Hillary Clinton Receives the American Patriot Award…No, Really

Kimberly Paxton

Activist Post

In a move that could only be topped in irony by President Barack “Drone-the-Children” Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize, Hillary Rodham Clinton has been honored with the American Patriot Award from the National Defense University Foundation. Lest you think that this is a joke, please check your calendars and note that the date is NOT April 1. This is for real.

Clinton was chosen . . . take a deep breath . . . for her defense of our nation.

The former Secretary of State, who resigned in a flurry of scandal after her alleged involvement in the massacre at the American Embassy in Benghazi, managed to dodge her appearance at a Congressional hearing to answer for her part in the death of four Americans by a rather conveniently timed illness, immediately followed by a fall that resulted in a concussion.

Warning: if you have a weak stomach, reader discretion is advised. Clinton was lauded in a press release:

As First Lady, Senator, and Secretary of State, Hillary Rodham Clinton tirelessly worked to support and defend our nation and our allies around the world, said Al Zimmerman, chairman of the NDU Foundation Board of Directors, in the release.

Secretary Clinton will be the first woman to receive this award and in doing so joins an outstanding group of Americans who have been honored with the American Patriot Award, our very highest recognition, Zimmerman continued in the release. By honoring Secretary Clinton’s exemplary career in public service the NDU Foundation celebrates not only the American spirit of patriotism, but the leadership qualities necessary to preserve and protect that spirit. (source)

Just so we are on the same page, this is the same Hillary Clinton who…


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