Benghazi-Gate: Look Who’s Afraid to Testify At the Hearing . . .

Susanne Posel, Contributor
Activist Post

Victoria Nuland, mouthpiece for Hillary Clinton, US Secretary of State, revealed that although “[Clinton] was asked to appear at House Foreign Affairs next week, and we have written back to the Chairman to say that she’ll be on travel next week.”

In response, House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, stated to the US State Department that:

While I understand that investigations by the FBI and the State Department’s own Accountability Review Board are ongoing, it is imperative that this Committee, having direct oversight responsibility, be kept informed every step of the way of developments in the matter. [P]lease be prepared to present State Department officials to testify on these issues when Congress reconvenes later this month.

The US State Department has permitted Senators to view sensitive documents concerning Benghazi and Stevens’ death; however the agency refuses to allow those documents to be taken home by the elected officials. According to David Adams, State Department Assistant Secretary for Legislative Affairs:

We are currently in the process of gathering and reviewing record responsive to Congressional requests. Our efforts have already identified a large volume of potentially responsive records that address the security situation leading up to the attack.

Last month, Clinton assured House Representative Darrell Issa, at the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee that the US State Department Accountability Review Board (ARB) was building their core members. Nuland also confirmed that the ARB was “getting down to business.”
Originally, Patrick Kennedy, undersecretary of State for Management, was purported to have denied US Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens’ 20 requests for more security at the gated-villa in Benghazi.

Kennedy arrived at the HOGR meeting with a pre-written statement which read (in part):

The Department of State regularly assesses risk and allocation of resources for security; a process which involves the considered judgments of experienced professionals on the ground and in Washington, using the best information available. The assault that occurred on the evening of September 11, however, was an unprecedented attack by dozens of heavily armed men.

Then the story changes as Clinton publicly took partial responsibility in the vein of appearing to save the Obama administration as if she were throwing herself into political harm’s way.

She admitted that the executive branch of government is not involved in security decisions. Clinton continues:

Nobody wants to get answers more than I do. These were people who I care deeply about. I knew Chris Stevens. I asked him personally to be in Benghazi during the revolution. I personally nominated him to be ambassador because I couldn’t think of a better person to represent the United States: Somebody who understood what was at stake for Libya what was at stake for U.S. I saw how these revolutions could be so positive or hijacked. He understood that. He was instrumental in working with Libyans. I care deeply about what happened that night.

The mainstream propaganda began circulating a story that Obama had planned to trade the Blind Sheik for Stevens after a faked kidnapping. The story touts Obama’s desire to recreate former US President Jimmy Carter’s success and ultimate sympathy gained by the American public for the Iranian hostage crisis.

Finally, Clinton announced that she would be leaving her position at the US State Department the day after Obama was re-elected; citing that she was tired and needed to take a break.


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