to “normal”. He believes our decades-long era of growth was based on aberrant set of conditions- namely cheap oil, but also cheap minerals, cheap food, etc- and that looking ahead, we need to prepare for a “new normal”.

The problem, according to Heinberg, is our natural resources just aren’t so cheap and plentiful anymore, and he’s not just talking about Peak Oil, Heinberg believes in Peak Everything (also the title of one of his books).

Heinberg thinks for many, adjusting to a life where everything costs a bit more, could be very hard, but he also thinks the transition to a new normal might actually make life better.

“Particularly in the Western industrialized countries we’ve gotten used to levels of consumption that are not only environmentally unsustainable, they also don’t make us happy. They’ve in fact hollowed out our lives. We’ve given up things that actually do give us satisfaction and pleasure so that we can work more and more hours to get more and more money with which to buy more and more stuff- more flatscreen tvs, bigger SUVs, bigger houses and it’s not making us happier. Well, guess what, it’s possible to downsize, it’s possible to use less, become more self sufficient, grow more of your own food, have chickens in your backyard and be a happier person.”

This is not all theoretical. In the backyard of the home Heinberg shares with his wife, Janet Barocco, the couple grow most of their food during the summer months (i.e. 25 fruit & nut trees, veggies, potatoes.. they’re just lack grains), raise chickens for eggs, capture rainwater, bake with solar cookers and a solar food drier and secure energy with photovoltaic and solar hot water panels.

Their backyard reflects Heinberg’s vision for our “new normal” and it’s full of experiments, like the slightly less than 120-square-foot cottage that was inspired by the Small Home Movement. It was built with the help of some of Heinberg’s college students (in one of the nation’s first sustainability classes) using recycled and natural materials (like lime plaster).

Heinberg admits it’s not a real tiny house experiment since they don’t actually live in it- his wife uses it as a massage studio, he meditates there and sometimes it’s used as a guest house (though that’s hush hush due to permitting issues). But their tiny cottage points to the bigger point behind why a transition to a less resource intensive future could equal greater happiness.

“Simplify. Pay less attention to all of the stuff in your life and pay more attention to what’s really important. Maybe for you it’s gardening, maybe for you it’s painting or music. You know we all have stuff that gives us real pleasure and most of us find we have less and less time for that because we have to devote so much time to shopping, paying bills and driving from here to there and so on. Well, how about if we cut out some of that stuff and spend more time doing what really feeds us emotionally and spiritually and in some cases even nutritionally.”

Original story here: http://faircompanies.com/videos/view/richard-heinberg-why-end-growth-means-mo…

More bad news: U.S. water bills to triple



First high gas prices, now water. A shocking new report about the nation’s crumbling drinking water system says that Americans should expect their bills to double or triple to cover repairs just to keep their faucets pouring. That means adding up to $900 a year more for water, nearly equal the amount of the newly extended payroll tax cut.

Fixing and expanding underground drinking water systems will cost over $1 trillion in the next 25 years and users will get socked with the bill, according to the American Water Works Association.

As with most infrastructure investments, spending heavily now means less costs down the road. But with little appetite in the country for even trickling taxes now, a delayed and more expensive fix is almost guaranteed. The association figures that spending to fix leaky water systems will double from roughly $13 billion a year today to $30 billion annually by 2040.

“Because pipe assets last a long time, water systems that were built in the later part of the 19th century and throughout much of the 20th century have, for the most part, never experienced the need for pipe replacement on a large scale,” said the report provided to Washington Secrets. “The dawn of an era in which the assets will need to be replaced puts growing stress on communities that will continue to increase for decades to come.”

What kind of stress? Families can expect to pay at least $300-$550 more for water in taxes and fees just to keep their current systems operating. Add growth and improved systems, and that bill jumps to $900 for a family of three, said the report.

Currently, Americans pay about $400 a month in water taxes and fees.

2012: A Remote-Viewing Study Of Upcoming Events

Monday, February 06, 2012 5:17


A Global Climate Change Remote-Viewing Study
Multiple Realities, Timelines, and Events

Introduction:We at The Farsight Institute are currently engaged in a fascinating study using remote viewing to study climate and planetary change between the years 2008 and 2013. The initial results appear dramatic on a global scale, and our research does indeed suggest that major global change is a possibility between now and 2013. However, web site visitors are reminded that this is research, not certitude. Remember what Albert Einstein once said, “If we knew what we were doing, it wouldn’t be called research, would it?” Web site visitors are encouraged to examine all of our results carefully, and learn with us as we complete this experiment in mid-2013. We will not fully understand these remote-viewing data until the experiment is completed at that time.

How we obtain these results is a bit complicated, but it is worth the effort to understand our methods. The actual types of global change is discussed in the second part of the video presentation below, but the first part of this presentation is absolutely essential to understand how these results were obtained. Web site visitors should watch both parts of the video presentation. This presentation was given during the 29th Annual Meeting of the Society for Scientific Explorationin Boulder, Colorado in June 2010.

This is the most carefully collected set of professional-grade remote-viewing data involving this time span that currently exists. This experiment is potentially one of the most significant experiments ever attempted using remote viewing as a data-collection platform.

Principal Investigator: Courtney Brown
Remote Viewers: HRVG viewers led by Glenn Wheaton and CRV viewers led by Lyn Buchanan.

Initial Results:

This project describes change between the years 2008 and 2013 across nine geographical locations with a global spread. The locations are

  1. Vaitupu, Tuvalu
  2. Fort Jesus, Mombasa Kenya
  3. Sydney Opera House, Sydney, Australia
  4. Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania
  5. United States Congress Building, Washington, D.C.
  6. Malé International Airport, Malé, Maldives
  7. KITV Building, Honolulu, Hawaii
  8. The Vehicle Assembly Building at Launch Complex 39, Kennedy Space Center, Merritt Island, Florida
  9. Key West, Florida

In general, these remote-viewing data suggest the following types of physical changes across many of the above geographical locations by mid-2013:

  1. Impacts from what appear to be large meteors leading to tsunamis and possible volcanism
  2. Extensive and forceful flooding of coastal areas
  3. Excessive solar radiation
  4. Storms and other severe weather

In terms of the effects of these changes on humans, these data also suggest:

  1. Massive self-organized relocation from coastal areas (refugees)
  2. The breakdown of rescue or other notable governmental functioning
  3. The breakdown of the food supply system
  4. The breakdown of the vehicular transport system
  5. Extensive loss of buildings near coastsmore here

These  are  methods  that  I  have  tried  and tested in  my  own  home. They work  for me. Look over them and see if  they  are  a viable resourced for  you and your  family. Only you know your  circumstance, family needs  and  your shelter.  Space, comfort  and  surroundings are very  important.  Do your research don’t  just take my  word  for it.   Your  knowledge  and the  skills  you  acquire are  more  valuable  than  any  amount of  prep  work  you  can  do  for  any  disaster scenario!



Rain Catchment  System

Now  if  you  have  property then  the smartest  thing to do is  to have a  rain  catchment  system.  This  way  you  can  always  have a  viable way  to  capture  water  when it  rains  and  you  do not have to  go very  far to  replenish  your  supply.   It can  be as  simple  as  purchasing  some inexpensive  plastic  trash  cans  with  lids that  you  can  line  with untreated plastic  bags .  Placed under a  downspout  from your  gutters.  Or  all  along the  length of  your  roof right  under the  overhang  where  water  collects  the most.  This  is  generally  at  corners or  where there  is a joint such as occurs in  split  level  homes.  They  can  be  placed  behind  bushes so they  are  not easily  seen.  That  way   you  avoid neighbors  complaining.  I  use  this  method  to  collect water  for  my  garden.  Twelve- 30 gallon containers and  I  always have  in  excess of 360 gallons  of  water  that  can  be  used.  If  I  needed  to use it  for drinking  all I  would need to  do is  filter  and  sterilize and  I would  have all the  water  I  needed for  as long  as it  rained.

If  you  have  to  leave your location  for  water  reason then it  would  be  best  to have a large  tarp.  No  matter where  you  go  that  tarp  can  be  set  out to  catch  rain  water  for you.  Most  o the  time it is best  to  dig a  hole and  place a container ( as  big  as  you  want  it to be anywhere  from a  5  gallon  bucket  to a  30 gallon container.  The choice  is  yours).  A  hole  is  made in the  center of  the  tarp and that hole is  placed  over  the container.  Making  sure  all  4 sides are  elevated enough  to  create a  slant  so the  water   will run  towards  the  hole naturally.  If  you  are  unable  to  dig a  hole  to place the container  beneath the  tarp.  Then  you  must  find a  way  to fasten the  4  sides  of  the  tarp securely above the  container.  Same  as  before  the edges  must  be elevated  enough  above the  container  as  to  create  a slant significant  enough for the water  to  flow to the  center where the  hole is.  Make  sure that  the  tarp is  well  secured as in a  heavy  rain the  weight  of the  water  will surely pull it  loose.   

Hauling  Water  From  an Outside  Source

  • Streams, rivers, and other moving bodies of water
  • Ponds and lakes
  •  Natural springs
  • Rainwater


Not  having the  ability  to set up a  rain  catchment system  or being  faced  with  drought conditions  where there is  no  rain then one  must  consider other  sources.  Nearby  lakes,  rivers  or creeks that  one  can  use  5 gallon  buckets for  transport.  Using  a wheel barrel , cart, wagon or  any viable  means  of  transport that  would  make it  easier  to  haul  the  water back.

Fire  hydrants nearby that  can  be  opened  to  access  water.  Remembering that  if  the  grid is  down   pressure  will be  low  and  if  that   hydrant  happens  to  be on a lower elevation then  gravity  will be working  in  your  favor  and  the  water  will flow.

Making the  water  safe  to drink

There  are  many  ways to make  water  safe to drink.  You  can  boil it  and  then  filter it  to  kill  microbes and parasites that  would make  you  and  your family  ill.  You  can  buy  a  Berkey  filter  which  many   people  swear  by,  although  it is  quite  pricey.  Not to  mention  having to  purchase  extra  filter  components for  when  they  need  replacement.  After all,  no  filter can  be  used forever without replacement.  Unless you have a  bio  filter.

Sand Filter

You  can  use a  gallon  bucket   filled with  sand  to  filter  out all of  the  solids, so that the  water is  ready  for  disinfection.   This  will help  by removing  all solid  matter  and  clearing  up the  water  getting  it  ready  for  disinfection.  If you  are  unable to  boil the  water due to  lack of  fuel  then there  are  alternate solar  methods  that  can  .  be  employed  to achieve the  sterilization  process.  A solar  distiller is  easy to  make  and  it  utilizes  the  heat  from the  sun  to   distill the  water no matter  how   dirty  or  contaminated  it is, into safe drinking  water

Slow Sand Bio Filter

You  can also  build  a slow sand  bio filter.  Using a 30  gallon or  so  plastic  trash can, fill it ¾  of the  way  with  sand.  A hole is  drilled into the  bottom  of the  plastic  container  and a  spout inserted  and  sealed before the  sand is added.   Then the sand  filter  can be  connected to receiving cans where  you  can have  your filtered water for use.  Or install a  spigot  where you  can  turn it  on and  off and add water  as  you  need it to  be filtered Always  being conscientious to leave  water in the filter.  Allowing the filter  to sit  without water  would  kill the   anaerobic  beneficial  bacteria( as  they  need  to  be in  an  oxygen  deprived environment  to  survive or the  bio  filter  will  crash and  become  useless.  As they  take a bit of  time to  become  established.  You  will know  that  your  bio filter  is  established when you  see the  slime  build up at the  top of  the  sand.  Yes  I  know  that  is  gross and  it  sounds  disgusting,  however,  nature  has  it’s  secrets  and  this is  one of them.  The  same  process is used to  keep  the  water  in  fish  ponds  and aquariums  safe.

Biological water treatment involves the use of naturally occurring micro-organisms in the surface water to improve water quality. Under optimum conditions, including relatively low turbidity and high oxygen content (as occurs  with  rain water  run off  from let’s  say a  roof), the organisms break down material in the water and thus improve water quality. Slow sand filters or carbon filters are used to provide a place on which these micro-organisms grow. These biological treatment systems effectively reduce water-borne diseases, dissolved organic carbon, turbidity and color in surface water, improving overall water quality.  Once  the  colony  of  beneficial  bacteria  is established  it  will take  care of  the  most  of the organisms that  can  make you  sick.  Biological treatment has been used in Europe to filter surface water for drinking purposes since the early 1900s and is now receiving more interest worldwide.

Quick Water  Source for Immediate Storage

There are  many  ways  to  store  water inexpensively  without  having to purchase cases  of   bottled water. They  can all be  used to  hold ordinary  tap water.  Yes, tap water.  At the  risk  of  offending  the  health  advocates out there.  The  true  reality  is that  not  everyone is able  to  afford to  purchase many things.  So  in the  spirit  of  being  not  only  practical but  realistic we will deal  with that  fact  and  address it  accordingly.  The  alternative would be  not  having  enough  water  causing  dehydration,  unsanitary conditions and  possibly  death.  Tap water is  the   single most  inexpensive  source  of  water  you  have  access to.  Using  tap  water and  the items  I have  mentioned  can  save  you  not only  plenty  of  money  , but it  could mean the  difference between  life  and death in a  situation  where  there is  no water  readily  available.  Not to  mention  the  simple  fact  that  it  has already  been  chlorinated  and  treated so that  it is  safe  to  drink.  You  need  not  add  anything to it  ,  just  make  sure  that  the vessels  you  use  for the  water are sealed properly  to  avoid  contaminants  from  getting in.   Saves  you  time in having to  go out  and  look  for  it  not to mention the fuel and  time you  would have to  put into disinfecting it to make it safe to  drink  and  use  for personal  hygiene.


***  I  would like to add here  that when water  is collected for  boiling disinfection it  is best  to  make  sure  you  have  stocked up on  paper  coffee  filters .  They  are  excellent  for  filtering out  the  larger  particles.


****  Throughout  this  blog  I  will be  presenting  diagram  and  schematics for DIY projects on  survival and green items that  will come in  handy.  Not  only  when the  grid  goes  down  but to save  money  as  well as energy.


See ya soon   🙂  …………………

For that  matter  how  many of  you  have  heard  a peep out of  the  mainstream  media  about  Fukushima?   Except  of  course  the isolated mention of the  island pf  radioactive debris  floating in the pacific  that  is  finally  washing  ashore on the  west coast.  We have  not been  told  the truth about  the  radiation  dangers.  We  have  not  been  given  straight  answers on the  radioactive  levels  that  have  reached  the  US.  Independent  news  sources  report the radiation  having  been recorded  all the  way in  Virginia.  Main  stream  media  reports radiation levels  in  Europe.  OK,  so  how  did it  get  to  Europe without  affecting  the  US……… a  magic  wind????

Come on  now  people who  believes  that load of nonsense?  If  elevated  levels o  radiation have  been  recorded  in  Europe  then  common  sense   should tell you that  it  passed  over  the  US  on it’s  way  there.  Don’t  believe  me ?   Then  I  suggest  you  go  look at a  map  and find  Europe then  trace a  line  from London  to the  left  over the  Atlantic  and you  will  find the  US.   Continue  tracing  that  line over the US  crossing over the Pacific  and  you  will  find  Japan.  Now who is going to  tell me just  how that  radioactive wind hopped  over  all o the  US  and ended  up in Europe.  Took a  detour  through  Canada you  say ?  Well, Canada  is  not  fessing up  to  that  reality  either.  The Canadian  government has   claimed no  problem  just  as  the US  has.  Not  to mention  all the radiation that  has  been  dumped into the pacific.   The  sea  life  condemned to  a  horrific  death and those  who  survive  to  produce  mutated offspring if  they  are  not rendered  sterile..  The  seas  and  everything in it contaminated forever.

Now  how many  nuclear  power  plants  are  here  in the  Us?  How forthcoming   do  you believe  the  US  government  will be  in  letting  the  pubic  know  there  is a  problem  with  one  of  our nuclear  plants  here  at  home.  We will explore  that as  well.  The  level  of  gross mismanagement  of  this situation  would be  laughable if it  wasn’t  so distressing.

Now Japan is  reporting that  the plant in  Fukushima  is  in  cold  shut down.   Hmmmmmm,   really  now?  Nuclear experts  claim differently.


Uploaded by on Dec 29, 2011

Is the Japanese government and the IAEA protecting the nuclear industry and not the people of Japan by claiming that Fukushima is stable when it is not? Fairewinds’ chief engineer Arnie Gundersen outlines major inconsistencies and double-speak by the IAEA, Japanese Government, and TEPCO claiming that the Fukushima accident is over. Dynamic versus static equilibrium, escalated dose exposures to the Japanese children and nuclear workers, and the blending of radioactive materials with non-contaminated material and spreading this
contaminated ash throughout Japan are only a small part of this ongoing nuclear tragedy.


Radiation forecasts withheld by gov’t: “Ministry DECIDED such data would be unavailable” — Releasing it “would cause unnecessary panic”
and the usual problematic radioactive stuff.

Uploaded by on Apr 25, 2011

As world marks the Chernobyl anniversary, many say that the world has failed to learn the lessons on nuclear safety that the tragedy provided. RT talks to Professor Christopher Busby, Scientific secretary of the European Committee on radiation risks, for a little more insight on 21st century’s most serious nuclear crisis at Fukushima.

Uploaded by on Apr 27, 2011

With Chernobyl’s 25th anniversary reminding the world of the terrifying consequences of nuclear safety negligence, many eyes have turned to the continuing crisis in Japan. RT talks to Arnold Gundersen, Energy Adviser at Fairewinds Associates, from Vermont in the US.

Uploaded by on May 3, 2011

03/052011 –



The info behind the image is NRC. Just type it in Google and search their site. It should be on there somewhere.

Uploaded by on Apr 9, 2011


Uploaded by on Apr 23, 2011

Delaware Online – 23/04/2011 –

Salem 1 is one of two reactors at the three-unit complex that relies on river water for operational cooling and safety systems. One circulating water pump was already out of service for maintenance and another for cleaning when problems developed in a third pump, leading to a sudden clogging of a fourth — a series of events that forced workers to manually “trip” control rods into place, cutting down reactor heat and stopping electricity production.

Salem 1 and its neighboring Salem 2 reactor together draw in and return 3 billion gallons of water from the river each day for cooling purposes. Hope Creek, the third reactor at the Artificial Island nuclear generating complex here, draws in only about 58 million gallons a day from the river because the plant has a cooling tower which recirculates cooling water. rsoe

Uploaded by on May 24, 2011

There have been further meltdowns at Japan’s stricken Fukushima nuclear plant, according to Tepco, the operators of the facility. The firm has now confirmed that three of the six reactors suffered meltdowns within days of March’s deadly earthquake and tsunami.

Until now, Tepco had only admitted a meltdown at No. 1 reactor. But the revelation by the firm’s General Manager, Junichi Matsumoto, has only raised more questions about why the extent of the damage was not disclosed earlier.


Uploaded by on Jun 29, 2011


Fort Calhoun, Not Fukushima? Picture’s Worth 1,000 Words!

Uploaded by on Jun 21, 2011

Uploaded by on Aug 8, 2011

Uploaded by on Aug 8, 2011

Full Story: http://blog.alexanderhiggins.com/2011/08/08/experts-lethal-levels-offscale-ra…

Lethal Levels Of Radiation At Fukushima Infer Millions Dying

TEPCO has discovered locations on the Fukushima plant site with lethal levels of external gamma radiation. Fairewinds takes a close look at how this radiation might have been deposited and how similar radioactive material would have been released offsite.

Fukushima Japan Nuclear Radiation Lethal Levels Fallout Tepco Arnie Gundersen “Nuclear Fallout” “Nuclear Radiation”

Uploaded by on Aug 20, 2011

link to the full article on the blog: http://www.dutchsinse.com/blog/?p=1396

here is the link to see the plume dispersion:


from their website:

“We use a Lagrangian particles dispersal method to track where free floating material (fish larvae, algae, phytoplankton, zooplankton…) present in the sea water near the damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station plant could have gone since the earthquake on March 11th. THIS IS NOT A REPRESENTATION OF THE RADIOACTIVE PLUME CONCENTRATION. Since we do not know how much contaminated water and at what concentration was released into the ocean, it is impossible to estimate the extent and dilution of the plume. However, field monitoring by TEPCO and modelling by the Sirrocco group in University of Toulouse, France both show high concentration in the surrounding water (highest rate at 80 Bq/L and 24 Bq/L for respectively I-131 and C-137) . Assuming that a part of the passive biomass could have been contaminated in the area, we are trying to track where the radionuclides are spreading as it will eventually climb up the food chain.

The dispersal model is ASR’s Pol3DD. The model is forced by hydrodynamic data from the HYCOM/NCODA system which provides on a weekly basis, daily oceanic current in the world ocean. The resolution in this part of the Pacific Ocean is around 8km x 8km cells. We are treating only the sea surface currents. Particles in the model are continuously released near the Fukushima Daiichi power plant since March 11th. The dispersal model keeps a trace of their visits in the model cells. The results here are expressed in number of visit per surface area of material which has been in contact at least once with the highly concentrated radioactive water.”


Think about  it,  I  know  I  do………..

San Onofre Nuclear Plant Radiation Leak, Worn Tubes Raise


More Leaks Found at Crippled Japan Nuclear Plant

Update 3/13/2012

The Legacy of Fukushima – Dr. Helen Caldicott on GRTV

As I  find  myself  gathering  information  to  share  with  all of  you  on  preparing  for any disaster  that may  come to pass.  Preparing  and storing  food and  supplies  needed  for  our   well being  and  that of  our  families.  It  seems a bit  ironic  that  I  have  stumbled onto  an  article  that deals with  the  FDA their  power over  our  food  supply  and  their ideas  as  to  where  their power  and our   rights  meet.  Giving the  very  nature  of  our gathering  supplies  for our  survival a possibly deeper  dimension.

It  seems  to  me that with all the  frightening  information that  has  come  forward in the  past  few  years  on our food  supply.  The  FDA  has  not  done a  very  convincing  job  at  keeping  out  food  supply  safe.  They  have  approved , Sucrolose, GMO crops as  well as  GMO Salmon.  Fluoride, heavy  metals and chlorine in  our  water.   All of  these poisons  have been  allowed into  our  food and water  supply.  Gum, candy, drinks,  even flavored  waters are polluted with  Aspartame  or  Sucrolose (  sometimes  both).  Formaldehyde  as  a preservative,  wood pulp as  a  filler.  So  many more  items that  you  could  not  imagine  is allowed  into  our  food  and  out  water and  deemed  safe!

In  this  article they  go  over the  idea  that the  FDA  has  states that we  do not have the  right  to choose  our  food,  because it is  not   a fundamental  right!  Now call me  crazy  but who has the  right  to  choose  the  foo  that is  consumed  by  my children?  Surely  not  an  agency that agrees  that  labeling  GMO ingredients  would  only serve to  confuse the  consumer.  Labels do not  serve  to  confuse  they  serve  to educate and  inform the  public. Something  the  corporate  bought   bureaucrats  don not  want.  An uninformed  pubic  is  easier  to  manipulate.

Our rights  are  being   eroded by  corporate special interests.  The  top positions in the  FDA  are  held  by people   who have  held  key  positions in  Monsanto.  Who  do  you think they  will  choose  when  the moment   comes  to  approve   chemical  nor  additive  to be  incorporated  into  our   food  supply?  The  public or the corporations that  put  thousands  of  dollars in their pockets?  It  is truly  sham that  is  being  perpetrated  in  the name  of the greater  good.

My  question  is …………..The  Greater Good  For  Whom???

America is not yet a dictatorship. The FDA in assuming dictatorial powers identifying  itself as a terrorist organization and needs to be stopped!


Here  is  the  article  posted  on   Gaia Health – Information for  the  welfare  of  you  and your  children


The FDA Says You Have No Right to Freedom of Food

by Heidi Stevenson

30 May 2010

You thought you had the right to choose what you eat? The FDA says you don’t. They claim that there is no fundamental right to choose your food or freedom to contract for it. Responding to a Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund lawsuit, the FDA clearly states that you do not have the right to freedom of choice in your diet.

Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund (FTCLDF) Lawsuit Against the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

The FTCLDF is a 501(c)(4) organization, which means that it exists to promote the social welfare of its members and community. They define their reason for being in one sentence:

Sustainable farming and direct farm-to-consumer transactions further the common good and general welfare of all Americans.

Their Mission Statement says, in whole:

The Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund is a 501 (c) (4) non-profit organization made up of farmers and consumers joining together and pooling resources to:

  • Protect the constitutional right of the nation’s family farms to provide processed and unprocessed farm foods directly to consumers through any legal means.
  • Protect the constitutional right of consumers to obtain unprocessed and processed farm foods directly from family farms.
  • Protect the nation’s family farms from harassment by federal, state, and local government interference with food production and on-farm food processing.

On behalf of its members and for all family farms in the US, the FTCLDF filed a lawsuit against the FDA, claiming “that the federal regulations (21 CFR 1240.61 and 21 CFR 131.110) banning raw milk for human consumption in interstate commerce are unconstitutional and outside of FDA’s statutory authority as applied to FTCLDF’s members and the named individual plaintiffs in the suit.”

The FDA responded by claiming a number of things, including the absurd idea that the FTCLDF has no standing to file the case! That is, they’re claiming that the organization that represents the people who have been harmed by the FDA’s actions does not actually represent them. They claim that no harm has been shown, in spite of the fact that the FDA’s actions have prevented farmers from producing and selling raw milk and their customers have lost the ability to obtain it.

The FDA’s Response and Claims

The FDA makes several statements in response to the lawsuit. The implications for personal freedoms are frightening.

No Fundamental Right to Raw Milk

The FDA claims that “…plaintiffs’ assertion of a new ‘fundamental right’ under substantive due process to produce, obtain, and consume unpasteurized milk lacks any support in law.” This implies that no rights exist unless they have been specifically granted. This concept runs completely counter to the basic concepts of the nation. The Declaration of Independence states:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.

A basic notion in the founding of the nation is that rights do not have to be delineated. The rights identified in the Declaration of Independence clearly stated that they are merely “among” the obvious rights of people. How could anyone suggest that obtaining one’s food of choice is not an inherent right?

FDA Has the Right to Set the Rules for How They May Be Controlled

The FDA claims that, before filing a lawsuit, the FTCLDF should have filed a petition with the FDA. In other words, they’re claiming that they have the right to set the rules by which they may be accessed and controlled. If the FDA has such a right, then it is unaccountable to the people.

No Historical Tradition of Access to Food of Choice

The FDA states that “there is no ‘deeply rooted’ historical tradition of unfettered access to food of all kinds.” This implies that one does not have the right to a vegetable garden containing one’s choice of foods, or that choosing organic over petroleum-based fertilizer is not a right, or that one has no right to choose to eat a vegetarian diet.

“There is No Generalized Right to Bodily and Physical Health.”

This title quotes the title of a section of the FDA’s response to the lawsuit. If that doesn’t terrify you, then nothing can. The FDA is, literally, claiming that they have the right to take a person’s health if it suits them. The section uses specious logic, claiming that there is no right to bodily and physical health because, according to them, there is no right to food choice, which is a claim that only the FDA could make.

It’s interesting that the FDA is implicitly acknowledging that there is a connection between food and health, though they deny that one has a right to either freedom of food or pursuance of bodily and physical health.

“There is No Fundamental Right to Freedom of Contract.”

Another section of the FDA’s response is the above title claiming that individuals do not have the right to engage in contracts as they choose. This flies in the face of the basic right implied in the Constitution and strengthened by the 5th and 14th amendments. Limitations have been placed when contractual rights conflict with personal rights.

However, the inherent right to freedom of contract has not been abrogated, in spite of the FDA’s claims. Their reference to it as “anachronistic” says more about the FDA’s attitude towards the people than it does about the intent of the law.

“FDA’s Regulations Rationally Advance the Agency’s Public Health Mission.”

This statement by the FDA—again, the title of a section of its response—is made without a shred of documentation in support. It is nothing more than a self-congratulatory statement of opinion, one that a large section of the American public does not accept. Indeed, the illogic and arrogance of the FDA’s entire response to the FTCLDF lawsuit tends to deny their claim to rationality.

The FDA’s Logic

The logic the FDA is using seems to be: If it isn’t specifically named in the Constitution, then there is no such right. The absurdity of that logic is revealed by suggesting that you don’t have the right to breathe because it wasn’t specifically granted by the Constitution.

What could be more basic to life and the right to live than the right to eat as we wish and obtain the food we wish to eat? We have the right to free speech and assembly. In light of that, how can the FDA claim that we don’t, by definition, have the right to eat what we choose?

Could the Founding Fathers have possibly envisioned a government that would infringe on an individual’s right to choice in food?

Nonetheless, we need to understand that, in one sense, the FDA is right. Unless we act to stop their intrusions into our rights, then their claims will, effectively, become law. They’ve almost accomplished it now. Consider that the FDA’s claim that you have no right to choose what you eat isn’t front page news. The battle is almost lost already. It’s time…no, it’s past time to take action.

“But I Don’t Believe in Raw Milk”

Some readers may believe that pasteurized milk is better. That’s your right. However, does that give the FDA the right to enforce pasteurized milk on everyone? At what point will the FDA be infringing on your rights to food and health?

Many people have found that switching to raw milk has improved, and even cured, serious health problems. In light of the fact that the FDA has stated that you have no right to health, at what point will something you require be made illegal or difficult to obtain? Do you find that taking Vitamin C helps prevent colds? Are you aware that the FDA is planning to infringe on your right to take it? What about Vitamin D? Many people are finding that it improves their health, yet the FDA disagrees and wants to regulate it.

Do you want the right to eat organic food? That may be abridged, too, as the FDA is grabbing the right to define what organic means. What about genetically modified foods? Studies are showing that they cause tremendous harm, yet the FDA doesn’t even want you to know when foods have been created through GM processes.

The list can go on. If you’ve found that a certain food provides a particular health benefit, but someone has made a health claim for it, did you know that you can be denied access to it—simply because of that health claim?

This is not about raw milk. This is about your right to pursue health and the food of your choice. Please, don’t ignore this plea. Whatever your views on any particular food, it should be self-evident that each person should have the right to obtain it. The FDA’s intrusions on our lives are egregious, fundamentally evil, and outrageous. Please, take action now! There truly is no time to waste.

Take Action!

You can start by going to the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund’s action pages:

  • Help Congressman Ron Paul’s bid to overturn the federal ban on raw milk, HR 778. He needs cosponsors. Please go to FTCLDF’s Help HR 778 Get Co-Sponsors to End Raw Milk Ban page and follow instructions sign a petition on the subject.
  • Help defeat HR 2749, which would give the FDA even more power and put small family farmers out of business. You can simply sign the petition, or add a message to make it more personal and powerful. Your representative will get the message.

Then, start writing to your representatives in Congress, including your rep in the House and your senator. Write to the president. Then, write to your local state representatives. They’re under pressure from the federal government to go along with these abridgements of our rights.

We, the People, can stop this encroachment of our rights—but only if you speak out, starting now!


Rain  Barrels  will be  a valuable source  of  water both  for  conservation/sustainability and  for  survival if the  need  arises.  I have  had  a series of  rain barrels that  I have  collected. A  total of  12 – 30 gallon  containers that  will collect up to  360 gallons of  water in a  good   downpour.  As long  as it  rains I  will have  plenty of  water to  purify  for  drinking , bathing and  cooking  needs.  Using t he  greywater recovery  technique  I  will also have  plenty of  water  for  my  garden.  It’s a  win/win  situation.


Harvesting Rainwater: How to Make a Rain Barrel

From harvesting rainwater in a rain barrel to composting your kitchen and yard waste in a compost bin, you can greatly increase your self-reliance by undertaking a few simple DIY projects.

By Betsy Matheson
May 12, 2011

Read more: http://www.motherearthnews.com/do-it-yourself/how-to-make-a-rain-barrel-ze0z11zkon.aspx#ixzz1huGWTeSq


Rainwater that is collected in a rain barrel before it hits the ground is free of many contaminants that water picks up as it filters through soil. This soft, warm (and free) water is perfect for plants, lawns, and many other outdoor applications. DIY Projects for the Self-Sufficient Homeowner provides a step-by-step plan to help you build a rain barrel, as well as many other DIY projects to increase your self-reliance.
The following is an excerpt from DIY Projects for the Self-Sufficient Homeowner by Betsy Matheson (Creative Publishing International, 2011). This handy book is your first step toward participating in the fast-growing self-sufficiency movement. Even if you live on a small urban lot, you can take steps to gain a little more control over things you consume using the plans in this book. This excerpt is from Chapter 1, “Collecting Rainwater.”

Practically everything around your house that requires water loves the natural goodness that’s provided with soft rainwater. When you know how to make a rain barrel, you can begin harvesting rainwater to irrigate your garden or lawn, water your houseplants, or top off swimming pools and hot tubs. A ready supply of rainwater is also a reliable stand-by for emergency use if your primary water supply is interrupted.

Collecting rainwater runoff in rain barrels can save thousands of gallons of tap water each year. A typical 40-by- 40-foot roof is capable of collecting 1,000 gallons of water from only one inch of rain. A large rainwater collection system that squeezes every drop from your roof can provide most — or sometimes all — of the water used throughout the home, if it’s combined with large cisterns, pumps, and purification processing.

Sprinkling your lawn and garden can consume as much as 40 percent of the total household water use during the growing season. A simple rain barrel system that limits collected water to outdoor (nonpotable) use only, like the rain barrels described on the following pages, can have a big impact on the self-sufficiency of your home, helping you save on utility expenses and reducing the energy used to process and purify water for your lawn and garden. Some communities now offer subsidies for rain barrel use, offering free or reduced-price barrels and downspout connection kits. Check with your local water authority for more information. Get smart with your water usage, and take advantage of the abundant supply from above.

Rain Barrels

Rain barrels, either built from scratch or purchased as a kit, are a great way to irrigate a lawn or garden without running up your utilities bill. The most common systems include one or more rain barrels (40 to 80 gallons) positioned below gutter downspouts to collect water runoff from the roof. A hose or drip irrigation line can be connected to spigot valves at the bottom of the rain barrel. You can use a single barrel, or connect several rain barrels in series to collect and dispense even more rainwater.

Plastic rain barrel kits are available for purchase at many home centers for around $100. If kit prices aren’t for you, a rain barrel is easy to make yourself for a fraction of the price. The most important component to your homemade barrel is the drum you choose.

Obtaining a Rain Barrel

Practically any large waterproof container can be used to make a rain barrel. One easily obtained candidate is a trash can, preferably plastic, with a snap-on lid. A standard 32-gallon can will work for a rain barrel, but if you can find a 44-gallon can choose it instead. Although wood barrels are becoming more scarce, you can still get them from wineries. A used 55-gallon barrel can be obtained free or for a small charge from a bulk food supplier. Most 55-gallon barrels today are plastic, but some metal barrels are still floating around. Whatever the material, make sure the barrel did not contain any chemical or compound that could be harmful to plants, animals, or humans. If you don’t know what was in it, don’t use it. Choose a barrel made out of opaque material that lets as little light through as possible, reducing the risk of algae growth.

A barrelful of water is an appealing breeding ground for mosquitoes and a perfect incubator for algae. Filters and screens over the barrel opening should prevent insect infestation, but for added protection against mosquitoes add one tablespoon of vegetable oil to the water in the barrel. This coats the top surface of the stored water and deprives the larvae of oxygen.

How to Make a Rain Barrel

Tools and Materials

  • Barrel or trash can
  • Drill with spade bit
  • Jigsaw
  • Hole saw
  • Barb fitting with nut for overflow hose
  • 1 1/2″ sump drain hose for overflow
  • 3⁄4″ hose bibb or sillcock
  • 3⁄4″ male pipe coupling
  • 3⁄4″ bushing or bulkhead connector
  • Channel-type pliers
  • Fiberglass window screening
  • Cargo strap with ratchet
  • Teflon tape
  • Silicone caulk
  1. Cut a large opening in the barrel top or lid. Mark the size and shape of your opening — if using a bulk food barrel, mark a large semi-circle in the top of the barrel. If using a plastic garbage can with a lid, mark a 12-inch diameter circle in the center of the lid. Drill a starter hole, and then cut out the shape with a jigsaw (see Image Gallery).
  2. Install the overflow hose. Drill a hole near the top of the barrel for the overflow fitting. Thread the barb fitting into the hole and secure it to the barrel on the inside with the retainer nut and rubber washer (if provided). Slide the overflow hose into the barbed end of the barb elbow until the end of the hose seats against the elbow flange (see Image Gallery).
  3. Drill the access hole for the spigot (either a hose bibb or sillcock, brass or PVC). Tighten the stem of the sillcock onto a threaded coupling inserted into the access hole. Inside the barrel, a rubber washer is slipped onto the coupling end and then a threaded bushing is tightened over the coupling to create a seal. Apply a strip of Teflon tape to all threaded parts before making each connection. Caulk around the spigot with clear silicone caulk.
  4. Screen over the opening in the top of the barrel. Lay a piece of fiberglass insect mesh over the top of the trash can and secure it around the rim with a cargo strap or bungee cord that can be drawn drum-tight. Snap the trash can lid over the top. Once you have installed the rain barrel, periodically remove and clean the mesh.

How to Install a Rain Barrel

Whether you purchase a rain barrel or make your own from scratch or a kit, how well it meets your needs will depend on where you put it and how it is set up (see Image Gallery). Some rain barrels are temporary holding tanks that store water runoff just long enough to direct it into your yard through a hose and drip irrigation head. Other rain barrels are more of a reservoir that supplies water on-demand by filling up watering cans or buckets. If you plan to use the spigot as the primary means for dispensing water, you’ll want to position the rain barrel well off the ground for easy access (raising your rain barrel has no effect on water pressure).

In addition to height, other issues surrounding the placement of your rain barrel (or rain barrels) include the need to provide a good base, orientation of the spigot and overflow, the position relative to your downspouts, and how to link more than one rain barrel together. Tip: Wherever possible, locate your rain barrel in a shaded area. Sunlight encourages algae growth, especially in barrels that are partially translucent.

Tools and Materials

  • Drill/driver
  • Screwdriver
  • Hack saw
  • Rain barrel
  • Hose & fittings
  • Base material (pavers)
  • Downspout adapter and extension
  • Teflon tape
  1. Select a location for the barrel under a downspout. Locate your barrel as close to the area you want to irrigate as possible. Make sure the barrel has a stable, level base.
  2. Install the spigot. Some kits may include a second spigot for filling watering cans. Use Teflon tape at all threaded fittings to ensure a tight seal. Connect the overflow tube, and make sure it is pointed away from the foundation.
  3. Cut the downspout to length with a hacksaw. Reconnect the elbow fitting to the downspout using sheet-metal screws. Attach the cover to the top of the rain barrel. Some systems include a cover with porous wire mesh, to which the downspout delivers water. Others include a cover with a sealed connection (next step).
  4. Link the downspout elbow to the rain barrel with a length of flexible downspout extension attached to the elbow and the barrel cover.
  5. Variation: If your barrel comes with a downspout adapter, cut away a segment of downspout and insert the adapter so it diverts water into the barrel.

  6. Connect a drip irrigation tube or garden hose to the spigot. A Y-fitting will let you feed the drip irrigation system through a garden hose when the rain barrel is empty.
  7. If you want, increase water storage by connecting two or more rain barrels together with a linking kit, available from many kit suppliers.


This is  an  awesome idea that  I use  at  home.  Although,  instead of placing  the  bucket underneath the  sink and  messing with the  piping  to  collect the  water.  I simply  use dish  totes ( the kind they  use  in restaurants for  busing  tables).  I  place  them in the  sink with  hot  soapy water and  the other  with  hot rinse  water.  I  wash the  dishes in one tub and  then  rinse  them in the other.  No  water is  wasted and the  water from the  tubs are  transferred to the 5  gallon  bucket when the dishes  are  done.  I  wanted  to  share  it  with  you.  The  more people  start  to  conserve  water  then  more   fresh  water  there  sill be.  Not  to  mention learning to  conserve  water  so that  you  already  know  what  to  do and  how  to  do it   when a  disaster strikes and  your life  will depend on  your  ability to  conserve.

It  is important to make  sure that the  detergent  you  use  is  phosphate free and  biodegradable.  So that it is  safe for your  plants and the   environment.


Low-Cost Greywater Irrigation

Use greywater from your kitchen sink to water your vegetable garden with this simple irrigation system.

By Dana Cohen
August/September 2009

Read more: http://www.motherearthnews.com/Do-It-Yourself/Graywater-Irrigation-Low-Cost.aspx#ixzz1hu7XKqtN

A simple, portable watering system for a small garden.

I’ve always wanted to do more with greywater (also spelled graywater, gray water and grey water) — waste water from dishwashing, laundry and bathing — but as a renter, I wanted to invest my money and energy in a way that was more portable than traditional systems. I started by looking into rain barrels as a way to cache water and was amazed at how expensive they were. Then I found a few 5-gallon buckets at a construction site, and came up with this simple greywater setup that has worked well for me for the past two summers.

The setup is a 5-gallon bucket with a tap inserted, hooked up to a commercial drip irrigation system in my raised garden beds. I use one bucket per 2-foot-square bed.I clean the buckets, drill a hole, and insert a garden-hose-sized tap. To keep the tap from leaking, I cover the thread with Teflon tape, put a washer on the inside of the bucket and use a plastic hose coupler to secure the tap. I hook this up to the drip irrigation system.The drip irrigation kit was the most expensive part of this system at about $25. The tap and accessories totaled a little less than $6. I live in northern Arizona, and during the heat of high summer I use a full bucket a day in my sunniest bed.The source of the greywater is the leftover water from washing dishes, which I collect in another 5-gallon bucket I keep by the sink.

Dana Cohen
Fredonia, Arizona
Another  route that  some people  are taking  is  the  grey  water  diversion method.  This entails rerouting  the flow  of  grey water  from  main  sewer piping  established  by the cities and  counties to ensure that  the  grey water  can  be  utilized in a  more  efficient  manner.  Although  in some  States this is  illegal  many  are opting to the  clandestine  retrofitting to fill a need  for  conservation  and the  logical  and  ethical stewardship of  natural  resources and   our planet.