Ukraine opposition leader Yatsenyuk gives up post of prime minister

The leader of the opposition faction “ Batkivshchyna” in the Ukrainian Parliament Arseniy Yatsenyuk said that he had rejected the proposal of the Ukrainian President to become the country’s PM. Speaking on the Independence Square in Kiev Sunday, he said that ,

According to him, it is a joint decision of all opposition leaders and the former prime minister Yulia Tymoshenko. The Ukrainian opposition has no plans to hold talks on the constitutional reform in the cabinet of the Verkhovnaya Rada (Parliament) speaker Vladimir Rybak and is demanding that voting on the relevant resolution draft be held Tuesday, Yatsenyuk added.He also said that on Tuesday the Ukrainian Parliament was due to put to the vote the resolution on the return of the 2004 Constitution.

The former Constitution provided for the parliamentary-presidential form of rule in the country.

Voice of Russia

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