Tag Archive: Norway

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Norway – Record Rain Causes Flooding in South

8 December, 2015 in Europe

Severe flooding has been reported in parts of southern Norway after heavy rain brought by storm Synne between 04 and 06 December 2015. Maudal in Gjesdal, Rogaland saw just under 300 mm of rain in 3 days.No injuries or deaths have been reported. However the flooding has caused some damage to roads, bridges and homes in Rogaland, Aust-Agder and Vest-Agder counties. Around 100 families had to be evacuated from their homes in Eigersund, Rogaland county. Norway’s state broadcaster, NRK, reports that around 30 farms have also been severely hit, suffering major damage.

floods norway december 2015
Floods in Eigersund, Norway, December 2015. Photo: Eigersund Kommune

The rain has now stopped but river levels remain high. Authorities in Sweden also report high river levels in western parts of Götaland and nothern part of Halland.

Parts of southern Norway saw flooding earlier this year after 97 mm of rain fell in Melsom during a 24 hour period between 01 and 02 September 2015.

The last major floods to hit Norway were in October last year when rivers overflowed in the counties of Sogn og Fjordane and Hordaland.

Sweden saw severe flooding just a few months ago when 97 mm of rain fell in 24 hours between 05 and 06 September in Hjortkvarn, Örebro County.

Norway – Record Rainfall


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Vaccinated Norwegians Get Mumps During “Outbreak”


Roughly 80 Norwegian college students have reportedly contracted mumps. Of the 80, many reportedly were previously vaccinated with the MMR vaccine, which, by all logical and reasonable accounts, should have protected them. However, Norwegian health officials are making excuses over the matter.

According to OutBreakNewsToday.

Several of those who are now sick with mumps are Norwegian students who have previously received two doses of MMR vaccine is recommended.

It is possible to get sick with mumps even if you have been fully vaccinated against the disease, confirming Margrethe Greve-Isdahl, chief physician at the Department of vaccine, Public Health (FHI).


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The Norway Institute for Public Health, or Folkehelseinstituttet has announced a mumps outbreak, primarily among university students. The first reported cases were in the Trondheim area–the Norwegian technical and University of Science and Technology (NTNU) and the University College of Sør-Trøndelag (HIST) in late October.



Now the case count hovers around 80 and health officials expect the cases to increase in coming weeks.

Several of those who are now sick with mumps are Norwegian students who have previously received two doses of MMR vaccine is recommended.

It is possible to get sick with mumps even if you have been fully vaccinated against the disease, confirming Margrethe Greve-Isdahl, chief physician at the Department of vaccine, Public Health (FHI).

In Norway, the vaccine against mumps in the MMR vaccine (measles, mumps and rubella) offered in the childhood immunization. First dose offered to children at 15 months of age and second dose at 11 years of age (6th grade). FHI generally recommend that all who have not received two doses of MMR vaccine are eligible for this. This also applies to students who come to Norway. Upon initial vaccination is recommended that at least three months between doses, but there is a benefit to the immune response if it goes longer.


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The slime has been described as “a plague” by local fishermen. Photo: Roger Larsen/ University in Tromsø.

Mystery purple slime coats Norway fjord

Published: 10 Nov 2015 14:12 GMT+01:00

“We have not been able to find out what this really is, other than that we are talking about large amounts of jellyfish,” Roger Larsen, associate professor at the University in Tromsø, told state news broadcaster NRK on Sunday.
“The images we are picking up from the echo sounders and other equipment are totally atypical. We have tried to gather information to find the answers, but I am absolutely sure that this is something we’ve never seen before.”


Norway: Purple ‘jellyfish slime’ coats northern fjord

  • 12 November 2015
A close-up view of the purple slime in a fishing boat
Image copyright Roger B. Larsen/UiT
Image caption Fisherman have been hauling in the slime during their trawls

Scientists in Norway say a huge area of reddish-purple slime which has appeared on the country’s northern coast could be the result of disintegrated jellyfish.

Fisherman first reported the emergence of the mucus in the Lyngen Fjord in late August, and now describe it as a “plague” which is causing problems for their sonar equipment, and coating their daily catch. The origin of the slime isn’t yet certain, but oceanographers at the Institute of Marine Research say cigar comb jellyfish could be to blame, The Local website reports.



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October 08 2015 02:28 PM Environment Pollution Other North Sea, [Statfjord oil field] Damage level Details



Updated: Friday, 09 October, 2015 at 11:59 UTC
About 250 barrels of oil spilled from a platform in the North Sea during the transfer of products to an oil tanker, Norwegian energy company Statoil said. Statoil said the oil spill was discovered during the loaded of oil from the Statfjord A platform in the North Sea to oil tanker Hilda Knutsen. The company said in its latest update on the spill that about 250 barrels in total were released into the North Sea. “Further assessment and investigations will uncover the scope and causes [of the spill] in more detail,” the company said in a statement. Loading to Hilda Knutsen was halted, though operations at the Statfjord A platform were proceeding as normal. Statoil said the relevant authorities were notified, though there were no statements from the Norwegian Petroleum Safety Authority. In January last year, the company shut down operations at the Statfjord C platform after emergency systems detected an oil leak. More than 250 crewmembers were evacuated to lifeboats but returned to their living quarters later in the day. No injuries were reported. Statoil said the weather in the area at the time of the Stratfjord C incident was “harsh.” Statoil said the region is producing an average 80,000 barrels of oil per day.



Statoil: 250 barrels of oil spilled in North Sea

Company reported similar incidents in the region in early 2014.
By Daniel J. Graeber Follow @dan_graeber Contact the Author   |   Oct. 9, 2015 at 6:25 AM

Norwegian energy company Statoil said about 250 barrels of oil spilled during incident at North Sea platform. Photo courtesy of Statoil

STAVANGER, Norway, Oct. 9 (UPI) — About 250 barrels of oil spilled from a platform in the North Sea during the transfer of products to an oil tanker, Norwegian energy company Statoil said.

Statoil said the oil spill was discovered during the loaded of oil from the Statfjord A platform in the North Sea to oil tanker Hilda Knutsen. The company said in its latest update on the spill that about 250 barrels in total were released into the North Sea.

“Further assessment and investigations will uncover the scope and causes [of the spill] in more detail,” the company said in a statement.

Loading to Hilda Knutsen was halted, though operations at the Statfjord A platform were proceeding as normal.


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Brazilian beans and Japanese barley shipped to Svalbard seed vault

Some 20,000 plant species from more than 100 countries and institutions will be added to the global seed bank in Norway
The entrance of Svalbard Global Seed Vault a repository for seeds, Norway

The Svalbard global seed vault is primarily designed as a back-up for the many gene banks around the world that keep samples of crop diversity for agricultural businesses. Photograph: Alamy

A Noah’s Ark of 20,000 plant species will unload this week at a remote Arctic port to deposit humanity’s latest insurance payment against an agricultural apocalypse or a man-made cock-up.

Brazilian beans and Japanese barley are among the botanical varieties that are carried aboard the ship that is shortly expected to dock near the Svalbard global seed vault, that celebrates its sixth anniversary this week.

The facility, which is bored into the side of a mountain by the Barents Sea, is primarily designed as a back-up for the many gene banks around the world that keep samples of crop diversity for agricultural businesses.

But its operators, the Global Crop Diversity Trust, say the “Doomsday Vault” could also help to reboot the world’s farms in the event of a climate catastrophe or a collapse of genetically modified crops.

Built to withstand a nuclear strike, a tectonic shift or rising sea levels, the vault has the capacity to store 4.5m different seed varieties for centuries.

Currently, it holds 820,619 samples of food crops and their natural relatives, but this is steadily increasing with one or two shipments each year, according to the trust, which maintains the seed vault in partnership with the Norwegian government and the Nordic Genetic Resources Centre.


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SOSbarnebyerNorge SOSbarnebyerNorge


Published on Feb 19, 2014

For English, choose English on the captions icon in media player.
What would you do if you saw a freezing child?
We set up a hidden camera and placed Johannes at a bus stop, in Oslo, Norway. This is what happened.

The film is made to raise awareness of the situation for children in Syria, and to raise funds to SOS Children’s Villages is their winter-campaign. Children in Syria are freezing and you can help by dontating. For more information: http://www.sos-barnebyer.no/Mayday/Syria

NORSK: En test utført av SOS-barnebyer bekrefter at det er mye hjertevarme blant folk i Norge. Nå håper vi at engasjementet også når fram til barn i Syria. Bidra du også send SMS SOS til 2160 / http://www.sos-barnebyer.no/Mayday/Syria

SOS-barnebyer i Syria deler ut tusenvis av varme jakker og pledd til barn på flukt, og samtidig mobiliseres givere i Norge for å kunne hjelpe flere barn gjennom givernettverket SOS MAYDAY.


Would YOU offer to help a child freezing in the street? Hidden cameras capture reactions of people faced with dilemma… and what they did will warm your heart

  • An 11-year-old boy was filmed as he struggled against the cold without a coat in Oslo
  • But the kindness of those who saw his heartbreaking situation and handed him their clothing is inspiring
  • It was a stunt for a charity helping freezing Syrian children who are fleeing the civil war

By Sam Webb


A boy shivers in the harsh Oslo winter, pathetically wrapping his arms around himself on a bus stop bench. He isn’t wearing a coat and temperatures in the Norwegian capital regularly plunge to -10C during winter.

A heartbreaking scene, but the actions of the ordinary people who witnessed the plight of 11 year old Johannes Lønnestad Flaaten is both joyous and inspiring.

A young blonde woman who sat next to the boy and notices him rubbing his arms. She immediately asks him: ‘Don’t you have a jacket?’


This 11 year old boy was filmed as he sat shivering without a coat at a bus stop in Oslo, Norway. The actions of people who saw his discomfort will bring a smile to even the most jaded souls

This 11 year old boy was filmed as he sat shivering without a coat at a bus stop in Oslo, Norway. The actions of people who saw his discomfort will bring a smile to even the most jaded souls

Caring: This young woman asks him why he has no coat in such cold weather. He replies that it was stolen

Caring: This young woman asks him why he has no coat in such cold weather. He replies that it was stolen

Warm heart: She takes off her own jacket and wraps it around the freezing boy

Warm heart: She takes off her own jacket and wraps it around the freezing boy

No, someone stole it,’ he replies. She questions him and discovers he was on a school trip and was told to meet his teacher at the bus stop. She asks him the name of his school and where he’s from as she selflessly drapes her own coat around his shoulders.

Later, another older woman at first gives him her scarf, then wraps him in her large padded jacket.

Johanne’s predicament was a hidden camera experiment by Norwegian charity SOS Children’s Village as part of their winter campaign to gather donations to send much-needed coats and blankets to help Syrian children get through the winter. Many of the refugees have left their homes without winter clothing.

Throughout the day, more and more people offered Johannes their gloves and even the coats off their backs as they waited for their bus. One man even sat shivering in his t-shirt so Johanne could be wrapped up in his warm coat.

Sacrifice: This man endured the savage temperature in just a T-shirt so the boy could get warm

Sacrifice: This man endured the savage temperature in just a T-shirt so the boy could get warm

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Dubai sentences Norwegian woman who reported rape

Marte Deborah Dalelv in Dubai on 19 July 2013 Marte Deborah Dalelv says she is “very nervous and tense” but remains hopeful she can overturn the sentence on appeal.

Interior designer Marte Deborah Dalelv was on a business trip in Dubai when she says she was raped.

The 24-year-old reported the March attack to the police but found herself charged with having extramarital sex, drinking alcohol, and perjury.

Convicted earlier this week, she says she is appealing against the verdict.

The appeal hearing is scheduled for early September.

Describing the sentence as “very harsh”, she told the AFP news agency: “I am very nervous and tense. But I hope for the best and I take one day at a time. I just have to get through this.”

The case has angered rights groups and the authorities in Norway.


Ms Dalelv says she had been on a night out with colleagues on 6 March when the rape took place.

She reported it to the police, who proceeded to confiscate her passport and seize her money. She was charged four days later on three counts, including having sex outside marriage.

File photo of Dubai Dubai’s cosmopolitan atmosphere belie deeply conservative roots

Her alleged attacker, she said, received a 13-month sentence for extra-marital sex and alcohol consumption.

The Norwegian government had secured Ms Dalelv’s conditional release so, since being charged, she has been living under the protection of the Norwegian Seamans’ Centre in Dubai.

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Dubai Pardons Woman Sentenced to Prison After Telling Police She Was Raped




Marte Dalelv from Norway flashes a smile at the Norwegian Seamen’s Center in Dubai, on July 22, 2013 after she was pardoned by Dubai ruler Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum of an extramarital sex charge and allowed to fly home

Photo by KARIM SAHIB/AFP/Getty Images

The Associated Press with the good—and overdue—news:

A Norwegian woman at the center of a Dubai rape claim dispute said Sunday that officials have dropped her 16-month sentence for having sex outside marriage and she is free to leave the country. “I am very, very happy,” Marte Deborah Dalelv told The Associated Press. “I am overjoyed.” …

[Norwegian Foreign Minister] Barth Eide told the Norwegian news agency NTB that international media attention and Norway’s diplomatic measures helped Dalelv, who was free on appeal with her next court hearing scheduled for early September. Norway also reminded the United Arab Emirates of obligations under U.N. accords to seriously investigate claims of violence against women.

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FDA to import scarce nutrition drugs for sickest babies

Food and Drug Administration officials have turned to Norway to help ease a shortage of injection drugs used to provide nutrition to critically ill premature babies and cancer patients who can’t eat any other way.

The agency said Wednesday it immediately will begin importing trace elements, potassium phosphate and sodium phosphate — drugs used in total parenteral nutrition or TPN — from a Norwegian plant affiliated with Fresenius Kabi USA LLC, based in Lake Zurich, Ill.

“Hospitals can start ordering the drugs today,” said Valerie Jensen, associate director for the FDA’s drug shortage program.

That should start reversing a two-year shortage that has forced hospitals to ration the drugs that provide essential nutrients for patients who can’t eat or drink by mouth, said Jay Mirtallo, past president of the American Society for Parenteral or Enteral Nutrition, or ASPEN.


“I think it’s huge. It’s a great win for us,” said Mirtallo. “For too long, we’ve been limping along trying to feed our patients.”

Without adequate TPN drugs, tiny babies and other patients can develop severe side effects, including horrifying skin lesions and deficiencies that can demineralize their bones, leading to fractures, experts say. Some may have lasting developmental delays caused by missing nutrients.

The FDA is exercising regulatory discretion in allowing the drugs to be imported. When the agency turns to a foreign source, as it has for 14 other drugs in the past two years, officials evaluate the foreign drugs to make sure quality is adequate and does not pose undue risk to U.S. patients, officials said.

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Everything Is Rigged, Continued: European Commission Raids Oil Companies in Price-Fixing Probe





e’re going to get into this more at a later date, but there was some interesting late-breaking news yesterday.


According to numerous reports, the European Commission regulators yesterday raided the offices of oil companies in London, the Netherlands and Norway as part of an investigation into possible price-rigging in the oil markets. The targeted companies include BP, Shell and the Norweigan company Statoil. The Guardian explains that officials believe that oil companies colluded to manipulate pricing data:


The commission said the alleged price collusion, which may have been going on since 2002, could have had a “huge impact” on the price of petrol at the pumps “potentially harming final consumers”.

Lord Oakeshott, former Liberal Democrat Treasury spokesman, said the alleged rigging of oil prices was “as serious as rigging Libor” – which led to banks being fined hundreds of millions of pounds.


The inquiry also involves Platts, the world’s largest oil price reporting agency. The concept here is very similar to both the LIBOR scandal, which involved banks manipulating the benchmark rates for interest rates, and to the possible rigging of interest rate swap prices through the manipulation of ISDAfix, the benchmark rate for those instruments, which is also the subject of a regulatory probe.


We wrote about both of those scandals in last month’s Rolling Stone article, “Everything is Rigged.” In that piece, finance professionals talked about the potential for manipulation in other markets that involve voluntary price reporting:

What other markets out there carry the same potential for manipulation? The answer to that question is far from reassuring, because the potential is almost everywhere. From gold to gas to swaps to interest rates, prices all over the world are dependent upon little private cabals of cigar-chomping insiders we’re forced to trust.


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Hebrew Speaking “FBI” at Sandy Hook, December 14, 2012, says Tel Aviv Embassy Intel Official (former)

By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor

Veterans Today

In much of the West, Press TV has been shut down, censored, blocked or smeared and attacked.  This was only a first step.

Now there is irrefutable proof that plans are in motion to put police agencies in control of all information published on the internet, approval will be needed for, not just “facts,” whatever they are, but opinions as well.

We are talking news, blogs, social networks, “the whole thing.”

Former Top Tel Aviv Embassy Officer Says FBI Speaking Hebrew

YouTube – Veterans Today –

The assault on “gun rights” is a feint; “Sandy Hook” will go much further, with current moves aimed at dismembering the last vestiges of the America only a few believe still exists.

There has never been anything like “Sandy Hook.”

Sandy Hook is the first terror attack meant to be unraveled, exposed and debunked, not once but week after week, month after month, one bizarre revelation after another.

Were Sandy Hook a television show, it would now be in its third season, another “psyop” to go along with “Homeland” and “Zero Dark Thirty.”

The murders were not about punishment and suffering, not in a primary sense.  The sea of lies surrounding Sandy Hook is an outright assault on every institution, including, oddly enough, the press resources that had to have been readied and briefed, not just days but weeks in advance.

As many had postulated, Sandy Hook, the highly organized brutal murder of twenty small children by military trained special operations monsters is an act of pure political terror nearly identical to the “Breveik” slayings in Norway.

In the wake of the Sandy Hook terror attack, the United States is being subjected to a broad assault on its basic constitutional rights and freedoms.  This is a carefully planned and orchestrated attack, not just on gun ownership but now includes broad assaults on freedom of speech, freedom of assembly and is aimed, quite specifically, not just to demonize gun ownership but to also demonize anyone who uses their mental acuity to question the mythology of the controlled “pop culture media.”

Very genuine threats are now being made to end all independent internet communications, labeling it a hotbed of “hate speech” and “conspiracy theory.”

The stories filling the internet and newspapers are not from real police but are highly misleading references to non-existent policies and governmental directives, all invented, as we have clearly proven, by AIPAC lobbyists and their intelligence assets seeded among, not just major media, but throughout the internet “lunatic fringe” rumor mills.

Sandy Hook was carefully planned, not just as a slaughter of children or terrorist attack.  Studies of the operation, and Sandy Hook was clearly a terrorist operation, are ongoing.

Thus far the attack called upon broad assets, applying many of the methodologies of game and chaos theory warfare.


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