Tag Archive: Illuminati

These stories have been  circulating  for  the  last 2  weeks.  I discounted the  information  as just  disinfo at  first.  However  it  has  gotten a  bit  more  interesting  With  emails  being  sent  to the Treasury Press Office.  The  secretary seems  to  have  asked  for links  to the  articles stating that  Geithner had  been  arrested.  According to the  source  at  the “Sinclair News”, they promptly  dispatched  the  links  to the  articles in  question.  It  seems  the  Secretary  was  very  quick  to  ask  for  substantiation , however  failed  to  be  forthcoming  with  a  statement  of her  own.  Now , how  hard  is  it  to  say ,  “this is  false”.  Now  it  stands  to  reason that   they  are  busy.  What  with the  economy in the condition  it is  in.  The  meetings  and  conferencing  over  QE3 and who  to loan  all that  freshly  printed  money at  a  ridiculously  low interest rate, must  be  exhausting.  However,  if  she  was  available  to  immediately  request proof  then I  believe  she   should have  also  been  able  to  provide  and  answer  to a  very  simple and  forthright  question.  It  seems  I  am  wrong  , however, in light of the  fact that she  did  not and so, now  we  wait.  Logic  would  dictate that  the  response  would  have  been  forthcoming.  Do  we  give  the  benefit  of  the  doubt?  Or do  we  simply  take  for  granted  all the  clandestine occurrences  that  have  been  the  norm and  assume that  the  reports  are indeed  true.  We  shall wait  and  see  In the  meantime enjoy the  videos.  🙂



Was Treasury Secretary Arrested, Questioned & Released??

This afternoon we received a phone call informing us that their were reports Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner was arrested, questioned and released by New York Police February 24, 2012. The caller informed us that they were unable to find a single mention of the “reported” arrest on any of the mainstream media outlets websites. After performing a simple Google search we came across a number of “blog” reports claiming Secretary Geithner was arrested in New York, was questioned and then released. Rather than attempt to contact the individual blogs which made the claims, we contacted the Department of the Treasury Press Office.


Breaking News: I was duped! I just discovered that the video that I watched watch?v=q5j6Yk0qAgQ was dated February 29, 2012, but it was actually made in January of 2010 and here it is watch?v=7EDQoY7snaU It is not my intention to spread rumors. I thought I had proof of the recent arrest and went with it. Everyone has to be careful in accepting anything as truth. With a news blackout by all the media and the ownership of the media in very few hands, all of us have to regard all news as propaganda, if it comes from major media sources and rumor, if it comes from alternate sources. I don’t want to be part of propaganda and so I don’t repeat the major media mind-control news and I don’t want to be part of any rumor mill, either. What I had in mind, was truth, the whole truth and nothing but truth. So, everything after this in this description, was written, before I was tipped off about the error. I will leave the video, for its comical value, to entertain those who find humor in satire…………………..
His arrest had nothing to do with the crimes he has committed as Treasury Secretary, but rather the crimes he may have committed, as New York Federal Reserve Bank President

Uploaded by on Mar 5, 2012

SOURCE LINK WITHIN http://thankyouwhiteknights.blogspot.com/2012/03/2012-03-05-bush-snr-bill-gat…
Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis20120305: The hunt is on, cabal arrests accelerating

The ongoing financial war is accelerating with arrests and assassinations being seen on both sides. George Bush Senior and Bill Gates were arrested last week for sabotaging the new financial system after being fingered by Timothy Geithner, pentagon sources say. The Federal Reserve Board crime syndicate cabalists for their part murdered Lord James Blackheath on February 29th, after he denounced their theft of $15 trillion in the British House of Lords. The White Dragon Society, meanwhile has put out an all points bulletin seeking the immediate arrest for questioning of former Hong Kong Police Chief Peter Stevens.

Stevens is wanted on charges of smuggling into Japan the nuclear weapon that was used for the 311, 2011 nuclear and tsunami attack against Japan. Stevens is currently located at the Puerto Galera yacht club in the Philippines.

The gnostic illuminati family and the hacker group anonymous have also agreed to join forces with the White Dragon Society with a program of attacks on Monsanto and other cabal strongholds. The Rockefellers, Krugers, Openheimers, Mellons, Warburgs, Rothschilds, Bushes, Morgans and other cabal families will be systematically hunted down and rounded up if they do not surrender within the month of March.

Max Igan – Totalitarian Australia – Radio SkidRow – March07 2012 – 1/2

Max Igan – Totalitarian Australia – Radio SkidRow – March07 2012 – 2/2