Politics and  Legislation

The U.S. Strategy to Control Middle Eastern Oil: “One of the Greatest Material Prizes in World History”

…..”The following is a research sample from The People’s Book Project. It is unedited and in draft format, but is intended as an excerpt of some of the research that is going into the book. This research sample is drawn from a recently written chapter on the history of American imperialism in the Middle East and North Africa……”


French leader holes up in cafe to escape protesters


The 28 Billion Dollar Man: Is Sen. Shelby the Most Fiscally Irresponsible Politician Ever?

By Richard (RJ) Eskow



Reckless: The Inside Story of How the Banks Beat Washington (Again)


Next Leg Of The Ponzi Revealed – Foreign Central Banks To Begin Buying US Stocks Outright Starting Today

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/01/2012 14:01 -0500


Obama: Tell Congress to stop $4B ‘giveaway’ to oil companies

By Amie Parnes – 03/03/12 06:23 AM ET

GOP: Fight high gas prices with more oil drilling, Keystone

By Justin Sink – 03/03/12 06:36 AM ET

Fed Shrugged Off Warnings, Let Banks Pay Shareholders Billions

By Jesse Eisinger


China’s defense budget to grow 11.2 pct in 2012: spokesman


Moody’s Cuts Greek Sovereign Credit Rating to Lowest


China reduces holdings of US govt bonds

Wars  and  Rumors of  War


WikiLeaks: Russia gave Israel Iranian system’s codes

Document by intelligence company suggests Israel, Russia contracted deal several years ago under which Israel provided Russia with codes for UAVs it sold to Georgia in exchange for Iranian aerial defense system codes


Uploaded by on Mar 2, 2012

Video courtesy: http://www.liveleak.com

A shocking video has appeared on the Internet showing Libyan rebels torturing a group of black Africans. People with their hands bound are shown being locked in a zoo-like cage and forced to eat the old Libyan flag. ­”Eat the flag, you dog. Patience you dog, patience. God is Great,” screams a voice off-camera.

Pakistan Rejects US Sanctions Threat, Will Expand Energy Ties With Iran

Isolating Iran Proving Extremely Difficult

by Jason Ditz, March 01, 2012

Israeli officials: Starve Iranians to stop nukes


What Are Iran’s Intentions?

By Noam Chomsky



Business as Government: Capitalizing on Disaster in Post-Earthquake Haiti

By Beverly Bell and Deepa Panchang
