cooking on a fire

cooking on a fire (Photo credit: rubber bullets)

English: My own file, freely available

English: My own file, freely available (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The  Survivalist  Blog .net

by M.D. Creekmore on 03/21/2011 ·

Has anyone tried canning over an open fire? How did you set it up and are there any recommendations or thing to avoid?


My grandmother used to can over an open fire in a metal 55 gallon drum that had been cut in half down the center with supporting legs welded underneath. She would build a fire under it and bring the water to a boil, I can still remember the rumbling of those Mason jars as the water churned around them.

Today, I use an old metal wash tub (not galvanized) that I found at a dump. I raise it off the ground with concrete blocks and build a fire under it to boil the water.

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